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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IN LOVE WITH A CRIMINAL – Episode 17 & 18

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🔪CHAPTER 17&18🔪
……{The Syndicate Hideout}
Jadin quickly ran towards Medal & Aiden in shock
“Guys, Leo is dead and my brother is missing” Jadin said shaking terribly in fear
“We know that” Medal said with a smile
“What do you mean?” Jadin asked in shock
“Hi bro” Bobby said as he walked towards them from behind
“How! Did you!” Jadin exclaimed in shock
“I will tell you how”
Medal hurriedly entered the ward disguised as a nurse
“Hi” Medal said to the boys with a smile
“Medal” Leo exclaimed in shock
“What the hell happened to us?” Bobby asked in shock as he rises on his feet
“It was a plan to protect you guys” Medal said bringing out her gun
She points it at Bobby then to Leo
“I thought you said it was a plan to protect us” Leo said in shock
“Yeah! But I can’t go against the boss orders” Medal said and shot Leo dead
“Let’s leave immediately” Medal said to Bobby softly
“Sure” Bobby said still in shock of what just happened
“Now I get it” Jadin said with a smile
“I told you to calm down” Aiden said to him with a smile
“I feel bad for Leo anyway, he was part of us” Jadin said softly
“What about Jazz?” Bobby asked them calmly
“We still haven’t found him but no matter how hard he hides I will surely find him” Aiden said happily with a laughter
….{Rose’s Mansion Lucas room}
Lucas calmly entered his room and sat on the bed close to his new born son
Shalom calmly came out of the bathroom, she had been worried about Lucas all day
“What happened?” Shalom asked him as she sat close to him
“We lost another way to discover the Syndicate” Lucas said calmly
“That shouldn’t be a problem” Shalom said to him softly
“You are a father now, you need to be there for Mikey and I” Shalom said to him softly
“I am not ready to loose you” Shalom said to him calmly
“You won’t, I will try to be by your side always” Lucas said to Shalom calmly
“I love you” Shalom said giving him a hug
“I love you too” Lucas said softly to Shalom
….{7 YEARS LATER Rose’s Mansion}
“Dad” Mikey shouted as he came downstairs
“Hey! My handsome boy” Lucas said to Mikey with a smile
“Let me help you prepare for school” Shalom said to Mikey softly
Lucas phone rang loudly, he checked the phone and found out it was Logan calling
He picked it calmly
“Hi bro” Logan said as he puts on his trousers
“You called early today” Lucas said softly
“How is my baby cousin?” Logan asked softly
“Mikey is doing fine” Lucas said with a smile
“I will permanently coming back home in few days time” Logan said smiling brightly
“Really!” Lucas exclaimed in shock & happiness
“Yeah! I will continue my Soldier duty there” Logan said as he puts on his socks
“So when will you be back?” Lucas asked softly
“I won’t tell! Just few days and I will be back” Logan said softly
“OK, I have to take Mikey to school now” Lucas said softly
“Alright! Bye bro!” Logan said and cuts the call
Xion looked at Logan anxiously in shock
“Why didn’t you tell your brother you will be back the day after tomorrow?” Xion asked him calmly
“On that day is our birthday, it will be a big surprise for him” Logan said softly with a smile
“Wow! Nice!” Xion exclaimed calmly
“But I don’t know why I suddenly have a bad feeling” Logan said to Xion softly
“About what??” Xion asked in shock
“My brother! I scared of loosing him” Logan said calmly, he had no idea why he suddenly started having a bad feeling
“Come off it, am sure it’s because you are worried” Xion said to Logan calmly
“Maybe” Logan said as he glued himself to the mirror looking at how handsome he looked on his Soldier uniform
…..{Mikey’s School}
Lucas & Rein dropped Shalom & Mikey in the front of Mikey’s school
“Bye dad” Mikey said as he walked into the school with his mum
Logan drove off to the CIDG and stopped at a point
“What’s wrong?” Rein asked him in shock
“I forgot to give Mikey his lunch pack” Lucas said softly as he turned his car around driving back to the school
“Bye” Shalom said to Mikey as she turned to leave
She opened her purse and found out she had forgotten to give Mikey his snacks
“Oh no” Shalom said entering the school back
“Hey” A man shouted as he kidnaps the school children
Mikey walked towards him and was confused on what he was doing
“Hey! Come with me!” The man shouted grabbing Mikey by his hand
“Let me go” Mikey shouted trying to free himself
That was when Shalom entered, she sights Mikey
She ran towards him dragging Mikey with the strange man
“Come on” Some other men in a vehicle containing kidnapped kids shouted at the man
“Let go of my son” Shalom shouted dragging Mikey away from the man with all her might
That was when Lucas gave the man a blow on his head angrily
“Shalom” Rein called out his sister name in fear as he held her hands
“Dad” Mikey hugged Lucas tightly in tears
“Who are you?” Lucas asked the man almost angrily
The other men in the vehicle shot the man dead and drove away with the kids
“Lucas, this man must be part of the syndicate” Rein said as he looked at the man strange mark
“Every syndicate member has this same mark” Rein said as he showed Lucas the strange mark
“Oh my” Shalom exclaimed in fear hugging Mikey tightly
“But I never knew they also engaged in human trafficking” Rein said in shock
Lucas looked at his son in fear, he had no idea what will become of him if he ever looses Mikey
….{Rose’s Mansion}
“What??” Rose exclaimed as Shalom explained what happened
“Omg, this syndicate people are so horrible” Susan exclaimed in shock
“I think that Mikey should stay at home for a while” Shalom said as she held Mikey close to her
“I am happy that Lucas came there on time to save Mikey” Rose said almost in fear
“But where is Lucas?” Susan asked Shalom
“He went to the CIDG! Grandpa Edwin called him” Shalom said softly
…{At The Syndicate Hideout}
“Sir, here are the kids” One of the men said
“This kids are too small” Mr Rinaldo said as he sights the crying kids
“The shipment will take place in months time and this is all you can get” Mr Rinaldo said to them almost angrily
“Sir, we will try our best” One of the men said
“Mr Rinaldo!” Ryan called out his name as he walked towards them
“Is this all the kids you could get?” Ryan asked the men calmly
“Yes Boss” One of the men said
“My clients won’t be pleased with the numbers of kids you brought to me” Mr Rinaldo said to them almost angrily
“We are sorry sir” One of the men said
“Find more kids for me” Mr Rinaldo said to them almost angrily
“Do not worry, they will surely do as you have asked” Ryan said to Mr Rinaldo with a smile
“Of course, they have to” Mr Rinaldo said with a smile
….{At The CIDG Edwin’s office}
“Grandpa, you called for me” Lucas said as he entered Edwin’s office
“Yes, the syndicate members are becoming a problem to the CIDG” Edwin said almost angrily
“I heard what happened to Mikey, sorry about that” Edwin said to Lucas softly
“I am shocked to know that apart from hard drugs they also engage in human trafficking” Lucas said in shock
“Lucas! I have a mission for you” Edwin said to Lucas calmly
“Mission!” Lucas exclaimed in shock
“Yes? A undercover mission!” Edwin said to Lucas softly
“You will pretend to be one of the syndicate members and discover their hideout, with their leader” Edwin said to Lucas softly
“That will be risky” Lucas said softly
“I know that! But you have to do this” Edwin said calmly to him
“This is the only means you can trap the syndicate” Edwin said softly
“Alright! I will do it” Lucas said to Edwin calmly
“But! You must not tell anyone not your colleagues or even your wife” Edwin said to Lucas calmly
“Especially those colleagues of yours, I don’t trust them a bit” Edwin said to Lucas softly
“If Nuice can be a member of the syndicate then how sure are we that 98% of the police force are not filled with syndicate members” Edwin said to Lucas calmly
“You are right Grandpa but can I involve Mia & Gideon in this undercover mission” Lucas asked Edwin calmly
“Of course! Since they will be a big help” Edwin said to Lucas
“I will so my best to find out the syndicate members and their leader” Lucas said with all confident
Love Y’all🌹

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