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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Seriously?” Isabella yelled, and Diego rolled his eyes.

“How was I supposed to know he was going to find out?” Diego asked, and Isabella scoffed.

“Not everyone is as foolish as you believe,” she replied, rubbing her forehead.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Just a headache,” she said, taking the medicine from the table.

“She took three pills and a bottle of water.

She swallowed the drugs and exhaled.

“f-__-k!” She cursed as she settled on the bed. “What do we do next?” She asked, till rubbing her forehead.

“I don’t know. I think we have to eliminate him fast”

“We can’t now. Marco is suspecting us, right now. We have to lay low until we get the perfect time to strike” She said and shut her eyes.

“I have to rest. See you tomorrow morning” She muttered and Diego smiled.

“And you too, princess.” He said and kissed her forehead.

He laid beside her, while she dropped her head on his chest.


Santino was cutting the veggies when Mirabella entered the kitchen.

“What are you up to?’ She asked, folding her arms at the back.

“Making dinner’ He replied and turned to look at her

“You look funny in that oversized top” He commented and she grinned.

“Never knew you were this big” She said with a pout as she dragged the polo shirt and he chuckled.

“You’ve lost weight” He said, dropping the knife in the fry pan.

“Of course. Who wouldn’t? Lost my father, cashless… and depressed” She said and opened the fridge.

She took the banana and peeled it off.”Do you care?” She asked and he shook his head.

“Okay” She said and ate the banana.

Santino smiled as he stared at her while she ate.

He used his thumb to rub her lip. He kissed her, using his tongue to take the banana in her mouth.

“That was cheating” She said and he licked his lip.

“You think?” He asked and spanked her @zz.

“Do you really have to do that?” She rolled her eyes and he laughed.

“You look so much like Pokémon” He said and she frowned.

“Okay, don’t get upset. You’re pretty, like the morning star” He said and pulled her cheek.

He went back to cooking and in five minutes, he was done with the fries.

He dishes the food and Mirabella quickly sits down at the dining table.

“Why those the chicken look undone? It’s like his still breathing” She said and dug the fork in the chicken.

“Come on, it’s grilled chicken. Just have a taste, I know you would love it”

“Okay. Here goes nothing” She said and took a bite.

She chewed it and stopped. Glared at Santino and laughed.

“What? You don’t like it?” He asked and took his own bite.

“Of course I do. It’s just too spicy and I don’t know… smoky?” She laughed and he nodded.

“My bad” He chuckled and gulped down the wine in his glass.

Mirabella’s phone rang and she took it.

“Hello” She said after picking up the call.

“Hello bunny” Marco’s voice came and she exhaled.

“I don’t have an f-__-king business with you!” She snapped and ended the call.

“Vincenzo?” Santino asked,but she didn’t say a word.

Her phone rang once more and she picked it up.

“What the f-__-k is wrong with you?”

“Chill honey, I sent you a present” He said and she looked at Santino.

“To hell with your present Marco. Just leave me alone!!” She yelled and he chuckled.

“Don’t worry princess. I just want the best for you, “he said and ended the call.

A notification popped up on her phone and she clicked on it.

She sucked her lower lip as she saw twelve years old her.

She was still in her short adorable school uniform, when Marco opened the door for her.

She smiled and steeped out.

“Dad!” She called and rushed to Mr Leonardo. He hugged her and placed a kiss on her neck.

“How was school today?” He inquired and she rolled her eyes.

“Boring. I h@ťě schoo,l dad.” She groaned and Mr Leonardo laughed.

“Why don’t you go in? Your mother prepared a very good delicious meal” He said and Mirabella widened her eyes and rushed inside the house.

“Momma!! Mummy!!” She called, running around the living room.

As Mirabella watched the video, tears dropped down her cheeks.

“Bella!” Isabella called and Mirabella rolled her eyes as she turned.

“What are you still doing in our house? Get your bad luck self out of her!” She snapped and Isabella bit her lip.

She dragged the juice, Isabella held it in her hand and drank.

“Ewww. Taste so much like you” She said and poured the remaining on Isabella’s face.

“Thrash can” She hissed and ran upstairs.”Mummy!!” She called, entering into her room.

She felt a bit dizzy as she walked in.

She held the door frame before she passed out

Mirabella quickly dropped her phone and stood up.

She cleaned her tears and exhaled.

“The video hasn’t finished,” Santino said, and picked up the phone.

“What do you wanna watch? How I got R@P£D by a driver??? Got molested by a psychopath!!” She yelled and snatched the phone from his hands.

She wanted to end the video, before seeing her father, Mr Leonardo on top of her.

Although she was blindfolded, a true father should have known that it was her daughter.

“No. No!!!!” She screamed loudly and dropped the phone.

She fell on the ground and went black.

“What is it??” Santino asked, rushing to hold her hand.

She pushed him away and rushed into the room.

She slammed the door and locked it inside.

She fell on the bed and started crying.

“Oh no…. No!!!!” She yelled, hitting her head on the pillow.

She rolled from one side to the other, while crying out loud.

“Bella!”Santino called, trying to open the door. “Bella please open up!!” He demanded, hitting the door.

“Leave me alone!!!” She shouted, breaking the vessel into pieces.

She grabbed the glass cup on the table and threw it on the ground.

She took the whiskey bottle and threw it on the television.

She fell on the ground and started crying.”Ahhh!!!… I’m I f-__-king cursed??? What is happening to me?? God, if you truly exist… please just make me disappear!!..”

“Why!!!.. Why do you let people suffer so much?? Because I don’t believe in you??” She cried loudly, hitting her head.

“I wanna f-__-king die… just ki|| me already!!” She shouted and stood up.

She broke the glass window and climbed on it.

“Maybe all this madness can stop. It should end here and now!!” She shouted and shut her eyes.

Her legs were bleeding already, as the broken piece of the glass, pi…. Into her legs.

Her hands were also bleeding but at this point, nothing else mattered.

No pain is compared to knowing your own , R@P£D you and molested you.

“I hope you’re satisfied now” She smiled and jumped down.

She opened her eyes, noticing that someone was holding her tight.

“Are you Crazy!!??” Santino shouted and pulled her inside.

He dropped her on the bed and she stood up.

“Get out!!.. I don’t wanna see anyone!. Leave!!’ She yelled, pointing at the door.

“Never” Santino replied and she slapped him.

“Leave!.. This is a command!’ She yelled and he pulled her.

She double slapped him and moved back.

“Leave me!!’ She shouted as tears and sweats rolled down her cheeks and face.

Santino ignored her and carried her to the bathroom.

She kept hitting him but he cared less about it.

He removed the polo she was putting on and she shook her head.

“I wanna die…. Please!.. This is so frustrating!!” She yelled as he carried her and dropped her in the jacuzzi tub.

He started stroking her hair as she kept crying and screaming loud.


Vincenzo sat on the bed as he smoked heavily. The room was filled with smoke, the scent of strong alcohol.

Beside him was pearl, who laid on the bed naked.

“Are you just gonna leave like that?” Pearl asked, sitting up.

“Look, wh@ťěver happened between us was a mistake. I will take responsibility for tonight. Let me drive you home!” He said and she scoffed.

“It wasn’t a mistake. This is like a dream come true. Please Vee… please listen to my dad, let’s get married” She said and he rolled his eyes.

“It’s not that easy. I have someone I love” He said and she sucked her lower lip.

“Then why cheat on her? If you truly loved her, why did you let me seduce you!?” She asked and climbed down the bed.

“It was a mistake” Vincenzo replied and she shook her head.

“Lies!. I won’t accept such” She replied and took her dress.

She wore it and Vincenzo opened the door.

She walked out while Vincenzo followed suit.

“Don’t take me to my house. I wanna spend the rest of tomorrow with you” She said and kissed him.

“Don’t you get it!? This night was a mistake!!” He half yelled and she flinched.

She entered the car and Vincenzo drove off speedily.

He dropped her off and drove back to SALVATORE’S MANSION.

“Good evening sir” The maids greeted as he walked inside.

“Look who’s home?” Lorenzo said, turning on the light to his room.

“Get out of my room!” Vincenzo snapped.

“How was she?? Sweet right? I bet she was a virgin!” He said, rubbing his two hands together.

“I’m not gonna be nice the next time I ask you to leave. Get out!!” He said and Lorenzo hissed.

He threw the pillow at his face and walked out of the room.

His phone vibrated twice and he slowly took it.

He scrolled down the phone’s screen, checking out the notification

“What!?” He muttered, seeing pictures of pearl kissing him.

He dropped the phone on the bed and entered the bathroom.

His thoughts traveled back to Mirabella and he sighed worriedly.

How could she be that cruel? He was willing to lay down his life for her,but then she had other plans.


It’s been two days, and Mirabella hasn’t set foot outside her room. If there was another word to describe a living corpse, then that would suit her perfectly.

She reluctantly picked up her phone; a sad smile appeared on her face as she read the new headline, announcing that Vincenzo and Pearl were now a couple. She dropped the phone and climbed down from the bed.

“Is there anything you need?” Santino asked, coming out of the bathroom.

“Death,” she replied, and he frowned.

“Can you please leave that word out of your head? What do you think would happen if you disappeared, huh? Do you think I’m going to be sane? What do you think people would say? You’re not giving up on this battle. Come on!” He said and held her hand tightly.

“I need you to understand that giving up is never an option. I need you, Mirabella. We need you,” he said and hugged her tightly.
He pulled away and chuckled.

“Your hair has a terrible smell. When was the last time you washed it?” He asked.

“I don’t know… A week ago?” She said, and he laughed.

Come on, we need to work on your hair,” he said, leading her into the bathroom.

“I want to cut my hair. I don’t like it,” she muttered, turning to face Santino.

“If that would make you feel better, then go ahead” He replied, applying shampoo and conditioner in her hair.

“I can wash my hair myself”

“I know, trying to be a romantic hubby” He said with a smile.

“I’m not worth it” She said and exhaled.

Her brown eyes feeling so heavy, Santino turned her around and cupped her cheek.

“And who the hell told you that lie? You are beautiful, smart, segzy” He said and she chuckled.

“With scars, broken and frustrated” She added and he shook his head.

“Even with the scars, I know that you are worth more than a million. Broken, I know you will get back stronger.

” Frustrated? I believe in you” He said and kissed her gently.

“Thanks” She said,. as he continued washing her hair.


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