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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 19 & 20

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆





Tiffany’s eyes continue to widen as Atticus held tightly onto her waist, devouring her lips as if he couldn’t get enough of her, coming back to her sense, Tiffany placed her both hands on his chest and pushed him back to the floor

She quickly got up while cleaning her lips with the back of her palms

“Pervert,” she shouted, making a disgusting face

Atticus stared at Felix and then smirked, just what he wanted and he has it, he will surely frustrate Felix.

“How dare you take advantage of me?” Tiffany spat going closer

Atticus scoff

“You should be happy, do you how many girls that are dying for that opportunity,” he rolled his eyes

“Animal,” Tiffany shouted but Felix held her hand and pulled her back

She looked back at him with that sad look on her face

“He took advantage of me, I tripped and fell on him, and instead of him acting like a gentleman he kissed me without my permission,” she complained

“Nothing is free baby, there is a price for everything,” Atticus said loud enough for them to hear it

Felix held her shoulders, slowly patting her back

“We should go, the orientation already started,” he said and she looked him in the eyes

“Just forget about him, he’s a jerk,” he added and Tiffany nodded


“Over here,” Fiona said waving at Tiffany

She walked over to her and sat beside Molly, a girl sat next to her and she looked at the person’s face.

“Hey,” Tiffany waved at her

“Face your front,” the girls said rudely

“Maggi be nice,” Fiona said instantly but she scoffed and rolled her eyes

Another girl walked over to them and made to sit in the open space next to Maggi but she quickly dropped her backpack on it

“Already taken,” Margrete said not even sparing her a glance

“You didn’t bring any chair when coming so take that off or…”

“Or what?” Margrete stood facing her, so close that everyone around turned to stare at them

You might be wondering who Margrete is, well she’s a trouble maker just take it that way. Her body features is like that of a bodybuilder

“Any problem there?” the principal’s voice came out loud

“Avoid me, Amanda,” Margrete said and sat down.



“As you all know, we have a freshman among us, the least you can do is make her feel comfortable,” Sophia said standing in front of the class

Molly walked in gently as if counting her steps, she was so nervous.

“Introduce yourself,” Sophia said

Molly glance through the class and gulped, she took in a deep breath and was about to say a word when a folded paper landed on her face, she looked in that direction to see Penelope, and her heart jumped into her stomach.

“Can you at least say something about yourself?” Sophia asked, staring at her face but Molly was busy staring at Penelope who didn’t stop giving her a deadly glare.

Another piece of paper came her way but Sophia was fast to catch it and then unwrap it.


“Penelope Bills, on your feet,” Sophia said in a commanding tone

Everyone exchanged glances

Penelope scoffed

“You’re not gonna stand, are you?” Audrey asked unbelievably

“Not even if I’m crazy,” Penelope rolled her eyes

“I will not accept any form of misconduct from anybody, ON YOUR FEET!!” Sophia said authoritatively

Penelope dragged her Lazy @zz up then fold her hands around her chest and throw her face towards the window then scoffed.

“Bite me,” Penelope mumbled under her breath and rolled her eyes.

“Behave yourself, do you get that?” She asked walking over to her.

“Just apologize,” Audrey whispered

“Fine,” Penelope hissed and sat back down

Sophia went back in front of the class.

Molly went and sat in the space next to Amanda.

“This week’s project will be one family, choose a partner, you both will act as couples, drew lines on how to agree on the same thing, how to make decisions that will favor each other, how to manage a happy home and how to raise babies….”

“Do I get to choose my wife?” Felix asked instantly

“write down, three people’s names and fold them, they will be mixed up together with others then everyone will pick a single piece of paper,” she replied calmly.

Felix looked back to see Tiffany already scrubbing words in a paper

“Who would it be?” he asked in a whisper

“I won’t tell you,” she stick out her tongue smiling and he chuckled.

Atticus scoffed and rolled his eyes

Everyone quickly wrote their choice of partner and folded it, then walked over to the front board and dropped it in the big bowl in front of Sophia, she made sure each and everyone dropped three papers and returned to their seat.

“Finally everyone has written the names of who they want to marry, fake marriage not real. So let’s start from the boys and the Masters first,” Sophia said urging Felix to come first and he did

Atticus followed before the rest of the boys then the girls

“No! I can’t do this,” Fiona shouted, staring at her paper

“Who did you pick,” Molly asked, trying to get a peek from her paper

“Hello wife,” Asher came forward

Atticus smirked as he saw Tiffany’s name on his paper, he was gonna f-__-k her within the week.

“Who do you pick?” Felix asked walking towards her, his lips curled with smiles

“Dunno,” she replied and unwrapped her paper

“ATTICUS AND FELIX,” she looked at Sophia in disbelief

“Don’t look at her cos she didn’t participate, you should look at Atticus,” Felix said understanding the look on her face

They both chose her.

“What? That’s not possible, I can’t marry two men,” she looked at Atticus to see him smiling at her

“You did this one purpose, didn’t you?” she asked walking over to him

“Even the heavens want me to f-__-k you, so what’s the big deal,” Atticus replied nonchalantly and rolled his eyes

“Please can I switch?” Tiffany ran to Sophia instantly

“I’m afraid not, good luck,” Sophia replied and took her files

“One week is all it takes to make a good husband/wife, your partner will grade you, and trust me if you get anything that looks like C let alone C- don’t bother coming to Starlight the next day,” she started walking out.

She stopped by the door watching Oliver who was sobbing

“Oliver,” she called softly

“Nobody chose me,” he said sadly

She raised her brows

“What about Amelia?”

“She’s over there with her husband and she looks so happy, no girl is ever gonna love me….”

“Oliver don’t say that,” she cut him off

“It’s true, everyone gets a partner except me, no one is gonna marry me and I’m gonna eat cold food from a can and sleep without shower and have no kids and….”

“Come around for my address,” she cut in and his eyes widened


“You’ve got a wife,” she walked away instantly

“What a lucky bastard,” Atticus who has been watching them mumbled under his breath.

“Hello wife,” Atticus crossed his hand on Tiffany’s shoulder

“Get your hands off me,” Tiffany spat yanking his hand off

Felix turned furiously at him but Atticus scoffed

“Reject me and it’s F9 for you, you might wanna ask your toy boy what Sophia can do when you get F9,” he said shutting her up.



“I… I… I did it myself,” Kavin stuttered, standing in front of more than twenty professors

“you did it yourself yet you couldn’t defend it,” one of them asked, picking up his result

“I’m a little bit lost but I….”

“Mr. Seeger, did you do malpractice?” the principal asked staring him in the eyes

“No…. I mean yes… know…. I did it myself, just give me a day to prove it,” Kavin stuttered looking from one person to another

The principal and the teacher gathered together and they had a quick discussion between them

“fine, you have till tomorrow to defend your result and if you fail, say goodbye to stair light,” the principal said and he nodded

Kavin walked out instantly, he didn’t even bother going back to class as he went straight to see Sophia, he burst into her office and she looked up

“Why did you upload the result?” he asked walking towards her

She frowned her brows

“You did it on purpose, right? You want to get rid of me but guess what,” he brought out his phone

“Kavin, wait,” she shouted, standing on her feet, she walked over to him and held his shoulders with fear in her eyes

Gosh! She can’t afford to risk letting her nude go in public

“School rules said that every student’s result must be uploaded….”

“Guess what? I couldn’t defend it and they are gonna throw me out, if I’m going down Sophia you’re coming with me,” he said stepping closer.

She stood her ground.

“The question was just a piece of cake, why couldn’t it defend it?”

“If I’m going down, you’re coming with me,”

“I’ll fix it,” she quickly said and gulped nothing

Gosh, she was powerless.

“Good girl,” he held her chin and raised her face, she stared him in the eyes before he started leaning in

“Are you out of your mind?” She pushed him away, raising her hand to give him a hot slap but he quickly brought out his phone and her hand froze in the air

“You’re at my Mercy professor, don’t think and act stupid,” Kavin said authoritatively



Molly is seen walking over to the café when a hand touched her from behind, she startled sharply turning to know who it was only to see Jayden smiling at her

“You passed?” he asked curiously

“the first stage, yeah,” she replied excitedly

“Cool, but you need to study hard cos Professor Sophia doesn’t take $h|t,” he said and she arched her brows

“Who is Professor Sophia?” she asked

“The host of every competition in starlight, her brain works like that of a computer, and the toughest teacher with thousands of h@ťěrs,” he replied simply


“Yeah, the principal tried firing her one time but the next day the commissioner of education came here and thr_@tened to shut down this school,” he replied

“you’re kidding right?”

“Nope, She has friends in high places, enough of Sophia let’s….”

“Dude, who’s this beauty,” Dante asked walking over to them, he stopped right in front of Molly

“Hey beautiful, I’m Dante, but you can call me Dan,” he offered a handshake

“I’m Molly,” she replied in her tiny voice

“Wow, you’re….” Jayden gripped his hand, pulling him away

“See you around Pretty,” Dante shouted

Molly walked into the café and Fiona giggled

“Saw you speaking with Dante, he’s so handsome…”

“Men are out of my league,” she replied and sat next to Tiffany

She took the water from the table but Fiona took it from her

“What?” I bought juice,” Fiona replied

“Margret is here,” Margret shouted walking in

She sat at their table without being told

“Some people are blessed with double husband,” Fiona said in mockery

“I don’t get it, why would she give me two husbands?” Tiffany complained

“You just have to go with it,” Amanda said joining their table

“But two husbands is too much for one person,” Molly said in her tiny voice

“Okay, now I’m crushing on that voice,” Margrete said

Both Fiona and Molly glared at her

“I don’t want my P**sy to be licked like ice cream by a woman so please avoid me,” Molly said and carried her tray, she went over and sat beside Tiffany.

Fiona glanced at Margret then bust out laughing

“Tiffany, can we switch?” Amanda asked curiously, she wanted Felix but she ended up picking another guy from their class

“We are not friends so avoid me,” Tiffany suddenly snapped


“Easy girl, it’s just a double husband, dress them like twins, and people won’t even notice,” Fiona said and everyone burst out laughing except Tiffany.

“It’s not funny,” Tiffany mumbled.

“I could sow clothes,” Margret uttered and Fiona laughed hardly

“And who’s the lucky girl? She chooses the hottest guys in Star-light, the Masters,” Penelope stopped by their table with Audrey behind her

“What do you want bra-stuffer,” Tiffany asked staring at her

Penelope gasped, did she just call her bra stuff… Stuff what?

“Oh, Tiffany you don’t know who you’re messing with,” Penelope thought silently

“So between your double husbands, who’s gonna f-__-k you first?” Penelope placed her hands on their table

Tiffany was silent

“Is that necessary? Besides it’s just a project, no be deal,” Margret said, defending her

“But still, we would like to know. Everyone!! Everybody listen up, “Penelope turned to the crowd and climbed the table next to her

Felix and his two friends Jayden and Dante were coming into the cafe

Atticus is by the door with his both hands stuck in his trousers pocket as he walked in but stopped cos of the announcement

“What is she doing?”Tiffany asked looking around

“I dunno”

“Tiffany Douglas got the hottie of Star-light, I mean the s*x Gods, and I’m sure they won’t just look at her like TV, come on, these are men with pubic hair. So we would want to know between the Masters which one she would want to get f-__-ked by first, they will probably go with threesome but who does she want to go first? She said and glanced back.

“So, who is it gonna be? Master Felix or Master Atticus? Who’s gonna penetrate first? Who would you want it to be?” She asked with a grin lingering on her face.

Everyone was silent as all eyes landed on her

Even her friends were staring at her too

🗣️ Is she gonna choose Master Felix?

🗣️ Maybe Atticus, he’s hot

🗣️They are both Hotties

🗣️ Why isn’t she saying anything

🗣️ I want Master Atticus

🗣️ Nah, I want Master Felix

Atticus narrowed his gaze listening to the murmuring amongst the crowd while staring interestingly at her.

Felix stood with his friends also waiting for her reply, who is she gonna choose? Him or Atticus?

“I guess cat got her tongue……”

“How about Double penetration????” Tiffany finally broke the awkward silence.



TBC 😁😀😍💖

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