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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 21 – 23

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆






Atticus sat on the single bench on the rooftop with his headphones as he listened to the stereo heart by Gym class heroes. He was still there when Felix walked up to him, upon seeing him Atticus removed the headphone from his ear and glanced at him.

“What do you want?” he asked staring him in the eyes

Felix took three steps closer, stopping right in front of him, his both hands suck in his trouser pocket.

“What’s your deal with Tiffany?” he asked in a rough voice.

Atticus chuckled

“So, what are you now? Her dad? Oh I’m scared,” Atticus said knowing faking it, he laughed sarcastically while pushing his hair back from his face.

“Stay away from her, you can have any girl you want but not her, you might consider this as a warning,” Felix turned to leave but Atticus held his arms pulling him back.

His laughing face turned to that of a serious one

“I take no order from anyone, nobody! and I will f-__-k her senseless, that’s my deal with her,” he replied boldly only to be rewarded with a punch, Atticus staggered back but another punch landed on his face again bursting his lips.

“She’s nothing like Ashley so back off…..” Felix was still saying but Atticus shut him up with a punch, he punched him over and over again, then Felix blocked the third punch and returned it, Atticus dodged and his fist met the wall.

“Argh!!” Felix winched in pain while wiggling his fingers.

“You bet on your girl and I f-__-ked her so what’s the big deal? I had fun, she had fun too. besides she had almost all the fun cos she was screaming like a hole that she was,” Atticus said and Felix launched at him.

“Son of a Ɓîtçh,” Felix spat, rushing to him

“I told you I was out of your stupid game, and yet you f-__-ked her even knowing she was mine,” Felix yelled with a punch but Atticus dodged his fist met the air.

“I always keep to all my promises, Atticus the Great never fails, and trust me when I say….. I WILL f-__-k TIFFANY DOUGLAS EVEN IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO,” Atticus said and laughed moving away from him.

“It’s another promise,” he added

“I’m warning you, stay away from her!!” Felix shouted and spite out blood, Atticus ignored him and walked away while using his shirt to wipe off the blood stains on his fist and mouth



“Lady, tell me a little bit about yourself,” Mrs. Anderson said, raising her head, she fixed her gaze on Scarlett

They are currently having lunch.

Stella smirked, Mrs. Anderson loves her and no one else so, this thing here has no place in this house.

“umm… it’s Scarlett ma’am,” Scarlett corrected with a little smile on her face.

“Oh, my bad,” Mrs. Anderson mumbled

“So, tell me, how long have you known my son?” she asked, ignoring her name

Scarlett looked at Hudson who was beside her and their eyes met, he looked away.

“Umm… we have been dating for three months now,” she replied and flashes him a smile.

Mrs. Anderson looked at Hudson and then return her gaze to her meal.

“So, why hasn’t he brought you home yet?”

“Mom, I just wanna take things slow and she didn’t want to rush things, right sweetness?” he asked staring at Scarlett.

“RIGHT SWEETNESS… RIGHT SWEETNESS… RIGHT SWEETNESS… RIGHT SWEETNESS,” Those words came rushing into her head, this man is different from her Storm but there is only one person who calls her that.

why is he doing all the things her Storm used to do? He even calls her Sweetness and only Storm Calls her that, no! Scarlett he’s not your Storm, he’s just…” Her thought was interrupted by Hudson who touched her lap under the table

Stella noticed and frowned

“I’m out of here,” Stella who couldn’t stand their lovey-dovey dropped her cutlery and stood

She went over and talk her purses

“Why so soon?” Mrs. Anderson asked glaring at her

“I think it’s the best for now,” Stella replied, she turned to Scarlett, an evil smirk swung up her face

“Bye,” she left, not without giving Scarlett deadly glares


Scarlett is busy arranging her bags when Hudson walked into the room.

She’s currently inside his bedroom

“Will you be chanced to go out tonight?” He asked, his right hand stuck in his trousers pocket.

She glanced at him and frowned

“Are you asking me out on a date?” She asked

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,”

“Then what’s this all about?” She asked anticipating what his next reply would be

Hudson left the door walking fully into the room, her heart pounded as she stared at his muscular body.

“It’s not a date…”

“I’m not going,” she replied and took her purse, she walked past him but he pulled her back by her wrist, pulling her to him.

“We had a deal…..”

“It’s deal over,”

Hudson signed

“It’s a date, now will you?” He asked in a calm voice and she glanced up at him, for a moment they were lost in each other’s gaze.

Hudson couldn’t put together where he has meet her but something seems familiar, he has seen those eyes somewhere but he can’t seem to figure out where.

There is something strange about her and he needed to find out what it was.

Slowly Hudson started leaning closer, Their lips were about to join when the door opened and Mrs Anderson entered. She halted by the door.

They quickly disengaged and Scarlett lowered her gaze.

“Gosh, what was I thinking?” She scolded herself then took in her lower lips before diverting her gaze to Mrs. Anderson.

Hudson went into the bathroom living the two women behind.

“Did I interrupt anything?” Mrs. Anderson asked softly and Scarlett shook her head negatively

“Was about leaving,”



Scarlett walked downstairs going over to the dining table with some files in her hand, she dropped them on the table and a knock came on the door, walking over to the door she opened it only to see their neighbor Elliot standing there.

“Hey, I’m your new ….”

“I know who you are,” she cut in

“Oh, Emm… I have been trying to get to you but you have been busy and ….”

“Get to the point,” she cut him off again

“Whoa, rude” he mumbled under his breath but she hard it and chose to ignore him

“Can I come in?” he asked


“Okay, are you free this weakened?”


“Was wondering if we could have dinner….”

“No,” she cut him off even before he could finish

“Be nice, I’m trying to be a gentleman here so don’t push it,” he suddenly raised his voice and she arched her brows.

He took in a deep breath and exhaled.

“I didn’t mean to raise my voice…..” she slammed her door in his face then hissed loudly.

Scarlett walked back to the dining and continue with what she was doing.

“Mummy,” Iris called, settling down beside her, then dropped her iPad on the table


“Wait, are you by any chance paying the bills?” she asked and Scarlett raised her head.


Iris jumped down from the chair and took her iPad

“I’m out of here,” she uttered, heading upstairs

The door cracked open and Tiffany entered, a sad look on her face. She dropped her backpack on the couch and then walked over to Scarlett.

“Can you imagine, they gave me two husbands, like who does that?” she complained and took an apple from the bowl of fruits neatly placed on the center of the table.

She took a big bite and then stared closely at Scarlett.

“What are you doing?” she asked, shifting closer

“Paying the bills,” Scarlet glanced up at her

Tiffany quickly rushed to her backpack, she took it, and came back then took three apples before waking away.

“Where are you going? You were saying….”

“Nevermind,” Tiffany shouted already at the stairs

Scarlett shrugged and continues what she was doing



The clattering sounds of heels could be heard as a woman approached a closed door, she stopped at the doorstep and held the handle then twisted the knob before pushing the door open.

“Where am I?” Came a faint voice of a girl laying tiredly on the princess bed.

The woman stood over her, staring at her not uttering a word.

“Who are you.” The girl’s voice came as a whisper.

“Leave us,” the woman finally breaks the silence, referring to the guards in there with them.

“I want to see my mom, please don’t hurt me, I’m the only child of my parents,” the girl hiccupped, streams of tears came rolling down her eyes.

“You’re no use to me dead,” the woman replied and sat on her bedside.

She slowly reached for the girl’s hair and stroke it gently, fear gripped the girl but she couldn’t move, not even a toe.

“What’s your name?” The woman asked with a sinister smile.

“Chloe Albert,”



“What is this place?” Oliver asked looking around, as he walked into the big compound with Sophia.

Everything looks luxurious, starting from the gate, classy men and women were all over having fun, he could tell just by their dressing style that he was nothing and shouldn’t be there cos these people control money.

The huge security by the door make way as they walked in.

“Sophia,” a deep voice came from behind and they turned in the direction of the voice

Oliver’s eyes nearly left it socked when he was who it was, O.J Kings, the multibillionaire from UK, a well-known business tycoon.

His body began shaking as he watch Sophia shook hands with the man who then turned to him

“Who’s this Young man?” the man asked staring at him

“Oh, a very good friend of mine, Oliver meet….”

“O.J Kings,” Oliver quickly cut in, breathing from his mouth.

Who are you kidding? He was speaking with a multibillionaire.

“I will see you around,” O.J Kings said and left to meet others

Sophia glanced at him

“This way,” Sophia flashed him a cute smile

His cheeks flushed red instantly as he felt butterflies in his belly.

“let’s go,”

They walked into the big hall, walking over to a particular table, Oliver didn’t stop looking around.

“Oh, look who we have here,” a voice said and Sophia smiled brightly.

“Wow, have never seen her this happy,” Oliver mumbled as they walked side by side, he stood at a sport while she went forward to greet all the billionaires one after another, they were like 8 of them.

“Don himself,” she offered a handshake smiling as she does that.

“And here comes my little girl,” one of the men said, pulling her into a hug.

“Uncle, Come on,” Sophia withdraws herself from him instantly.

“Look who is a big girl,” he teased her and others laughed.

“Who’s this young man?” The man asked staring at Oliver

“My friend,”

“Your friend or….”

“Uncle,” Sophia bumped her shoulder into his and he laughed out loud.

“Hey, come over here, come seat with me,” the man called out to Oliver and his jaw dropped

“Me…. me …” Oliver stuttered, touching his chest, his eye widened.

They looked at Sophia

“Isn’t he…”

“He is, honey, come over here,” she quickly cut in.

“Good thing you get rid of that Eric guy, I never liked him,” The man whispered to her and she frowned

“Uncle please,” whinnied and he chuckled.

“Oh God,” Oliver mumbled nervously.

Him sitting at the same table with rich men that money obeys, it’s a privilege.

His father owns a multi-million company but mehn, he’s dining with the rich.

Sophia is actually the one in charge of securing Jobs for every student in Starlight, she meets CEO’S and business tycoons all over the world to sign a contract with them.



“Scarlett, are you done?” Tiffany asked descending the stairs.

“No, I don’t get it, how can they charge so much for water? Do we have a swimming pool in this house that I don’t know about?” Scarlett turned to face her but Tiffany was already gone.

She ran back upstairs

Scarlett kept her gaze on the bills in front of her, checking if there is something she was missing but there wasn’t any

“You didn’t write what you will get for yourself,” her subconscious mind said

“Myself, what is myself, Tiffany repeated, giving it a thought

“Tiffany needs a new jacket and Iris needs nothing. I don’t have any other siblings with that name,” she said out loud.

“She’s going crazy, Scarlett what about that heels you said you like, you didn’t write anything about it,” her subconscious mind said again

Then it hit her

“Oh, that’s right,” She had put all the house bills, Tiffany’s needs, and Iris without remembering that she needed something.

She sighed sadly

“I will buy it some other time,” she muttered.

“Are you done?” Tiffany asked by the stairs again

She glanced up at her

“Yes, but I was thinking if you could wear the same underwear for two months….”

“What!! Are you trying to get me infected?” Tiffany screamed

She actually changes her underwear every month.

“It’s 12 pieces. Tiffany, there is these heels I want to buy but I ran out of money….”

“Don’t tell me you’re not gonna buy me the jacket” Tiffany cut in making a sad face

“I really need to buy that heels, please…”

“Scarlett you promised,” Tiffany said cutting in

“Fine, but I really love those heels,” She mumbled and looked at Tiffany

“Next month,”

“Do they accept your offer? Where is the money?” Scarlett asked, opening her palms.

“I haven’t had a chance to tell them yet,” Tiffany replied, taking a seat next to her at the dining table.

“I have a date tonight, and I want to cancel it,” Scarlett began.

“No, no, no, don’t even think about that!” Tiffany interrupted.

“But I feel so bad…

“Is this about Storm again? Scarlett, Storm is dead, move on!!!!”

“It’s not that simple,” Scarlett replied with watering eyes

“It’s been three years Scarlett, you deserve to be happy again,”

” Easy for a Virgin to say…”

Just then, the doorbell rang, and the two women exchanged glances.

“Are you expecting anyone?” Tiffany glared at her

“No,” Scarlett answered, shaking her head.

“I’ll get it,” Tiffany said, getting up and walking toward the door.

She opened the door, only to come face-to-face with none other than Atticus. Two massive suitcases sat on the porch

“I plan on staying here for our one week project, hope you don’t mind …..”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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