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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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ENSLAVED BY A MAFIA – Episode 3 & 4

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{…Toxic Dominance…}

THEME: The Devil Wants Me.

Chapter 3★ 4

Gbemi Writes ✍️


☙ { Attracted To Her }☙

❉ ~ City >> Knights Mansion ~❉

“Well then I will get back at him by taking his lover away. How about being my possession, little miss Flora?” Ricardo asked.

Flora swallowed hard while starring at the scary man in front of her.

“Tch! Too scared to reply?” Ricardo asked while toying with the gun he used in $h00ting Mary a while ago.

“I..I promise not to say a word to anyone. I won’t say a thing, l-let me go” Flora pleaded but a harsh laugh was what she got in return.

“Is that a way of telling me that am not good enough for you since am bind to this wheel chair?” Ricardo asked which got her quickly shaking her head.

“Knock her out” Ricardo ordered and immediately one of his men hit her hard on the neck making her lose conciousness.

“Get the car ready, we are all leaving for the hide out” Ricardo yelled out which got everyone doing as he ordered.

❉ ~ Australia >> Alexio Residence ~❉

“Arrgh…faster! bury that Ďïčk in me” Marissa groaned hard while he kept f-__-king her hard.

“Oh my God! Am cumming…Am c-cumming” she cried out in ectasy while he pulled out of her to Com too.

“That was great! Now that have done the other side of the deal, it’s only right that you stick to your word and give us the merchandise” Marissa said as she as she put on her clothes.

“A deal is a deal and I never back out on my word” Alexio replied and together they both went downstairs to where Red and Ten was waiting with some of Alexio men.

“You’ve wasted enough of our time,can you just give us the merchandise?” An impatient Ten demanded as soon as Alexio walked in with Marissa.

“Sorry dude but have change my mind. Am no longer interested in doing business with the knight clan” Alexio said and immediately his men pointed their gun at Ten, Red and Marissa.

“Are you kidding me? You asked for a large sum of money which we payed and then you asked for s*x which Marissa gave to you and yet you won’t stick to the deal?” Ten asked, the scar on the right side of his cheek looking more uglier than ever.

“That’s how life works. This time I choose to betray the knight clan and there’s nothing you are gonna f-__-king do about it!” Alexio said giving a signal to his men to wipe them off but the sudden gunshot from the door way stole everyone’s attention.

A girl looking bad and sassy with a harsh frown on her face walked into the room while carrying her machine gun in each of her hand.

She wasted no time as she began to fire Alexio and his men while Red, Ten and Marissa hid out of harm’s way.

In her hiding place, Red noticed one of Alexio men moving towards the girl and immediately she pulled out her gun and fired at him.

“That was close!” A scared Marissa muttered as she walk out of her hiding place.

“Way to go Queenie” She added to the girl who had shot everyone down but Queenie completely ignored her greeting.

“Didn’t you say everything will work out fine?” Queenie asked while glaring at Ten since he is the one in charge of the mission.

“And it was working out well till you showed up in your heroic form!” Ten yelled back at her.

“If I didn’t show up then all of you would have been dead by now” Queenie retaliated.

“You really…”

“Can you both quit fighting and come see this” Red said which got them both moving to where she stood.

A video was being played on the screen and there was a man talking to Alexio in the video.

“He’s part of the devils clan ” Ten muttered after noticing the mark on his neck since the people working in the devils clan always have a mark tattooed on their neck.

“Aren’t the devils our biggest rival?” Marissa asked as she joined the trio.

“They are and judging from the video, they must have been here to make a deal with Alexio” Ten concluded.

“If Alexio had made a deal with the devils why did he fool us in coming here?” Marissa asked.

“To have us ki||ed” Red replied figuring out the whole issue.

“But no one not even Alexio knew about us coming to get the merchandise ourselves. So how on earth did the devils knew about it?” Ten asked aloud.

“There’s a spy among us” Queenie replied which earned her a look from the three.

“No one except our clan knew about us coming to get the merchandise ourselves. The only person that could have told the devil about our plan is the spy he planted amongst us” Queenie explained.

“I don’t know about anyone else but am definitely not the spy” Marissa quickly said.

“We need to tell the boss about this. Is everything set for us to leave?” Ten asked Queenie who threw him the car key.

“I drove us here, you should take over since am no one’s driver” Queenie said before walking out of the house.

“She’s so f-__-king annoying!” Ten bellowed in anger.

“That’s a benefit of being Giorgio’s right hand woman so suck it in!” Marissa said before leaving the room while Red picked up the sack which had the weed in it and left the room with a angry Ten.

❉ ~ Mexico >> Knights Clan Hide Out ❉

“When is it gonna get here?” Bonnie muttered as he stood at the field waiting for the merchandise to arrive.

“What are you waiting for?” On hearing Athena question, he turned to see her walk up to him just as a van drove into the area.

“It’s just that boss called and told me to wait here for a merchandise which is arriving soon” Bonnie replied.

“Are you sure Ricardo is expecting a merchandise? How come I don’t know about it?” Athena muttered as she watch their men open the van carrying an unconcious Flora.

“Is that the merchandise?” Athena asked already wondering who Flora was and why she was brought to the clan.

“I think so” Bonnie replied and went to take Flora into his arms.

He walked past Athena and Athena couldn’t help but to notice how beautiful she looked.

“Hang on a sec, Bonnie” she called and walk up to him.

“If he’s brought a girl back then that’s because she found out their secret” Athena concluded a relieve smile appearing on her face.

“But I don’t really….”

“Leave it to me, Bonnie. I will take care of this little prude myself. Take her to punishment room” Athena ordered the two guard who immediately collected Flora from Bonnie.

❉ ~ Punishment Room ~❉

The splashing of a cold water on her face woke Flora up.

She was tied to a pole while two men fixed a rope on the roofing.

“Starring at your means of death?” Athena asked and immediately Flora stared her way.

There was no sign of the man on the wheel chair except for this lady which looked harsh and cruel just like him.

“Who are you and where am I?” Flora asked trying to free herself.

“You don’t need to know my name, you only have to think about your death which will be happening soon. Is it ready?” She turned her gaze to the men fixing the rope and they nodded in return.

The man on the wheel chair had told her that he wasn’t going to ki|| her or did he change his mind? Flora thought frantically and at that moment the door opened revealing a guy.

“Why the f-__-k are you doing here?” Athena asked as soon as Bonnie showed up.

“I don’t really think the boss wants her dead” Bonnie said.

“And who the f-__-k told you that? She found out about them being in the mafia and you know what happens to those who find out the truth”

“He brought her here solely to ki|| her and am just helping him speed things up” Athena added.

“But the boss hasn’t given the order for us to ki|| her, it’s best that we wait and…”

“Shut up Bonnie! I decide things here since I am Ricardo’s second right hand. So just mind your business, I will handle things once Ricardo arrive” Athena yelled before turning to Flora.

“Untie her!” Athena ordered and immediately the two men did as she said pulling Flora to the chair where they made her stood on, to fix the rope on her neck.

Flora stood there in fright thinking about her life and all of her dreams.

Will she end up dying like this without fulfilling her goals, she thought as the chair was kicked off her leg which got the rope tightening around her neck.

Through the midst of her struggle, she heard the door burst open and then a gunshot was fired which cut off the rope making Flora fall on the floor gasping for breath.

“What the f-__-k are you doing!” Ricardo yelled at Athena who was startled by his sudden arrival.

“I.. I only w-wanted to help you punish her” Athena stuttered.

“And who the hell told you that I wanted her punished?” Ricardo asked.

“You’ve never brought a woman to the hide out before and so I figured that she might be someone who found out the truth and decided to help you with her death before…”

“Shut the f-__-k up Athena! If I wanted her dead then I will do the ki||ing myself ” He said and that brought her gaze on him.

“What are you waiting for Bonnie, take her to my room” Ricardo ordered and immediately Bonnie carried Flora out of the room with the help of Tony.

“Your room, Who exactly is she? Is she perhaps your lover?” Athena asked.

” Do I have to explain myself to you?” Ricardo asked in return.

“If she’s someone you brought back to the hide out which is something you’ve never done before then she must be very important to you. Tell me if she’s your lover?” Athena demanded.

“I owe you no explanation about my private life. You are only here to work for the clan, so focus on that” He answered before wheeling himself out of the room while Athena watch him go.

❉ ~ Ricardo’s Room ~❉

Flora opened her eyes only to find herself on a bed this time and she wasn’t alone.

There sat the man in the wheel chair watching her.

Instinctively, Flora move further into the bed wanting to keep a distance between them.

“Do you think I intend to pounce on you?” He asked softly and when she said nothing, he let out a scoff.

“What more can I do to you in this condition?” Ricardo asked again and this time Flora brace herself to speak.

“What exactly do you plan to do to me? If you are Ricardo, you must be Giorgio’s brother and Giorgio is my boyfriend ” Flora said only for him to let out a laugh.

“And do you expect me to let you go since you are my brother’s lover? Don’t count your luck girl, I made myself clear to you about being my possession and I don’t intend to let you go not even for my so called brother” Ricardo said shattering wh@ťěver hope she had.

“You can’t keep me locked here, Giorgio will find me and he will…”

“Do nothing since you are mine now” He said cutting her off.

“How can you claim me to be yours when you can’t even …” She stopped when she realised what she was going to say.

“When I can’t even take you right? Do you think me being confined to a wheel chair makes me less of a man…Why don’t I show you how much of a man I am” He said wheeling his chair closer and immediately Flora got off the bed heading for the door which was locked.

“Oh…so you are trying to show me that you can walk while I can’t?” He said menacingly while Flora kept pulling the door handle.

The sudden gunshot got her screaming and slowly she turned to stare at him.

“Come sit on my laps” he ordered briskly and a frightened Flora did as he ordered.

Immediately, she felt his hand go under her top and she shut her eyes hating the feel of his hand on her body.

“You know, there’s something about you which attracts a man. That must have been what attracted Giorgio and I wouldn’t deny…that am being attracted too” he said as his hand clasp her B-__-bs.

At that moment the door open and a angry Giorgio walk in.

“Get your f-__-king hands off my girl!”

….❤️ TBC ❤️….

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