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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE BAD BOY’S BABY – Episode 48

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(Neighbor next door)… 🌺🥀

Theme: Her innocence….

By Terri Savage 🖊️






Some men could be seen walking around the safehouse with heavy loaded guns, keeping their eyes on the entrance and the large fence surrounding the building. This is Luke’s secret safehouse. Only him and his second Storm knew it existed. He kept it away from Shane and other members of the empire.

It took him years to build something as mighty and large like this, this is way more bigger than the empire.

In a nutshell, he knew a day would come that something like this might happen, this was the main reason he secretly built this place. Even the best hacker in the world can’t find it. A day that Shane would find out the truth about himself. He knew the kind of monster he made, he got his memories back and now there’s only one thing on his mind, revenge.

It’s an underground building and it’s very hard to locate this place, it was located in a faraway forest, a forest people rarely visited.

Luke and Storm could be seen walking towards a particular door in the safehouse. The guards there kept bowing till he got to the door.

The guards guarding the door immediately bowed in respect and opened the door snappy.

The sound of the door opening made Rona look up, she was awake by now.

She was tied to a large tall chair which was situated in the middle of the room. Her angrily eyes were on Luke as he took every of his steps till he got to her.

A thick smoke was coming out of his dark evil lips as their stares emerged ranically.

“Lucifer’s little lover” He said, disattaching the smoke from his lips.

“He’s coming for you Luke” She said with no atom of fear in her cruel voice.

Luke gave out a short laugh.

“You are still hoping on him? The very man who ki||ed your parents, who made you an orphan?” He smirked, and returned the smoke to his lips. He took a long puff out of it and blew it on her face.

“You ki||ed my parents, you animal, I’m not supporting him but he’s better than you, you made him do it, your own son…

“He’s not my son, I’m a devil, I ki||ed his parents and kidnapped him from Korea, I wiped his memory and I turned him into a beast for my own benefit” He said and her eyes widened.

“What!! Shane isn’t your son?”

“The mistake I made was not having an idea that he had a twin brother”

“He’s going to ki|| you, you will beg for death before you will die” She spat.

“I can’t die, I’m above death, he can’t ki|| me, he can’t even find this place”

“You are talking about Lucifer, remember? Your men here aren’t upto 200, you are talking about a man who destroyed a whole clan” Rona laughed mockingly and Luke got angry.

He roughly grabbed her hair but instead of her screaming in pain she was rather smiling and that got him more infuriated.

“Talking about your parents’ ki||er, do you love him that much, he ki||ed your parents” He shouted.

“You have no right to poison my mind against him, I decide to h@ťě him or not, they were my parents and not yours, you ki||ed them, what difference does it make? You engineered everything, animal” She shouted back, and a hit came on her face.

“Stop talking Ç0çƙroach!” He yelled angrily.

“Prepare for the worst to happen, I’m not afraid to die” She smiled, a smile that held anger, pain and revenge.

“You are dying tomorrow, prepare for it” He said and turned to the guards in the room.

“Start the torture but don’t ki|| her” He said and started walking out of the room.

“He’s coming for you, don’t think you will hide forever, nothing is hidden forever, he has the baddest trackers in the world, Spider and Jonathan” She shouted.

Luke kept silent till he left the room.

A horsewhip was lashed out of her body and her skin tore immediately, blood flowed down her arms “Arrgh!!!….

Luke faced Storm when they got out of the room.

“I should have ki||ed that Ɓîtçh and who’s Jonathan?” Luke asked.

“Just found out about him, Shane’s secret friend, he’s a mad genius in hacking”

“Spider is the craziest, no phone call should be made in the safehouse, we are ki||ing her tomorrow” Luke said and walked away.

Venom came out of a corner and Storm quickly faced her.

“What’s up?” She asked.

“Do you think we should go with him?” He asked, whispering as he came closer to her.

“I can feel the end at hand, we can’t stand against the devil, being on the safe side can be more beneficial, I don’t want to die, I can’t betray Shane” She replied, whispering back.

“Then let’s do it tonight, after this ends if we survive, let’s start dating” He said.

“We will talk about that when we make it out” She said, grabbing his hands.

“Sorry boss” Storm muttered as he walked away with Venom.

There’s no stop trying to find Luke’s whereabouts. Seth, Jonathan and Spider had been on the system since they came back from the empire. Shane isn’t currently in the room with them.

He’s outside trying to smoke but the urge isn’t there, he had thrown away the fourth roll of weed. His head was in a total mess and he couldn’t think straight.

If he didn’t get Luke’s location in twenty four hours then the worst would happen. He’s talking about Luke, he can do anything. He needs to save her at all costs. But how, he closed down every connection of him and now he can’t get his location.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mind you breaking up with me but I need to save you, your family can’t be wiped away” He said as he sat on a bench outside there, tears slipping out. He’s totally weak now.

“I’m sorry Rona” He wailed.

“This is the hardest task I have come across” Spider said, hitting the table.

“I can’t get anything, what did he use in locking any connection?” Jonathan said.

“We can’t stop trying, we need to get his location at all cost, let’s keep trying hard, we can’t back down” Seth said.

“This is hard, I have carried out, I mean we have tried any possible way and logic of hacking, three hackers and we still can’t get anything.

“He might have used a mad hacker too”

“Let’s continue trying” Seth said softly.

“Ok” Spider and Jonathan chorused and they resumed working.

The aged man looked up as Shane settled down before him. He’s the vice chancellor of the university, an old professor.

“Good morning sir” Shane greeted.

“Why are you slacking off from your duty? This isn’t you” The VC asked.

“It’s something personal” Shane replied.

“Something personal?” The VC banged the table.

“If you don’t want to be penalized, get back on track Shane…

“Go ahead and do what you want, do I look like I care?” Shane stood, trying with everything in him to control his anger.

“You’re suspended for two weeks” The VC stood too, and Shane looked at him. The old man fell on the chair when his eyes met with the scariest eyes.

Without a word Shane walked out, banging the door so hard that the VC flinched, holding his chest. She started breathing normally after a few minutes.

“Is he human? What kind of audacity”

Shane came across Prof Veronica and he stopped.


“You reported me to the VC right?” He asked.


“Answer me right now!” He yelled and she flinched.


“I won’t warn you again, stay out of anything that concerns me” He said coldly and walked away.

She kept breathing hard as he left.

“What…Was that?? His voice.. He was sounding like a demon..

“What are you doing here? And why are you breathing hard?” A voice asked behind.

She glared when she saw Prof Mark.

“f-__-k off, you reported Shane to the VC right?”

“Yes, he’s slacking off…

“Because he’s more than you right? He’s more loved and more brilliant, many professors are slacking off more than him. Did you report them huh, he got angry at me thinking I reported him” She shouted.

“Why are you offended? Wait, you like him?” He asked.

“Yes, I love him and not you, don’t you ever speak to me again, bastard” She said and walked away.

“Why always him? I h@ťě him more!!!!!!”


“Did anyone see Prof Shane?” Angelique asked.

“No, Rona’s number isn’t connecting, I don’t know why I’m having this feeling that she is in danger” Mandy said.

“I’m getting scared unnecessary starting from yesterday” Erica asked.

“I don’t think Shane is..” Angelique was talking when she saw Shane passing.

“Prof Shane..” She gasped.

The girls turned to her eyes direction and saw him, they started running towards him till they got to him.

“Sir” They said.

“Yes” He replied.

“Where’s Rona?”

“She’s slightly sick” He replied.

“Her number isn’t connecting”

“I asked her to switch off her phone so she can have a lot of rest, she’s fine” He faked a smile.

“I’m relieved now” Mandy said.

“Tell her to call us when she recover” Erica said.

“I will” He nodded and left.

“Going to meet my boyfriend” Angelique said.

“Me too” Mandy said.

“f-__-k you two” Erica said and started walking away.

“She’s crushing on Shane’s lookalike” Angelique said and Mandy smiled.

No one’s eyes closed till daybreak, they had been on it since yesterday and they aren’t yet to stop searching.

Spider’s fingers were hurting but she wasn’t ready to stop, same applied to Seth and Jonathan. Their eyes were heavy with sleep but they kept head on.

The loud clapping of the keyboard could be heard nonstop.

“Wait!!” Seth said and everyone looked up.

“The empire doesn’t have a code number?” Seth asked and their eyes widened.

“What… Wait….We didn’t think of that” Spider gasped.

Jonathan returned to his system immediately.

“7145¥¥22” Spider said.

“Copied” Jonathan said.

He inserted the code into the red box tracking area and they waited for the result.

“Hope it works” Seth said.

Anxious Seth.
Expecting Jonathan.
Praying Spider.

The search kept loading for almost thirty minutes before it started beeping.

An arrow appeared and pointed at the location.

LOCATION FOUND!! The system read..


Their loud screams went far as passing the house’s boundary.

“We are going there right now”

“An underground building, he’s really smart ” Seth said.

“Sienna forest, the most silent forest in Miami away from the main city, ten hours drive but I know a short cut” Jonathan said.

Seth got his phone and called Shane immediately.

“Location found” Seth said.

“Grabbed, let’s get ready, I’m coming over” Shane replied.

“Let’s get ready” Seth said.

A bag containing heavy and sophisticated guns was on the table. A straps full of loaded knives and short daggers, bombs and explosives.

He put his two guns in the trouser straps. A sword hung at his back.

There was no expression on his face as he dressed up. He was wearing a black hood showing how dark he’s.

He closed the bags and zipped out.

“Rona, wait for me I’m coming to save you” He muttered and took the bags. He walked out of the house and locked the door. He walked to the car and dropped the bags in the car trunk. He got inside and drove out.

Seth, Jonathan and Spider were all in black hoods, head covered. Everything is set for the battle.

They were waiting beside Seth’s car with their loaded weapons.

Shane’s car drove in and he came out.

The dark and evil aura surrounding him was enough to let anyone know that the devil is ready to unleash hell.

The dark demeanor look in his eyes was so scary that Jonathan and Spider had to look away only Seth’s gaze was still on him.

He said no word to anyone.

“Let’s leave, we are using my car” Seth said.

Shane opened his car trunk and brought out the bags, he loaded them in Seth’s car and faced them.


“Yes, fight not to retreat or surrender even at the point of death” Seth said.

He pointed his fist forward and Jonathan brought his too, then Spider.

They all turned to Shane who was yet to initiate his own.

After a while he joined and they made the bond..

“Let’s get this done today” Jonathan said.

They all looked at each other with knowing wicked smiles on their lips except the devil.

Today, the devil is going to unleash hell on all offenders, no retreat, no surrender, shedding and spilling of blood, blood will become a good scent to them.

The devil’s time to unleash fire and fury, total hell……



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