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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 35

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 35

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻

Chapter 35
Blood clan
Night time~~
The sound of a punching bag could be heard in the gym room, alongside the groans of a female, hitting the bag vigorously, with anger in her mind and strength in her fist. She figetted with the boxing gloves, pulling it up to cover her hand properly.

Standing in a steady position to strike, she sends heavy blows at the innocent bag, hitting it from different directions. All she wants is to forget about her past, forget about how her parents were ki||ed, to tame the usual nightmare that troubles her sleep right from childhood.

With gritting teeth and fierce fist, she gave it a last strike, giving it a little tear.

“$h|t…” She spat, cleaning off the dripping sweats from her temple, with her arm. The sound of someone clapping followed; it echoed in the silent of the night, being the only sound available aside that of her breathing.

“Who is there” she asked in a vicious voice, taking her stance to attack any perpetrator. Right from the shadow came someone in black, the hat on his head gave her the confidence of who he is, though she still stood alert. He came closer to the light, revealing his face. Right in between his fingers is a cigarette on one hand, while the other stayed comfortably inside his pockets.

He puffed out the smokes from his mouth and nostril, signifying his presence while she gave a curt bow.

“Boss….” She greeted

“Mercury” Marshal called, walking steadily towards her until there was more than an inch distance between them. He stared at her for a while before turning towards the boxing bag, a scoff escaped his lips as he watched on

“Good Job” he stated in a gruffy voice

“Thanks boss”

“Finding it hard to sleep?” He asked. She let out a sigh, gulping in. One thing Mercury h@ťěs most is showing her weakness, she wondered how the boss managed to know about it. Well, she had been having those nightmares right from her childhood, perhaps he got to know about it then.

“Just wanted to do a little practice” she replied in a calm voice. Marshal shrugged, raising her jaw up with his index finger

“You have the eyes of your mother….she was a damsel in her days” he noted. “Your dad used to be a good man…diligent in his work” he continued, reminding her of what she wished to forget

“Too bad the good ones never live to enjoy the fruit of their labour…such a pity” he shook his head. She gulped in, remembering the scenes of how they were ki||ed, it came in flashes. She was only five, she watched them ki||ed in cold blood, shot in the head, a bullet piercing into it, splitting their head apart.

Only one man use a bullet as that..and that is no other person than Leonard, the ex-leader of Wolves Clan, the father of her sworn enemy, Lady Mafia. Her fist folded at the thought of that name, she h@ťěs her with passion and has always wished for the day she will ki|| her with her bare hands.

“I have a job for you my dear” His voice brought her back from her thought, with his hand on her shoulder.

“It’s time you start fighting for what you own, the blood of your parents are crying hard for revenge, you need it…but for now, you are gonna start from the scratch.” He took more drags from the cigarette

“Meet me in my office tomorrow for the details” he muttered, tapping her hair a little before turning to leave.

She sighed slumping to the floor, the tears she had been trying to cheek-in flowed out without resistance; this isn’t the life she wants but ki||ing her parents brought her here.

“I will surely revenge your death…I will” she seethed.
Evans’ POV

“Ouch” I shriek, pushing off something that jumped on my body, my heart thud loudly against my chest thinking it was a snake or a poisonous animal, only to find a rat scurrying away.
“Jezz” I exhale, dropping the broom, while wiping off the sticky sweats on my face. I feel exhausted doing such lengthy work that hasn’t ended yet. The coach is indeed wicked to have allowed me to be dragged to such a place.
This place looks like an old book store, just like the one I was forced to clean the first time by that annoying female member of the clan, I think her name is Audrey. Well, this store is a bit larger and different from the other.

Lots of old books and magazines were scattered all over, including some stationeries of all kind. I huff looking at the work I have done, I haven’t cleaned up to one quarter of this large room, it’s just so tiring.

The single bulb in the room is the only source of light, I could barely see the extreme part of the room. Struggling to my feet, I tried relaxing my back to the wooden wall, but it gave a crackling sound. I hurriedly get off it, trying to examine where the sound came from. The wall seems to have a little crack, or opening line.

To satisfy my curiosity, I gave it a slight push again, it repeated it’s earlier action, the wall seem to be having way, revealing an entrance. It became dawn on me that the wooden wall is nothing but a passage way to another room. I succeeded in pushing it open, entering into the path it led to,

I was welcomed by much cobwebs, grabbing my face. I pulled them off focusing on my course of action. My eyes wandered round the large room filled with nothing but books, on each shelves around it, from the top to bottom.

I walked in fully as the door shut with a heavy bang. I almost shriek again, but decided to keep calm

“Its just the door” I muttered, comforting myself. The room is considerably darker than the first, the light in it wasn’t luminating enough. I wandered round, touching each shelves, tall and giant in size. I should be scared of going further, but I don’t know what prompted my eagerness to explore more. The library looks like something that hasn’t been used for ages, the books were already shabby, though still good to read, but covered in cobwebs, thick and thin

I noticed another door in the old library, walking towards it. There was light coming from the other end, I pray the door is open. I thought, pushing it with less strength. It didn’t bulge at first until I added more force to it. It gave a squeaky sound paving way for entrance.

My mouth dropped at the sight of what I saw next; an art studio

“Oh…my gawd….” I exclaimed in whisper. It was another joint room, but has beauty roaming in it. The light in it gave me the sight of the artworks placed at different angles. I walked in to see more; some sets of drawing, paintings, sketches, paint brushes of all kind with numerous paints, also pictures of humans and animals, drawn by the artist.

“This is beautiful… goodness..I won’t mind coming here all day. Painting is my life” I said out loud, marveled at my discovery.

I get to pick up some necessary things I will be needing, d@mn I can’t lose this opportunity, even if it means stealing it. I only picked a drawing pad with few HD pencils. This is enough for now, very soon I will get free access to the place and use the other equipments. I thought, getting ready to leave.

The sound of a soft music coming from close by stopped me, my curious mind elated at the thought of finding out where it’s coming from.

I found out another door which I placed my hear on, the music seem louder this time. It was just soft sounds perhaps use for meditations. My heart gave a rapid beat on touching the knob

“Should I open it or not” I asked no one it particular. The stubborn side of my mind didn’t wait for my reply, my hand did in accordance to its thought, flipping the door open. The room was lightened with a red bulb, glooming in the dark of the night.

Red and white linens filled the room, creating a circle at the center. Sitting at the middle on a warm center rug is a lady, clothed in nude. She sat with her legs folded, her hands placed gently on it, with her long brownish hair let lose. She seems to be meditating. I could only see her behind, my rod sprang up at this beautiful sight.

I gulped in, trying to calm my urge, with my subconscious mind telling me to leave while the light is on. I resisted it, shoving it behind to watch more on what the beauty is about doing. She stood up on her feet, walking forward till the curtains covered her up. I was still behind the curtain, I didn’t know where she went to.

My stubborn legs moved forward, entering the circle, walking directly to where she sat earlier. The music was still on, with the curtains moving slighty to its rhythm. I sighed dejectedly after searching endlessly without finding her, only to turn and meet her eyes staring directly into mine

“Argghh…” I screamed for real this time. KYLA. My heart stopped beating for a sec. She was still in her birthday suit, but wore a transparent lingerie which barely covers her nude. My eyes travelled down to her juicy apples with prickly pinkish te@ts, standing erect with pleading eyes, asking for a warm suck….geez…that was a weird description. My brain actually needs some reset

“What are you doing here” she asked in a cold voice sending chills down my spine, I gulped in, pretending not to stare much. Her eyes beholds anger and wrath as she gaze at me

“I ….ern…. missed my way…I” I shuttered, wondering why I couldn’t speak up without a shutter

“Get out…before I loose my temper and lash out on you…” She seethed, showing her gritted teeth

“Now!!!!!” Her voice sparks with venom

“Okay…I’m leaving” I replied, looking for an exit. I followed the direction her finger was pointing to and went for it. There was a door there, leading into a passage way. I got outside the weird building afterward, still on the run. I bumped into someone

“What the hell….” Jade snapped, as we both fell to the ground, with me on top of her, our lips were just an inch apart

“f-__-k” I cursed, getting off her. She also looked tensed at first

“Evans….what… what’s wrong with you….why were you running?” She asked looking behind me to perhaps see who was chasing me

“I…I..” I gulped in, not able to describe my ordeal. She looked down at my hands as I quickly took it behind me. She frown

“What’s that you are hiding?? Did you steal something? ” She asked

” I.. need to go now…thanks” I muttered, dashing out of the scene.
Jade’s POV
I watch him leave on his heels; still confused at what had happened earlier, the thought of his lips on mine filled my heart. I looked towards the driection he came out from, did he actually came out from this building? I thought.

The rooms in this blocks are sacred. According to Kyla, no one is allowed to enter this place, but what will Evans be finding in there at this time of the night. I was actually on my way to my room after an evening jog, when we collides and met ourselves on the ground.

d@mn, I think I twisted my wrist a bit, I was so lost in his segzy eyes to have noticed it. Goodness, why the weird feelings
Evans groaned on dialing his friend (Jothan) number, the third time. He had tried that of his mum but it wasn’t reachable. After receiving his phone and gadgets he was warned not to contact anyone from his past life. He had pledge his life to the clan, nothing changes that.

But he couldn’t contain his fear for what will happen to his mother If she doesn’t go far away from ‘The Mask’, now that he is part of this clan, things would begin to happen.

His mind flashed back to the previous night, his encounter with the two hoties, but the scary part of it is seeing Kyla in such state. What was she doing that, Alone… bare….was she praying or meditating. He thought.

Every details in his phone were being cleared off, he thanked his stars for making him know that of his friend and mother offhand.

“Hello” Jothan’s voice sounded from the background just after he picked the call

“Goodness…thank the stars…where did you keep your f-__-king phone” he gritted, looking behind to see if anyone will eavesdrop on this conversation. He is currently out of the room, in. A secret place to avoid being seen

“Evans….f-__-k…is this Evans” he yelled into the phone

“Hey reduce your voice….”

“Where the hell are you…the police are looking for you” he whispered

“What???” It was his turn to shout

“Hey cam down…not the other way round. Your mum believes that you have been kidnapped, she informed the police about it. We had about the death of your stepmom, the news is everywhere. You know, she is kinda a fashionista. So….”….

“d@mn it….can you help me out with something” he asked with pleading voice”

“okay….but you haven’t answered my question”.

“I’m in safe hands…I hope…oh …goodness…Jothan I don’t know what to say…I really don’t know”

“If they are pressurising you to tell lie about your location, don’t agree to it.”.

“It’s not what you think Jothan….I just can’t say it….I’m sacred of getting caught speaking with you. Go to my mum and tell her that I’m fine, take her out of Miami, you can go to any other state far from the north, just plead with her to agree. You can give me a call when you get there”

“I don’t have a problem with that….but I think we really need to see….I saw your dad few days back here in L.A, they came to your house and rampage it”

“What??? They??”

“Yea….him and some weird looking guys, I think he has a…….$h|t” Jothan muttered, hanging up

“What did you say….hello…hello… Jothan…are you there” Evans called. He noticed the call has ended and cussed. He wondered what Jothan was about saying, and what was Jothan trying to tell him.
Right in her office, Kyla listened to the voice calls between Evans and his friend. A device had been implanted into Evans phone without his knowledge, making everything that he does on the phone to appear on Kyla’s.

Once a call comes in, it will alert her. She smirked taking note of each of their conversation, also tracking the location of Jothan. Her brows furrowed when he mentioned seeing The Mask, she paused to listen more until he hung up the call

She felt like there was something strange about this Jothan… there wasn’t much surprise in his voice when Evans called, as a friend who felt his friend was kidnapped, he would have expressed shock evidently.

And the truth is, The Mask might only send his men to rampage Evans home in L.A, but wouldn’t go with them. Picking up her phone, she gave Jayden a call


” I will send you a file now….track the location and give me a feedback”

“Ok boss”

Kyla smiled, remembering the event of last night. She knew he might have gotten into that room from the library, but how did he get to the library.

This thoughts bothered her last night just after he left, she went to confirm her curiosity by seeing each doors linked to the public store. She saw a broom and other dusting materials in it, which means that Evans was brought here to clean…but by who.

She had clearly warned everyone to stay out of this building, she wonder who had that effrontery to break that order.


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