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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SUCCUBUS – Episode 9 & 10

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( Demons Amongst Humans )

THEME: Beautiful Nightmare 🔞

By, Precious Pinky








‘𝓐 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓬𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 𝓲𝓼 𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓮𝓭, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓻 𝓭𝓸𝓸𝓶!’


She gulped loudly and glanced down at her hands and saw… blood.


The door flew open, revealing Joan, Camden, and Carmen. They all barged into the room without even bothering to knock, looking completely frightened and worried.

Camden quickly turned on the light switch and examined the room, searching for a thief or anything that could have made his little sister scream like that.

Joan, on the other hand, rushed to sit beside her daughter on the bed and scanned Esme’s body with her eyes.

“Are you okay? What happened?” Joan asked, reaching out to hold Esme’s hands but the frightened girl pulled away from her mother’s reach and started rubbing her hands together, trying to wipe off the blood stain.

Camden came out of the bathroom with his brows furrowed after going through the room, including the bathroom and walk-in closet but found nobody.

“What did you find?” Carmen asked her twin brother, raising a questioning brow with her arms crossed over her chest and her back pressed against the doorframe.

“Nothing,” He answered, shaking his head.

“I don’t want trouble and neither am I looking for one but, are you stupid?” She fired.

Camden’s face dropped immediately and he gave her a puzzled look.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, are you stupid?” She repeated.

Joan turned to look at her daughter, “What is that supposed to mean, young lady? Why are you suddenly insulting your brother?”

“Mom, I don’t understand why Cam will have to walk in here and start looking around as if searching for someone. Who are you expecting to see here exactly?” She asked him.

“Are you trying to pick up a fight with me?” He queried calmly.

Carmen scoffed as she scornfully rolled her eyes. “Pick a fight with you? You wish! So wait, you think a thief will evade the house security and come in here to steal? Do you know how tight the house security is? Because if you do, you wouldn’t have thought so low.” She paused. “Besides, we all know that Esme is an attention seeker when she’s in the house.”

“No, that’s not true.” Camden disagreed.

“Oh, really? Then let her care to explain to us why she screamed like the house is on fire.” She glared at her sister who was still seated on her bed, rubbing her hands together and crying.

Everyone’s focus was on her once again.

“Baby doll, what is it? Why are you rubbing your hands that way? Are your hands itchy?” Joan asked in a motherly tone.

“Blo… Blood… Blood.” Esme cried out.

Chucky started barking, sniffing around his owner, and whining at the same time.

“Will you stop barking!?” Carmen groaned, pushing herself off the doorframe and stepping further into the room. “Where is the blood?”

Esme showed her palms to her family but to her greatest surprise, there was no blood. Not even a drop of it.

Joan, Camden, and Carmen exchanged glances. Carmen gives them the ‘I told you so’ look.

“Where is the blood, dear baby sister?” She teased, tilting her head to the side.

Esme was in complete shock. She takes a closer look at her hand over and over again. No blood. How is this possible? Her hands were definitely coated in blood when she woke up from that terrifying dream.

Speaking of the dream, she lifted her gaze to her mother and her siblings, fresh tears streaming down her face.

Her nightmare scared the $h|t out of her. Losing her family felt like she had lost the whole world.

What was that dream about, by the way?

Why did she have such a disastrous nightmare?

What was it all about? She can’t help but wonder.

“Esme?” Camden called out, grabbing her attention. “Are you alright?”

She sniffled, shaking her head as a no.

“What happened?” Joan asked.

“I… I had a terrible nightmare.” She answered.

“Oh, f-__-k.” Carmen scoffed.

“Language.” Joan scolded.

“I’m sorry, mom. Anyway, I’m outta here. I can’t deal with this anymore. And you,” She pointed at Esme. “Let tonight be the first and last time that you will scream like that and disturb everyone’s peaceful sleep. The next time it happens again, you will have me to deal with.” She turned around and stormed out of the room.

“Annoying,” Camden commented on his twin sister’s rude remark and faced his baby sis. “Is that why you screamed like that? And why were you saying blood? Where is the blood?”

Esme thought of telling them but decided not to. They might think she’s crazy and unwell.

“I thought there was blood on my palms. The nightmare must have played with my reasoning.” She answered.

“Hmm. You really scared us.” He said.

“I’m sorry.” She moved her gaze to her Mother and gave the woman an apologetic look. “I’m sorry for getting you all worked up and worried, Mom. The dream was just so frightening.”

“What was it about?” Joan questioned.

“In the dream, I was sleeping in the room when I heard a loud crash and…” Esme swallowed the rest of her words. How was she going to tell her family or anybody else that she had a dream about the death of her family and it seemed like she was the one who murdered them? It made no sense at all. Moreover, how will her family take that kind of a dream? “I can’t remember.” She lied through her nose.

“I see.” Joan let out a deep breath. “Do you want me to sleep with you?”

Esme thought of saying yes but as soon as she opened her mouth, she said the opposite instead.

“No, don’t worry about me. I am fine.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind spending the night here with you, hun.”

“I’m a big girl, mom. You don’t need to do that.” She responded.

Joan sighed softly, shrugging her shoulders while coming up to her feet and readjusting her nightgown.

“Okay then. If you say so. Sleep tight, okay?”

“Okay, mom.”

“Goodnight.” Joan placed a delicate kiss on her daughter’s forehead.

Esmeralda gave out a small smile. “Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Cam.”

“Goodnight, baby sis. Don’t scream like that again. You hear me?”

“I won’t scream again. I’m sorry once again.” She apologized.

Camden turned off the light switch and stepped out of the room alongside Joan.

Esmeralda was eventually left alone in her dark bedroom, engulfed in fear and negativity.

She gently fell back in bed while Chucky nestled himself beside her, licking her arms, repeatedly.

She felt at ease with that single kind gesture of her dog pet.

“Thank you, Chucky.” She whispered softly, stroking the back ear of the Pomeranian dog. “I’m glad to have you by my side.”

Esmeralda didn’t only feel at peace because her dog was by her side but she felt so much at ease and relief when she saw that her family were perfectly fine and well.

However, as she drifted off to sleep, the dreadful image of her family’s death never left her mind.



“Hey, Lilith!” Delphine, Lou, and Calliope greeted at the same time, all waving their hands as they approached their friend.

Lilith simply nodded her head, giving them a bored and upset look.

“Are you okay?” Calliope questioned.

“You don’t look so good. Did something happen?” Delphine added.

Lilith released a tired breath, ruffling her hair while leaning against a wall.

“I didn’t sleep well…” She answered quietly.

The girls exchanged glances.

“Why? Wait a minute, is it about the burn?” Lou asked, raising a questioning brow.

“Not exactly,” She sighed again, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Although, the burn hasn’t left yet. But that wasn’t what affected my night rest.”

“I have a lot to ask about that burn but let’s leave that aside. For now. Tell us, why weren’t you able to sleep well last night?” Delphine queried.

“Did you go into anyone’s dream to have s*x with them? Is that why you didn’t sleep well?” Calliope gasped.

Lilith rolled her eyes.

“I wish that was even the case.”

“So it’s not?” Lou questioned.

“It’s not.” She answered whilst nodding her head.

“Okay, are you going to tell us what happened or not? You are getting us really worried.” Delphine groaned.

Lilith’s eyes turned red as she growled at Delphine, menacingly.

“Don’t ever speak to me in that manner again, Delphine.” She warned.

Delphine gulped nervously and slightly bowed her head, knowing fully well that she had crossed the line.

“I’m sorry.” She apologized.

Lilith brushed her off, not saying anything.

“I told you she was short-tempered.” Lou whispered to Delphine’s ears.

“I heard that,” Lilith said, her eyes changing back to their normal color.

“Sorry,” Lou mumbled, pressing her lips together.

“I will you guys everything. Let’s go to the rooftop.” She said, pushing herself off the wall and started walking away.

Her friends quickly followed her from behind.


They all arrived at the rooftop and sat down on the bench aside from Lilith who was leaning against the railing, glancing down to the group of students practicing their powers.

It was silent for what felt like an hour until she finally decided to talk.

“I heard this weird dream,” She paused. “I… I honestly don’t understand the dream but it felt so real and creepy.”

“First of all, you are a succubus, you don’t dream.” Delphine pointed out.

“You think I don’t know that already?” Lilith rolled her eyes.

“What was the dream all about? S*x?” Lou questioned.

Lilith turned around to face them, pressing her back against the railing and crossing her arms over her chest.

“I saw myself in the woods… I was in my demon form… In the moment of thinking how I got there, I saw a human girl… She was giving me a very weird look. Although, I was able to see her face clearly and neither was she able to see mine. And suddenly, I heard a voice…” Her voice trailed off as images of the dream flooded her head.

“What did the voice say?” Delphine asked.

Lilith hesitated for a few minutes before saying,


“The voice asked you to run?” Calliope asked just to be sure she heard her friend correctly.

Lilith nodded her head as a yes. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was looking so confused.

“Why will the voice ask you to run?” Calliope thought out loud, struggling to understand the dream.

“That shouldn’t even be the question,” Delphine mused. “The question should be, why would a succubus have a dream? They are known to be s*x demons who goes into people dream to have s*x with them… They don’t dream. Lilith, you are not supposed to dream. Why did you dream?”

“How do I know!? I am confused, frustrated, and f-__-king tired!” She groaned. “It doesn’t make any sense at all.”

“And about the human girl, who could she be?” Lou mumbled.

Lilith shrugged her shoulders, crouching down to the floor.

“Could she be the reason why your parents doesn’t want you to go to the human world?” Lou let out.

“You girls should stop asking me all these questions!” She snapped. “I f-__-king don’t know what is going on. It is impossible for me to join the pieces together and solve the puzzle. And to make matter worse, the f-__-king burn hasn’t left my back.”

“Oh, $h|t.” Delphine sighed, cupping her forehead.

“Didn’t your parents tell you anything about it? I mean, they are the king and queen of this kingdom, they should know something. Or wait, you didn’t tell them, did you?” Calliope stated.

“Of course, I told them but guess what? They didn’t say anything. Dad only said and I quote, ‘don’t worry about it, it will be gone by tomorrow morning’” She faced Delphine. “your exact words, remember?”

“Listen, I only said that to reduce the tension and calm you down.”

“Well, it was a stupid remark and untrue because the burn is still sitting gracefully on my back. I think I’m going insane. I h@ťě feeling useless.” She snarled.

“You know, I think I have an idea,” Lou said, grabbing everyone’s attention.

“What is it?” Lilith asked.

“How about going to the old witch?” She suggested.

Delphine, Calliope, and Lilith exchanged glances, liking Lou’s notion.

“That’s a very good idea. The old witch is the only one who know the answers to every question.” Delphine stated.

“Hmm. Then I will go to her hut by tonight,” Lilith told them.

“Do you want us to come with you?” Lou asked.

“Nah. I can handle it by myself.” She replied.


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