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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Heaven ✨

{Reborn for You}









The loud music reverberating through the house filled everywhere with an extraordinary energy. However, on the other side of the situation, Arizona lay on her bed, unable to sleep properly due to the incessant noise. “Ahhhhhhhh!!! Noami… Can’t you let me have a proper sleep?” Arizona groaned as she stood up from her bed.

“Gosh… If I can’t have proper food and clothes, what about natural sleep?” she mumbled, making her way downstairs.

Her eyes widened in shock as she stood frozen, observing her best friend, Noami, acting wildly and twerking in the chair.

“Yahh!!! Have you gone crazy?” Arizona exclaimed.

“What??? I just wanted to enjoy myself. Is that a crime?” Noami replied, her expression carrying a hint of defiance as she opened the fifth fruit juice and gulped it down.

” Oh my goodness…. Noami…. How many fruit juice have you had!?” Arizona asked,as she picked up the bottles on the floor. ” One, two, three…. Oh my gosh… I think I’m losing my mind…. four, five!!!” She took the last bottle and threw it at Noami.

” You f-__-king Ɓîtçh!!…. come here” she barked, running after Noami. The ran around the house and finally Noami fell down on the floor.

” I’m sorry…. I can’t run again” she gasped, holding her chest. ” Geez… those chicken leg of yours are so good” Noami smiled and Arizona scoffed.

” I know I have a pretty long legs” she paused and looked at her hands. ” How could you consume close to five bottles of this fruit juice”

” I’m sorry….. I was alive on Instagram, I had to show off” Noami replied and showed Arizona,her phone. “See two million viewers” she added and Arizona sighed.

” Wh@ťěver, not like that gonna bring food to our table” she said and rubbed her stomach. ” I’m already hungry…. Geez… I want chicken”

” Chicken?? You’re so selfish…. I just need sausage roll …. My stomach is about to speak French” Noami said and sighed.

” I don’t know why my father is punishing me this way, I thought he said I was his favourite, yet he froze my account, I’m a rich man’s daughter but I go to sleep hungry” she mumbled and Noami hugged her.

” It’s alright…. I thought about something” she said, disengaging from the hug. ” I got an idea on how to start up a business with no money”

” Huh?? What sort of business is that??” Arizona asked, giving her a weird look.

” The business will be about you using your gits” she paused and held Arizona’s shoulder. ” It will be about you using your talent for money”

” My talent… I don’t have a talent”

” Yes you do, just don’t know about it yet” Noami said and Arizona bit her lip, as she got what she was saying.

” You’re crazy…. What sort of business can I start or do with lie” Arizona inquired.

” Our business will be called. ” The white lie, no lie”

” The white lie, no lie?” Arizona repeated her words and Noami nodded in absolute agreement. ” You sound stupid Noami”

“Sound stupid!?, How do you expect us to feed when your Dad froze all your account… you’re not even qualified for a cleaner, no one will employ you”

” I know…. What’s worst than my condition!?”

” I don’t know…. You’re condition is the worst!” Noami said and they both nodded.

” Our condition!” They said at the same time and hugged themselves tight.

” Arizona…. You’re hair stink… I think I’m about to puke” Noami said and pushed her off a bit, before running away from the sitting room.

” My hair conditioner and shampoo has finished!!!” She screamed loudly hitting her head on the wall mindfully.


As Draven entered his corporate domain, the ambiance instantly shifted. Every worker in the vicinity was engrossed in their laptops, their attention fixed. Draven’s stoic countenance had a chilling effect, sending shivers down the spines of those who stood in his presence. Rarely seen, his smile carried an air of danger. His piercing eyes spoke volumes before he uttered a single word, while his strikingly attractive physique and face tempted others to indulge in sinful thoughts.

“Good morning, boss,” greeted Trevor, Draven’s trusted personal assistant, as they both stepped into the elevator.

Draven, true to his character, remained silent and expressionless in response to the greetings. As they entered the senior department, all eyes turned to the elegant figure of Draven striding into his office.

“Whoa… He’s just so adorable! He’d make the perfect father for my future kids,” Cherry exclaimed, planting a kiss on the picture of Draven she had on her phone.

“Keep dreaming, Ɓîtçh” a coworker scoffed, rolling their eyes.

“Go ahead, keep rolling. Maybe you’ll stumble upon your missing brain,” another coworker chimed in, causing Cherry’s jaw to drop in disbelief.

“Enough! Get back to work, all of you,” Trevor bellowed as he entered Draven’s office.

“Sir, here’s your coffee, hot and creamy, just the way you like it,” Trevor said, handing the coffee to Draven.

“What’s on my schedule for today?” Draven inquired, and Trevor began scrolling through his iPad.

“We have a meeting in less than five minutes, a collaborative session with Mr. Alfred and the Finland team,” Trevor replied, and Draven nodded in acknowledgement.

“Very well, I’ll take my leave if that’s all,” Trevor said, exiting the office.

And so, in about five minutes, the meeting commenced in the Board hall. The first presenter stumbled through their calculations, making numerous mistakes regarding customer figures and market prices.

Draven, true to his peculiar sense of humor, simply sat back and watched. When the presentation came to an end, he broke into applause, and the rest of the room followed suit. The presenter, beaming with pride, mistook Draven’s response for genuine praise.

“Oh, splendid work! So, how much of the company’s remaining percentage did you manage to calculate, huh?” Draven exclaimed, his tone dripping with sarcasm, leaving everyone in the room stunned.

“How considerate of you. And to all of you, I never realized I had a flock of chickens running this company… So many disposable brains!” he declared, causing everyone present to flinch in both surprise and amusement.

We’re so…” Trevor began, but he quickly swallowed his words, knowing that the last thing Draven wanted to hear was an apology.

“All of you… no raises this month!” Draven declared, and a hush fell over the room.

“Next up, chicken head!” he called out, and the next person nervously stood up, their body trembling with fear.

Even before reaching the presentation screen, they were already drenched in sweat. Their heart raced wildly, its beats echoing in their ears. Their eyes blinked incessantly, betraying their nervousness.

Draven slapped his own face in frustration, feeling his blood boil. He let out a deep sigh and rubbed his forehead, clearly unable to tolerate the situation any longer.

“I didn’t realize we were running a standing model competition. Can’t you just get on with it?” he remarked sarcastically.

“I’m so… I’ll gather myself, sir,” the person stammered in response, trying to regain composure.


The enticing aroma of barbecue filled the air, captivating Arizona and Noami, who stared at the mouthwatering sight while their mouths watered uncontrollably.

“If you want it, buy it! Stop staring!” the owner shouted, and the two friends jolted, realizing they had been caught ogling.

“I’m sorry, ma’am… It’s just that…” Arizona started to cry, and the woman stood there in awe, taken aback by the unexpected display of emotion.

Just that… My friend here is about to kick the bucket!” Arizona blurted out, dramatically grabbing Noami’s cheeks. She winked at her, and she quickly caught on to the joke.

“Yes!!! I’ve got a measly two weeks left to live…”

“Huh? What’s wrong with you!?” the woman asked, her eyes welling up with tears.

“I have… umm… HIV!”

“Cancer!!” They both simultaneously offered different answers, leaving the woman utterly baffled.

“Huh!? What exactly is wrong with you?”

“Well, she’s actually a survivor of both cancer, HIV, and even heart disease,” Arizona proudly proclaimed, impressing Noami with his impeccable lying ski||s.

“Yes, ma’am… and my dying wish is to have some barbecue,” Noami pouted, trying her best to look cute.

The woman’s eyes filled with sympathy, feeling guilty for raising her voice at them. “Oh my goodness… Come in, come in, come and eat,” she said, extending an invitation, and the two friends beamed, following her into the shop.

“Whoa… Can’t wait to sink my teeth into that!” Noami exclaimed, while Arizona sensually licked her lips.

“All thanks to my ski||s… the great liar,” Arizona declared proudly, prompting Noami to shake her head in amusement.

After a few minutes, the waiters brought over a generous platter of sizzling barbecue, and the two girls dove in, devouring the food with insatiable hunger.

“Mmm… This is sooo delicious!” Noami managed to exclaim between mouthfuls.

“Mmm… This is insane! It’s like a flavor explosion in my mouth,” Arizona muttered, licking her fingers. “Yummy!” he exclaimed, gulping down the juice.

“Ohh… This is paradise!” Noami happily exclaimed, feeling utterly satisfied with their indulgent barbecue feast.

” I guess you’re enjoying the food!?” The lady asked and they nodded.

” It’s so good ma” Noami replied.

” So good” Arizona added

After devouring their scrumptious meal, they finally finished eating. “Oh my gosh… This is absolutely amazing!” Noami exclaimed, rising from her seat.

“I hope you have a peaceful rest… I’m sorry that your days are numbered,” the lady said, attempting to offer condolences, but Noami struggled to hold back her laughter.

“What a shame,” Arizona chimed in.

“Bye-bye!!” They waved cheerfully as they bid farewell to the barbecue shop.

“Oh my goodness… Such young kids… Fate can be so cruel,” the woman sighed, shaking her head in pity.


It was late, the usual time for Draven to head home. He was always the last one to leave. Exiting his company, he wore his customary cold expression.

As he approached his black Lamborghini ready to unlock it with his car key, he was momentarily distracted by a blinding light coming from a truck.

“Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Noami, watch out!!!” Arizona screamed at the top of her lungs as the truck collided with the back of the car.

“Oh, mother of all f-__-k-ups… What do we do now!?” Arizona exclaimed, staring at the mangled car. “Is that a Lamborghini or… something else entirely?”

“We’re so screwed!!” Noami muttered, swallowing hard as they both jumped out of the truck.

“Sir!… Sir!” Noami attempted to speak, but his icy demeanor rendered her frozen.

“Uhm… Mr… It was a mistake… we didn’t…” Arizona’s words trailed off as he saw Draven’s menacing gaze locked onto him.

“You devil!!!” Draven bellowed, causing Arizona’s heart to skip a beat.


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