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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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WHEN FATE STRIKES – Episode 7 & 8

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{ Destined Hearts… }

THEME: Roll Of Twist.


By, Lisa (A.O)




Gianna’s eyes widened at once.

Dean release her that minute,and he take a step backward.

Gianna stood there, completely frozen in shock.

What just happened?

Did this pervert actually spanked her! For a moment, she couldn’t even move, she was so stunned.

Then, she started to feel the heat rising to her cheeks, both from embarrassment and from the sting of the spank.

“What was that for?” she finally managed to sputter out, her voice shaking a bit.

Dean just looked at her, a sly grin on his face.

“Payback for slapping my prescious cheek,but I was a bit disappointed cos it’s wasn’t what I expected! How come it’s so hard and little? Didn’t you went through puberty?” He said sarcastically and her eyes grew even more wide.

Gianna was still standing there, staring at Dean in shock. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out.

“I’ve to go now? It’s nice doing a business with you” Dean winked and turn around and start walking away. She was too stunned to even react, and before she knew it, he was gone.

She stood there for a moment, trying to process everything that had just happened. Then, she slowly turned around wondering if anyone saw what he did before starting to walk away, her mind still racing with questions.

What made her more mad is she couldn’t even do anything about it.

Gianna kept walking, her head down, just wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

When she finally reached the exit of the mall, she took a deep breath and walked out into the parking lot. She quickly made her way to her car, hitting on the engine fast,she drove out of the place.

“Dean!” A voice of a lady sounded behind Dean who has been standing by his car,as he watched Gianna left.

He turned to her.

“How can you left me in the fitting room all alone? I’ve been looking all over for you!” The lady lamented.

“Do you expect me to come in with you so we can f-__-k there? Are you that impatient of my Ďïčk?” Dean said in return.

“I didn’t mean that!”

“I’ve lost interest, here’s my credit card. Pay for all you’ve bought and delete my number. Do have a nice day” He hand her his card,and entered his car.

“You can’t do this to me Dean!”

“I already did” He smirked and like that he drove off.



Lyric sits in the waiting room, tapping her feet nervously. She looks around at the other people in the room who also came for the interview, all of whom seem to be in better spirits than she is.

Just then, a lady exits from Leonardo’s office, her eyes red and her expression grim. Lyric’s heart drops.

She takes a deep breath and stands up as her name is called. She enters the office, trying to put on a brave face.

As Lyric walks into the office, Leonardo looks up from his desk and gives her a cold, appraising look. He gestures for her to sit down in the chair across from him.

She took a deep breath before sitting.

Leonardo stopped what he’s doing,and faced her,not without the usual cold glares.

“So,you’re applying to be my secretary, is that right?” Leonardo asks, sounding like he’d rather be anywhere else but here.

“Yes, that’s right. I believe I have all the qualities you’re looking for in a secretary. I’m very organized, efficient, and I have excellent people ski||s.” Lyric tries to sound confident, but her voice is shaky.

“Excellent people ski||s, huh? Can you tell me what you mean by that?” he asks, his smirk growing wider.

“Well, I have a knack for getting along with people, even if they’re difficult or difficult to please. I’m also very good at handling conflict, and I always try to find a solution that works for everyone involved.” Lyric’s voice is still shaky, but she’s trying her best to appear confident.

Leonardo leaned back on his chair.

“That’s all well and good, but I’ve gotta say, I’m not convinced. I’m a tough cookie, and I’ve seen plenty of people try and fail to impress me. So tell me, what makes you think you’re up to the task?” He’s clearly trying to rattle her, but Lyric is determined to stay calm.

“I understand that this job will be challenging, and I’m up for the challenge” Lyric said meeting his gaze.

“I’m not intimidated by your reputation, and I’m not going to shy away from doing what’s right, even if it means ruffling some feathers. I have a passion for this work, and I’m determined to succeed. I won’t let you down.” Lyric holds Leonardo’s gaze, hoping that her confidence will convince him.

Leonardo raised his brows.

“You’re a feisty one, aren’t you?” He says, sounding almost impressed. “But talk is cheap. I’m more interested in what you can actually do”

Lyric went mute for a while.

Leonardo leaned forward in his chair

“Alright, then. Let’s put your ski||s to the test. Tell me, if I was having an argument with someone, how would you handle it?” He’s clearly trying to trip her up, but Lyric seems ready for him too.

“Well, the first thing I’d do is try to understand the situation. I’d listen to both sides of the argument, and try to see things from both perspectives. Then, I’d work to find a solution that meets everyone’s needs” She smiled.

“You’re hired,,you can resume work tommorow morning” Leonardo said and Lyric eyes widened.

Just like that??

“Do you want me to take that back?” He ask, noticing the shock in her face.

“No, no, I was just surprised. I didn’t expect it to be that easy, thank you so much Mr. Leonardo I promise you won’t regret it” She smiled,and bowed politely.

Leonardo only nodded, switching on his laptops to resume what he was working on before.

Lyric thank him again before leaving his office.

Leonardo phone began ringing immediately and he sighed before grabbing it.

SHE-DEVIL👿 with a devil emoji pooping on the screen. He swiped green at once.

“Tornado legs?!!!” Came Josephine loud scream from the phone.

“Don’t ruin my eardrums!” Leonardo pulled the phone away from his ears.

📞 All I wasn’t to ear right now, is you hired the next applicant or else I’m flying to New Zealand right now!!!

📞 What if I didn’t?

📞 You wouldn’t dare me Leo, I’m almost booking my flight. Say the word and I’ll cancel it.

“Fine! I hired her, happy?” Leonardo sighed.

“That’s better, if I didn’t talk some senses into you… You wouldn’t have hired any” he could feel her smiling over the phone.

📞 But sis…

📞 What?

“She’s way too short,how did you expect me to cope?”

“She’s just your secretary,not your bride! If you fired her just know I’m flying over there,you wouldn’t want my trouble will you?” Josephine grinned.

“f-__-k” He heaved and Josephine laughed.

“How’s Mini Me doing? she’s not answering my calls” She asks, referring to Mikaela.

“She got drunk last night, I’m getting tried of both of you, you trouble me with work and she did hers in the house. Why do I have to be the only guy?” Leo graoned.

“Just accept it, you’re stuck with us… I’ve to go now,love you tornado” She said hastily and hung up.

He shook his head and drop the phone. His mind suddenly went to Princeton.

“Why didn’t he come?” He wondered. The question hung in the air like a heavy fog, obscuring the answer he sought.

He has never skip work.

As he was puzzling over why he hadn’t shown up, hiz phone buzzed with an incoming message. He glanced at the screen and saw that it was a message from her, the last person she wanted to hear from right now.

Without even reading the message, she switched off her phone and stuffed it back in one of his drawers.

He continued his undone business.


Dean walked out of his room,his shirt half buttoned, meeting Peirce waiting in the living room already.

“The fifth round?” Peirce grabbed a pillow and threw it to him.

Dean caught it and threw it to him back.

“Wrong! The seventh” He winked.

“f-__-k! I’m tired of you,, When are you planning to turn a new live? You’re not getting any younger, you’re twenty six” Pierce held his head fraustatedly.

“Stop being my mom,why are you here?” Dean asks,sitting on the couch.

“I’m bored, let’s go f_ck a h*le” Pierce said and Dean broke into laughter.

“Said someone who’s still a virgin” He laughed and Pierce frowned.

“Wh@ťěver” he rolled his eyes,and stood up. His eyes sighted a paper on the shelves and he quickly went to grab it. He opened it thinking it’s one of Dean’s crush anonymous letters again.

He got that everyday,and yes he’s not a celebrity but he’s even more famous among girls than a celebrity.

Making him earn the INTERNATIONAL PLAYBOY title.

“What is this? 14C—” Dean snatched it from home before he could finish reading the contents.

“Don’t touch it” He cautioned and Pierce shot him a meanful glare.

“Why do you have a license plate number? Don’t tell me you got yourself into trouble?” Pierce laughed.

Dean rolled his eyes.

“Wait… The crazy girl you met at the mall yesterday?”

Dean nodded.

“Why are you looking for her? Your new prey?” Pierce asked.

“Exactly,I must f_ck that round @zz” Dean said confidently.

“I haven’t seen her before but I don’t think she’ll agree, you said it yourself that she’s crazy!”

“Wanna bet?”


“If I succeed in f_cking her, you’ll forget Anita and moved on?” Dean said

“Yes… And saved” Pierce muttered, stuffing his phone into his pocket.

“Did you just record that?” Dean raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, an proof in case you didn’t fufill it”

“Delete that, I’m serious, I don’t want college history repeating itself” Dean muttered

“It won’t, not like you’re going to fall for her or something?” Pierce teased and Dean glared at him..

“Never! She’s not my type” He replied.

“See! You’ve got no problem… Now let’s go get you another bîtch before your hôrny wolf awaken” He pulled him out with him,and they both left the house.


“Hey! Are you okay?” Eclipse asks Mikaela,as they walked through the hallway,heading to thier department.

“Of course,Why?” Mikaela answered.

“Your face says otherwise, did you drink?” Eclipse asked.

“A little,but that was two days ago. I don’t know why I’m still not okay, maybe drinking is not for me” Mikaela muttered.

“With your crush? I just hope you didn’t spill the milk?”

“I wouldn’t do that,but then I’m worried about Kelly” She replied.

“Hi? What about him?”

“I promise to attend his basketball match yesterday,but I couldn’t make it cos I wasn’t feeling well” Mikaela told her.

“Oh, it’s not your fault! Just tell him about it. I’m sure he’ll understand” Eclipse pat her shoulder.

Just then, Kelly showed up with his friends. Thier eyes met and he almost turned to take another route.

“Now is your chance to tell him” Eclipse pushed her to his side, and leave them alone to talk. Kelly’s friends also left.

“I’m sorry I didn’t show up yesterday, I was-

“It’s okay Micky, my opponent didn’t show up either so the match was cancelled and postponed till next Sunday” Kelly said, his tone flat and unenthusiastic.

“I’m really sorry, I’ll make it up to you by coming on Sunday!” She said and he nodded.

“I’ve to go now,see you in class” Kelly added and left.

Mikaela turned to leave too,only to run into Nikita and Mimi, her friend.

“I said it you’re really a slut Mikaela, why are you still leading him on when you don’t feel the same way for him?” Nikita snapped.

“Slut is out of it, she’s a bîtch?!” Mimi chirped in disgustedly.

Mikaela just hissed and push them out of the way,and left.

“Seriously, that bîtch is getting on my nerves this days! I h@ťě her so much! Why did he have to choose her over me?” Nikita yelled angrily.

“Calm down baby girl, the annual party is happening soon, we’ll surely put her in her place!” Mimi assured.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course,trust me girl” Mimi smirked evilly.



Lyric took a deep breath before walking into Leonardo’s office, not sure what to expect.

She can feel her heart beating faster as she approaches his desk. He’s busy typing something on his computer, and doesn’t notice her at first.

Finally, he looks up, and his eyes meet hers.

“Can I help you?” he asks, with a polite but neutral expression on his face.

“Hi, Mr. Leonardo. My name is Lyric, and I’m the new secretary” Lyric said,trying to sound composed.

“Oh? Yh I remember hiring you yesterday, what can I help you with?”

“I was just wondering if there was anything you needed me to do today. I haven’t really been assigned any tasks, and I thought I should check in with you to see if there was anything you needed me to do” Lyric said nervously.

“That’s very thoughtful of you, but sadly I don’t need you to do anything for me for now! You can just rest if you want” Leonardo said.

Lyric stood at a spot, confusedly.

“You don’t have to worry, I won’t deduct your pay because you’re not being given any tasks just yet. Take your time to get familiar with the files, and we’ll go from there.”

“Thank you for being so understanding, Mr. Leonardo. I really appreciate it.” She turns to leave, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders.

She suddenly faced him.

“Apart from being ski||ed in handling files and all, I’m also ski||ed at other things” She said and Leo raised his head.


She was about replying when Davina badge into the room interrupting thier conversation He looks up at her in surprise, and Lyric he’s talking to turns to see who has just barged in.

“Why haven’t you been answering my calls or texts? I’ve been trying to reach you for days, and you’ve been ignoring me!” Davina yelled,her voice shaking with anger.

“What is the meaning of this? What did you want Davina?”Leonardo said sternly.

“You! I want you Leo!!!” Davina snapped.

She began walking to him,but Lyric blocked her way.

“Get the f-__-k out of my way! I need to speak with your boss!” Davina spat.

“I don’t think he’s ready to talk, please leave and come back when he’s ready” Lyric said politely.

Davina was expecting Leonardo to say something,but he only remain quite,glaring at her dangerously.

“I know you’re just his secretary,so get the hell out of here! Don’t meddle in this cos it’s none of your business!!” Davina shirked,her voice rising in fraustation.

She made an advance to Leo,but Lyric blocked her path once again.

“Who said I’m his secretary?” Lyric smirked.

“So, who’re you to him? His slut?” Davina asked and Lyric take a step closer…

“I’m his girlfriend” Lyric said and Davina eyes widened. Leonardo was not left out.

“What are you talking about? Leo will never do such a thing! He’ll never love anyone else except me!” Davina replied proudly.

“Says who” Lyric turned to Leonardo,who as been watching the scene in utter shock.

“Leo… Can you tell this pest who I am right now, so she can leave before I contact a disease” She said caressing his chest.



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