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HomeBROKEN LOVEBROKEN LOVE - Episode 15 & 16

BROKEN LOVE – Episode 15 & 16

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.



Jane kept looking at Adrian’s face, without making an attempt to look away. “You keep staring at my face, don’t you like what you see?” Adrian asked.

Jane smiled and touch his soft face. “I like what I see Adrian. You are everything I have imagine you’d be. I want to keep looking at your face, because I feel like it’s a dream that I can see again” Jane said, and Adrian held her hand.

“It’s not a dream Jane. You have finally regain your sight. From now your world won’t be in the dark anymore” Adrian said, caressing her hand softly.

“Thank you so much Adrian. You helped me fulfill my wish, and I will forever be grateful to you” Jane said, as tears crept out from her eyes.

Adrian wiped the tears in her eyes, and said. “Stop crying Jane, you just got your eyes back. It’s going to ache if you continue crying”

“I can’t help it Adrian. For thirteen years I have been living in the dark, but now I can see now. I don’t know if I should cry or scream” Jane said, sniffing back her tears.

“I understand where you are coming from Jane, but don’t cry, it’s going to affect your eyes since it’s still new. Rather than crying, you should stare at my face or scream and run around the hospital premises, because you can finally do anything you want” Adrian said. Jane snuggle closer, and hugged Adrian.

“Thank you for coming into my life Adrian. My life has become brighter thanks to you. I’m never going to forget the help you rendered to me” Jane said, hugging him tightly.

“I love you so much Jane, I really do” He said, patting her back.

“I love you too Adrian. So much that words can’t describe how I feel right now” Jane said.

Adrian kiss her forehead, before hugging her again. But they broke the hug when they heard footsteps coming towards the ward.

The door of the ward opened, and both Roseline and Lucas entered. “Jane” Roseline called her daughter’s name.

“I’m so happy to see your beautiful face again mom” Jane said. She was trying her best not to cry, so it won’t affect her new eyes.

“My daughter can see again!” Roseline said, with a crying voice, and she hugged Jane so tightly.

“My daughter can see again”

“Yes mom. I can see now” She said, sobbing.

“Bestie” Lucas said, and Jane broke the hug to look at him.

“You grew so handsome bestie. It’s been thirteen years since I last saw your face. Is this really my bestie?” She asked and Lucas smiled.

“Of course it’s me. Welcome back to the world” He said, and hugged Jane. Adrian smiled, he was so happy he was able to help Jane. He may not know everything about Jane, but he loves her like crazy, such that he is ready to give up everything he has just to be with her.

Doctor Ben entered the ward, and Roseline rushed to him. She still have tears in her eyes. “Thank you so much for helping my daughter. Thanks to you, she can see now”

Doctor Ben looked at Adrian and back to Roseline. “It’s nothing ma’am. I am glad that I am able to help your daughter” He said, and Roseline sniffled.

“How does it feel to have your sight back?” Doctor Ben asked, and Jane smiled

“It feels so good to be able to see again Doctor. I feel like I am alive now. Thank you so much for everything” She said.

“The gratitude goes to the person who offered the charity service” Doctor Ben said. Jane look at Adrian and they both smiled at each other.


A week has past since Jane recovered her sight. Everyone in school was beyond shock that she could see again, and Jane had to lie to everyone in school that charity service was rendered on her.

As for her and Adrian, things were going smoothly for them. They were in a secret relationship in which only Lucas knows about. Adrian always drops by Roseline’s house to assist her in anything she was doing. To Roseline, she’d think that Adrian was helping her out because he was just a friend to Jane, not knowing that Adrian was trying to win her heart, since he was Jane’s boyfriend.


“You don’t have to follow me inside Lucas. I can’t see now, which means I can detect where I am going” Jane said with a smile on her face.

Since it’s her dream to own a model/fashion industry, she want to take part time classes for beginners guide on how to become a good fashion designer.

“You can’t blame me Jane, I am already use to taking care of you, and assisting you with everything you need, and guiding your part” Lucas said.

“I understand you Lucas, but you can’t go in with me, because I am the one applying for the class. I promise to make it snappy” Jane said.

“Does that mean you don’t need me anymore, since you can see now?” Lucas asked, and Jane hits his chest playfully.

“Of course I need you more than ever, Lucas. I just want to apply for the class so we can go home together, because I have a date with Adrian later tonight” Jane said.

“Now she’s making me feel sad. Must you remind me that I am single?” Lucas asked, and Jane laughed.

“Go get a girlfriend then” She said.

“Maybe you have forgotten that your mom doesn’t approve of you having a boyfriend at sixteen. Leave that aside, I have dreams to fulfill, I can’t be distracted”

“Why do you think she’s going to be a distraction?” Jane asked.

“Because if I decide to give in to love, I’d love her like there’s no tomorrow. I want to give my best to the girl I am going to fall in love with, that’s why I have to succeed” Lucas said.

“Your exams are coming up soon, does that mean you will be entering college soon?” Jane asked, and Lucas remembered how he was replaced by someone else. He still hasn’t told her about it yet.

“I just remember I have something to do at home, so apply for the class so we can go home” He said, changing the topic on purpose, and Jane who didn’t understand what he was trying to do, fell for his tricks.

“Alright. I will be right back, don’t go anywhere okay”

“I won’t. I’m never going to leave without my bestie” Lucas said, and Jane smiled before entering the building.


“How old are you?” The lady who was in charge of taking in student into her fashion design training class asked.

“I’m sixteen years old ma’am”

“What year are you in, in high school?”

“Second year ma’am. And these are some of the drawings I made” Jane said, showing her some dress designs, she drew.

“Impressive Jane. You did a great work on this designs, you just need a little training. Classes are Thursdays and Fridays. It’s starts by 4pm and ends at 8pm. Don’t be late for classes okay”

“I won’t ma’am. I will dedicate my whole life to this” Jane said with an enchanting smile.

Jane left after she was done talking to the lady, and she bumped into Debra who was about entering the lady’s office. Her bag fell, so she had to pick it up. Debra’s eyes widened when she did that.

“Hold on a sec. You can see now? Yesterday you were blind and now you can see? How did that happened?” Debra asked.

“I have to go” Jane said, trying to leave, but Debra held her arm, and Jane looked at her fearfully.

“I am not yet done talking to you, so where did heck are you going to?” Debra asked.

“Let go of me, Debra” She said, with a shaking voice.

“I haven’t even done anything to you, so why are you so scared?” Debra said, holding Jane tightly and Jane winced.

“Jane!” Lucas called her name, and Debra instantly let go of Jane after she saw Lucas approaching them.

“I will talk to you next time” Debra said, and entered the office.

“Was she trying to hurt you?” Lucas asked.

“No she wasn’t. Let’s just go home Lucas. I’m done applying for the class” Jane said. Lucas sighed, before leaving with her.



Debra entered inside the house with anger, leaving Rebecca to wonder why she was angry. “What’s wrong Debra?”

“Everything Aunt. Can you believe Jane can see now?”

“Huh? How did that happen?” Rebecca asked.

“Are you trying to say you don’t know about this? I thought you said Adrian tells you everything that’s going on between him and that girl?”

“Yes he does. But he never for once mentioned that Jane is no longer blind”

“Well I made inquiries from her stupid classmates, and they said charity service was rendered to Jane. Jane can see now, and it paves way for her to be with Adrian. You said you were going to help me get back together with Adrian, only if I stick to the plan. When are you going to push through with it? We’re running out of time. We have to do something before Adrian and Jane takes their relationship to the next level”

“There’s no way they’re going to have s*x, they’re too young for that”

“Tell that to the early 90s Aunt. We are in the twenty first century, people can do anything in regardless of their age, so wh@ťěver plan you have to separate Jane and Adrian, we should do it now” Debra said.

“Fine. Let’s push through with the plan. I have given them enough time to be together” Rebecca said, and Debra smirked.


Jane looked at herself in the mirror and smile. She was getting ready for her date with Adrian, no doubt their relationship was going smoothly and it was filled with love.

“People weren’t lying when they said you were beautiful, Jane. You are so pretty” She said, self crushing on herself.

“Are you going somewhere?” Roseline asked, entering the room.

“I’m going for my fashion class” She lied.

“But you just apply for it today”

“Yeah, but they want me to attend the class, so I can learn faster”

“If that the case, be careful on your way there. I will just say hi to Lucas’s mom, it’s been long I visited her”

“Alright mom” Rebecca smiled at her before leaving the room.

“I’m sorry for lying to you mom” Jane muttered, looking at herself in the mirror.


Adrian hugged Jane immediately she arrived at the restaurant they planned on having their date.

“Why is the whole place empty?” She asked.

“Because I rented the whole place”

“Why?” Jane asked, and Adrian wrapped his hands round her slender waist.

“Because I want to spend quality time with my beautiful girlfriend” He said, and kissed her lips. Jane also responded to the sweet kiss.

“Your order is here sir” a waitress said, and they broke the kiss. They sat down on the expensive decorated table and chairs, and their food was presented to them on the table. The entire food on the table was made in the form of love shape.

“Why is the entire food made in the form of love shape?” Jane asked.

“Because I want you to know how much I love you Jane. You have stolen my heart, so eat it up and don’t ever return it to me” Adrian said, and Jane smiled.

“Since these are your hearts, I am going to it all of it” Jane said, and took a bite from the love shape cake.

Adrian smiled, and snapped his fingers, and another waitress came holding a bouquet of Heliotrope flowers. Adrian took the bouquet of Heliotrope flowers from the waitress and gave it to Jane.

“Just like how this flower represent eternal love, that’s how my love for you is eternal. I love you today, tomorrow and forever, Jane”

“I love you too, Adrian” Jane said with a smile, accepting the bouquet of Heliotrope flowers. Soft romance song was played, and Adrian stretch forth his hand to Jane.

“Will you Dance with me?” He asked.

“Of course I will” Jane said placing her hand on his. Adrian raised her up from the chair, and pulled her closer to him. Jane’s hands fall on his chest, while he wrapped his hands around her waist, and as they dance they had happy smiles on their faces, like they were the only ones living on earth.



“How does it feel now that Jane can see again?” Vivian asked, Roseline.

“I feel so happy as a mother, Vivian. Thanks to the charity service rendered to Jane, she’s able to see again. I want to thank you for allowing Lucas take care of Jane all those years she was blind”

“That’s nothing Roseline. We are friends, so friends should always help each other” Vivian said.

“What about Grace?” Roseline asked. Vivian was about answering when Grace came out from her room.

“Mom, do you know Lucas is friends with the son of the owner of Dashie?” Grace said, looking at the newspapers in her hand.


“Yeah he was here three weeks ago looking for Lucas. I got to find out from these newspapers that Adrian McBroom is his friend. The newspapers was published a month ago after he disagree with his mom about getting engaged to his ex-girlfriend” Grace said.

“Can I have a look at it?” Roseline said, boiling in anger, because she h@ťěs that family.

“Sure aunty” Grace said and gave the newspaper to Roseline.

Roseline took the newspaper from Grace, and her eyes widen when she saw Adrian’s picture on the newspaper.

“Adrian is the son of Rebecca McBroom!!!” Roseline shouted, and an envelope of anger ignited inside her immediately.



“Where have you been son?” Rebecca asked, when Adrian came home, and Adrian smiled at her.

“I was with Jane”

“Oh I see. Why didn’t you tell me Jane already regain her sight. Debra said she saw Jane earlier today, and that Jane can see now”

“It slipped my mind”

“Tell me son, were you the one that helped Jane? Rumors had it that charity services was render to her, but I don’t buy it. You were the one who paid for her surgery, right?” Rebecca said.

“No I didn’t mom. Just like you heard, charity services was rendered to her” Adrian lied.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes I am mom. I didn’t help Jane pay for her surgery”

“Since she can see now, invite her over for dinner. I want to know my son’s girlfriend more” Rebecca said.

“I will mom” Adrian said with a smile and went to his room. Rebecca look at Adrian as he mounted the staircase and she smiled creepily.


Jane entered the house with a smile because her date with Adrian was a successful one.

“Where are you coming from?” Roseline asked.

“I told you I went for my fashion design class” Jane answered and a resounding slap landed on her face. Jane’s eye widen, because her mom has never raise her hand to slap her before.

“Are you lying to me because you regained your sight? I went to your fashion school, and I was told you weren’t there, that classes are only Thursdays and Fridays! Where you with that Adrian?”

“Mom I can explain” Jane said trying to go close to her mom, but her mom slapped her again.

“You lying to me means only one thing. You are in a relationship with that Guy. I thought I told you not to have a boyfriend!!!” Roseline asked.

“I am sorry mom. I love Adrian and that’s why I am dating him secretly. I couldn’t tell you about it, because you were against it” Jane said crying and Roseline slapped her again. Jane fell to the ground.

“Even if you were of the right age to date, I won’t approve of your relationship with Adrian. I can’t believe I buy his lie when he told me he’s from the McDonald’s family. He is the son of the family I h@ťě so much”

“Why do you h@ťě his family. Adrian is a nice guy” Jane said, crying.

“That family aren’t nice. The Mcbroom’s family were responsible for your father’s death and why you had to live thirteen years of your life as a blind girl!!!” Roseline shouted at Jane, and her widen in shock.


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