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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 67 & 68

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 67🪻68

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️





“Vara…?! Alvara….?!! Oh my f_ck! Alvara is in danger!” He sprang up immediately he remembered what happened,and his girlfriend’s life is in danger.

He stood up,staggering like a drunk.

He was actually injected with a sedative,after fighting so hard.

He dropped down on the floor again,as he felt dizzy.

“Alvara!…” He called again,trying to get up.


Lennox had juts walked out of the bathroom,into his room,with obvious happiness written all over him.

He didn’t see Alvara in school yesterday,because they didn’t come. So,he was happy and just couldn’t wait to see her.

After applying his cream,deodorant and all,he wore his clothes.

He picked his phone afterwards,then his wristwatch and wore.

He was about picking his car keys to head out,when he felt a presence again,same one he felt the other day through the scent of his body spray.

He chuckled,while taking the keys from the table.

“Here for a rematch,Scorpio?” He asked,but he was immediately replied with a hard punch on the face,hitting his nose badly and he instantly bled from the nose.

“f_ck it!” He cursed,cleaning the blood that was oozing out of his nose so much already.

He looked at Scorpio,ominously. Quickly and angrily taking off his wristwatch.

He wasn’t done doing so,when another punch flew to his face,but he was able to dodge it this time,by quickly bending his body.

And like that,he stood up and returned the punch to Scorpio’s face,getting him real good too.

Scorpio quickly kicked him to the floor,not minding the punch he just got.

Lennox landed on the ground heavily,and rolled until his back hit the wall hard.

“$h|t!” He groaned out in pains.

Nevertheless,he got up immediately,charging towards Scorpio who was already waiting for him.

Scorpio threw a punch immediately,not giving him any chance to hit him.

Lennox maneuvered,and like that,brushed him off the ground,making him fall heavily too.

A big fight followed after that,with them breaking things in his room.

They fought themselves until they were tired,but neither of them was ready to stop.

Scorpio took out his dagger secretly.

Unknown to Lennox,he got knocked hard on the head with the dagger.

His brain shockingly shut down,and he went unconscious instantly.

Scorpio brought out a syringe with sedative and injected him,with the intention of keeping him unconscious for like ever,so he could rapé and kíll Alvara himself.

He dragged Lennox out into the nearest uncompleted storey building and left him there.

“Happy seeing her déad when you wake up” He smiled wickedly.

He went back into Lennox’s room,and brought out a mask,a complete face of Lennox that has been programmed with Lennox’s voice,and wore.

He already unlocked Lennox’s phone with his fingerprints,when he went to dump him in the uncompleted building.

So,he took the phone and called Alvara immediately,sounding exactly like him.

That’s why she couldn’t detect..


Well,let’s get this clear.

Lennox is….or was a member of the Black Daggers Cult,who was assigned by Scorpio to kìll Alvara,but….he fell in love with her instead.

He actually had been admiring her before then,but never really approached her that soon. Reasons best known to him.

He has been given that assignment even before the day he saved Alvara from the Chancellor.

So,when he was given the assignment to get rid of her,actually Alvira inclusive.

He just couldn’t,and as for being a member of the Black Daggers,he began to go on and off in the cūlt group,all for Alvara’s sake,which Scorpio didn’t know at first.

But when he noticed his sudden change and all,he began to thr_@ten him.


This message was literally sent by Scorpio when he saw them together that very day.

He’s got his eyes everywhere!

That’s why Lennox wasn’t moved,he only chuckled.

Lennox was actually like his right hand man,so he isn’t that scared of him,despite his dark and gruesome heart.


He grabbed her abruptly and began to caress her body with the dágger.

Wait a sec! What does he mean by “what I was sent to do”?

Has Lennox actually been dating her so he could get closer to her,then kìll her easily?

What the hell is going on? Why is everything happening right now feel like she’s dreaming.

First,it was her sister that got played,and now her?

Did they gang up and planned to do this to them?

Is this why he has been acting weirdly around her these days?

Okay,now her own case is worst than her sister’s.

She’s not only heartbroken right now,but in gràve danger and she’s obviously going to díe soon!

Because this is a clear déad pole,and of course,no one is going to save her this time.

If only she told Michal or Jorel about where she was going to.

If only her sister was with her,then she would have been aware of her whereabout!

Why does this have to happen today?

Just why?!

Scorpio dragged her along with her this time,heartlessly throwing her on Lennox’s bed with no mercy.

“Lennox,please. Don’t do this to me!”

“I…thought…I thought you loved me,Le.
Why do you want to do this to me?
Did I wrong you in any way?” Alvara spoke innocently,slowly moving backwards while she spoke with fear.

“You did me no wrong,but paying for my sister’s déath.

“You and your twin sister are paying for Jesse’s déath,but I’m gonna start with you first,the weakling.

“And guess what?” He began to chuckle darkly.

Did he just say Jesse? Like,same Jesse they knew?

Wait,Jesse was his sister?

What the f_ck!!

Jesse was their friend. A victim of Beggleton bullies,whom of course,Alvira helped and she became their friend as days went on.

But she was brutally råped to dêath one particular night.

Someone from their school did,but they still don’t know who did råpe her till date.

Well,the ràping of students started again,fèw months after her déath,which has gotten worst now.

She and Alvira were even planning on going to visit her grave with flowers,one of these days.

Does this mean she had two brothers?
Because Lennox doesn’t look like her brother whom they saw at Jesse’s funeral.

But what has Jesse’s death got to do with them?

They aren’t the ones who rãped her,so why are they paying for her d3ath?

Well,Scorpio is just a psychopath who is avenging his sister’s d3ath,and doesn’t care who was involved or not.

His plan was to find and ki|| only those who were involved,but now he’s gone insane now,and shedding blõod is more like a hobby to him now.

“Your death will be worse than my sister’s” He smirked,knowingly.

Alvara held her mouth,and tried to scream,but went mute and only widened her eyes when she saw another Lennox behind the Lennox in the room.

Okay! She really wanted to scream out loudly this time,but the real Lennox signaled her to keep shut and don’t make the imposter know he’s inside.


Alvira was still in the library,feeling really down as she listened to her music.

She just came to the library because it’s the most quiet place to be,and that’s where she needed to be at the moment.

Although she wasn’t really thinking about her sister,but she had this weird feeling that something wasn’t right. Her sister wasn’t okay.

Slowly,she stood up from where she was sitting,and walked out of the library.

She was walking slowly at first,but when she felt very restless and disturbed,she started walking very fast.

She took off her headphones,and brought out her phone instead,dialing her immediately,but her line wasn’t connecting.

“Fracks!” She cursed and kept walking fast,until she got to the class.

“Where’s my sister?!” She asked Michal immediately she entered,breathing so hard.

“I don’t know,she didn’t tell me where she was going” Michal replied.

“$h|t! Her line isn’t connecting! I feel she’s not okay wherever she is” Alvira spoke insanely,and started pacing around,roughening her hair.

She ran out of the class,and Michal followed immediately.

“What’s the matter,Vi? Did something happen to her?” Michal asked.

“I don’t know,but I have a bad feeling she’s not safe wherever she might be” Alvira pressed hard on her lips.

She took her phone again,while Michal did same,and they began calling her at the same time.


Alvara averted her eyes from Lennox immediately,turning her gaze back on Scorpio.

But wait!!! How come they’re two Lennoxes? Is he a twin also?

What the f_ck is going on?!

Her head is starting to spin already from the crazy hectic situation.

Alvara quickly stood up from the bed,but Scorpio grabbed her again,throwing her back down.

Lennox has been there,finding a better position to punch him well,because if he attacks anyhow,Scorpio might grab Alvara and probably point a gun or dagger at her.

He actually entered the room through his window,but how he was able to make no sound is what he needs an accolade for.

Just when Scorpio was about to do his worse,he got punched behind,right on the head and he landed on the ground.

“What the f_ck!” Lennox exclaimed,when he saw himself on someone else.

He quickly hid Alvara behind him,protecting her from wh@ťěver weapon might fly in the air unexpectedly.

“I see,it doesn’t work on you” Scorpio smirked,referring to the sedative he injected Lennox with,which he was supposed to sleep for long. But Lennox is a hard nut to crack.

Saying no other word,he kicked Lennox on his stomach,and he staggered back,almost falling.

“Ahh!” Alvara screamed,leaving Lennox to hide somewhere more safe,but Scorpio used the opportunity of kicking Lennox,and went for Alvara when he saw her leaving Lennox’s back.

Lennox regained himself and charged towards.

He pulled him back,and landed him a hard punch,making him bleed instantly.

The psycho started laughing instead.

“This isn’t over” He said,and with that,he exited the room.

He did leave the room on purpose,and he’s sure going to come back.

Lennox ran to Alvara immediately Scorpio left,and helped her up,but Alvara slåpped him off her.

“Who the hell are you?!…what…am I really dreaming or this happened for real? I’m going crazy!!” She yelled,holding her spinning head.

“Who was that guy…why do you have a duplicate,are you a twin? What the f_ck do you want from me?!!! She asked a million questions at once.

“I’m sorry,Alvara. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this one time.

“I am a cūltist….I was a cūltist,but not anymore.
I was assigned a mission to get rid of you,but I couldn’t,because I was in love with you.

“Please,you have to believe everything I’m telling you. This is what I wanted to tell you the other day.
I quit being a member,because I didn’t want to hurt you.

“I love you,Vara. And I promise not to hurt you,nor let anyone hurt you” Lennox said,but Alvara was shedding a fountain of tears instead.

He was the one who was watching the Black Daggers the other night,and that’s another thing he wanted to tell her that day,for she and her sister to be careful.

Alvar remained silent,and only made to run out of his room,but he grabbed her.

“Please,just believe me and forgive me. I’m sorry,you had to find out this way.
I love you,Vara. I sincerely do” He said calmly,holding Alvara to his body.

“Let me go,Lennox! Just let me go…” She struggled and began to hit his chest,trying to free herself.

“You’re a liar…just let me!” She protested.

“I’m sorry…I’m telling you the truth. I no longer belong to the cūlt,because of you. Please believe me….

“No!! No,no…no!” Alvara began to act crazy,screaming out loud.

Lennox held her tighter,and kissed her,shutting her up instantly.

His very first kiss with her since they started dating!


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