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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SUCCUBUS – Episode 25 & 26

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( Demons Amongst Humans )

THEME: Beautiful Nightmare 🔞

By, Precious Pinky









“What is this?” Lilith frowned. “Have I switched souls with a human?”

The door suddenly busted open and Mr. Brown emerged.

“Princess, are you okay?” He stepped closer to her, encircling his strong arms around her slender body. “You got us so worried. What is wrong with you? Why are you acting this way?”

Lilith didn’t try to pull away from him neither did she give answers to his numerous questions as she was led out of the bathroom and to the room by him.

None of what was happening made sense to her. How could she be in the body of a human? How did she get to this point?

She had never heard of a situation like this. Her mother, father, or teachers never told her anything about an immortal occupying the body of a human. And that’s because it has never happened before in history.

She wanted to make sense of the circumstances. She wanted to join the pieces together and work the puzzle but of course, nothing was making sense.

Why can’t she even transform into her demon form? She wondered, staring at her trembling hands.

What is wrong with her??

Lilith felt like screaming at the top of her lungs. The urge to get away from these people and this place was overwhelming her but then again, where would she go to? Where does she know in the human world?

Mr. Brown put his daughter to sit down on the bed and crouched in front of her, covering her hands with her large palms.

“Baby girl, could you please look at me?” He asked but she didn’t answer him.

Joan cried out, leaning against the cold wall. Carmen, on the other hand, bit her lower lips and sobbed silently while consoling her mother as well.

The door to the ICU opened, revealing Camden and the female doctor.

“What is going on” The doctor asked, grabbing everybody’s attention aside from that of Lilith as she was still lost in her thoughts.

“Something is wrong with my daughter.” Mr. Brown informed, standing up to his full height and stepping away from the girl so that the doctor could have access to her.

“What do you mean?” The doctor studied her patient, creasing her brows in confusion. “How is this possible?”

“What is it?” Camden asked.

“She…” The doctor’s voice trailed off as she once again studied her patient closely. “She was in a coma, right?”

“Obviously. I mean, isn’t that the reason you brought her here? Why are you even asking that kind of a ridiculous question?” Joan flared up.

“Calm down, ma’am. I’m sorry if my question angered you. I’m just confused.”

“Confused?” Mr. Brown reiterated. “Why?”

“Hours ago, she was in between life and death and now, here she is, looking so healthy and well. I know it is a good thing and I should be congratulating you all right now, but,” She sighed. “I can’t believe my eyes right now.”

“Aren’t there situations of people waking up from a coma?” Carmen asked.

The doctor nodded her head in approval.

“Yeah, there are. But there are no cases of people waking up shortly after getting into a coma and being so healthy and well.” She said.

“I wish that was actually the case, doctor. I wouldn’t even mind.” Joan muttered, sniffling.

“What do you mean, ma’am?”

“My daughter…” The woman nodded her head at her child. “she isn’t healthy or well like she appears to be.”

“My wife is right, doctor. Esmeralda has been behaving differently and it’s all strange.”

“How do you mean?”

“She is claiming not to be Esmeralda. She said all kinds of things like; ‘I am not your daughter.’ ‘Who are you people?’ ‘Stay away from me or else I’m going to ki|| you.’ ‘Don’t come any close to me.’ ‘How did I get here?’ And so on. And look at her now,” Mr. Brown remarked. “She has been that way since I got her out of the bathroom.”

“Really?” The doctor Ç0çƙed her brow, moving her gaze to the patient who sat motionless on the bed, still staring at her trembling hands.

“My daughter is not okay.” Joan murmured.

“Let me see,” The doctor took off the stethoscope hung on her neck and stepped closer to Lilith. “Hey, Esme, I would like to check your heartbeat. You don’t mind, right?”

“Stay away from me,” Lilith growled as she clenched her trembling hands. “All of you,” She looked up at them, boiling in anger. “stay the f-__-k away from me!”

“Esmeralda, you are scaring us. Please stop acting this way.” Joan pleaded.

“I am not Esmeralda! I am Li… Li… Arggggggh!” She screeched, knocking down the heart monitor and IV. “What is wrong with me? What did you people do to me? How did I get here?”

“You see? This is how she had been behaving. The Esmeralda I know, my daughter, would never behave like this.” Mr. Brown proclaimed.

“The only thing we can do right now is to sedate her.” The doctor stated.

“Do wh@ťěver you must do, doctor. As long as it is going to save my daughter.” He told her.

The doctor pressed a button that was on the wall and a few seconds later, two nurses entered the room, holding a small tray of syringes.

“Did you bring a sedative?” The doctor asked them.

“Yes, doctor.” The nurses nodded their heads in unison.

“Good.” She collected one syringe from the tray and motioned her assistants to hold the patient down.

“If you touch, I will ki|| you.” Lilith thr_@tened, pressing her back against the wall. “Nobody in this room should get any closer to me.”

One of the nurses stubbornly came close to Lilith, reaching out to hold her hand but of course, she paid the price of her foolishness and stubbornness.

Lilith wrapped her fingers around her neck, straining air from the nurse’s lungs.

“How dare you ignore my warning?” She groaned menacingly, tightening her fingers around the poor lady’s neck.

“Jesus. She is going to ki|| her.” Carmen pointed out the obvious.

“Esmeralda, what are you doing? Let go of the nurse.” Joan scolded in a muffled voice.

“I AM NOT ESMERALDA!” Lilith yelled angrily, and thunder boomed across the night sky.

The bulb in the room switched off and darkness took over.

“What is going on? I can’t see anything.” Carmen voiced out.

“Me either.” Others noted.

Lilith decided to take the chance of being the only one who could see in the darkness to get out of there.

She let go of the nurse she was strangling and rushed out of the room.

Immediately after she left the room, the bulb flickered on and illuminated the room, getting rid of the darkness.

“What just happened?” Camden breathed out as they could all finally see now.

“Nurse Ella, are you okay?” The other nurse moved close to her co-worker, lifting her upper body.

“I…” Ella coughed, rubbing her bruised neck.

Joan examined the room and her face dropped instantly.

“Where is Esmeralda?”


Lilith stepped out of the hospital building, wearing just the hospital gown and with no slippers or shoes on.

👥What is wrong with her?

👥Where is she going to? Isn’t she a patient?

👥How can she be wearing a thin cloth and barefooted in this cold?

👥Where is her family? or even her personal doctor?

👥This is crazy!

She ignored the words flying around and the stares of humans thrown in her direction. All that mattered to her at the moment was getting out of this f-__-king human world.

But how can she go to the underworld without transforming into her demon form? That was the question troubling her mind.

People stayed out of her way as she walked past them, mumbling some incoherent words to herself.

On getting to the gate, the security of the hospital stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

“Hey, miss. Where are you off to?” He asked.

“I have to get out of here. I don’t belong here. Why am I even here?” Lilith continued mumbling to herself, attempting to walk past the man but he wouldn’t step aside or get out of her way.

“Miss, you are a patient, aren’t you? I can’t let you out of here without the permission of_” His voice faded away when her eyes changed from hazel to bright red.

“Who… who are you?” The security stuttered, taking a step back in fear.

In a flash, Lilith clutched him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to herself.

“Be miserable,” She muttered before letting go of him and walking away.

The security started acting like a zombie. He took off his shirt, cap, and trousers and began eating at his own flesh and drinking his blood, growling like an animal.

👥Oh, my God. What is wrong with him?
👥Call the doctors, he needs help.
👥What is he doing?

The hospital compound became a place of chaos as the security man started chasing after people around.


Mr. Hill chuckled, pulling his fingers out of his wife’s honeypot and shoving them into his mouth, sucking off her juices that lingered on his fingers.

Hannah smirked, standing up to her feet and rearranging her dress.

“You and your mouth…” She shook her head, dusting off imaginary dirt from her body.

“You and your husband left me no choice, mother. I can’t see you both f-__-king and not say anything.” King retorted.

“How have you been, son?” Mr. Hill asked after a moment of silence, rising to his feet.

“I’m good.” He answered, stuffing his hands inside his pants pocket. “England is amazing with amazing…humans.”

Mr. Hill Ç0çƙed a single brow, tilting his head to the side.

“Amazing…humans.” He repeated the exact words of his son. “That wasn’t the reply I had expected to hear.”

“Father,” King released a deep breath. “even if you and Mother decide to take me around the world, nothing will ever change my perspective of humans.”

“Nobody wants to change your perspective, son.” Hannah corrected. “Humans are weak, stupid, and slaves to us. That’s a fact. But we have to be able to live peacefully with them. After all, this is their world.”

King simply rolled his eyes.

“Your mother is right.” Mr. Hill chimed in. “You h@ťě humans and that’s understandable. I mean, we taught you that. However, you can’t keep ki||ing them at any slight chance. We cannot reveal our true identities to the humans.”

“I have never revealed my identity to any human.” King sassed.

“Are you sure of that?” Mr. Hill queried.

“Okay, maybe I have. But that was once or no, twice. Oh, wait, thrice?”

“You see? You’ve lost count. That’s what I’m trying to say, son.”

“But I ki||ed them, didn’t I? I mistakenly revealed my identity to some people and I corrected the mistakes.”

“ki||ing them didn’t stop the rumors that started going around about the existence of vampires, remember?”

“Now I get why you both decided to ship me off to England.” He scoffed.

“We were trying to protect you and our identities.” Hannah reasoned.

“So what now?”

Mr. Hill strode towards his son and halted in front of him.

“If you haven’t changed, then I guess we will have to_” He was interrupted by King.

“Ship me to Africa.”

“What?” Hannah deadpanned.

“Isn’t that it? You both will continue shipping me off to different continents in the world until I change my perspective about humans, which by the way, I’m not going to change.”

“Listen to us!” Hannah snarled. “Neither your father nor I want to change your perspective about humans. We just want you to stop ki||ing every human you see in front of you.”

“Is that why you filled the house with humans?” He asked.

“Partially.” She mumbled.

“Wow.” King ruffled his hair. “You know what? I’m going to hunt.”

“No, you are not.” Mr. Hill stated.

“Stop me if you can.” That was King’s reply before dashing out of the house at his vampire speed.

Mr. Hill attempted to go after him but his wife stopped him by grasping his wrist.

“What are you doing? I need to stop that child from doing anything stupid.”

“First off, King is not a child. He is 150 years old. Secondly, I’m sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid.”

“He wants to go and hunt.” He repeated King’s words just in case she didn’t hear him clearly.

“He is a vampire and what do vampires do? We hunt. Besides, it is late and hours like this are usually in our favor. So calm down, okay?”

The man puffed out a deep breath, sitting back down on the back couch.

“I think it is high time we take Kingsley to the underworld.” He mused.

“What? No f-__-king way will I take my son down there. Never.”

“Are you still scared?”

“Shouldn’t I be? Have you forgotten what happened decades ago?” She sighed. “I won’t let my son and that demon cross paths. I won’t let the past repeat itself again. I had rather let him stay in this world and reveal our identities to the whole universe than take him to the underworld.”


Beverly entered the house, crying uncontrollably when she heard the arguments of her parents in the dining room.

She contemplated going to her room to cry her eyes out or stay down to eavesdrop on her parents’ disagreement.

She chose to do the former because her heart was shattered into a million pieces and the only way she can diminish the ache that she feels is by letting go of her emotions.

Brent hurt her so badly. And he did so without thinking twice or considering her feelings.

How can he betray her like this?

How can he abandon her at a time when she needed him most?

Beverly turned to the stairs and was about to take a step forward when she heard the next words of her mother.

“Are you going to report your own child to the cops?”

‘Huh?’ She frowned, sauntering to the dining room and hid behind a wall to listen to their conversation.

“We have to do what is right. How can Beverly do something so wicked and heartless? If that girl dies, our daughter automatically becomes a murderer.” Mr. Chester let out.

“Let her be a murderer, I don’t care! But one thing is certain, I won’t let my child go to jail.”

“You need to stop indulging her in everything that she does, woman.”

“Beverly is my daughter!” Mrs. Chester yelled. “You don’t expect me to sit back and watch her pay for her crimes, do you?”

“At least you are admitting to her crimes, aren’t you? You know what she did is very wrong. So why are you trying to cover it up?”

“Because it is my daughter we are talking about here.” She retorted. “Listen, I only told you everything because I need your help to protect Beverly. Do not make me regret my choices, Mr. Chester.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t support you on this one. I can’t do it. Being against Mr. Brown is like being against the president. Do you know what it is going to cost us if the truth goes out there?”

“Exactly why we need to cover it up. I will send out a narrative to the press about Esmeralda committing suicide. They won’t hold us accountable for anything if we give out that kind of narrative.” She said.

“Are you really going to go this far? Now tell me, what happens if the girl in question survives the fall and tells everyone what happened?”

Mrs. Chester was quiet for over three minutes before answering.

“I will keep praying that she doesn’t survive the fall. Tomorrow I will go to the hospital to see how severe her condition is and I will tell her family that she committed suicide and that we have a witness.”

“Who will be the witness? Beverly?”

“What? Of course not. Beverly can’t get involved in this case at all. I will just find two random students to play the ‘witness’ role. Just support me on this. Please.”

“But everyone knows that Beverly and her cohorts bully Beverly, right?” He questioned.

“I can make every student not talk about the bully again. Leave that to me to take care of.”

“Hmm. Are you sure we shouldn’t let Beverly face the law?”

“What is your problem? We are talking about your daughter here, Mr. Chester. If you love her then you should support me on this.”

Beverly pushed herself off the wall and quietly went upstairs to her bedroom.


Beverly strolled into her bedroom, smiling mischievously as she sat down at the edge of her bed, crossing her legs.

“I have nothing to worry about,” She wiped off the dried tear on her face. “Mum has everything under control. Ah, I feel so relieved.” She heaved out a deep breath of relief, lying down flat on the bed, and started giggling like a little girl.


“I am Lilith, mother. Your daughter.” Esmeralda said the words against her will.

Dahlia rounded the bed and stood in front of her, eyeing her carefully.

“Lilith…my daughter.” She mouthed, rubbing her thumb finger over Esme’s cheekbone, wiping off the blood tear.

Esmeralda could see this distrust in the woman’s eyes and she doesn’t blame the woman for doubting her.

She, herself can’t even believe that she is admitting to being someone she’s clearly not.

But why can’t she say her real name? Why does her name feel so heavy for her to let out??

Dahlia cupped the face of her daughter, peeking into her face.

“I’m glad you are awake, child. Rest up now. I will get back to you soon.” She gave her a tight-lipped smile and left the room.

Esmeralda released a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding in until now.

“Why can’t she see that I am not her daughter? I mean, isn’t the difference clear?” She approached a large wall mirror to stare at her face and her eyes went wide when she saw a total stranger staring back at her.

She leaned close to the mirror and so did the reflection.

“This…this is not my face.” She gasped out, running her hands over her face while looking dumbfounded. “Why do I have the face of somebody else?”


Dahlia entered her husband’s chamber and started pacing back and forth, ignoring the scene she had just walked into.

Graham was pounding into Thea, his second wife, aggressively.

Thea Mõ@ɲed loudly, wrapping her legs tightly around his torso.

“What…what is it?” Graham asked, still doing his business.

“Lilith is awake.” She announced, watching them f-__-k in front of her.

“Wow. That’s good news. How is_”

“No, it’s not.” Dahlia cut him off. “She is acting differently. And guess what? She cried.”

“Okay? Immortals cry as well. Is there anything new in that?”

“She cried blood and human tears.” She informed.

Thea and Graham went limp instantly and faced Dahlia at once.

“That’s impossible.”


Lilith aimlessly walked down the street, having no destination in mind.

Every human she passes either gets charmed by her beauty or becomes miserable.

No single person passed by her and don’t feel affected by just her aura.

👥Who is that goddess?
👥I am mesmerized.
👥I want to touch her so badly

The voices of the desperate humans both male and female fill the air but Lilith pays attention to none of them.

This wasn’t a new thing. After all, she is a succubus and humans can’t resist her charm unless she wants them to.

She knows the sëxual desire of every human littered around the street. She could see their fantasies flashing in her head. However, sëx isn’t what she seeks right now.

Lilith abruptly stopped walking when she felt the presence of a strong and inhuman energy.

She looked ahead and saw a young guy in black attire, approaching her.

The strong energy was definitely from him.

A smirk appeared on her face and she snapped her fingers, bringing the vicinity to a pause.

“It’s time to feed,” She said, her eyes changing to red.


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