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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BEYOND FAIRYTALE – Episode 1 & 2

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(Pure love)

THEME: in his lyrics


TAG: Highschool, music band, love triangle, romance, betrayal, secret, séx, best friend, thriller, bl, mystery.

By Maya (J.A)




“Just make me yours, forget my class, have me already Bryce, nothing will go wrong, I promise.“ Holly said as she blink her big eyes seductively standing on just pants.

Holly a nineteen years first class high schooler, fell in love with a twenty two years old poor scholarship student.

Bryce Holland who’s dream finally came true to become one of Hudson highs school student, met his worst nightmare there, When holly fell in love with him at first sight.

A billionaire daughter,not just that, a billionaire’s son fiancee, he thought its was all a joke until she went ahead and asked him out.

He believe rich girls who fall in love with poor boys without background only exist in fairytale but holly is ready to go extra miles just for him.

She is ready to go beyond fairytale, but is Bryce ready?

Can he even tolerate her spoiled behaviors, or her rude fiance?

Let find out


(Pure love)

THEME: In his lyrics


By Maya (J.A)





“Holllly” Tom screamed angrily as he wake up to meet some part of his hair has been braided.

He jumped out of the bed angrily as he walk to the mirror to see his reflection.

His hair was braided and scattered all over making it look like one whom was just been shocked by an electric.

“WTF Holly!“ He screamed.

Holly laughed hardly hearing her big brothers scream.

“Holly, one, Tom, zero” she said and walk into her bathroom ready to take her bath.

She finished cleaning up and step out putting on her uniforms.

You don’t know how it feels to return back to your own state of origin to continue your highschool.

Yes she has been out of the country schooling, she came back last week and now she has been enrolled into Hudson high, a school where even the middle class can’t even afford except you are lucky by scholarship.

They are three people in charge of the school, Mr Henry, Mr Donald, Mr Vincent.

Those three are the most powerful men in the country and can’t do wh@ťěver they want in a twinkle of an eye.

She walk down the stairs looking good in her new uniforms, her steps slow down when her eyes landed on a tall figure standing at the sitting room talking with her mom.

Her mom smile happily at him while they muttered inaudible words to each other.

“That ídiot came too?, “ she thought aloud alerting her mom and him.

“What the heck did you just say?, Holly” her mom asked frowning.

Mrs Donald is a short tempered woman and quickly get mad over small issues.

“Nothing” she said and rolled her eye balls as she finally got to them.

“Mom, what is he doing here?“ She asked annoyed.

“Show some respect holly, this is your fiancee, he is your betrothed, remember?“ Mrs Donald scold.

Holly turned to face him and that’s when it dawned on her he is putting on same uniform as her.

“Wait, you enroll me and Bryan is same school?“ Holly gritted.

“Yes, so he can keeps eyes over you, and if possible show your school mates he is your fiancee, you two are the best couple.” Mrs Donald cooed.

“This won’t work” she cried.

“Holly, why do you ha.te me this much huh?“ Bryan finally speak up.

“I can’t h@ťě you, cause you are my Godforsaken fiancee but I just h@ťě the fact that you always make fun of my height” she gritted and Bryan burst into laughter again.

“See, aarh, you are such a $cvmbag” she gritted angrily and walk out while Mrs Donald burst into laughter.

Holly is not a tall lady, let just say she is kinda Short, her height stop at Bryan shoulder, yet he still mocked her height, he once told her, he Fancy’s tall ladies and that got her extra mad.

Tom walked down the stairs and his eyes met with Bryan, he just roll his eye ball and greet his mom.

He walk out without exchanging handshake or saying anything to Bryan.

He just don’t like Bryan for his sister, because he feel like Bryan is to proud but if only he knows there is someone more worse.


“I can’t believe we are finally going to school” Bryce squeaked like a lady.

“everyone is gonna be seeing us with respect now “ catty said and Bryce just chuckled.

“Prays we come back early so we can help mom” he said and she nod.

“Bryce” his mom called as she walk in looking better.

“Mom” he called and run into her arms.

“Be careful out there, the mind of those rich kids are deeper than you think, just pay attention to your studies and lastly, reduce your pride please, or its might get you into trouble, especially when they find out you have nothing” Miss Mona cooed.

“I will try mom” he said and his mom held his face.

“Listen, don’t get into trouble or you are gonna loose everything, rich people are more heartless than they seem, also don’t lett your sister get into trouble too, just stay away from them” she said and brought his face down to her height as kissed his forehead.

“Catty” she called and catty walked to her.

“Don’t get deceived by how cute the guys there are, they are going to use you and dump you, they are going to destroy your life, its better to settle with a poor person than to fall in love with a rich guy, they will definitely ruin your life.. They..“ She trailed off as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Mom, what happened?, why are you crying?“ Catty and Bryce chorused as they help Miss Mona to sit on the sofa.

“Nothing, I am just having a flashback of what a rich man did to my father just because of debt” she sighed and wipe her tears.

“Gosh, am becoming too emotional this days” she added and palmed her face.

“Just make sure you stay five feet away from rich guys and you too” she said also pointing at Bryce.

“We have heard you mom, please do make sure you take your medications” Bryce said and she nod.

“Ehem, one more thing mom, we make the necessaries needed at the restaurant, so don’t stress yourself, your health matters most” Catty cooed and Miss Mona nod with a satisfied smile.


Bryce and Catty step into the school smiling happily, catty stop to admire the school.

“Woah, its so big,I think am gonna get lost” she said looking around.

“Aww” she cried when Bryce dragged her away.

“Focus, stop admiring the school” he said not sparing her a glance.

“Can you not give me that cold attitude here” she pouted.

Bryce just ignored her and focused as he head to the director’s office.

They got to the director’s office and met Miss Emily there working in the system.

“Good morning Miss Emily” they both greeted, cause her name was written on her desk.

“Morning, wait, you two are the scholarship student right?“ She asked as she fix her glass well to see their face clearly.

“Yes ma’am” they replied.

“Woah, you two are even siblings, can’t believe two siblings got the scholarship this year,” she wowed.

Its usually a scholarship for two people, luckily, the both of them of got it.

She entered their name into the system and print their file out handing them over to Bryce.

She gulp down as her eyes locked with Bryce.

Bryce smiled and turn to leave with his sister.

How can a student be this hot, a poor guy this hot?.

“Um, you can visit my office anytime you want” she said making sure that he heard her.

“okay ma’am” they chorused and left.

“Jeez, he has heights, he is veiny and I can tell he is well built, oh, am in love again” she said and bit her buttom lips.


Holly sat down in the class munching on her popcorn.

“d@mn, class here is so boring” she said and rolled her eye balls.

“Not that, its because we just resumed a new term, class will get serious soon trust me” Delila replied.

A teacher walk in followed by two student, a male and a female.

Holly eyes landed on the Male and her hand got stuck to the popcorn cup, her mouth parted making some popcorn hang between her lips.

Everything seem to be going on a slow motion as their eyes locked.


Is she dreaming or what?, how cute?, does such cute guy exist on earth, or is he an alien?.

His carved thick brows, his pointed nose, his cute black eyes and his cute V face, jeez his lips are so thin and red.

She could see his lips moving but right now, she can’t hear what he is saying.

The girl beside him was saying something too, but its seem she has suddenly gone deaf.

He let out a cold smile and walk to seat with the girl beside him.

She was jolt to reality by the sound of applause by the student.

Her heart beating so fast like she is about to go on war.

“The f-__-k!!, what’s happening to you?“ Delila asked tapping her shoulder.

“I don’t know” she replied holding her chest.

“Hey, don’t tell me you are crushing on that tall dude?” Delila asked with a frown.

“You better not, cause if you are, I won’t hesitate to talk to the school authorities to get rid of him, you are to crush on my brother alone, no one else, beside he is a scholarship students which means he is a poor dumb aßß” Delila muttered and a frown settled on Holly’s face immediately.

“The fact that you are the school queen doesn’t make you to look down on everyone” she said and rolled her eye ball.

“I have to, what am I the school queen for?, and you have to follow my step since you are my friend” Delila added while Holly grit her teeth to suppress her anger.

She inherited her mom short temper

“Delila” she called taking a deep breath.

“Yes,” Delila replied thinking she got something better to say.

“Am sure, your brother told you, how crazy I am right?, and you won’t wanna mess with my bad side” she said.

Delila shot her a hard glare and scoffed.

This girl is lucky, she is her brother’s fiancee and also her childhood friend, like the heck, no one dares talk to her in that manner.

“Wh@ťěver” Delila scoffed and brought out her note book.

The teacher just sigh and shake his head as he watch the student make noises while he jut note down on the board.

Teaching rich kids are so annoying, but what can he do?, he needs the pay.

They won’t want to focus but will still want to pass.

“By next week, we are going to be having group work, hope you get ready for that” the teacher said and walk out.

“Brother can you just smile, or is your brows not hurting for knotting them together?“ Catty whispered to Bryce.

“Just face your study and leave my face, its not your business” he replied and rolled his eye ball.

Three guy walk into the class and the noise increased.

👥”jeez Bryan is back”

👥”I wish Tom can just have lunch with me”

👥”shane, be looking hot everyday”.

👥”BTS will be good for their band Name”

Bryce just rolled his eye ball and face his book.

He caught Catty stealing glances at one of the guys and he move his hand to her head as he direct it’s back to her book on the desk.

“Your book!” he reminded and frown.

“Its not my fault” she pouted.

“Focus, or am gonna tell mom that you are after guys here” he smirked and she hit his arms.

“Don’t be so mean” she cried.

Bryan walk to Holly seat and place his hand on her desk.

“Hey bro, I will give you two some minutes,” Delila smiled and left the desk, heading for Tom’s seat.

“Hey honey” he smiled and tried moving his hand to her hair but she hit his hand away.

“Don’t you miss me?“ he said and smiled.

“Stop treating me like a kid” she gritted.

“I am not, but I can’t help it, cause your height look like one, just like a 17 years old teen…” he trailed off as her palm land on his.

“Now you are making me to start developing ha tred for you” she half yelled and left the desk, heading for the exit.

👥”did she just hit my crush?“

👥”heard he is her fiancee”

👥”I heard she ha.tes to be mocked with her height”

“Am out to the cafeteria, its break time” Bryce said and walk out while Catty paked her things hastily so she could meet up with him.

“You should walk slow” Catty cried running after Bryce.

Bryce paused with a sigh so she could catch up with him.

He turn to see her struggling with her shoe and he groaned angrily.

“Am starting to regret coming to this school with you” he cried and rubbed his temples.

Holly just stand one place watching him.

Is he truly poor?, who knows if Delila is lying.

She can’t be lying cause they introduced their self earlier.

But who is that girl to him? She thought getting angry at the thought of the girl been his girlfriend.

A student bump into her and she turn to shut the girl a hard glare.

“watch it”she warned and turn to continue stealing glance at her new founded crush but her eyes widened when he bump into her too.

“You should leave the way DWARF!” he scoffed and walked out.

“Wait, what did he just call her?“

“Hey” she gritted angrily

~~~T B C~~~

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