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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 51 & 52

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 51🪻52

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️





“What?! You signed what?” Brenda held her mouth,totally knocked out.

“Why would you do a thing like that?
Why in the world would you agree to sign the Divorce papers?
Are you crazy,Caesar?” Brenda yelled,moving away from Caesar to stare at him well.

She folded her arms and stood in disbelief of what Caesar just said he did.

To think she came here with the hope of finding a way to sort this out,and she was even over joyed when she heard Caesar confess his love for Georgia.

She had it in mind that this was going to be a bit easy to sort out,but now he has signed the papers.

Like,he and Georgia are Divorced now?


“She forced me to,I swear,Mom. I tried to talk to her,but she didn’t even look at me.

“She came back home early this morning,and I had been by the door waiting for her,with the hope of apologizing and explaining things to her once I see her.

“But I got slapped instead when I tried to touch or even talk to her. It hurts,Mom. I swear,it hurts so much” Caesar shut his eyes tight,trying to make the tears stop forming.

“She h@ťěs me and doesn’t even want me to talk to her.
She h@ťěs me so much,Mom. This is all my fault” Caesar shook his head in disappointment and rejection.

Why does this have to happen now that they were starting to get along?

Why does this have to happen now that he has fallen so much for her?

“Yes,this is sure all your fault,Caesar. We told you. Your father and I,and everyone else told,but you never listened.

“You always treated her bad,bring that devil to live under the same roof with her and did all sort of things. You treated her like she was not worth liking,not to talk of loving!

Until these few days you started having sense.

“So,now that that news went viral,saying you only wanted to make her fall,then Divorce her. What did you think she was going to do?

“What did you expect she was going to think or believe?

“Did you think she was going to believe you,or even let you talk to her again?
Did you think she was going to hold and hug you tight?

“That girl is broken,Caesar! Her heart is shattered,broken into pieces that cannot be picked. Do you have any idea the kind of heart that girl has? Despite all the $h|t you were doing right under her nose,she bore them all and stayed.

You called this upon yourself.

“She’s never going to listen to you,for her to know that you didn’t post that $h|t.
I blame you,and I will always blame you for your stupidity.
I warned you,if only you listened to me your mother…you were stupid,Caesar!
You’ve lost her,Caesar,and it’s all your fault!” Brenda held her breath for as long as she could,before letting it out.

This is just so crazy and unbelievable.

“Not now,Mom…please,this is not the time to blame me…I know I have been stūpid…I know I treated her badly….I know I treated her like she was not worth loving…I know I made her look like she was desperate to be loved,but all those are in the past now. I’ve realized my mistakes,stupidness and all. And I was already trying to correct my wrongs,not until this happened.

“I am broken,Mom….I am frustrated and I don’t know what to do….it hurts me so much to see her in that state. If only she’d let me say something,just a word…but she h@ťěs me” Caesar shed more tears as he spoke.

Brenda didn’t know she was also starting to cry.

Why does this have to happen?

Just why…why…why!

Brenda went to him,and hugged him again,motherly.

He’s her son anyway,no matter what happens,or how stūpid he is…he’ll always be her son.

“It’s okay,Caesar. I don’t know how,but we’ll sort this out,hopefully. She’ll come around,trust me. She’s just still angry and broken. She needs a lot of time to heal,you just have to be patient,okay? But you two are Divorced now…ha! I really don’t know what to say” Brenda consoled him,placing his head on her chest like a little baby.

That’s actually what he needs right now. Love and consolation,same goes to Georgia.

They both need comfort at this time,not blames.

“But who did make that post? Because I don’t understand anything happening right now” Brenda asked,pulling away little.

“I don’t know,Mom. I haven’t even gotten myself well to find whoever is behind this. All I know is that someone hacked into my account,and wrote that $h|t.

“Whoever did this will live to regret it for the rest of his or her life!” Caesar said seriously.

Brenda sighed out,and pulled away completely.

“Where’s Georgia now?” She asked,hoping he’d say she’s upstairs,even though she knows it possibly can’t be.

“Her sister is at the Hospital. I don’t know what happened to her,but Alex and Jack went to the Hospital and found out that her sister,Alvira was admitted in Sriphat Hospital” Caesar explained,and Brenda held her mouth again,getting into another shock.

“What?! What happened to her? Oh,God! Georgia is going through so much pain just for one day. God! I can imagine what she’s facing right now” Brenda shook her head,slumping on the couch.

“I Know,Mom. And this is all my fault” Caesar said yet again.


Alvira has become the talk of town,or should I say,the talk of school,because of what she did last night.

Some believe it’s true,while some don’t.
Because what she did is like going to the lions den,and dropping yourself inside,then asking them to eat you.

That’s exactly what Alvira did.

What if she was kîlled?

What if they caught and ràped her to déath like they always did?

Well,Alvira knew all these before she took that life thr_@tening decision.

She knew and knows she isn’t weak,before she took that bold step. Because no weak person has ever escaped their evil.

“Gosh! I can’t believe how far she went,that was too risky. I am a guy,but I will never in my life take such risk” One of the students talking about it,said.

“Swears. Are you sure that girl is not a dude? Because what the f_ck! What a fearless heart she’s got. I admire her though” Another one said.

“So,now she knows their hideout,what’s gon’ happen now? Gosh! I’m so scared for her,hope they won’t come for her life?” Another one said too.

“They obviously would change location. I don’t pray anything as such happens to her though. She’ll be fine,I believe so.

“She definitely will be. That girl is tougher than we all think.

“Way tougher. But I heard she’s still unconscious” The last student said and they all sighed out.

Meanwhile,a pair of eyes had be watching and listening to them,hoping she díes soon.


👤 Oh my goodness! Michal is here?

👤 How’s Alvira doing now,please?

👤Heard she’s still unconscious,is that true?

👤 How’s her twin sister doing too?

👤 Hope her condition is not very critical,Michal?

👤 Are we seeing back to school soon? Please answer us”

The students threw questions at Michal,the very moment she entered the class.

She came back to her hostel,she and Jorel,after spending enough time with their friend.

Yep,they stay in school,yuno.

“Alvira is fine and strong. She’ll be back to school sooner than you expect” Michal replied with a smile,though she’s not happy.

She’s very worried about her friend’s condition.

If only she and Alvara knew that she (Alvira) wasn’t actually going to use the restroom,but had other plans in mind. There’s no way they would have let her leave.

She scared them so much last night,when they saw the blood that was gushing out from the area she was shot.

They all thought she was not going to survive it. But well,Alvira is stronger than they all think.

“How are you,Michal?” Jorel went to her desk and asked.

“I’m fine,thanks. Have you heard from them again? Called an hour ago,and Alvara said she’s still very much unconscious” Michal said sadly,and Jorel sighed.

“Same thing she said. Called again not quite long,but she didn’t pick” Jorel explained,sitting on the desk.

“I guess she’s tired and probably sleeping. Gosh! I miss them so much already” Michal replied,and Jorel said same.

“I’ll be going there after school,would you like to follow me?” He asked,and….

“Of course,Jorel. If I don’t,who would?” Michal shrugged.

~I just wish and hope she díes like that,while still unconscious.

That was Mitchelle at a corner,praying for Alvira’s déath.


“Hey…Michal! How’s Alvira doing? Please tell me she’s fine” Niran ran to Michal immediately he saw her.

She had left the class and was taking a walk just to calm her worried self.

“Jeez! Did you just get the news now?” Michal asked,her voice raised a little.

“I swear,I had no idea anything as such happened to her. I just heard students talking about it,that’s why I rushed to look for you. Please tell me she’s alright,please!” Niran said,and Michal rolled eyes.

“I can’t believe everyone heard the news,but you who is her boyfriend,didn’t. Until this morning when you heard students talking about it,seriously?” Michal folded her arms,shaking slowly with a frown.

“I’m sorry,okay? It may seem like I don’t care,but I really do care,please tell me she’s okay” Niran said,and Michal looked at him with a raised brow,not saying anything for moment.

“So….where were you last night?” She finally asked,and Niran creased his brows.


“Are you okay,baby?” Marisa asked Georgia who sat near Alvira with her head uncomfortably leaning on the sick bed.

Her eyes were shut,but not completely. Half of her mind is here with her sister,and half is somewhere else.

Oh,yeah. Her Mom knows what’s up already,likewise her Dad. But he’s currently not here.

“I’m fine,Mom. Don’t worry about me” Georgia feigned a smile. Because behind that smile is a ripped heart.

“You’re not…I can see that you’re not. You’re only trying to be strong” Marisa said,and she smiled again,repeating the “I’m fine”.

“Mom…? You to go home and rest,please. I don’t want you to fall sick. You’ve stayed here long enough,please” Georgia said to her Mom who wasn’t even listening. That’s what she has been telling her to do since last night,but she refused to go back home” She said,changing the topic immediately.

“I can’t go home,Gigi. I can’t rest,not when Vi is still lying there unconsciously.
She’s not moving at all,she hasn’t made any reflex,not even a knuckle is moving.

“I need to see her awake,Gigi. I need her to wake up and do the crazy things she does,say crazy things to her twin sister that will make me laugh,and tear up.

“I need her to wake up and behave like a boy,kiss my cheeks every minute she sees me.
I told them,oh goodness! I told them to be very careful since they insisted on going to that party.

“You’re so stubborn,Alvira. Now see the condition you’ve put yourself in” Marisa sobs lowly,Alvara’s palm in her hand,as she rubs it gently.

“Ha!…Mom,don’t start again,please.
Alvira will be fine,Monique said so. She just needs to wake,that’s all” Georgia tried to console her Mom who wouldn’t stop crying.

“I just want to see my daughter awake,and nothing else” Marisa replied. She turned to look at Alvara who was sleeping peacefully by her right,she smiled lightly. But something told her that she wasn’t okay.

So,she stood up and went to her and paced her hand on her forehead.

“Oh my gawd! She’s seriously running temperature” She exclaimed. Georgia got up immediately on hearing that.

“Smokes! Alvara’s condition is starting to affect her now” Georgia said frustratedly and left to go get Monique.


“Hey,buddy. How are you feeling?” Kyrian asked,sitting himself down.

Caesar was just seated on his swivel,his head up high as it rested on the swivel chair.

He was staring into space as been thinking since he came to work. He hasn’t even done a thing,all he’s been thinking about is Georgia.

Slowly,he brought his head down,and Kyrian creased his brows.

“Are you….crying? $h|t….this is getting you real bad” Kyrian said,getting up from his seat to go to Caesar’s side.

“You don’t need this,Caesar. All you need is to put yourself together,find out who did this,then find a way to win Georgia’s heart. I know you two are Divorced now,and the chances of getting her back are…f_ck! This is too bad” Kyrian said.

“She h@ťěs me” Was all Caesar said,shutting his eyes tight again.

“I know,Man. Everyone would,especially in a situation like this where you both started roughly.

“Do you…do you think Cindy is behind this whole $h|t? What if she’s actually the one?” Kyrian suddenly asked,and Caesar sat upright with curved brows…sitting in a serious thinking position.

“Well,Cindy doesn’t know my password. And I know she’s not smart enough to hack into my account” Caesar said,totally confused on whether it’s possible that Cindy did it or not.

“What if she paid someone to do it for her” Kyrian said,thinking deep too.

“Then I’ll make her life a living hell,I’ll kìll her,I swear!” Caesar said,thunderously.


“So sorry about everything that has happened just yesterday alone,best friend. I know what you’re feeling right now,and I’m sorry,babes. Gosh! We really need time to talk about all this $h|t.

“How are you feeling,dear?” Monique asked,staring pitifully at her friend.

She and Georgia came to her Office after she went to check on Alvara who was running temperature.

She’s responding to the drip they gave her already.

Twins they say,are weird,yet….the cutest and amazing set of humans.

Imagine her falling sick because of her sister’s condition. Alvira is still not awake yet though.


Georgia sighed and placed her both hands on Monique’s desk,using them to support her chin.

No one needs to be told that she’s frustrated.

She’s totally frustrated and heartbroken…and she looks really pitiful.

“It was just yesterday you were telling me how he’s changed,right? Gosh! I was so so happy,you know that has been my prayer all along. Can’t believe what he actually did.

“But what did he have to say about the whole thing?” Monique questioned,trying to dig in.

“I don’t want to talk to him,I don’t even want to see his face.
His voice makes me sick,his face breaks me the more. I don’t want to see him,Monique.
He should just stay away,just stop talking to me” Georgia broke down again,but seriously trying to control it by being strong.

Monique went to her and hugged her tight like they always do for each other whenever one is feeling down.

They were still hugging when.

“Doctor…Doctor! She’s awake” A nurse rushed in and informed Monique.

“Vi….?!! Georgia broke away from the hug immediately.


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