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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 7 & 8

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Battle of the

heart and brainšŸ†





She shamelessly spread her thighs and her hairy p***y came to view.

Filled with pain and bitterness, Molly knelt by the bedside, crawling towards her. The door suddenly burst open and Fiona dashed in.

Her eyes widened instantly, nearly popping out from their socket.

She heard Molly’s screams from downstairs so she ran to check.

“Have you no shame?” Fiona, Penelope’s twin sister scolded, dragging Molly up by her hand

“How evil can you be!” She added.

Penelope rolled her eyes.

“If you get up there without pleasuring me…” She stopped glaring dangerously at Molly who fearfully knelt back down.

“Molly get up, I’m taking you to the hospital,” Fiona said and Molly stared at both sisters.

“Just try getting up….” Fiona dragged her out of the room but Penelope held her other hand.

“She was about to pleasure me before you came in, so get lost!” Penelope spat, slapping her sister across the face.

Fiona’s eyes widened more, did she just slap her?

Staring back at Penelope to give her a defensive slap another hand blocked it, she slowly looked back to see Their brother Jayden holding her hand.

“Molly,” he called when he saw the blood on her ears.

Jayden quickly let go of Fiona and held her shoulders, his blood boiled with rage as he turned to his sister’s

“Who did this?” He asked glaring from one person to another.

Penelope rolled her eyes and start walking away.

“Who do you think? As if you don’t know the winch in this house,” Fiona replied and pushed past him.

“Penelope! Penelope!!” Jayden called walking towards her but she took to her heels.

If there is anything she’s scared of in this house then it’s Jayden, he’s the eldest child and takes no $h|t from anyone, not even their father.

“Penelope I said stop right there!!”

“Jayden, real men don’t but woman, somebody call 911! Mummy,” Penelope shouted rushing into their parent’s bedroom


ā€¢Triple A MANSIONā€¢

“I must f-__-k her, I don’t care what it takes but I will and I will make sure she begs me to stop,” Atticus said proudly

“Why is her p@zzy so important?” Arlo asked with a hideous smirk

Atticus chuckled, they are currently in their sitting room

“That ʁƮtƧh thr_@tened me,” he snickered

Asher joined them, settling down beside Arlo

“What’s popping?” He asked calmly

“Wanna f-__-k Sophia and I have a perfect plan for her….”

“Dude, you have f-__-ked almost all p@zzy in Star-light, I bet she won’t be any different,” Asher replied, crossing his hand in the chair headrest

“Destroyer,” Arlo muttered and Atticus chuckled

“That ʁƮtƧh turned me down ….”

“She did?” Asher sat up, he wasn’t expecting that.

“Yeah, she even thr_@tened to expel and ban me from attending any institution In California, ” He replied

Asher and Arlo exchange glances

“You’re kidding, don’t she knows who you’re? Your family owns this f-__-king school and you can fire her anytime,” Arlo spat

Atticus grinned evilly

“I know, but I don’t want her fired, soon she will dance to my music tone,” Atticus replied and laughed

The door opened and Audrey came in

“Baby,” she called walking over to thim

“f-__-king three best friends,” Asher muttered

“Isn’t that an achievement?” Atticus chuckled and winked at him.

Asher walked out instantly.



“I Know right, someone did it but I just don’t know who?” Felix said and turned to Dante

They are currently discussing about Tiffany and her buzzer.

“I saw you talking to her at the back of the building,” Dante said, he dropped some peanut juice on the table.

Felix reached for it and took it, he sip from his drink and sat the glass back on the table.

“She only said she’s never coming back,” he replied and shrugged “Her decision not mine, ” he added, relaxing on his back comfortably on the couch.

“Prof Sophia isn’t nice, I could have won, I should be part of the Masters but she chooses That dump head Atticus,” Dante suddenly said jealously.

At the mention of that name, Felix dropped his juice back on the table and stood, he wore his slippers walking away.

“$h|t, I guess I forget he doesn’t like anything that has to do with Atticus, that man slut,” Dante mumbled under his breath.

“Dude it was just…..” Felix slammed his room door before he could even finish.

Atticus and Felix are the Masters of Star-light institution but they detest each other, they never cross each other apart except for studying.



The waitress arrived with the wine Scarlett ordered, except instead of placing a single glass full of wine in front of her, she placed an empty glass and poured from a blue bottle. Then set it on the table.

“I’m sorry, there’s been a mistake,” Scarlett glanced up

“I ordered a glass of the house wine……”

” I assure you, this is a much better choice,” Someone said from behind.

At the familiar masculine voice, she glanced up to see Hudson standing beside the table, smiling at her. She pulled herself up straighter in the chair, her heart racing.

“Are you stalking me now? Or Are you here to tell me how bad I’m at speaking English too?” She asked

“May I join you for dinner?” His powerful masculine presence and devastatingly attractive smile dazzled her.

He totally ignored her question, he could see the pain in her eyes, but he didn’t want to talk much about it.

Meanwhile, Scarlett concentrated on keeping her breathing even.

“I guess,” she muttered, He sat across from her and the waitress produced another wine glass, filled it, and set it in front of Hudson. He sipped it and smiled at her.

“Very nice. What do you think?”

“Here is your cellphone and I’m sorry for always stealing from you,” she apologies

He glances at her

The waitress came by and passed the Manu to them and they made their orders

The waitress brought their meals and she dug into her salmon steak. She had barely eaten dinner and was famished.

“I’m curious about this man, you mistook me for since the day, even your daughter did the same, why do you think I might be him?” Hudson said

He didn’t know why but he wanted to know about this Storm guy.

She shrugged

“wishful thinking, I guess,” she shrugged

He offered her the basket of buns on the table and she took one.

She sipped her wine. This charming, attractive man had a very disturbing effect on her. She wasn’t the type to jump into bed with a total stranger, but everything about him made her want to do just that.

“So you said, I look a lot like this storm.” He asked and She gazed at him taking in a square jaw.

Classic nose, and vivid blue eyes. The two men shared the same classic good looks and imposing presence, but up close the resemblance wasn’t as similar as she thought. If she was honest with herself. She’d have to wonder if her lingering feelings for Storm were making her see him in every handsome man.

She saw a kind of wishful thinking. I don’t know.

“You seem a bit older and more mature,” She smiled.

“Maybe it’s the suit. So the question is, do you like older men?” He asked staring directly into her eyes

Why is he acting differently?

“Well, I suppose I could be convinced,” She replied and he chuckled

Hudson sipped his wine and stared at her intensely.

“That sounds like a challenge, And I accept,” he replied.



“Wow, I look so different and handsome,” Oliver said, checking himself out in the mirror

“Yeah, you’re handsome,” the barber man commented and he turned to Sophia

“Soph, What do you think?” He asked glaring at her

She blinked twice and arched her brows, did he just shorten her name? Wow!

She smiled and held his jaw, checking him out side by side

“Perfect,” she replied casually

He blushed

“We should get going,” she replied and stepped out

She actually took him to a barbershop to get a new haircut, Maybe that way girls will like him.

Oliver made to pay but the barber declined, saying Sophia already took care of the bill.

“You’re out,” Sophia said immediately after he joined her in the car.

“You took care of the bills?” He asked and she nodded.


“You shouldn’t have… That’s the girl, I told you about,” he suddenly shouted pointing at a girl across the car in front of them.

“Wait here” Sophia stepped down, walking over to the blond hair girl.

“Hey,” She said stopping right in front of her

“Professor Sophia,” she called with a wide smile.

“You’re my inspiration, I wish to be like you someday,” she said and offered a handshake

Sophia raised her brows

“You know me?” Sophia asked surprised, she doesn’t even this girl.

“Who doesn’t know you? The host of all competition in Star-light,” She added and Sophia chuckled.

“Anyways, would you mind going on a date with my friend? He’s not the social type,” she said

Just then Oliver’s head popped out of the window, and that was when the girl looked back

“Oliver?” She scoffed “That weird guy….”

“Just for one month and I will give you good grades,” Sophia said cutting in

Her eyes widened instantly

“You will? For the whole semester??”

“That means you will date him for the whole year,”

“Deal, All A’s”

“Deal, what’s your name?” Sophia asked


“I will keep that in mind,” she replied walking away.


“What did you tell her? Were you two discussing about me….”

“H*ll no, was asking if she will participate in the next Master’s competition, it’s next month remember?” she lied and he nodded

“You’re so nice”



A Masked guy dropped his backpack on the table, he unzip it and brought out the pictures he took today.

Slowly he began pinning them on the wall, he shifted back a little to glance at his work. An evil smirk swung up to his face instantly.

The wall was covered with Sophia’s pictures, seem like he has been stalking her for a long time, cos her everyday activities were snapped and pasted.

It was all snapped from a distance though.

“Perfect nude, what a wonderful melon she has up there,” he picked up another picture from the table, tracing his hand on it.

He finally got what he wanted, her nudes.

he pinned them on the wall and took another one, Eric was kissing her in this one so he took scissors and cut him off.

“She’s mind mine, and I will punish her for getting intimate with you,” he squeezes it tightly while gritting his teeth.



All through dinner, Hudson was the most charming man Scarlett would ever be with. He made her feel like the most beautiful, captivating woman in the world. That and the effect of his strong male presence had her practically panting for him by dessert. The waitress poured their coffee as Scarlett took a bite of her caramel creme brulee.

“Why don’t you tell me a little bit about Storm? Were you too involved?” He asked

She swallowed a sip of coffee trying to tamp down the painful memories his words brought up. She was tempted to change the subject, but she really hadn’t talked to anyone about how much it hurt when Storm died.

Maybe talking about it would help.

“Yes, we were in love. But he died,” she replied, She drew in a deep breath, then pursed her lips.

She missed him every day and every night. He’d been a sensational lover, And despite the bad boy persona, he was so tender. she’d really believed he returned to her. She felt special with him, But he was gone.

“Do you still love him?” Hudson asked

Storm was sensitive and considerate, very hard not to fall in love with. But if he isn’t with her anymore, how could she love him?

“No, I don’t still love him,” Scarlett replied, even if that wasn’t true, she was working to make it so she had to.

“I’m glad because I wouldn’t wanna eat another man’s woman’s,”

Her gaze jerked to his

“Eat me?” She asked

“I knew it, the moment you walked in here acting up, I knew something was up,” she thought silently

He reached across the table and took her hand, then raised it to his lips.

“That’s right. When I take you back to my place,” her back stiffened and she hesitated.

She shouldn’t be surprised. It’s not like they hadn’t been shamelessly flirting all through dinner, but it had all seemed unreal. They were just sharing dinner and now It had become all too real. She’d never had a one-night stand.

Her chest tightened at the thought of having s*x with a stranger, especially this handsome, determined, ȘƫxĀ„ stranger.

Well, he was still a stranger, she don’t even know his Name.

He was way out of her league. But the feel of his lips playing over the back of her hand sent a shimmer of heat through her. Then when he turned her hand and pressed his lips to her palm, she melted.

“I know you’re considering saying no, but don’t,” he said as if reading her mind.

She stared into his mesmerizing blue eyes and felt her anxiety dissipate.

She wanted to be with him. But she was not comfortable going to his apartment. She drew her hand from his seductive lips and shook her head.

“I’m not going to your place,”

Hudson raised an eyebrow.

“You’re not?” He asked

she smiled.

“A hotel will do,” she replied


Scarlett slid her key card into the slot, then pushed open the door to their hotel room.

She knows he was Up to no good, why act all different? Where is the cold guy she always took his stuff but her head wasn’t correct.

All she could see was her Storm.

Once she stepped further inside and saw the bed dominating the room, the heat that had been building inside her seeped away, her heart thundering. She turned to face the virtual stranger behind her, to tell him this was a big mistake.

“You aren’t going to tell me you’ve changed your mind. Are you?” He stood far too close at its center senses reeling.

Part of her wanted to run, yet another part wanted him even closer. Hudson stroked her cheek, the gentle touch sent shimmers through her. She gazed at him, captivated by the intensity of his eyes, compelling, inviting, and reminding her far too much of Storm.

Her heart clenched, she really couldn’t do this.

“I’m sorry. I’m not sure we should…..” before she could finish the sentence, he swept her into his arms and…….



TBC šŸ˜šŸ˜€šŸ˜šŸ’–

As e dey hot šŸ„µšŸ„µ

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