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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HIS WEAKNESS – Episode 15 & 16

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{ All I Want Is Revenge… }

THEME: Taming Him 🔥

CHAPTER 15❥︎16

By, Lisa.





The party was still going on,everyone having fun,drinking,dancing and others.

Gaspipe poured himself another full glass of wine as she watched Scarface and Jerry from the end of the room chatting,His slowly folded his hand around the cup.

He’s trying his best not to stand up and go to them, and punch Jerry madly.

“What’s up with the look?” Luca joined him, he came in with Tomcat.

“Nothing mehn, You? What are you doing here? I thought you f-__-king h@ťěd parties?” Gaspipe asked.

“I use to, I have my reasons now..” Luca said, smiling.

“f-__-k, Why do I feel there’s something behind that beautiful smile?” Tomcat teased.

“f-__-king mind your own business, Bro!” Luca said, and left their side, looking around.

Tomcat sat next to Gaspipe, and poured himself a glass too.

“f-__-king Appe all night wasn’t easy at all. d@mn feel like I’m just wasting my time..She’s too wide, f-__-k” Tomcat hissed, gulping his drink.

He was expecting Pipe to say something but he remained silent, Cat traced his eyes and when it’s landed on Scarface and Jerry.

He smirked funnily.

“Don’t tell me, You are afraid he will f-__-k your sister, When all you do around is f-__-king someone else’s sister”

“This is different” Pipe muttered,not taking his eyes away from them.

“How different?” Cat laughed.

“She’s my only sister, I can’t let her…date other guy..”

“Are you listening to yourself at all? She’s your sister…Of course she’ll be with other guy and not you” Cat said and Pipe gulped.

Apple came in, with Paramour and Tomcat sighted her immediately.

“I’m off mehn..” He bumped fist with Pipe and left quickly.

“Seriously..I thought he said she’s too loose” Pipe scoffed, and resumed staring at that corner.

“Luca wait!!!” Butthead shouted, as she sighted Luca.

“Hey, Butthead” Luca smiled.

“Hi Luca” Venus smiled.

“Venus…” Luca returned the smile.

“I’ve been looking for Grinder all around, but she’s no where. Can you return this to her for md?” Butthead took his hand, and placed the device on his palm before he could object.

“But we’re not…

“Do make sure you returned it to her okay?” Butthead smiled, pulling Venus away from him.

“What was that for?” Venus asked, when they got to a silent area.

“I think he and Grinder had a beef or something, I’m only trying to help them make up” Butthead smiled.

“Why will you do that?” Venus frowned.

“What did you mean? We all know Luca liked Grinder so we should help…”

“I or Grinder?” Venus cut her off.

“What are you saying?” Butthead chuckled.

“Choose between us, Now!!!!!!”

“I love Grinder and you’re my best friend, How do you expect me to choose between you both. It’s a hard choice cos I love you both”

Venus started walking out, And Butthead rushed after her quickly.

“Ven…Venus, Wait up!!!” She shouted.


“Who are you speaking with?” A husky voice asked,behind her.

Natalia frozed that minutes. She turned to see Vincento and her eyes widened.

Not because she’s scared of him, But she’s afraid he might have heard all she just said.

“Am I speaking to nobody? Don’t you f-__-king gave a mouth, Or your teeth are diseranges” He shouted dangerously, bringing her back.

“I….it’s not one, H- how long have you been here?” She asked, and slapped herself after.

“Seriously?” Vincent chuckled, weirdly.

‘What are you saying Natalia? Think of a plan? Think of something will you?’

Natalia panicked inwardly, biting her lips.

Vincent suddenly opened his palm, and Natalia looked at it, then back to his face.

Why is he opening his palm?? She asked no one.

She placed her hands on his, and Vincent angrily threw it off.

“How dare you f-__-king touch me? Your phone, I mean…Hand over the f-__-king phone to me, Now!!!!!!!” He ordered, and Natalia placed the phone on his palm, fridgetely.

“I see you’ve learnt your lesson, You’ve stop talking back?” He said and Natalia gave a nod.

‘Lesson my foot, Do you know how much you disgust me? I feel like smacking your face right now’ She thought inwardly.

“Bro…ther?” Lotus called from behind, and Vincent turned at once.

‘He has a sister?’ Natalia thought, watching as Lotus ran to them

“Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you?” Vincent asked her.

“Did I scare you?” Lotus smiled.

“Of course, Don’t tease me anymore” Vincent said, calmly.

‘Whao, He look different with her? Who is she?’ Natalia asked, no one in particular as she watched the scene, quietly.

“I wanted to watch the party going on cos I was bored, Com’on let’s join the fun” Lotus tried to pulled him along.

“You’re too young and I don’t like partying either…Let’s just go” He took her hands, taking her away from there.

Lotus smiled.

“Have you eaten?” Vincent asked, on their way back.

“Huh..uh” Lotus nodded, and Vincent ruffled her hair, and she smiled.

Natalia got lost, watching them till they were put of sight.

“Talia!!” Lucky’s voice behind, brought her back to life.

“You f-__-king scared me” Natalia rolled her eyes.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you going going make a call?” Lucky asked.

“ phone..” That was when she remembered Vincent took it from her.

She ruffled her hair, frustratedly.

“That’s not important right now…What’s important is I got us something to eat” Lucky giggled, bringing out a package she has been hiding behind her back.

“How did you get this?”

“I’m not a pickpockets for nothing!! I trained for years” Lucky smiled.

“Don’t tell me you stole it?”

“The party was crowdy so no one know when I went in and come out quickly, Can you stop questioning me and let’s go back and eat this fast?”Lucky screamed excitedly.

“Aish!! Where did I get you from?” Natalia asked, funnily.

“A food truck? ” Lucky laughed.


“Excuse me Grinder, I think I have to go back to our room quickly” Eight stood up, from her stool and Grinder turned to her.

“I’ll go with you, You can’t leave me here to drink alone” Grinder said, standing up too.

“No!! The party only happened once in a while so just enjoyed it and don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine” Eight said and left.

Grinder sighed, staring at the Vodka in front of her.

“Can I join you?” A voice suddenly asked, behind her and she turned to see who she suspected it to be.


She didn’t say a word, so he just sat in the stool meant for Eight.

He grabbed the liquor from her and, poured a full glass for himself. Then, he started drinking from it.

“What did you want from me?” Grinder asked, as he dropped the glass.

“Why do you always think I want something from you? I thought we’re friends. You agreed for us to be friend right?” Luca asked.

“Yes..but you keep acting weird lately…You keep giving me this cold shoulder ion understand” Grinder said, to his surprise.

“That’s because you….” He stopped talking,and looked at her face.

One could tell from her eyes, she don’t remembered all she’d said.

“Forget it” Luca muttered, taking a sip from his drink.

“Eight said you brought me back, the past time i got drunk. I’ve not been able to thank you properly”

“It’s nothing…Butthead ask me to give you this” Luca placed the device before her.

Grinder nodded and took it, tossing it in her inner pocket.

“Can I ask what’s the device for?”

“No..oo” Grinder replied quickly.

“Wait…Are you drunk?” Luca asked, checking her eyes.

“No…Why?” Grinde faced him.

“The way you’re replying is so not you…You’re always cold and hard”

“You just said it yourself, I agreed we’re friends. Friends chatted all the time right?” Grinder said, and a smile escape Luca’s lips.

“Does that mean we can chat all time?”

“Maybe” She smiled, shocking him even more.

‘She’s indeed drunk’ He said inwardly.

Grinder stood up from the bar stand, walking away drunkenly.

Luca stood up and followed her quickly.

They got outside, and she almost starggered but he got her.

“It’s you again, My stalker..” She giggled, hitting his shoulder lightly.

His hand around her waist.

“Why did you have this face? Is this really you?” She smiled, and withdraw her hand from his face.

She began leaning closer to his lips but a hand suddenly pulled her from him.

“What were you trying to do?” Rusty asked, dangerously.

“Nothing” Luca replied.

“What did you mean Nothing? You were f-__-king trying to kiss her cos she is drunk” Rusty half yelled.

“I’ll never think of taking advantage of her, coz I respect her” Luca replied, in the same tone.

Rusty only smirked, and threw Grinder in his arms. He started walking away with her.

Luca folded his fist, as he watched him take her away, not being able to do anything.

A hand suddenly hunged around his shoulder.

“Let’s go….The party is over” Pipe smiled.

“You’re drunk too? d@mn!!!” Luca sighed.


Natalia walked out of the room, her eyes peeping around, making she doesn’t run into anyone.

She almost bumped into Tomcat coming with the other guys but she quickly hide behind the tall walls.

They walked passed her, and she sighed in relive, coming out of the place.

She turned to watch them leave fully, before turning back, only to bumped into someone.

“Look who we have here, it’s miss fiesty” The voice said, and Natalia looked up.

The person is wearing a heel, She’s a bit taller than her.

“Now that he f-__-king release your stupid self, you think you can wander around like you want huh?” Apple asked, folding her arms.

“I don’t have time for a shameless tool like you” Natalia said, and tried to walk away but Apple blocked her path.

“What did you want from me?” Natalia asked, with a mischievous smile.

“Your death…I badly wanna see you in hell” Apple smirked.

“Then you’ll have to wait till forever cos i ain’t dying. And just so you know..” Natalia move closer, leaning to her ears.

“I’ll gladly bring you with me to hell” She whispered.

Apple pushed her away from herself, ready to hit her.

“I see your face is back to normal, You might want me to redesigned it” Natalia smirked, and Apple stepped back.

An arrowed flewed accross Apple’s hand, almost hitting her.

They both turned to see Grinder, walking toward them

“What’s going on here? What are you trying to do with her?” She asked, taking Natalia’s hand.

“You always makes friend with any b**tch being brought here cos you’re a b**tch yourself. I wouldn’t be surprised if she died in less than a year” Apple broke into laughter, walking away.

Grinder folded her fist, before turning to Natalia.

“Are you okay? She didn’t do anything to you right?” She asked, and Natalia nodded with a smile.

“Come with me..” Grinder pulled her along, taking her to the Training arena.

The mobsters began murmuring among each other as soon as they entered.

“Who is she?”

“Isn’t she the thief we brought in our last mission?” Scarface said to Jerry.

“I think she is” Jerry replied.

They are training together.

“Why is she with Grinder though?” Butthead whispered.

“Maybe they became friends or something..” Tomcat replied.

Venus only rolled eyes.

“Why did you bring me here?” Natalia asked, breaking the silence between them.

“Is that all I get after saving you?” Grinder replied.

“I’m sorry…Thank you, But how come you’re being nice to me when no one is?” Natalia asked, curiously.

“Actually..You reminded me someone I lost, She’s my good friend but no more” Grinder said, sadly.


“It’s okay..Can I asked where you’re from and how you got here? You don’t look like an Italian at all” Grinder asked.

“I can’t tell you…”

“You don’t trust me?”

“Of course not, But I still can’t tell you” Natalia muttered.

“Okay” Grinder nodded, and resumed $h00ting her arrow.

“Uhm…can you tell me where Vincent’s suite is?” Natalia suddenly asked.


“I…I want to thank him personally, For releasing I and my friend” Natalia smiled.

“Well, I don’t think he will be around during the day…He his always out, Only Night”

‘That’s even better’ She smiled inwardly.

“So..Can you show me how to get there? Now!!! “She asked, snapping out of her thoughts.

“You mean right now?”

Natalia nodded.


Natalia finished dressing up.

“How do i look?” She turned to Lucky, who only gasped.

“What the heck are you wearing?” Lucky spanged up, touching her face.

“You think it’s too much? He won’t fell for this..Will her?” Natalia asked, checking herself in mirror.

“This is too much, let’s not talk about her skimpy skirt you’re putting on…It’s too short, change it..” Lucky said.

She was wearing a tight skirt that only stopped a bit below her @zz, that relieved her curved figure-8 hips so much.

The strapless top she was wearing stop right on her b***bs, and her tiny slim waist and flats tummy came to view.Her straight spotless leg are ki||ing.

She also changed her hair style to a badass style, making her look breathtaking.

She look so beautiful and segzy right now, that no man will be able to resist her.

“But this is the only clothes Eight gave me, Ion even tell them what I was going to uses it for” Natalia said, adjusting her short skirt.

She won’t deny she really looked different from what she used to look, and That make her feel uncomfortable.

“Do you even know how to seduce a guy?” Lucky asked.

“No…but I’ll try” Natalia smirked.


Vincent came out from the bathroom after taking a shower, and his wet hair were covering his face, making him more handsome and drippingly hot.

He went to his usual spot in the room, and picked his cigarette, lighting it. He began staring into the window, probably looking at the stars.

He was shirtless, so his cobra tattoo was clearly visible right now.

He had just finished putting on his nighties, when Natalia enters his room.

He was shock to her in his room, of course.

“What the hell are you doing here?” His voice sounded harshly as usual.

“Uhm..I wanted to…ask for…” Natalia stuttered, nervously wondering if he notice anything in her at all.

‘Why is it not moved with what she’s wearing’

“You wanted to ask what? And who the f-__-k let you in without my permission?” Vincent yelled, grabbing his gun.

“Wait!! Wait!! Wait!! Don’t ki|| me just yet” She gritted her teeth, and bit her lips at the same time.

“Tell me one reason why I shouldn’t ki|| you right now and here..You dare come into my room” Vincent yelled,tightening his grip on the gun.

“I had to entered because no one was outside to stop me, Not even your guards…I just wanted wanted thank you for releasing I and my friend…That’s all” Natalia said hastily.

Vincent lowered the gun from her head, to her surprise.

Natalia breath out, in relive.

“You can leave now!! Out!!” He said, but she kept standing.

“Are you deaf or something? I said out!!!” He yelled widely and Natalia blinked, getting nervous of what to do next.

She doesn’t even have a clue of what to make this devil look at her, Right now.

“The thing is I wanted to ask you something…If you don’t mind” She asked, bitting her lips constantly.

“What!!!” He asked, coldly puffing out the left smoke in his mouth.

“Can I…I…Can I…”

“Can you what?!! You’re f-__-king wasting my time…Lady”

“Can I…kiss you?” Natalia shouted, and her eyes widened at once.


𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝➪✌︎

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