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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BY: Soma Lee

TAGS: Bullies, Jealousy, Love,comedy and Fight.




Chapter 33🌹34

(She’s Back In Action)

“PUBLIC TOILET” they guys lifted him up.

“Felix you were bad back then like ” YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY THAT HE ASKED FOR YOUR CONTACT. IF IT WAS ME I WOULDN’T GO AFTER A PUBLIC TOILET” Raymond said as he mimicked Felix voice.

“She was feeling big of herself. Like I can’t give my contact to a poverty stricken boy. Say no and stop the insult isn’t a big deal” Felix said feeling angry.

“Though Jackson told her in a coded manner but Felix ki||ed her. Is not that she beautiful, she’s too thin for my liking. I love thick girls especially African girls” Joseph said and drank from his cup.


“Joseph you are quite but have a very bad mouth”Jackson as they all stare at him.

“What! He screamed as they all drew closer to him looking at him like they were interrogating him.

“How many African girls have you slept with? Felix asked with a dirty smile.

“Just two and I enjoyed it” he replied.

“Bad boy!! Chanted as his stuck hands with him.

“To all the virgins here let’s comfort ourselves” Raymond said and dramatically drank from his cup sadly.

“Raymond I want you to swear that you are not a virgin” Joseph smirked. He looked at them and lower his gaze.

“I’m not a virgin” he muttered.

“How many girls have you f-__-ked? Felix asked.

“It’s embarrassing”. he covered his face with his palm.

“Twenty five” he said.

“What!!! They screamed in shock.

“Twenty five? Joseph said and coughed.

“I was a big time play boy during my highschool and college days. I f-__-ked a lot of girls and my teachers” he added still closing this face.

“That’s hallirious!! Jackson said silently.

“You must be popular back then.” Joseph added.

“Yes!! He replied.

“That means I’m the only virgin here” Jackson said and immediately Felix fell from his chair.

“Virgin in deed!!

“I will miss you dad” Irene muttered as they stopped at the car where her driver was waiting.

“I will miss you too my angel” Aji replied and hugged her.

“Your father is back,you have forgotten your mother” Ara said while giving her husband a glare.

“I didn’t forget you mom,I will miss you too” she chuckled and hugged her.

“Remember be yourself. Do not let your guards down towards Kim Min Yu if you don’t want me to break his balls” she said and folded her palm like she was breaking a pen.

“I won’t mom” she replied.

“Take care of his child. Tell him that I will visit a fateful day” Aji said and handed her a packet of chocolates.

“Thanks Dad you are the best!!she giggled and kissed him on his cheeks.

“Take care of yourself! He said as she entered the car.

“Bye dad!
“Bye Mom! She waved at them.

“Bye Angel!! He waved back as the car drove off.

“Who is Clara? You haven’t tell me all about her? Ara said as she held him on his trouser.

“When we get Into the room I will tell you more about her” he whispered as she blushed heavily.

“Mom!! Jackson called as he ran to them.

“Where are you coming from? She asked with a frown on her face.

“After the rehearsal… I went to work… after
That’s…where I’m coming from” he stuttered.

“Never knew that someone who works in a dry cleaning shop smells alcohol. Did you use alcohol to wash clothes? She asked as she sniffed around him.

“Em…” He stammered and she dragged him by his ear.

“Mom!!! He yelled.

Mr Aji shrugged and entered the house.

“Hey I’m sorry! Kim Min Yu apologized as he was bathing his son.

Granny Ruth wanted to bath him but he declined and insisted that he wants to bath his son and now Jungkook is bent up side down crying heavily as his father was washed his feet.

He turned him around and made him to stand on his feet forgetting the fact that he was a three weeks baby.

“Stay here. Let me get your towel” he said and left him. Jungkook immediately fell into the bowel in which he was standing on.

“Aahh!! A sharp cry left his small mouth and quickly Kim Min Yu came back when he heard his cries.

“I’m sorry. My baby!! He screamed as he picked up from the bowel.

Granny Ruth and Irene rushed into the room and saw him carrying Jungkook will soapy foams around his body.

“What happened to him? Irene asked as she took the child from him.

“I stood him up in order to get his towel but he fell in the bowel” he explained while shivering but Granny Ruth began laughing at him.

“You are mean! How could you stand him up to get a towel? Are so careless to that extent. How can you stand a three weeks old baby do you want to break his legs? What if he fell and have a crack on his head,do you think he will survive it? Irene shouted at him anger.

“I was trying to bath him” he muttered.

“Who told you to bath him? Isn’t Granny Ruth here? She asked as she pats Jungkook back in order to stop him from crying.

“I wanted to bath him but he insisted on bathing his son. I left him but now your son fell into the bowel you used in bathing him. Thank your stars that the water wasn’t much,if not my grandson would have drawn because of your carelessness” Granny Ruth explained and landed her palms on his back.

“Aahh granny!! he winced.

“Don’t you ever bath him till I leave this house” Irene hissed out angrily before bathing him again.

Granny Ruth sigh and left the room giving them privacy.

After bathing him,she wore his clothes on him but he was still hippcupping. She felt his temperature and it was high she moved her hand to his tummy where she pressed it gently and found out that it was soft meaning that he haven’t eaten.

“What has he been doing? She thought and glared at him.

“Bring that drawer closer” she said and immediately he brought the moveable drawer closer to her.

“Mix his food since it is the only thing you can do and be fast about it” she ordered him. He sighed sadly and began mixing his food. Jungkook raised his little hand and placed it on her right Břě@šť. She smiled and brought out her Břě@šť from her bra and plugged it into his mouth as he began sucking it. At least her Břě@šť in his mouth will stop the cry he was intending to cry.

After mixing his food,he gave it to her where she placed it at the bed as she removed her Ɲīpplë from his mouth. He swallowed nothing when he saw her reddened Ɲīpplë he diverted his gaze to a corner of his room. She covered up her Břě@šť and began feeding him with his food. After making sure that he was fed well she gave him his medications. By the time she was done with all of these he has already slept off.

She gently placed him on the bed before standing up.

“Don’t make a noise till I’m back” she warned sternly while he nodded like an obedience student before going out from his room.

He sat on the bed gently and began rubbing his head slowly.

“I’m sorry son! I was eager to bath you but I ended up doing the opposite” he whispered.

“Forgive me son” he whispered and wiped the tears that was thr_@tening to fall from his eyes. He stood up quietly and went to the bathroom where he took his shower.

As he stepped out from the bathroom after a few minutes,he saw Irene already eating on the bed with a tray of food. She didn’t bulge when she saw him to show how angry she was.

“Irene! He called out but she didn’t replied.

“Irene”he called again but she didn’t replied.

He climbed on the bed and held her hand.

“I know you are angry with me but please answer me” he pleaded.

“Why should I answer you? I went to see my father on coming back to see the mess you created on your son. I’m his nanny for Pete’s sake and it’s my duty to bath him. Why didn’t you wait for me to return,why?

“I was eager to know the feeling of bathing a child but I did the opposite. I’m sorry” he muttered and bent his face.

“I’m not against you bathing your child but you have allowed Granny Ruth to bath him and direct you or rather still waited for me to return before doing this. What if his head mistakenly fell on the hard floor then you will bury your son” she said.

“No don’t say that please. I’m not going to lose him” he shake his head negatively.

“Then avoid bathing him for the mean time”she rolled her eyes.

“I won’t” he replied.

“Am I forgiven? He asked.

“Yes” she replied.

“Thanks” he replied with a smile.

“How is your dad? He asked as he began eating with her.

“He is good. He said he will visit you on a fateful day” she said.

“I can’t wait to see him and when I see him,I have a question to ask him” he said and drank from his cup.

“What question? She asked curiously.

“It is a secret” he winked at her.

“Dinner is set! Hwasa announced when she entered Yuna’s bedroom but Yuna was fast asleep.

“Yuna,Yuna! She tapped her as she stir in her sleep.

“Yuna dinner is set” she said immediately she opened her eyes.

“I will be there in a jiffy”she said drowsy before facing the other side of the room. She sighed and left her room.

She began fixing the dishes on the table when Kim Soo Hyun and his daughter came down from dinner. They took their different sit and began eating.

“Where’s Yuna? He suddenly asked.

“She’s sleeping but she…” She was interrupt by the sounds of Yuna’s footsteps.

“She’s here” she said when she saw Yuna.

“Oh! He muttered and faced his food while Yoona hissed out aloud. Yuna didn’t give a d@mn about it,she sat down facing Kim Soo Hyun and began eating when her phone rang with an unknown number.

She clicked the green button before answering.



📞 TAEHYUNG!! She screamed and suddenly Kim Soo Hyun looked at her with a frown.


She ended the call while anticipating for his call.

“Where are your table manners nanny? Yoona asked and Yuna turned her gaze towards her with a smirk on her lips.

“I don’t have table manners but I must advice you not talk anymore till your are done with your food” she said not minding the presence of her father she promised to teach the hell out of her.

“And if I…

“One word from you,you will see what your nanny can do. I’m not pleading with you IT IS AN ORDER” she said it word for word and it sends fear and shiver to Yoona who looked at her dad but he was all focused in eating his food. When she saw how quite the dinning room was,she respect herself by shutting her mouth.

Her phone rang it was the video call. She smiled as she saw his face.

📞 HOW’RE YOU DOING? His voice was calm but it made her head bang so many times. She clicked the speaker and it was loud enough for Kim Soo Hyun to hear.

📞 I’M GOOD. HOW WAS SCHOOL TODAY? She asked stylishly bitting her lips. Taehyung looked at her lips swallowing nothing but saliva. Kim Soo Hyun on the other hand was looking at her stylishly.

📞IT WAS BORED ALONG. HOW IS YOUR LEG. LISA TOLD ME WHAT HAPPENED I HOPE IT WASN’T SO SERIOUS. she can sensed the emotions and care in his voice and that alone made her heart to race the more.



Kim Soo Hyun listened to their conversation silently and as a man he could detect the emotion in the voice of that male that was speaking to her. He felt somehow when he said he won’t be happy if anything happens to her and he concluded that he must apologized to her.

After eating to his satisfaction,he stood up.

“Dad are you done? Yoona asked.

“Yes I’m done” he replied.

“I’m done too” she said and drank water from her cup.

“I’m sleeping in your room tonight” she giggled and held his hands.

“Okay! He replied and stare at Yuna for the last time before climbing the stairs.



He giggled and winked at her before ending the call.

“Woah!! She screamed happily. Her crush made a video call with her,why won’t she be happy. She ate little since her stomach was filled with happiness,she limped gradually at the stairs as she made her way to her room.

After having her shower,she was about to re dress her wounds when she heard a knock on her door.
Having the thought it was Hwasa she limped towards the door and opened it to see Kim Soo Hyun standing at her door.

“Sir! She was suprised seeing him at her door.

“Can I come in? He asked gently. It was as if he had his shower because his hair was dripping wet and he wore a set of pjamas that made him look segzy.

“Yes! She snapped out from her thoughts as she shifted aside to let him. Once the door was closed,she quietly limped to her bed while standing.

“What of Yoona? She broke the silence.

“She’s asleep” he replied before returning his gaze at her. The way he was staring at made her feel uncomfortable the air conditioner was on but she was feeling hot.

“Is there a problem sir? She asked as shifted her gaze from him. He came closer to her and maintained a four inches gap.

“I’m sorry” he said.

“Mm! She gasped.

“I’m sorry Yuna. I’m sorry for pouring you hot coffee on your thigh, I’m sorry for the glass that gave you wound. I’m sorry for the pains that I caused you. I was scare about my daughter,I thought I would lose her just the way I lost my wife but I hurt you in the process I’m sorry. I didn’t allowed you to explain before concluding and calling you a Ɓîtçh which was totally wrong. I’m sorry Yuna you have all the right in this world to be angry at me but I’m sorry. Forgive my actions please” he said in a pleading voice as Yuna stare at him in awe.

“Did he memorized all this in a day? She thought.

“I was angry at first but I concluded that you were so scare on losing your daughter and I didn’t informed you on time but calling me a Ɓîtçh was totally out of it Sir” she said as she maintained her gaze on the floor.

“I’m sorry for acting selfish. I’m sorry” he said and move closer to her as she shifted back.

“I have forgiven you. I hold no grudges against you and I promise to inform you on wh@ťěver that happens to Yoona” she said firmly.

He held her shoulder as he looked straight into her eyes.

“From day I saw you, I knew you were the only that can tame my daughter. I can’t still forget the day you beat up those boys I had to stop my car just to watch you. You are crazy, beautiful and discipline at the same time. You are the only nanny that has lived for a long time here” he said.

“Like seriously? She asked a bit surprised from what he said.

“Yes. None of them could survived a day with her, some stopped the work by themselves while some was fired by her that is to show how stubborn my daughter is” he explained with a smile.

“Wow that means she’s your headache” she giggled.

“Yeah and that was why my spirit led me to you. Doesn’t it sounds crazy by your names Yoona and Yuna” he laughed still holding her shoulders.

“Yeah it is. I was so excited when I heard that she’s Yoona. I was like you have seen your cure” she laughed.

“And definitely you are her cure. Don’t stop your work towards her no matter what she did to you please don’t hurt her emotionally. She may act feisty but she’s soft inside” he said emotionally.

“You have my word. I won’t hurt her but I will cure her to the way you never expected her to be” she said and placed her hands on his.

“Thanks. In order to clear my conscience I want you to sit on your bed as i redress your wounds” he said and dragged her gently to her bed where she sat down gently.

“I was about to do it before you came” she muttered.

“I’m here allow me do it” he said and took the first aid kit.

“Yoona will skin me alive if she sees your hands on me. She doesn’t want any female closer to her dad” she mimicked her.

“You are funny. But she’s not here and besides I was the caused of your wounds take it as my apologies Lady Yuna” he said dramatically as Yuna laughed out so loud as he placed her leg on his thigh and began redressing her wounds.

“Thank you very much Mr Kim” she appreciated as she saw him off her room.

“My pleasure. Good night lady Yuna”

“Good night Mr Kim” she said and closed the door.

She smiled and jumped on her bed reminiscing the moment she had with him she couldn’t help but smile as she closed her eyes to sleep with the smile on her lips.

The atmosphere this morning in Kim Soo Hyun’s mansion was good and refreshing. It was a good sign that today is going to be a great day.

Everyone was set for breakfast waiting for Hwasa to serve the dishes since it was Yuna who cooked breakfast.

“What’s keeping her? Yoona hissed out a loud.

“Yoona be calm she’s coming. Oh she’s here” he exclaimed as Hwasa came carrying
a tray of food. She began placing it on the table,when she was done she bowed and left.

“Mr Kim I want to tell you something important and beneficial to Yoona” she said seriously.

“Go on” he nudge her to continue to wat she has to say.

“The doctor said that we shouldn’t allow her to go to school till she’s okay. And I have thought of this if you will empoly a private tutor for Yoona who will help build her academically till she resumes school”. She said seriously.

“What!! I’m not interested in having a private tutor. Dad don’t listen to her!! Yoona yelled.

“Yoona there is sense in what she’s saying. I think what she saying is right. I believe what you said I will make arrangements for it” he added.

“Dad!! She yelled unbelievably seeing her dad siding with her nanny Instead of listening to her.

“Yoona listen to me carefully. Your opinion doesn’t matter in this conversation as far as I’m your nanny”she said with a smirk.

“You don’t have right to decide for me!! She screamed.

“The earlier you prepare yourself to learn the better for you cos I’m fully recovered and prepared for you Yoona” she said sternly.

“LADY YOONA!! Kim Soo Hyun.

“Idoit Must Obezy, IMO!!! She replied shocking the hell out of Yoona.


Kim Soo Hyun don the hype Yuna.✌️✌️

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