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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 50 & 51

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆



EPISODE 50 & 51

“The lady said you should let her go, are you willing to do that, or do you need help?” Hudson said in a deep cold voice.

Storm was startled as he let go of Scarlett, she glances at Hudson then dash out of the place.

“Sweetness wait,” Storm made to go after her, but Hudson blocked his way.

“Do you go around harassing my staff’s?” he asked, his voice raspy and cold.

“That’s the mother of my child, the love of my life,” Storm replied, and Hudson raised an eyebrow.

He never imagined that.

“I presume It makes you Storm?” he asked walking over to his office chair.

Storm followed behind settling down on the single chair in Hudson’s office.

“She already told you about me,” Storm replied crossing his legs.

Hudson flipped the file on his desk, not saying a single word.

“What’s your business with her?” Storm asked and Hudson glanced at him, Hudson lowered his gaze and continues what he was doing.

“I just asked a question,” Storm added agitatedly.

“If you need a spoke man then get one,” Hudson’s raspy voice came out loud, he dropped the file in front of Storm then stood

“You know your way to your office if you would excuse me,” Hudson began walking away



Scarlett hasn’t stopped crying as she rode the elevator to the last floor, Diana who was beside her passed her handkerchief and she took it, wiping her eyes with it but more tears were streaming down her

“You wanna talk about it?” Diana asked casually

Scarlett stared at her, she couldn’t see clearly as she was blinded by tears

“Five freaking years of my life has been nothing but lies,” she lamented and sniffed, she wipe her eyes again

“Five f-__-king years,” she let out again

“You still love him?” Diana asked softly

Scarlett glared at her, she didn’t know the answer to this question, she couldn’t even answer it.

The elevator door opened, and she stepped out, Diana made to follow but she pushed her backward

“I want to be alone, besides I don’t know you so don’t follow me around,” she shunned, turning around she walked off

Diana gulped emptiness and sighed

“It’s high time I go home,” she mumbled to herself



“You passed the masters test,” Felix said as he walked side by side with Tiffany holding hands.

“What about Atticus…”

“Don’t know, don’t care,” he snapped, his hold on her tightened.

Tiffany stared at his face then at her hand

“You’re hurting me,” she mumbled looking down at her hand, Felix stared at her hand then he quickly let go of her

“I’m sorry, I didn’t….”

“It’s okay,” she cut him off with a lit smile

Tiffany sat down on the green grass in the field and Felix settled down next to her.

“Why do you two detest each other so much?” she suddenly asked, picking a grass

He glanced at her


“You and Atticus, rumor has it that you both were best of friends so what happened?” she stared at him

“he betrayed me… can we not talk about him,” Felix said, putting his hand in his trouser pocket, he brought out a diamond necklace

“Close your eyes,” he said

“What’s that?”

“Just do as you’re told,” he said

Tiffany closed her eyes, and he smiled after fixing the necklace on her, she touched her neck and then glared at him. Felix presents a mirror to her face and she blushed upon seeing the diamond necklace on her neck

“it’s beauty but…..”

“Don’t reject it please,” he cut her off

“It looks expensive…”

“You’re expensive, it’s just a token of our friendship and a way for me to ask you to be my date to the Anderson’s party,” he said, and she gave it a quick thought

“Please my lady,”


“Thank you,” he pecked her forehead



“Thank you for helping me out, I passed,” Molly said beaming with smiles

Arlo’s eyes widened


“Yeah, all thanks to you,” she replied smiling sweetly at him

They stopped in front of the lab and he held her hand

“See you around, my lady,” he placed a soft kiss on the back of her palm and then walked into the lab.

She blushed heavily, grinning to herself

“Come here you Ɓîtçh,” Penelope suddenly pulled her hair from behind, slamming her back against the wall behind.

“Argh, what do you want?” Molly asked when she finally released her

“The new stupid Principal wants me to clean all the toilet here, so you will do it, Afterall you’re a maid…”

“First, my mother is a maid, and she works in your family house not starlight, second, I’m not a maid and third, I will not have you order me around,” Molly said boldly to her face

Audry’s jaw dropped in shock, what just happened? Where did all the courage come from?

Penelope was so shocked that she didn’t know what to say, like. Molly just stood up to her. No, she must be dreaming, Molly can’t try $h|t with her

“I said….” she tried pulling her hair again, but Molly slapped her hand off pushing her against the wall then pinned her there.

“Listen, I don’t care if my mom works for your family, but if you f-__-k with me again, you won’t like what I will do to you,” she said meaning every word

“Molly,” Jayden called walking over to them, she quickly let go of Penelope and took to her heels

“Molly waits, I just wanna talk,” he went after her

She has been avoiding him since the kiss



Angelina is currently in the kitchen doing the dishes when she noticed a presence by the door, before she could turn the person’s hand already went to her waist.

“Holy Donuts,” she flinched pushed whoever it was off her, and ran to another angle

Her eyes widened when she saw who it was, groaning on the floor was Mr. Bills, he looked wasted. Has he been drinking?

“Sir,” she took a step forward, peeping at his face

“Angelina, they want to take my life you need to help me,” he mumbled, stretching out his hand.

She looked around, she was the only one in the kitchen so she went to the long passage and peeped, seeing no one she went back to him

He held her and she helped him sit on the single chair in there.

“Sir, I think you need to rest,” she mumbled, mixing some things then she took it to him.


Mr. Bills closed his mouth, making a disgusting face, she held his jaw, forcing his mouth open then she pours the mixture down his throat.

“Very well,” she mumbled and placed her glass cup on the table.

A few moments later the gardener came in, she was actually the one that called him.

“Would you be kind enough to help me,” she asked and the middle-aged man nodded

“of course Angel,”

“Have told you to stop calling me that,” she glared

“My mouth, my property,” he smiled

She stopped by the door and the Gardener went in.

Meanwhile, Selena checked her time again, she nodded to herself and stood.

“I will finally kick her out of this house,” she mumbled to herself alighting from her car, rushing inside, Selena pushed their bedroom door with force and it went ajar.

“I said it, you’re sleeping with my husband, when I said it, they thought I was lying now I have you on tape,” Selena shouted, recording it

“Show your face husband snatcher,” she ranted

“Ma’am,” the gardener called, staring at her in disbelief, like, What the h*ll??

She frowned and looked around as if searching for someone

“Where is Angelina?” she asked grumpily

“In the kitchen,” he replied

“f-__-k, you mean she’s not here?”

“Not at all,”

“Did she come into this room?”

“No, she stopped by the door,” he replied, and Selena smashed her phone on the wall

“She’s a witch,” Selena shouted



“What were you thinking? You got the d@mn bills and you won’t tell me about it? I guess you want to pay it yourself, then do it cos I don’t have cash not even a cent,” Scarlett yelled at the top of her lungs

Tiffany was silent

“Because you don’t pay the bills, if only you know what it takes to feed two people, do you think I steal to provide for this family? Mom and Dad left us with nothing! nothing Tiffany!! not even A cents. I pay for your needs, everything you need as a teenager. You’re not my responsibility but I took it upon myself and at the end you will remind me how much of an illiterate I am….”

“Mummy,” Iris called walking towards them

“Shut up!!!!” she screamed at the poor girl

Iris burst into tears

“Mummy h@ťěs me,” she began sobbing

“I’m tired of all this, it’s tiring. Just when I thought everything is working fine then another problem will arise, why can’t my life ever be perfect?” she carried her both hands on her head

Tiffany moved closer, their rent bill came in last week and she forgot to give it to her sister which is why Scarlett took out her frustration on her.

“I’m sorry….” Tiffany took in a deep breath

“Scarlett, are you okay?”

“I am not okay!!!” she turned to her

“Why can’t things work out just the way I want it….” Tiffany rushed forward and hugged her tightly.

“You need to calm down…”

“You calm down,” Scarlett pushed her off

“Okay, I’m calm, and I’m sorry for not giving you the bills, I don’t know what your problem is but it’s okay, everything is gonna be alright someday…”

“When? I was just a teenager when our parents died and since then till now, I keep believing that everything is gonna be alright, Tiffany the bills is heavy, bus fees, lunch fees, snack fees, water, grocery, rent, light, tax….. I don’t have peace!!! I’m not happy,” she began sobbing


It’s a rare condition this day and age, to read any good news on the newspaper page, love, and tradition of the grand design, some people say is even harder to find. Well, then there must be some magic clue inside these gentle walls, cos all I see is a tower of dreams, real love busting out of everything seam

Tiffany urged Iris to come closer and the little one dropped her toy on the couch and then ran forward


As days go by


We’re gonna fill our house with happiness


The moon may cry


We’re gonna smother the blues with tenderness


As days go by


There is room for you and room for me, for gentle hearts an opportunity


As days go by


It’s the bigger love of the family

They hugged Scarlett tightly, Iris was so little, so she hugged her leg, Scarlett bent to her level and touched her cheeks

“Baby, I’m so sorry for yelling at you, do you think you can forgive mummy? I will never yell at you again, I promise,” she said pleadingly

“I love Mummy,” Iris jumped on her, and she carried her up

“Still sad?” Tiffany asked but she shook her head negatively

“A little,”

“Wow, I wanna be part of this family, there’s room for you and room for me, where is the room,” Sophia said by the dining

Scarlett called her earlier.

“Somebody should teach me that song,” she sat on the couch and they smile

“It’s actually a movie,”

“Well, I want to watch cos we’re gonna fill our house with happiness,” Sophia said and Tiffany chuckled

“How long have you been here??” Scarlett settled down next to her

“Wanna hang out?” Sophia asked totally ignoring her questions


“Come on,” Sophia took her purse

Just then the doorbell rang, and Scarlett dropped Iris back to her feet

“Go get it and whoever it is tell the person that I’m not around, okay?” Scarlett instructed and Iris nodded

She walked over to the door and opened it, Storm’s eyes lit up, his face curved into a smile as he gazes into her eyes.

“Princess,” he called reaching for her, his little girls have grown so much. The last time he saw her was when she was two and now, she’s a big girl

Iris frowned, since when did Mr. Grumpy start calling her princess

“Storm!! Buddy!!” Tiffany scrammed from behind, immediately she heard Princess.

Storm staggered back nearly hitting the ground as she jumped on him with full force, hugging him tightly

“Is this really you, buddy,” she held him tightly

“I thought I would never see you again,” she pulled away from the hug and then stared at his face, she didn’t mind the expensive suit he was putting on.

“You’re Daddy,” Iris’s tiny voice came on

Storm made to put Tiffany back to her feet, but she refused and cling tightly to him.

“Tiffany you’re not a kid anymore, so get down and get a boyfriend,” he scolded

Tiffany chuckled still holding him.

“I missed you, can’t believe those stupid cops said fish ate your body,” she looked at his face then at Iris

“How come you look just like Mr Grumpy?” Iris blurted out

“That’s true?” Tiffany shifted from him, staring at him with a suspicious look on her face

“you don’t have a brother or do you?” She asked, wishing he would say ” no”

“I do….”

“What???? Thought you Said you were an orphan,” She nearly screamed unbelievably

“It’s complicated,”

“Princess, you’ve grown so much,” he said and kissed her cheeks.

“I’m still growing, I’m four and half,” she giggled

“Is your mummy home? It took me a lot to locate her,” Storm said



They both said at the same time, he stared from one person to another

“She’s not in a very good mood,” Tiffany added

“She’s really mad,” Iris added in support

“Yeah, she should be cos I’m a jackass,” He took Iris’s hand going into the house.

Scarlett stared at him as he walked in, and instead of sadness, she felt a slow crescendo of anger, like a snowball rolling down the side of a mountain.

“Sweetness, I just wanna talk,”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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