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HomeBROKEN LOVEBROKEN LOVE - Episode 19 & 20

BROKEN LOVE – Episode 19 & 20

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart…. ⟩


By; Succie Brown.



Four bodyguards entered the house and Adrian looked at them, and said “Take this prostitute out of my house”

More tears falls down from Jane’s eyes after Adrian called her a prostitute. “Adrian” She called his name hurtfully.

“Call my name again, and I will have you arrested for making a fool out of me. What are you all waiting for, take her out of this house!!!” Adrian shouted at the bodyguards, and they quickly got hold of Jane.

“Adrian please give me a chance to explain, I don’t know anything about that video. I don’t remember saying any of that” Jane said, crying, but Adrian paid no listening ears to her cries.

Just as the bodyguards were dragging her out of the house, Rebecca entered, faking a surprise look on her face like she knows nothing about what was going on.

“What’s happening here? Why is Jane crying?” She asked.

“You were right mom. I’d have listened to you when you told me that poor people are nothing but golddiggers. She was only playing with my heart mom. She only use me to achieve her selfish gain” Adrian said crying.

“What’s he saying Jane?”

“I don’t know anything about that video mom. Please believe me Adrian, I truly love you. I love you so much and I won’t ever want to break your heart” Jane said, crying.

“What video is she talking about, Adrian?’ Rebecca asked, pretending not to know about the video, and Adrian foolishly showed the video to her.

“How could you have done this to my son, Jane? I trusted you?”

“I didn’t do it mom. That girl in the video might be me, but I never said those words. Please just try to believe, let’s have this investigated. I…. ”

“There’s nothing to investigate Jane. You already admitted that you are the girl in the video, which means you clearly said all of that. Get out of my life Jane!!! Take her out of my sight!!!” Adrian shouted, heartbreakingly.

“I didn’t do it, please believe me I am innocent. I didn’t do it. Adrian!!!” Jane called out his name as she was being dragged out of the house.

“Adrian, are you okay?” Rebecca asked, and Adrian shakes his head, breaking into a painful tears.

“It’s hurts so much mom. I loved her, I really loved Jane so much. Why is love so cruel to me?” He asked, crying and Rebecca hugged him.

“Stop crying son, you’re going to get through this” Rebecca said, patting Adrian, and she smiled devilishly.


Jane had tears in her eyes as she dialled Lucas’s number. She was using the phone station, since her phone was still switch off.

“Please pick up Lucas” She said crying.

“Hello, who is this?” Lucas asked.

“Lucas” She said crying, and he instantly recognize her voice.

“Jane. Finally, I’m able to talk to you. You said you were going to wait for me at the restaurant, but when I arrived at the restaurant, you weren’t there. I called you several times, but your phone was switch off. Are you ok?” He asked with a worried tone, and Jane began to cry.

“What’s going on Jane? Why are you crying?” Lucas asked.

“My life is ruined Lucas. My life is ruined” She said crying, and Lucas was already in panic hearing her cry.

“Where are you Jane?” He asked.


“Huh? You were framed?” Lucas asked Jane after she explained everything to him. She was crying and explaining everything to him, and if not that Lucas knows her very well, he won’t have been able to understand what she was saying.

“Yes Lucas” She answered, hiccupping.

“But how did that happen Jane? I was beyond surprised when I arrive at the restaurant and you weren’t there, because you’d said you will wait for me”

“I waited for you Lucas. But after I had a glass of water, I passed out. I woke up this morning only to find myself outside the restaurant. I was the one in the video, but I wasn’t the one who said those words”

“Did Adrian believe you?”

“If he believed me, I won’t be crying right now. He doesn’t believe that I love him, Lucas. He kicked me out of his house and called me a prostitute” Jane said, crying.

“That jerk called you i prostitute. The nerves of Adrian to call you that, when he was the first person to touch you!” Lucas said in a loud voice, and headed for Adrian’s mansion.

“Lucas! Where are you going?” Jane asked in tears going after him.



Lucas’s voice could loudly be heard calling out Adrian’s name, he had managed to escape from the bodyguards.

“Adrian! Adrian!!! Come out this instant!!!” He shouted with rage.

“Let’s just go Lucas, please” Jane said between tears.

“No Jane. No one calls my best friend a prostitute, and goes scott free. Adrian!!!” Lucas shouted his name again, and Adrian came out from the house.

“What’s your problem Lucas?” He asked, and more tears falls down from Jane’s eyes when she saw his face.

Lucas went to where Adrian was and punch him so hard on the face, and Adrian fell to the ground. He was about punching him again, when the guards came and got hold of him.

“Let go of me!!!” He shouted at the bodyguards trying to break free from their grips, but they held him tightly.

“How dare you punch me with those filthy hand of yours!!!” Adrian shouted at Lucas.

“I should be the one daring you, Adrian. Why did you call Jane a prostitute when she actually love you!!!”

“She never loved me Lucas. If she had she won’t have said all those words she said in the video. All she did was used me. She played with my heart!!!” Adrian said, and Jane hiccups in tears. She was short of words.

“How can you believe that video when she left her mom’s house just to be with you. She gave her virginity to you, isn’t that a prove that she’s not trying to use you?”

“People like her can go extra miles just to get what they want. She has already used and broke my heart, so I don’t want to ever see her face again. The stupid and fake relationship I shared with her ends right now” Adrian said.

“You are going to regret this, Adrian” Lucas said with misty eyes.

“I won’t regret it, even in the next fifteen years to come. One thing I regret is loving her. She’s worse than a rotten trash” Adrian said without blinking, and Jane hiccups in tears.

“Let’s just go, Lucas” She said, hiccupping in tears like a child who was beaten up badly.

“I regret trusting you Adrian. Mark my word, today will be the last time you will ever go close to Jane again” Lucas said, and forcefully free himself from the bodyguards’ grip. He took Jane’s hand and left the mansion.

Tears falls down from Adrian’s eyes as he watch Jane leave with Lucas.

Rebecca who has been watching the whole scene, smiled satisfactory.

“Mission accomplished” She said and smirked.



Grace came out from her room with a sigh, holding the plate of food, she was told to give to Jane.

“She didn’t eat mom”

“She has been crying all day, what if she gets sick?” Vivian asked worriedly.

“I will take care of her” Lucas said and went inside Grace’s room.

“Mom what’s going on? Did Adrian break her heart?” Grace asked.

“Stop asking questions” Vivian said, and Grace frowned.


Lucas entered inside Grace’s room and sees Jane crying. He sighed and sat beside her. “Stop crying Jane, it’s going to affect your health”

“If someone had told me Adrian was going to say those hurtful words to me, I’d have doubted it. His words hurts so much, Lucas, and I don’t know how to go back to my mom. She’s going to kick me out since I left the house on my accord. She h@ťěs me now” Jane said crying.

“She won’t Jane. No mom on earth will h@ťě her own child. The worse she can do is to shout at you. You made a mistake and I am sure she’s going to forgive you. I will talk to your mom, and as your best friend, I won’t ever leave your side. I’m with you until I take my last breath. So stop crying Jane, it’s not going to change anything”

“Thank you so much, Lucas” Jane said, placing her head on Lucas’s shoulder, and Lucas patted her.



Adrian could be seen drinking, as tears didn’t hesitate to fall down from his eyes. As he drank he kept reminiscing his happy times with Jane. Those few moments they shared together was the best moments of his life, but it was still those moments that was causing him pains.

Debra entered the room and sees him drinking. No doubt she was also part of the plan. Since she was also a trainee in the fashion class Jane attends, she overheard her and Lucas’s conversation, and that was how they planned to set Jane up.

“I think you should stop drinking” Debra said.

Lucas look at her and looked away. “Get out of my sight Debra” He said with tears falling down from his eyes. He tried to drink again, but Debra took the bottle of tequila from him.

“Give that back to me Debra!”

“Are you going to ki|| yourself for someone who doesn’t love you? She’s not worth your tears, Adrian, so stop drinking and crying for a girl who only used you for her selfish gain” Debra said.

Adrian look at Debra, before smashing his lips on her. He kissed her so hard, such that it took Debra some seconds before she responded to the kiss.

Adrian while kissing her, began taking off the clothes she was wearing, and before he could get his senses back, he had s*x with Debra that faithful night.



Roseline was knitting a head warmer, when someone knocked at the door. She left what she was doing to open the door, and her eyes widened when she saw Jane. She was with Lucas too.

Jane quickly went on her knees and began begging her mom. “I am so sorry mom. I should have listened to you, I shouldn’t have left the house that night. I was so blinded by my love for Adrian. I regret it mom, because at the end what I received from him was nothing but pains. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me, and I promise you that it’s never going to happen again, please forgive me. I’m so sorry” Jane said, crying.

“Please forgive her Aunt. She has learnt her lesson and she won’t make such a mistake again. I was also part of this. I’d have rebuke her from having an affair with Adrian, I just wanted my best friend to be happy and that’s why I supported her. She’s so sorry, Aunt” Lucas apologize on Jane’s behalf.

“Stand up”


“Stand up Jane” Roseline said, helping her stand to her feet.

“I’m so sorry mom” She said, crying.

“It’s fine Jane. I forgive you. Thanks for coming back to me” Roseline said, hugging Jane.

“Mom” She cried, hugging her mom, tightly.



“She didn’t come back after that night, Lucas” A waiter said to Lucas. It’s been a month, but Lucas was always going to the restaurant to ask for the waitress who served Jane a glass of water that night.

“Haven’t you seen her around by any chance? I desperately need to talk to her” Lucas said.

“No I haven’t. It’s as if she disappeared like a bubble. You should stop coming here to look for her, Lucas, she’s not coming back here” The waiter said, and Lucas sighed.


“You should stop looking for that waitress Lucas. I have moved on with my life, and what I want right now is to focus on my dreams” Jane said.

“I just want to clean the stain that was painted on your name”

“It’s fine Lucas. Adrian and I are no longer together. It’s been a month I last saw him, I guess it was wrong for me to start a relationship at sixteen” Jane said.

“Are you okay? You don’t look yourself”

“I’m fine. Maybe it’s because I have been eating a lot these days. Before I forget, I have some designs to show you, you just need to pick out from the best so I can make a dress out of it”

“Alright Jane, let me see your designs” Lucas said smiling. Jane giggles and stood up to her feet. She hasn’t walk up to five steps, when she became dizzy and she fainted.




“What happened to my daughter, Lucas” Roseline asked, worriedly.

“I don’t know Aunt. We were talking and she fainted all of a sudden when she stood up to get her designs” Lucas answered, and Jane woke up.

“Jane! Are you all right?” Roseline asked, holding her. Jane was about answering when a female doctor entered.

“Doctor, is my best friend sick? Why did she faint?” Lucas asked.

The female doctor sighed and said. “I don’t know if this is a bad or good news since Jane here is just sixteen years old”

“What are you trying to say, doctor?” Roseline asked.

“She’s two weeks pregnant” The doctor said, and Roseline instantly let go of Jane.

“You’re Pregnant?” Roseline asked, disappointedly, and Jane was short of words. Why did this have to happen when she’s just starting to rebuild her life back?

“How did you get pregnant? Did you have s*x with Adrian? Answer me, Jane!!!” Roseline shouted at her, and Jane break into tears.

“I am so sorry mom, I was unable to control myself”

“You were unable to control yourself? How could you have let your guard down Jane. You are just sixteen years old!!!” Roseline shouted at her.

“I am sorry mom. I am sorry” Jane said, crying.

“Sorry? Sorry!!!! Will sorry fix the mistake you made? How could you have given yourself to a guy you just met few months ago? And the guy in questions, doesn’t want you anymore. How could you have done this to me, Jane? I thought I raised you right!!!” Roseline shouted again, and all what Jane could do was cry.

“This was the reason why I told you not to have a boyfriend at a tender age, but you didn’t listen, you disobeyed me Jane, and now you’re pregnant!!!” Roseline suffered a high blood pressure, and before Jane could say a word, her mom passed out.




“How’s my mom, doctor?” Jane asked few minutes, she hasn’t stopped crying. The doctor sighed with a sad look on her face.

“Sorry Jane, but your mom suffered a great hypertension, which lead to her cardiac death”

Tears falls down from Jane’s eyes after she has the words “Cardiac Death”

“No, no, no, it’s not true, my mom is not dead. She can’t die because of me. She’s not dead, please tell me my mom is not dead” Jane said, crying painfully.

“Jane” Lucas called her name trying to console her.

“Please Lucas tell me I am just day dreaming. Tell me that this a dream that I am going to wake up from. Please tell me that everything that’s happening right now isn’t real”

“Jane” Lucas called her name again.

Jane break into tears the more, almost falling to the floor, but Lucas got hold of her, and Jane cried hurtfully in his shoulder.



“What do you mean Adrian isn’t here? Let me through, I need to speak to him” Jane said to the bodyguards who were blocking the gate.

“You aren’t allowed into this house anymore”

“Look, this is a serious case okay. We need to speak to Adrian, because Jane here has something important to tell him” Lucas said.

“Well Ad…. ”

“Who’s at the gate?” Rebecca said, cutting the bodyguard short. She came out from the house and she chuckle when she saw Jane.

“What the heck are you doing here?” Rebecca asked.

“Mom I…. ”

“I am not your mom. You broke my son’s heart, so you have no right to call me that”

“Well ma’am, I need to speak to Adrian. There’s something important that I need to tell him” Jane said, sniffling.

“What could that be?”

“Well I am… ”

“There’s no need to listen to wh@ťěver you have to say, since you are a golddigger”

“Watch what you say to my best friend, ma’am” Lucas said. Rebecca scoffed and look at Jane.

“Listen Jane, wh@ťěver you and Adrian shared before it’s over. He already left for Australia to move on with his life, so you should do the same, and leave my son alone” Rebecca said and entered the house. The gate was slammed on Jane’s face.

Jane quickly rushed to the gate, banging her hands on it. “Adrian please come out of the house, I need to talk to you. Please come out of the house, I can’t do this alone”

“Let’s just go, Jane. It seems like Adrian isn’t here” Lucas said.

“Adrian!!!!” Jane screamed out his name, crying.


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