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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE END: THE COMPETITION – Episode 66 & 67

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Battle of the

Heart and brain🏆





“I was a deal,” Tiffany’s voice came from the door

Atticus’s jaw dropped instantly and he jumped down the desk.

He’s actually the one who told her to come wait for him so they could have lunch together but sadly she heard what she wasn’t supposed to hear.

“Tiffany, I can explain….” She ran out of the class in tears.

“f-__-k, I told you, Arlo, I was off the game,” he ran after her

Asher turned to Arlo who was grinning

“You did that on purpose didn’t you?” He asked and Arlo laughed

“So what’s the big deal?” He shrugged

“You might ruin his relationship….”

“Do I look like I care? By the way, why are you suddenly acting all goody? He did the same thing to Felix remember? Or have you forgotten?” Arlo spread his arms

“A deal is a deal bro, no hard feelings,” He jumped down the desk also, winking at Asher before walking out.



The limo came to a hint in front of the gigantic mansion that was buzzing with music, Diana alighted from the limo.

Her mother was already down with Carl her bodyguard beside her, flashes of cameras came flashing at their faces and Carl shaded his boss with his body till they got Inside.

The big door opened reviewing the decorated Living room, maids lined up like soldiers.

A middle-aged couple stood at the center of the big Luxury living room.

“Welcome to our humble Home,” The man offered a handshake, Carl stepped forward and shook his hand instead.

Pulling out the chair, Diana’s mom settled down as the whole family joined the dining.

“It’s an honor for you to honor our Invitation….” They continued talking while Diana was busy looking around for the so-called fiance.

A Maid passed a drink to her Mom but Carl took it gulping down a little, after three minutes passed and nothing happened to him, he passed the drink to his boss who took it.

The couple exchanged glances.

“It’s good that your daughter here will be getting married to my son Matthew in a few days,” the man said.

The fork on Diana’s hand falls from her, did she just hear them correctly? Like Matthew?

She looked up and their eyes met, he winked at her, but she looked away.

When she had seen him at first she thought maybe he was just a guest.

“I need to use the restroom,” She looked up

“Matthew,” the woman next to her husband called and he quickly stood.

“Of course, this way,” he replied, taking a tissue from the table and wiping his hand with it.

Meanwhile, outside the compound, the sound of music buzzing could be heard, partygoers roaming around, some holding vodka while some were with Ç0çƙtails.

Sophia and Scarlett could be seen talking and laughing when Hudson suddenly showed up

Sophia glared at him

“I should go look for Oliver,” she winked at Scarlett and walked away

“Hey,” Hudson settled down

Scarlett glared at him and excitement rushed through her, She wanted to jump on him, to cling tightly to him, she’ve missed him so much but she stopped herself.

“have already been booked tonight so look for another customer,” she rolled her eyes.

“Mami, I’m sorry,” he began softly

She glared at him

“For what? After all, you’re right, I’m just a hooker….”

“No, you’re not,” he cut her off, Hudson held her hand and she glanced at his face

“I couldn’t bring myself to fight my brother over a woman again, I’m the eldest, and things are expected of me, I’m really sorry for calling you names and trust me it hasn’t been easy for me too. I see you everywhere! I’m new to all these things, and…..” Scarlett couldn’t stop herself as she pulled him into a hug.

“I missed you, even though you said those awful, awful things to me I didn’t want to believe that you meant them,” she whispered in his ears, her tears soaking his shoulder.


Judson stopped watching Scarlett and Hudson, his heart aching as he watched her shed tears and Hudson was the one consoling her and not him.

“She’s happy,” he muttered to himself and turned to leave only to bump into someone.

“Diana,” Judson called surprised, Stretching his hand, she took it in and stood straight.

She was walking so fast as if being chased by someone or something.

“I’m sorry doing this,” she slammed her lips on his, Judson’s eyes widened but it was only for a while cos he pulled her closer by her waist reciprocating the kiss.

“Hey, that’s my fiance….. She’s mine,” Matthew yelled, pulling Diana away from him then he punched Judson.

“Security,” Judson shouted.

Two security guards rushed forward and held Matthew down, He began struggling to free their grip and after much struggle, they let go of him.

He looked around and Judson and Diana were already gone. Filled with rage he stormed off.



Hudson slightly lifted his suit and Scarlett’s eyes widened, her hand covering her mouth to prevent her from screaming down the building.

“No way, you didn’t do that do you?” She asked moving back.

She went closer, thrilling her hand on his tummy where he tattooed half her body.

“Is that me?” She looked at his face, as tears began building up in her eyes.

“No tears,”

“It’s so lovely and romantic, can I also get a tattoo of you…..”

“No, I love you just the way you’re, no tattoos,” he replied and she cupped his cheeks before claiming his lips.

f-__-k. He never thought anything in this world would make him go out of his way, doing things that would make anyone happy, he never imagined that his happiness would be in another person’s hands.

Seeing her happy face, those smiles make him proud of himself. Indeed, he’s a lion and not a monkey.

Hudson Chuckled

“Did you just chuckle….ahhh” Scarlett let out a painful cry, Hudson looked down at her face to see blood in her mouth.

His eyes widened as he shifted back, still holding her shoulders. Fear and shock were written all over his face.

“Mami, what happened?” He asked, checking her out, he had no clue why the blood was in her mouth.

“Now who’s the boss? No wonder I have always h@ťěd you, you think you can go around messing with other people’s women?” Matthews spat coming their way.

His gun in his hand as he aimed at Hudson this time.

“I have loved Diana all my life and if I can’t have her no one else will. We are getting married,” he yelled, attracting people’s attention.

Hudson slightly bent over and Scarlett dropped on the floor with blood oozing from her back where the bullet penetrated.

“Any last words motherf-__-ker??” Matthew spat, mistaking Hudson for Judson.

From nowhere a bullet went into his chest, he staggered back and more bullets kept coming, he kept staggering back till he fell on his knee and dropped dead.

Storm dropped the gun in his hand and ran over to Hudson and Scarlett.

“Scarlett,” he called

“Somebody call an ambulance?” He yelled with tears in his eyes.

“I feel Cold,” Scarlett mumbled with tears in her eyes


“Where’s Mummy?” Iris asked

Sophia shrugged, Oliver dropped the Ç0çƙtail on the table pecking Sophia’s lips, he passed the ice cream to Iris who shook her head negatively.

“I want mummy,” she Said

“Fine, let’s go, Oliver Honey, are you coming?” Sophia asked softly and he nodded


“Why is mummy sleeping on the floor while all these people are watching, they might think she’s Crazy,” Iris muttered as they approached the scenes.

“Oh my gawd, What happened?” Sophia covered her mouth, upon seeing Scarlett lying lifelessly In Hudson’s arms.

He was fighting to be strong but deep down……

“Take her out of here,” Judson said and Sophia nodded.

“No, I want mummy, daddy don’t be cruel it’s my mummy,” Iris began sobbing.

“What’s going on here? Why is she crying?” Tiffany asked walking over to them with Molly, Fiona, Margret, and Amanda.

“Isn’t that your sister?” Fiona asked pointing at Scarlett.

“Scarlett,” Tiffany ran into the crowd.

“She will be just fine, I already called the paramedic,” Judson said blocking her

“Move,” Tiffany shoved him out of the way, crouching beside Scarlett as streams of tears came rolling down her face.

“What happened? Who did this to me? My only family,” she cried out loud

“Scarlett, Scarlett can you hear me?”

“Tiffany it’s okay, it doesn’t hurt that much any longer,” Scarlett slowly opened her eyes

“You’re not leaving me right?” She asked pouring out tears “Who will take care of me? What about Iris? You said we are family and families don’t leave each other right?” Tiffany asked

“It’s okay, Hudson will help me take care of you….”

“No, who will be my big sister, who will yell at me for not giving her the bills on time? Who will do all the things you used to do for me, Scarlett I love you very much, please don’t leave me, hang on okay? I will call an ambulance,” she quickly brought out her phone

“Already did,” Judson stopped her.

“Who will be my sister if you leave me? What will I be without you, you’re my Mom, my Dad, my Big sister, my guidance, my backbone, please don’t leave me,” she cried agonizingly

“I want to sleep, have always been lazy and tired,” she mumbled and closed her eyes

“Mummy, you can’t sleep here people are watching and it’s embarrassing,” Iris’s loud voice shouted

She slowly opened her eyes and forced a smile

“Get up and let’s go home, you can sleep on the bed not here,” Iris added more in a whisper

She looked around, glaring from one face to another

“Why’s everyone crying?” She broke into tears

“Sophia, thank you for being my friend, I guess happiness wasn’t part of my life….”

“Don’t say that,” Sophia cut in with a cracking voice

“I don’t know who Judson is gonna end up with, please make sure my baby is okay, baby, come here,” Scarlett said weakly

Iris went forward.

“Why is there blood in your mouth Mummy and why is everyone crying?”

“You know, I love you, right….”

“With half part of your heart and the other part is for Tiffany, but I can keep all the hearts until she’s ready to take her part of it,” Iris replied even before she could finish.

Scarlett chuckled.

“I will never stop loving you, never forget that, and you Tiffany… Try…. Oh, I feel so good, my wound doesn’t hurt anyone, all I need right now is to sleep,”

Scarlett looked at Hudson whose eyes were heavy and reddish.

“Kiss me,” she said in a whisper, he didn’t waste a second as he leaned over and kissed her softly.

He was expecting her to reciprocate to his kiss, but when she didn’t, he pulled away, her hand dropped from his neck.

Picking up her hand Hudson let go of it and it fell freely, he exchanged glances with Tiffany who picked up her other hand raising it, she let go of it and it fell freely.

“Scarlett,” Hudson Called, checking her pulse

There was silent

“Scarlett come on, don’t do this to me,” he didn’t know when a tear dropped from his eyes but he didn’t care, the love of his life can’t leave him.

The first woman he loved wholeheartedly without knowing.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” He broke into tears in front of the whole crowd.

Just then, an ambulance drove in.

Everything happened so fast after what happened at the party.

Angelina got back with her husband but it took him so much time to win her back.

Mr. Bills caught Selena cheating and divorced her.

Mr. Anderson apologizes to his wife and accepts to change his way and become a husband and a father, his wife drops the divorce charges and they are happy.

Atticus got together with Tiffany after much explanation and evidence 🧾 that he truly loves her.

Diana disowned her Mother for being mean and evil but they later got back together and she’s married to Judson.

Matthew has been buried and his bone might have been eaten by…

Fiona and Asher are still dating while Felix got himself another girlfriend.

Molly is currently married to Jaden and they are expecting a baby soon.

Sophia has two kids, a boy and a girl and she’s currently married to Oliver who proposed to her as soon as he turned 20


Hudson swung his gaze to the ominous hospital looming above him.

He has been coming here nonstop, day after day, five years. sitting by her side, praying and hoping by some miracle he would see her dazzling eyes and her big brown eyes but all he got was the silent and beeping of the life machine.

He would have been a Dad if not for that stupid Matthew…

“You’re here,” Sophia said immediately he entered the hospital ward, she was already there with Tiffany and others.

Stepping foot into the ward he paused by the door then looked back at Judson who nodded.

Hudson walked in and Scarlett who was watching the news dropped her remote control, staring strangle at him.

She chuckled softly “Who’s this hottie?” She asked no one in particular.

“You don’t remember me?” he asked sadly while walking towards her.

“She has amnesia, I’m sorry, my team and I tried our best,” Diana said walking in.

Hudson looked at her, it was still surprising how she managed to retrieve Scarlett but what was he expecting from a professional doctor?

“Mami,” Hudson took Scarlett’s hand, Leaning over he kissed her softly and pulled away.

She gasped, her heart hammering.

“A cute hottie just kissed me, Wait. Is this a dream?” She asked looking around.

He kissed her again and she fainted, he was about kissing her again when Judson held his shoulder, pulling him back.

“Don’t overwhelm her,” he said calmly.

“Oh, I guess I was just….. I mean… I… I will be right outside,” Hudson left instantly.

Slowly Scarlett opened her eyes, She glared at Judson then frowned.

“Where is the cute guy?” She frowned deeply

“Mummy,” Iris called blinking back tears

Scarlett stared strangely at her then at Sophia

“Do I have a kid?” She asked

“You don’t remember me?” Iris asked sadly

Diana went closer

“Give her time, she will,” she assured

“Does that mean I’m also married?” Scarlett asked staring from one person to another

“No, you didn’t want to get married….”

“Isn’t that silly? Who would want kids but wouldn’t want to get married?” She asked

“You are, and you wouldn’t say why,” Judson replied softly, he sat by her side and began stroking her hair, Diana glared at him and he quickly withdrew his hand.

“Scarlett,” Tiffany called in tears

Scarlett glared at her

“Lemme guess, you’re my kid,” she said funnily

“No, your sister?”

“Do I have Mom and Dad too?”


“Oh, that’s very, very, very Awful, awful,” she mumbled like a kid.

“Why is my heart pounding just the way it did when that cute guy kissed me?” Scarlett asked looking around.

“Really, Your heart is beating for me??” Judson asked surprised

How come she couldn’t remember him but her heart did?

“Nah, it was Hammering so bad for the cute hottie but yours is just a little…oh it’s the cute guy, you look like a devil, lemme say, cute devil,” She said all in one word.

Hudson looked at Diana

“Thank you, and your team, thank you all…..”

“Ehhh… We are not God, just doing my job,”

“We are going home as a complete family,” Judson shook hands with his brother

“We are gonna fill our house with happiness, Someone should teach me that song, Why are you all stingy?” Sophia frowned sadly

Hudson carrying Scarlett in a bridal style walking out of the ward.


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