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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 14

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 14

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 14


Next Morning~~
Power room~
Everyone was already present in the room, as they waits for the boss to come in. Only Mica wasn’t present, she was still attending to treatment.

Kyla came in after a brief while, she stared at everyone present, and no one was smiling due to the bad situation of last night. Her eyes landed on Jade as she gave her a long expressionless stare, before taking a seat.

“The Blood Clan really tried their best in making most of our missions end badly. Mica got shot, the briefcase filled with cocaine worth millions of dollar got stolen, and the state chairman got shot too.

All these came from just one clan; The Mask is testing my patience, but we will give him back in thousand folds. I have begun more research about him; we just need time to get him. But still waiting, we gat more missions at hand.

One of my clients is asking for a clean assassin job. The fellow to be slain is no one but John Darkin, a well known CID agent.

He is currently searching for a housekeeper, and I think that is the best option to get to him, as he is always heavily guarded being a senior police officer.

The fellow is to live with him for a week or two, depending on how fast you can carry out the job, making it as clean as possible.

We need someone that is smart, innocent and a bit stubborn for the job; a female precisely. She stated, as her eyes wandered round until it landed on Jade.

“Jade…you are up for it” She muttered

“What??” Jade was about replying, but she kept her word to herself. She wouldn’t want to question the boss this time, but how the hell is she gonna live with an officer for a week or two.

She has been going on successful missions, but that only take a day or 48 hours, not weeks.

And that means she wouldn’t be seeing Evans at that period of time. What is Kyla up to? She thought.

But come to think of it, aside Moonlight who is physically stable, she is the only female remaining who hasn’t gone on a mission for a while now.

Mica is still unconscious, and Autumn had a cut on her wrist, though it had been stitched and plastered, but she won’t be able to hold her bows firmly for a while, or engage in a fierce fist battle, so she gat no choice than to accept.

“Ok boss” She replied as Kyla nodded

“Jayden will give you more details on his records, and perhaps create the necessary items you need, like ID card, fake profile records and all that. Get that Jayden?”

“Yes Boss…trust me to do my job well” he stated with a smile

“No mistakes..other announcement will be relayed to you all on the group chat..good day for now, and take the day off.” She stated and left.

“d@mn it..” Jade cursed silently and walked out almost immediately; the rest followed suit
Dining Room~~
It was already time to have their breakfast, as the clan members gathered at the table, laughing and chattering as they eat. Only Bruce was absent, he still has things to sort out together with the boss.

The maids were standing behind to serve and do other jobs

“What’s with the face, Jade?” Moonlight asked with a smirk. Jade rolled her eyes, not paying attention to her

“You are not happy because you were given a hard job? Thought you love going on missions, what happened to now” Moonlight snickered; Jade banged her fist on the table in rage

“Can you just shut up” She yelled at her

“Hey chill girls, are you both having a hard time.” Jayden asked

“Ask her why she is fond of getting on my nerves”

“And why is she getting pissed over nothing?” Moonlight resorted

“Ok…ok…to solve the problem let me be a judge…erm..Moonlight..why are you getting on jade’s nerves, and Jade, why are you getting pissed?”Kelvin asked, winking, as he and Jayden busted into rounds of laughter

“f-__-k you” Jade cursed

Autumn wasn’t interested in their comics, she was clearly drooling at Wizard who was also staring at Jade. She was still dazed in her stare until she saw him place his hand on Jade’s. She froze

“Hey…you need to calm down okay..what’s wrong” he asked, still caressing her palm, before she pulled it away gently. The others stopped laughing as they watch them in amusement. Wizard is always minding his business, but now he is showing concern, how nice.

Jade sighed out, as Autumn burn with jealousy

“I’m just not ok with the fact that I’m gonna be spending up to a week with a CID agent, what if I get caught” She exhaled

“The boss trusted you to give you the mission. She believes that you are smart and can do it, so don’t panic, just believe you will get it done, like you have always been doing” He assured. She gave him a soft smile which he returned.

Autumn had gotten enough already, if she continue to stay there watching the two acts all lovey dovey, then she might just explode. She hissed loudly, dropping her spoon as she heads out, while Jayden’s eyes followed her

“What the hell is wrong with her” Jade asked
Wizard shrugged

“I don’t know” he replied. Moonlight shook her head, rolling her eyes as it landed on Kelvin’s, who gave her a wink, biting his lips. She scoffed, dropping her spoon and left, not without giving him a hard glare.

“And the other is gone…so who is going next” Jayden asked jokingly, but no one paid attention to him.

“Fine..I will just accept the fact that no one likes me here…” he pouted, digging into his food
Blood Clan~~
Marshal, holding a glass of hard gin, took a gulp from it as he placed it on the table. His eyes were already getting red from numerous shots.

He raised his head to stare at his members one by one before speaking.

“That B!tch did a good job in getting in your missions. Two trainees ki||ed, two members shot in the arm..hmm..” he grinned, taking the cup back to his lips.

“We need to make her pay” that was Don’s voice
Marshal nodded

“Yea…but that will need more planning. We need to stay low for a while, in order to find ways to get her off this planet. We will need to plant a mole too in her clan, and that’s your job to do Don.” He sighed out, finally dropping the cup

“I will be going on a brief vacation… I will be leaving the clan to your care, alongside Scar, who is the second in command” he stated, taking a seat

Donald frown

“A vacation..when there is clearly war going on…huhnn” he gritted

“You know what my vacations are all about idiot…stop being a fool” Marshal resorted, as Donald calmed down. He nodded

“Fine…when are you leaving?”

“I will let you know” he replied, and Don understood what he meant
“Scar is physically down now, he was shot”

“Then let Mercury take up his place for now…dismiss” he ordered as everyone bowed briefly before leaving, except Don.

“We have a lot to talk about Don” Marshal stated, as Don drew out a seat and sat in front of him.
Autumn left the dining room and headed for Mica’s ward in the clan clinic. She was lost in thought, reminiscing on what had happened earlier at the dining room. Why would Wizard suddenly become nice, not like he was bad before; but his sudden change especially towards Jade is pissing her off. She doesn’t h@ťě Jade, no, but jealousy is already creeping in.

She got into the ward and met Mica sitting on the bed, she is already awake and her arm was bandaged.

“Hey big lady” Autumn hailed. Mica smiled out on seeing her. She tried moving from her current position but groan while trying to lift her injured hand.


“Hey…careful..” Autumn cooed. Mica chuckled
“Hey big baby” She stated “Came to visit me?”
“Yea…how is your arm now…still feeling much pains”
Mica shrugged

“As you can see….so how have you been” She asked. Autumn pouted
“Trying not to get angry”
“Oh…someone pissed my baby?”

“Not really…never mind” She replied. Mica knew something was wrong, though she doesn’t want to push it, so she let her be.

“You wrist is plastered” Mica noted.
“Oh…yea…it just a little bruise I got during the mission fight..but I’m sure it doesn’t hurt like yours” Autumn smirked

“Aww…this bullet wound hurt like hell, but I aint gonna let it paralyze my hand. I need to get back on the field soon. Speaking about that, is there any ongoing mission…are we going for ‘The Mask’”.

“About The Mask, not yet..but Jade will be going on a mission to terminate one famous CID agent. The rest of us will be notified if there is going to be any mission assign to us”

Mica pouted
“f-__-k this wound, I won’t be able to partake in anything for a while, yours is still fair” She muttered, Autumn chuckled

“You better just take this few days as an off, cause with the way things are going; the battle field will become hotter than ever. The Mask will be back for us again, but we surely will be ready for him and his crew.”

They continued to talk about other random things, not until the felt the presence of someone entering the ward. Autumn stood hastily to her feet, giving a curt bow to the fellow
“Boss” She greeted as Kyla walked in. She replied her with a brief nod before facing Mica

“How are you feeling Mica” She asked
“Fine boss”
“And your arm?”

“The nurses are doing their best, it’s getting better”
Kyla nodded, tucking her hand into the Jean she wore. She seems to be on her way out, Autumn thought, staring at her outfit.

“Ok, just get well soon so that the work load won’t be much on Jayden…take care” She tapped her shoulder a little before leaving.

“I think the boss is going somewhere” Autumn voiced out
Mica shrugged
“I think so..”
“Arhh…she never rest”

“And how will she rest when the enemy is lurking around…we are even fortunate to have her as our boss. She gives us enough freedom that we need unlike Luna who doesn’t give a d@mn about us being her members” Mica noted.
Jade walked into her room after leaving the dining hall, she planned on taking a brief nap before going to meet Jayden to get the necessary information and requirement for her mission. She will be leaving the following day, so she will need to get everything set; but the nap will come first.

The door to her room opened just as she was arranging the bed; she paused in her act to look and saw Kyla coming in. She returned to what she was doing earlier, not being bothered. Kyla walked closer to her; waiting to hear a word of greeting but got none. She wasn’t pissed about it, and wasn’t surprised at Jade’s sudden change of attitude.

“You need to get prepared; I have reached out to one of our team members that is in the police force. He will send the necessary record details of the lady which will be assigned for the housekeeping. You are going to nap her and take her place. Get ready, you’ll leave tomorrow morning.” Kyla noted and was about walking out

“I wanna take a nap now…” Jade stated grudgingly
“I’m not stopping you from taking one, just don’t keep Jayden waiting”
Jade sighed forcefully, dropping the bed sheet as she turned to face Kyla

“Why did you choose me for this mission?” She asked, with a frown
Kyla scoffed, walking closer to her, closing the little gap between them
“And why shouldn’t I send you? Who else do you think is fit for it?”

“And why Moonlight?” Kyla gritted, getting pissed
Jade scoffed
“Cause she is pretty” She spat, walking out of her. “You think I don’t know what you want me to go do there…huhn..this is bullshit”

Kyla tried to keep her anger in a low level, Jade is really pissing her off

“This mission is not a beauty contest, let that stick into your skull Jade. You are more experienced than Moonlight, more ski||ed than she is, and far more intelligent. This mission should be a peanut for you. I know Moonlight, she can do it, but I choose you because Moonlight might blow our cover, she is not that patient and we all know that.”

“You are dealing with a CID agent Jade, be smarter than relying on your ski||s alone, bring in your innocent mind to take over. You are a lady, you know how best to get a man. Also, you ain’t just there to ki|| him, else it would have been a day’s mission; there are some dirty skeletons in his cupboard which will be of good use to us and the public, Jayden will give you more details.” Kyla snarled, walking to the door

“And one more thing, if you fail this mission, don’t bother to come back to the clan” She gritted, banging the door close.

“f-__-k” Jade exasperated, rubbing her temple with her palm.
Evans lay on the bare floor waiting for what fate has for him. He still doesn’t know the wrong he has done to deserve all this treatment. He could remember the h@ťěful look on her face as at last night when she asked him to write down things he doesn’t know about.

The clanging sound made by the cell’s gate brought him out of his thought zone. He sat up with eagerness in his eyes to behold Jade, but got another sight. Kyla walked into the cell, looking fierce as ever. He gulped down nothing, watching her every step with keen attention

“Good…good morning” he quickly greeted, getting on his knees. Kyla smirked seeing his nervous look

“Get up” She commanded. He struggled to his feet
“Can you walk?” She asked. He nodded hurriedly, even when he doesn’t know if he can. He still feels pains all round his body from the numerous punches and blows she gave him.

“Fine….you are taking us to your mum” She muttered. He looked up sharply, his eyes popping out in shock. What does she want with his mum? He thought, but just then. She walked out; he had no choice than to follow, dragging his feet along the dusty ground.


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