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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ENSLAVED BY A MAFIA – Episode 5 & 6

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{…Toxic Dominance…}

THEME: The Devil Wants Me.

Chapter 5★ 6

Gbemi Writes ✍️


☙ { His Secret }☙

At that moment the door open and a angry Giorgio walk in.

“Get your f-__-king hands off my girl!”

On hearing that Ricardo pulled out his hand from Flora’s dress and gave his brother a sinister look.

“Don’t you know how to knock?” He asked which made Giorgio more angry.

Moving towards them, he pulled the frightening Flora off Ricardo lap just as Tony and the other guards came into the room.

“What do you want? Why are you messing with my girl?” Giorgio lashed at him

“Stop addressing her as your girl cause she’s mine now” Ricardo said in return, his gaze on Flora who hid behind Giorgio.

“You really are asking for it” Giorgio said as he made a move towards Ricardo but Tony stood in his path, ready to protect his boss.

“Get out of my way, you idiot!” Giorgio yelled.

“I think it’s time my brother knows why am doing this. I will handle this Tony, get the girl out of here” Ricardo ordered and immediately the two guards present seized Flora while Tony stood in front of Giorgio.

“Its best she leaves, I doubt you would want her to hear what I have to say to you” Ricardo said to Giorgio and he had no choice but to let them take her away.

“Tell me why the hell you are messing with me?” Giorgio demanded.

“You messed with me first and so…am just returning the favour ” Ricardo replied while having a nonchalant look on his face.

“What exactly did I do?”

“You caused this! ” Ricardo said while hitting his leg. “You caused the accident which took away my leg” Ricardo yelled again startling Giorgio.

“I did no such…”

“Do not lie to me! Have known of your hatred towards me but never did I thought that you’d want me dead” Ricardo cut him off angrily.

“Is it the reason why you’ve taken Flora?” Giorgio asked.

“Having you ki||ed would have been a waste which is why have decided to claim your girl. That will be my revenge on you!” Ricardo told him with a triumphant look in his eyes.

“I’d rather ki|| you than to have you take what’s mine!” Giorgio said as he suddenly point his gun at Ricardo.

“Isn’t it suppose to be *take the one you love?* ” He asked referring to Giorgio’s statement. “Well never mind. You aren’t the type to give your heart to a girl, you’d rather string them along just like you are doing with Flora. I doubt if she knows that you are just using her” He added.

“Shut up! You know nothing about my feelings and just as have said, I’d rather ki|| you than to let you take what is mine!”

“Then what are you waiting for! $h00t me cause Flora is now mine!” Ricardo yelled at him.

On hearing that the angry Giorgio was about to pull the trigger when Dacio showed up.

“What the f-__-k are you doing!” Dacio yelled as he quickly stood in their path.

“Get out of the way Dacio” Giorgio warned.

“Do you really intend to $h00t your brother all because of a girl?” Dacio asked but Giorgio didn’t reply.

“Fine then. If you really are going to $h00t him then you should know that I will ki|| Flora myself” Dacio said and immediately Ricardo and Giorgio both stared at him.

“She found out about the hide out and about us being a mafia. She’s meant to die and if father was here, he certainly would have ki||ed her the moment he found out” Dacio added and slowly Giorgio put down his gun.

“So, what do you suggest I do cause I won’t let him have my girl” Giorgio stated.

“You have no say in this since she now belongs to me” Ricardo countered angering him the more.

“Now take it easy! I have a plan” Dacio said which earned him their attention.

“If you really don’t want this to reach father’s ear and end up getting her ki||ed then you will have to do what I say” Dacio added…

❉ ~ Guest Room ~❉

Flora was pacing around the room wondering what was happening when the door open revealing a girl.

“You must be Flora right?” The girl asked and slowly Flora nodded in return.

“Now I get why Boss Ricardo and Giorgio are fighting over you” she gush out in excitement.

“Fighting? Is it that bad?” Flora choked out worriedly.

“They aren’t fighting in the way you think. It’s just that things are really hot out there and that’s why I came to check you out since you are the cause of it. My name is Mona, I work as a maid” She said as she introduce herself to Flora.

“Since you already know my name, I don’t have to introduce myself but please Mona, can you tell me what’s happening out there. Those men won’t let me leave” Flora said.

“During the face off boss Dacio showed up and gave them both a mission to do and that mission is to get Milo who’s known to be a well known trafficker to partner with us. Whichever one gets him to agree will be your master” Mona told her.

“So you are saying that whoever accomplish this mission gets to own me?” Flora asked and Mona nodded.

“I doubt if boss Ricardo will be able to accomplish it since he’s confined to a wheel chair which leaves boss Giorgio. Don’t worry, you will get to be with the one you truly…” Mona was cut short when one of the guards told her to leave.

Flora sat on the bed while praying that Giorgio gets to accomplish it. The thought of being owned by Ricardo got her feeling cold and scared.

❉ ~ Dacio’s Chamber ~❉

“Do you really did the right thing by giving them that mission?” Bonnie asked as he followed Dacio into his room.

“That was the only thing I could think of. Knowing Giorgio’s temper, he certainly would have shot Ricardo. Those two have always h@ťěd each other ever since Father chose Ricardo to be the leader of the clan”

“So who do you think will get to accomplish the mission?” Bonnie asked.

“I don’t know but my guess is Giorgio. After all his girl is the one who is at stake and besides, Ricardo is confine to a wheel chair, it will be harder for him to accomplish the mission since I gave them a specific time” Dacio replied.

“Somehow you’ve manage to get out of your task by making your brothers do it, you must be glad” Bonnie said which got Dacio laughing.

“That’s why you are my right hand man. You know everything about me” Dacio said as he gave him a wink.

“Now where the hell is Queenie, she’s never around whenever I need her!” Giorgio muttered as he made his way to the car.

“If you are looking for your right hand, she went on a mission and won’t be back until tomorrow” Athena said as she approach him.

“Do you think that piece of news will make me happy?” Giorgio snap at Athena who let out a devious smile.

“Snapping at me won’t get you to accomplish this mission, Giorgio” Athena said.

Having been brought up by their father, Athena is the only female close to the knights brother and she’s also the only one who can call them by their name.

“I doubt if Milo will even give you an audience” Athena said which earned his total attention.

“I can help you Giorgio. I can help you win this time. You’ve always failed at beating Ricardo don’t you want to make a change for once?” Athena added while Giorgio contemplate her offer.

“Tell me what this plan of yours is?”

❉ ~ Evening ~❉

Two men could be seen heading towards the main house.

The suit they had on had covered up the tattoo mark on their neck which indicate that they are from THE DEVIL clan.

“Must we really carry it out tonight?” The first guy asked.

“It’s either tonight or never. Everyone is immersed on who will accomplish this mission, they are all distracted which makes it the best time for us to strike” the second guy replied.

“I wonder why the boss is after the Knight family, do you perhaps know why he wants all of them dead?” The first guy asked.

“I think it has to do with something that happened in the past…well it’s none of our business, what we have to do now is to carry out his order which is to ki|| the knights brother and we will be starting with Dacio” The second guy replied as they stopped at a spot behind the house.

The spot made it easy for them to $h00t Dacio down and so they layed on the grass in the dark waiting for Dacio to return to his room so they could strike.

“Where are we going?” Flora asked as she was led by the guards.

It’s been hours since the mission had been given, could they be back? Flora thought as she wondered who must have accomplish the mission between Giorgio and Ricardo.

Oh God! Let it be Giorgio… She whispered to herself as they got to a room which they made her go into.

“Why am I here?”

“To meet the one who won the mission and this is boss Dacio room, make sure you don’t touch a thing” the guard said before shutting the door on her face.

Flora walked in expecting to see someone but she was met with an empty room.

She turned only to hear the sound of the door . Her heart hammered as she waited for who ever it is to show himself and he did.

“Hello Flora” Ricardo greeted shattering the hope she had.

“H-how come you are here? W-what about Giorgio?” Flora stammered.

“Giorgio is having a hard time getting used to the fact that he lost to me once again” Ricardo replied, a cynical smile appearing on his face.

“I don’t believe you. I don’t believe that you won, I- I must see Giorgio myself, I need to speak to… Arrgh!” Flora let out a scream when a bullet penetrate the window, shattering it’s glass.

“Get down, Flora” Ricardo yelled her way and immediately she did as he ordered while the gun kept on being fired.

It went on for a while and Flora thought she was going to die.

“Flora, Are you okay?” She heard him ask but she couldn’t move.

“It’s okay. You can get up now, they must be long gone” He said again and this time she slowly lifted her head and what she saw got her eyes widening in shock.

Cause there was Ricardo crouching right in front of her.

“Y- you can walk?” Flora gasp out in shock.

….❤️ TBC ❤️….

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