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HomeBROKEN LOVEBROKEN LOVE - Episode 21 & 22

BROKEN LOVE – Episode 21 & 22

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.





Lucas had a smile on his face as he paid for the groceries he brought for Jane.

“Are you taking care of your pregnant mother?” The seller asked, smiling.

“No, why do you ask?”

“Because, this groceries are mainly for pregnant women” The seller said, and Lucas smiled.

“It’s for a friend, she’s pregnant” Lucas said.

“That’s means you care about for this friend of yours, right?”

“Yes I do. I’m the only one she has now”

“Then she’s lucky to have you, not all friends stays at darkness time of someone’s life. You’re a rare gem” The seller said, and Lucas smiled.



Lucas entered Jane’s house only to discover the entire house was dark. There was no power failure, which means Jane might have switch off the lights.

“Jane are you home?” He asked searching for the light switch. He turned it on only to see Jane lying unconscious on the floor.

“Jane!!!” He screamed out her name. He rushed to her and placed her head on his lap, her eyes were close.

“What happened to you, Jane?” He asked, and that’s when he saw the empty bottle of medicine she took. Jane overdose herself with drugs.

“Jane, what have you done!!”



Lucas keeps pacing back and forth waiting for the doctor to come out from the ward, and tell him about Jane’s condition. He was at the verge of crying, because he cares about Jane a lot.

He quickly rushed to the doctor when he came out from the ward. “How’s she doctor? It’s my best friend ok?” He asked, worriedly.

“It’s a good thing she was brought here on time, else she’d have lose her life and that of her child”

“Does that mean her and the baby are okay?” Lucas asked again, just to be sure.

“Yes they are fine. She is already awake, you can go in and see her” The doctor said.

“Thank you so much, doctor” Lucas said and entered the ward, and then he sees Jane trying to choke herself.

Lucas quickly rushed to her and stop her. “What’s your problem Jane? Why are you trying to ki|| yourself!!!” He shouted at her. This is the first time he’d be raising his voice on her.

“You shouldn’t have brought me to the hospital, Lucas. You should have just let me die!!!, I want to ki|| myself!!!” Jane shouted as balls of tears falls down from her eyes.

“Why do you want to ki|| yourself, Jane?”

“Are you seriously asking me that? My mom died because of me. I have to carry a child in my womb at the age of sixteen all because of my foolishness. The boy I love so much left me to suffer alone. I’m alone in this world Lucas, and the pain is too much for me to bear. I just want to die, so that these pains will end” She said, crying.

“You are alone? I thought I already told you I am here for you Jane. Come rain, come sun, I will never leave your side Jane. Are you worried about how you’re going to raise the baby, I don’t mind being a father to your child!!”

“Lucas” She said, hiccuping in tears.

Lucas sits beside her cleaning her tears. “Just because I am not the one who impregnated you doesn’t mean I can’t father your child. That’s why they have the word god-father, right? You are not alone in this, Jane. I’m going to be with you and your baby. So don’t think about dying, because it won’t change anything”

“Lucas” She break into tears again, and Lucas hugged her.

“Stop crying Jane, else you want your child to grow up and become a crybaby”

“Thank you so much Lucas. Thank you for everything” Jane said hugging him, tightly.

“Don’t thank me Jane, you are my best friend, so it’s my duty to take care of you” Lucas said, patting her back.



Jane laughed so hard as she looked at the clothes Lucas bought for her baby. Her baby bump tommy was already showing.

“Why are you laughing Jane?” He asked.

“Because the clothes are funny. Do you possibly think that this clothes will fit in for a new born baby. It’s meant for a year old child” She said, laughing.

“It was so hard picking out these clothes Jane. People kept asking me if I was already father at such a young age, and I gladly told them yes” Lucas said, and Jane laughed so hard.

“You shouldn’t have gotten these clothes. It won’t fit in for my baby girl” Jane said.

“And how do you know your baby is a girl?” Jane asked.

“A mom’s instinct tells me so. Even if I don’t have money to check the s*x of my baby, I know it’s going to be a girl, and she’ll be so beautiful like me” Jane said, smiling

“Fine if you say so. She should indeed be beautiful, because I don’t want to carry an ugly baby” Lucas said and Jane laughed again. With Lucas being by her side always, she has moved on with her life, and tried to be happy.

“What’s this?” Lucas asked bringing out a dildo from the shopping bag.

“It’s for you, Jane” Lucas said.

“What should I do with this?” She asked.

“It’s not as if I am telling you to m@$tvrb@te, but you should make use of it”

“W-why?” Jane asked.

“So you won’t have difficulties giving birth. You know pregnant woman should have s*x, so that their V@ģĭń@, won’t be tight, during delivery” Lucas said.

“Really? How should I use this?” She asked looking at the dildo.

“You just have to penetrate it inside your p**sy, just like how Adrian did when he had s*x with you” Lucas explained.

” I thought you are a virgin, how come you know all these things?” Jane asked, smiling.

“That’s why we go to school to learn right? I will just heat your food” Lucas said. He quickly stood up and hurriedly went to the kitchen.

Jane looked at him and smiled.



“A little bit more, Lucas” Jane said, as Lucas massage her shoulders.

“Should I add more pressure?” He asked massaging her shoulders.

“It’s perfect” She replied with a smile on her face.

“You shouldn’t be stressing yourself Jane, you’re going to give birth anytime soon” He said sitting down. He took her leg, and gave it a massage too.

“I know that Lucas, but I have to save money for I and Kayla”

“Who’s Kayla?” Lucas massaging her legs.

“My beautiful baby girl” she said caressing her baby bump tommy, and Lucas smiled.

“She should come out soon, so she’d be running errands for her god-father” Lucas said, and Jane smiled.

“I am sorry Lucas”

“Sorry for what, Jane?”

“Because I deprived you of living your life. You’re always here taking care of me”

“It’s fine Jane, I’m glad that I am able to do this for you. We’re still young, there’s time to achieve our dreams”

“You still haven’t told me why you’re not in college. Is it because of me?” Jane asked.

“It’s not because of you Jane. Something came up and that’s why I am not in college. Are you hungry?” He asked and Jane quickly nod her head.

“What do you want to eat?” He asked with a smile.

“Hmm waffles and bacon”

“Alright, I will be right back” He said standing up his feet. He went to the kitchen, while Jane sit on the chair. She was about standing up to her feet, when her water broke, and she gave out a loud scream.

Lucas rushed out of the kitchen when he heard her scream. “What’s wrong, Jane?”

“I’m in pain Lucas. I think my baby is coming. Ahhh, Lucas!!!” She screamed his name, crying.

“You will be fine Jane, just bear the pain ok” Lucas said as he carried her in a bridal style.



“How’s she doctor?” Lucas the doctor who came out from the labour room.

“She’s refusing to give birth” The doctor answered.


“She has been crying saying it’s painful, and judging from her age, it’s will be difficult for her to push out her baby”

“Can I see her?” Lucas asked.

“Are you her boyfriend?”

“No. I’m her best friend, but she’s going to listen to me”

“Alright, if you say so” The doctor said, and they both entered the labour room.

“Jane” Lucas called her name, holding her hand.

“It’s so painful Lucas. I don’t think I can do this. It’s so painful” She said crying.

“You can do this Jane. You have always wanted to see your baby girl right, but you won’t be able to see her if you don’t push her out”

“Lucas” She said, crying.

“I believe in you Jane, you can do this” He said, caressing her hair.

Jane took another breathe in and out before pushing again. “One more try Jane, and it will be over” Lucas said, and Jane began to cry.

“Please Jane, be strong, I am here I won’t leave your side” Lucas said.

“Agghhhhhhhh” Jane screamed, and the cry of a baby was heard afterwards, but Jane passed out.

“Doctor, my friend is not breathing” Lucas said in panic. Right now he wasn’t even looking at the baby, he was focused on Jane, scared that something might happen to Jane.

“Have the baby cleaned up. Get the oxygen mask ready” The doctor said to two nurses.

“Alright doctor” The two nurses said.

One of them took the baby for clean up, while the other nurse set up the oxygen.

“Will she be ok?” Lucas asked, holding Jane’s hand.

“Yes she will be fine. She just lost her strength that’s why she passed out” The doctor said, and Lucas sighed in relief caressing Jane’s hair.


Jane has a happy smile, as she carried her baby in her arms. She has woken up earlier, and her baby was given to her by one of the nurses.

Lucas entered the ward and Jane smiled. “How are you Jane?”

“I’m fine Lucas. Thanks for being there for me”

“It’s fine Jane. Your baby is so beautiful. She’s even more beautiful than you. Have you given her a name yet?”

“Kayla. Kayla Meyers” Jane said. Lucas smile caressing Jane’s hair. Meyers, was actually Jane’s family name.



Lucas was heading one faithful night, it has rained heavily and as such he was in a hurry to go home, so he can check up on Jane and baby Kayla.

He was still on his way home when an accident happened before his eyes. An old man was being hit by a car, and instead of the owner of the car to help him, he drove away in speed.

Lucas quickly ran to the helpless old man who was lying on the ground. “Sir, are you all right?” He asked, and when no answer came from the man, he quickly called an ambulance.

“Hello, please I need your help, an old man was hit by a hit-and-run driver. He needs medical attention, immediately” Lucas said in panic. He was scared that someone was going to die in his presence.



Lucas took in a deep breath before entering the ward of the old man he saved two days ago. He came because the old man sent for him.

“Good afternoon to you, sir” He greeted, and the old man smiled.

“How are you Lucas?” He asked.

“I’m fine. What about you?”

“I am doing okay, thanks to you. Thank you for saving my life”

“I couldn’t just watch you die, sir” Lucas said, and the old man smiled. “How old are you?” He asked.

“I will be eighteen next month” Lucas said.

“Eighteen, that means you are done with highschool, right?”

“Yes I am”

“Do you have plans on furthering your education?” He asked.

“Yes I do sir, but I want to save enough money, so that I and my best friend can go back to school to achieve our dreams. Why do you ask sir?”

“For your kindness towards me, I am going to help you Lucas. I’m going to write you a cheque of hundred million dollars, and also a scholarship to study in Los Angeles, alongside with your best friend, because it obvious you care a lot about your best friend”

“Sir, I can’t… ”

“Don’t think about rejecting my offer Lucas. Just take this as a blessings for all your good deeds. You look like someone who’s determine to make it in life, and that’s why I want to help you, and to thank you for saving my life. Accept my offer, so you can make it in life” The old man said, and Lucas smiled with tears flowing down from his eyes.


“We are going to Los Angeles?” Jane asked.

“Yes Jane. You can write your high school exams there and proceed into college to study your long time dream”

“But what about Kayla? She’s only a few weeks old” Jane said.

“Don’t worry about that Jane. We can always hire someone who will take care of Kayla while you go to school” Lucas said, and Jane hugged him.

“Thank you so much Lucas. I don’t know what I will have done without you”

“We are not just best friends for nothing Jane” Lucas said, and Jane broke the hug.

“What about Grace and your mom? Are they coming with us too?”

“Grace said she wants to go to California, so she’d be able to study in the Police Force Academy of California, which has always been her dream school. My mom will go with her too, so she’d look out for her” Lucas said, and Jane nod her head.

“Our lives will change from now on” Lucas said. Tears fells down from Jane’s eyes, and she hugged Lucas again.



Just looking at the room, you can easily tell it was lavish with money. Even the blind could tell it was gorgeous by just the sweet fragrance oozing out from the room. Only the dressing room looks like a boutique, because lots of accessories, bags, shoes, expensive clothes and so many more was in it, and the bedroom, was wide enough to be divided into a room and parlour.

Jane is seen getting ready for an occasion, no doubt she became successful over the years, and has become one of the most richest entertainment owners in the whole of Los Angeles.

Just a glimpse of the gown she was wearing, you could tell it was worth millions of dollars. She look beautiful and elegant and her skin was glittering like the sun.

A lady entered the room and bowed to her. “Ma’am, your car is ready”

“Where’s Kayla?” Jane asked.

“She’s in her room, doing TikTok videos like always” The lady answered and Jane smiled.


Kayla gave out an enchantingly smile as she got ready for her live video.

“Hi guys, I am your one and only Kayla Meyers, the beautiful princess of Los Angeles. So I am here to answer all the questions you want to ask” She said with a beautiful smile. Indeed Kayla was so beautiful, and within a few seconds, tons of messages were already appearing on her phone screen.

Kayla read one of the messages and smile. “Well I am fifteen years old, and the beautiful daughter of the popular Jane Meyers”

💬 You’re so beautiful Kayla. I’m sure guys are crazy over your beauty.

“Yeah I admit I am indeed beautiful, but I got no time for boys. My mom said guys are only in this world to ruined your life. So I h@ťě guys just like how I h@ťě the devil”

💬 What about your dad? You have never mentioned him in any of your videos. Do you have a Dad?”

Kayla smirked after she read the message.

“Of course I have a dad, and he’s the biggest jerk on earth. I don’t know him and I don’t want to know him. If I ever see his face, I will ki|| him myself” Kayla said with a serious look on her face.


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