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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE SUCCUBUS – Episode 3 & 4

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( Demons Amongst Humans )

THEME: Beautiful Nightmare 🔞

By, Precious Pinky






‘𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶, 𝓫𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓮, 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴’

< ʙʀᴏᴡɴ'ꜱ ᴍᴀɴꜱɪᴏɴ >

Thirty minutes later, Esmeralda descended the stairs with her dog pet trailing after her.

“Good morning, Esme.” Joan sarcastically greeted, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Good morning, Mom.” Esmeralda mumbled, seeming guilty for getting ready for school this late.

“Why are you just coming downstairs?”

“I… I wasn’t feeling the urge to go to school.” She sincerely responded.


“No reason.” She lied.

Joan let out a deep breath while shaking her head.

“I don’t even know what to say to you, young lady. Anyway, your siblings already left for school. Do you want me to drop you off?” She asked.

“Uhm… no.” Esmeralda shook her head as she slung her backpack over her left shoulder.

“Why do you always refuse me to take you to school or even come over to see how you are fairing there? I don’t understand you, Esme. Or is there something you are hiding from me?”

“What can I possibly hide from you, Mom.” She rolled her eyes.

“I get calls from Carmen and Camden’s teachers but definitely not from yours and_”

“We can’t be having this conversation now. I’m off to school!” Esme cut her mother off and started walking towards the door.

“Since you refuse to let me take you to school… Can I at least send you some money for the transport fee?” She asked, bringing her child’s step to a halt.

“I would really appreciate that.” Esmeralda smiled.

Joan scoffed, bringing her phone out of her handbag, and started scrolling through the apps. She clicked on the bank transfer app.

“Your account number.” She said.

Esme quickly called out her account number, waiting patiently by the door.

A few moments later, she heard the chime notification sound of her phone and quickly pulled it out of her pants pocket.

“100k dollars? That’s too much, Mom.”

“Is that the ‘thank you’ I get?” Joan frowned.

“Forgive my manners. Thank you so much for the money. I really appreciate it.”

“No hugs or kisses?”

Esme chuckled and rushed back to her mother. She embraced her and kissed her lightly on the cheeks.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, off to school or you will be very late. Do you want me to call the principal and have him_”

“No!” Esmeralda quickly cut her off. “I’m sorry but I don’t think that’s necessary. I will take wh@ťěver punishment given to me for going late to school.” She said.

“Are you sure? I don’t want any bruises on my beautiful daughter’s body.” Joan smiled.

Esmeralda forced a smile to her face. If only her mother knew about what she was going through in school.

“I will be fine, mother. I am always fine.” She responded.

“Won’t you have breakfast before leaving?”

“I am late, Mom. Bye.” She ran out of the house immediately.

“This girl always wants to live a simple lifestyle.” Joan sighed and headed for the front door, calling out the maid in charge of the house whenever everyone was out. “Sally!”

“Yes, ma’am.” The maid rushed out of the kitchen and stood in front of her madam, slightly bowing her head.

“I am off to work now. Take care of the house, okay?”

“Okay, ma’am.” Sally replied.

“Good. And also feed the dog. He means a lot to Esme, it will break her heart if anything happens to him and I don’t want that for my daughter. Is that clear?”

“Very clear, ma’am.”

“Alright. Take care.” Joan left the house as well.


< ꜱɴᴏᴡʏ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ 🌹ꜱᴇɴɪᴏʀ ꜱᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ >

The school bell rang, and students from their various lessons started coming out of the classroom, filling the once quiet hall with their loud chattering and laughter.

Amongst the throngs of people was Camden and his two best friends; Ricco and Harley.

Ricco has been friends with Camden for four years and they were both on the school football team while Harley is a tomboy who has been friends with Camden all their lives.

Harley is the only one among Camden’s friends who knows about Esmeralda’s true identity. Although, she promised to keep her mouth shut.

The three of them walked down to their lockers which were horizontally beside each other.

“How was class?” Harley asked the two boys, picking out her next subject textbook.

“I h@ťě further maths!” Ricco pouted, opening his locker and leaning against it.

“Why then are you attending the lecture?” Camden questioned.

He shrugged. “I don’t even know. I must be high on something.”

“You’ve been attending the class for four years, so are you trying to tell me that you have been high on something for four years?” Harley raised a questioning brow, a smile playing at the side of her lips.

“I guess so.”

Camden slammed shut his locker very hard and turned to face Harley and Ricco.

“Where is Oscar?” He asked.

Harley and Ricco looked around the hall in search of any familiar face that was their friend but they were met with students they know and some they do not know at all. In other words, Oscar was nowhere to be seen.

Oscar was the last member of their group. He has been friends with them for three years. He is more close to Ricco than the others. While Camden and Harley are more close to each other.

“Do you think he skipped school today?” Harley asked.

“He didn’t mention anything to me about skipping school. Did he tell you anything?” Camden asked Ricco.

He shook his head. “No, he didn’t. Should I give him a call?”

“Yea_” Camden was cut off by Harley.

“Speak of the devil.” She nodded her head to the end of the hall. The two boys turned around and saw Oscar making his way towards them with a deep frown on his face.

“Hey, guys!” He greeted them as soon as he got to where they remained standing, in front of each of their lockers.

“Hey…” They chorused, giving him a questioning look.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” He asked, unlocking his locker that was near Ricco’s.

“You are late.” Camden pointed out the obvious.

“Yeah. I know.” He murmured in reply, tirelessly.

“Are you alright?” Ricco queried.

“Mm-hmm. Don’t I look alright?” He asked, staring between the faces of his friends.

“You don’t,” Harley answered without beating around the bush. “You look so exhausted and… sick. What happened to you?”

“Wait, are you seriously sick?” Ricco raised a questioning brow, watching him closely as he waited for an answer.

Oscar was quiet for a few minutes before saying,

“I have a confession to make,”

“A confession?” They repeated in sync, exchanging glances.

“What kind of confession?” Camden inquired.

Silence hung in the air as Oscar took his time to continue talking.

After another few minutes of keeping shut, he finally opened his mouth to talk.

“I had a wet dream,” He whispered so that nobody aside from his friends would hear.

Camden, Harley, and Ricco burst out into fits of laughter, giving Oscar the ‘And so what?’ look.

“Stop laughing, guys. It’s not funny.” He said through clenched teeth.

“How is this not funny?” Ricco let out in between laughter.

“Ask him again because I don’t get why he isn’t laughing.” Harley coughed slightly, clearing her throat.

“And so what if you had a wet dream? Besides, it isn’t the first time you have had one. Or is it?” Camden stated.

“You guys don’t understand…” Oscar sighed. “It wasn’t a regular wet dream. Everything I felt was so real and… and… amazing.”

“He enjoyed the wet dream.” Ricco chuckled.

“Yes, I did. I won’t deny that fact. But it all feels so weird. I don’t know how to say it. You all know how much I fantasize about f-__-king a black lady, right?”

They nodded their heads, awaiting him to go on, which he did.

“That was exactly who I f-__-ked in my dream. Okay, wait. I didn’t f-__-k her. She gave me BJ instead. Anyway, she was a beautiful black girl with amazing curves and a pretty face. f-__-k, she was everything that I had imagined.” He paused. “Her touch, kisses, voice… everything… it all felt so real. And the dream was so vivid that it felt like it was happening to me in reality. Also, by the time she finished giving me the BJ, I was so exhausted when I woke up from the dream. I could barely get out of bed and all I did was to fall right back asleep.” He explained in detail.

“First of all, isn’t Wet Dream supposed to feel that way?” Ricco quizzed. “After all, it is your imagination.”

“Secondly, you must have been masturb*ting in your sleep that was why you felt weak when you woke up.” Camden added.

“No. That wasn’t the…” Oscar let out a deep breath, waving them off. “You know what? Forget it. Let’s just pretend like I didn’t say anything. It’s pointless trying to get you all to understand what I’m saying.”

They heard the sound of the bell ringing and everyone started rushing for their next lesson.

“Goodbye, I’m off to class!” Harley waved, walking towards the literature classroom.

“Let’s go,” Camden told his friends and they all went to their chemistry classroom.


< ᴊᴜɴɪᴏʀ ꜱᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ >

Esmeralda got to school very late.

The first lecture was over and the next class was about to commence.

Students were littered around the hallway, chatting and laughing with each other while some were taking out books from their lockers and going back to the classroom.

Esmeralda avoided every student on her way as she approached her locker, hoping that she wouldn’t come across her bullies.

But unfortunately, they were already waiting for her in front of her locker by the time she arrived.

Her eyes went wide and she attempted to walk away, pretending not to have seen them but one of the boys quickly stood in front of her, blocking her path.

Some students started gathering around to watch the drama because they all knew what was going to happen next.

“Oh, here comes our favorite toy.” The ring leader, Brent stated, smirking. “Do you know how much I missed you? You kept me waiting for too long, you know?” He winked.

“Leave me alone, Please.” Esmeralda pleaded and tried her luck once again to walk away but the boy blocking her path wouldn’t step out of the way.

“Why are you just coming to school? Were you trying to run away from me?” Brent asked in a low voice, gripping Esme’s hair from the root and pulling her to stand in front of him.

She tried to break away from his grip as she hissed in pain, tears welling in her eyes.

“Let go… You are hurting me.” She sobbed.

“I am hurting you?” He repeatedly in a questioning manner. “Well, that’s good. Because that’s my initial intention. I want to hurt you. I love hurting you.” He gripped her hair harder almost pulling it from her skull.

“Are you having fun now without me, Brent?” A feminine voice said, interrupting the commotion and joining the bullies.

Brent chuckled deeply, his chest vibrating in the process as he turned around to face the girl, still holding onto Esmeralda’s hair but a little bit loosely.

“Of course not, baby. I can’t have fun without you.” They locked their lips in a heated kiss, ignoring the students around whose eyes were on them.

“I know you wouldn’t dare.” She said after they broke the kiss and wiped off the red lipstick trail she had left on the side of his lips.

Brent and Beverly have been dating for seven years and they are nicknamed the ‘hot couple of snowy junior high school’ Never cross their path or else you want to be dealt with severely.

Brent is from a rich and influential family. His father is the owner of one of the most biggest and popular construction companies in the world.

All his life, Brent has lived like a prince who gets what he wants and how he wants it. His parents are always there to support his rude and nasty attitude without correcting him or teaching him basic manners. Besides, he is the only child of his family which makes it easy for him to be spoilt and pampered.

As for Beverly, her mother is the sole founder of Snowy High School. She runs its affairs as the principal and always makes sure that no student or teacher disrespects or looks down on her daughter.

She knows about Beverly bullying other students but chooses to keep quiet and not do anything to stop it.

Every student knows it is pointless to report the bullying issue to the principal because as usual, nothing will be done. And sometimes, depending on the situation, the student who makes the report might even be expelled or suspended.

And that’s why every student, including teachers, always turns a blind eye whenever Brent, Beverly, and their cohorts are bullying other students.

Beverly is so vain that everything she passes a reflective surface, she has to stop, look at herself, apply makeup, and then take a selfie. She goes by the nickname ‘Barbie’

Both Brent and Beverly are the leaders of the school bullies. They are feared by other students. Especially those who joined the school using a scholarship or are from a poor family background.

To survive in Snowy High School, you must be from a wealthy family. And not just a wealthy family but your father or mother must be well-known in the country.

“Hi, Esme. I almost thought you wouldn’t be coming to school. I was already searching for my next victim.” She beamed.

“What do you people want from me? Please leave me alone.” Esmeralda snapped, struggling to pull her hair out of Brent’s grasp but it was a wrong move to make because he held it tightly, momentarily stopping blood from flowing.

“I love seeing her in pain.” Beverly chuckled.

“Me too.” Brent agreed, smiling coyly. “Wanna have fun with our favorite toy, baby?” He asked his girlfriend.

She frantically nodded her head, her eyes shining brightly in excitement.

“I can’t wait to have fun with her.” She squealed alongside her female Ɓîtçhes.

As they dragged Esmeralda to the restroom, she knew immediately that this bully was never going to stop.



“Where are you coming back from, young lady?” King Graham growled at the same time Lilith was walking into the palace.

“From school, of course. Where else?” She lied nonchalantly, rolling her eyes.

“Don’t you dare lie to me!” He roared angrily and the ground and walls of the palace shook intensively. “Where. Did. You. Go. To?” He asked, taking his words carefully as his eyes shone in a bright red color.

Lilith knew immediately that her father was aware of what she did.

Which teacher had the guts to report her to her father about her ditching school? She wondered.

“The human world.” She mumbled under her breath, avoiding to meet her father’s gaze.

“And what did I tell you about going to the human world?” He interrogated.

She didn’t answer.

“I am asking you a question, Lilith.” He snarled.

“Oh, come on, dad.” She sighed, getting fed up with his scolding. “I was in need of human energy and that’s why I decided to go to the human world.”

“You were sent to school, right?” Graham stated, taking a step towards her. “Why would you ditch school for human energy? Tell me, Lilith, why exactly did you go to the human world?”

Lilith held her father’s gaze for a moment before answering.

“I already told you. What are you expecting to hear from me?”

Graham’s eyes changed into their normal color and he seized his daughter up with his eyes before waving her off.

“Just go to your bedroom. I don’t want to see you for the time being.”

Lilith silently turned around and left the throne room.


< ʟɪʟɪᴛʜ'ꜱ ʙᴇᴅʀᴏᴏᴍ >

“f-__-king hell!” Lilith grunted, stepping inside her bedroom and slamming the door shut behind her. “I can’t believe he would scold me for going to the human world.”

“Of course, he would.” Dahlia, who was sitting on the bed said, grabbing her daughter’s attention.

“Mom! Why are you in my room?” She shouted.

“This is my palace.”

“Well, this is my room.”

“Your room is in my palace which means I can come in here whenever I want to.”

“Gosh.” Lilith frowned, heading towards the bathroom when her mother said something from behind, bringing her step to a halt.

“You shouldn’t be going to the human world as you please, Lilith. And besides, if you need human energy, we can simply bring them down here from their world to satisfy your hunger.” She said.

“Seriously? And where is the fun there?”

“This isn’t about fun but your protection.” Dahlia let out a soft breath, rising to her feet. “Lilith, dear, you mean a lot to your father and me. We always want what’s best for you and…”

“…keeping away from the human world is what’s best for me, is that it?” She cut her mother off, asking.



“I know this might sound weird and crazy but…” Dahlia hesitated. “The human world will be the doom of you.”

Lilith’s face dropped instantly.

“What do you mean by that? Every immortal goes to the human world to feed. Why should my case be different? How is the human world my doom?”

The queen stepped closer and dropped her hand on her daughter’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly before taking a step back.

“There are some secrets better left in the dark. Listen to your father and I, Lilith. We, alone, know what’s best for you.” With that said, Dahlia spun around and left the bedroom, leaving Lilith behind in confusion and silence.


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