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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 45 & 46

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 45🪻46

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️





“No,I’m not. He’s out to kíll me!…I exposed him,and now he…ahhh!” Alvara exclaimed fearfully,shaking,and holding her head.

“Fracks! Not again…Alvara,stop it,please. Nothing is going to happen to you as long as you have us all” Alvira brought down her hands from her head,and held them tight,trying to calm her down.

“Yes. Alvira is right,Vara. You are not alone,because we are all here for you. He’s doing nothing to you,not even a scratch will be left on your body.

“The thr_@t must have affected her badly” Michal turned to Alvira,and said. She sighed as she stared at her,pitifully. She feels so bad for her.

“So badly,Michal. And the fact that she kept it to herself and was battling with it all alone,worsened everything” Alvira replied,holding Alvara’s palms tighter.

As if whispering “fear not” to her sister,with the way her grip was tight on her.

“You remember what GiGi said about handling the situation?” Alvira whispered,and she nodded slowly.

“You see? She’s got you,okay? Just stop being scared. I know what you’re going through,but trust us when we say nothing will happen to you” Alvira spoke softly. That made her a bit calm,because she stopped panicking.

Alvira sighed out in relief,seeing that she’s calm.

Michal sighed too,and began to stroke her hair.

After Alvira made sure that she was okay,they left for the library where Jorel was already waiting for them.


“Okay everyone. We’ve come to the end of this meeting is closed now,you can all return to your duty post. No slacking around,please

“And…do not forget to prepare very well for your presentation,wouldn’t want anyone messing around” Kyrian said to the workers,as he demised them after the meeting was over.

They nodded their heads in affirmative,and with that,they left the meeting room.

“I was really hoping we could delay this meeting until Caesar comes back,it was necessary for him to be here.
But I guess his meeting with the Directors isn’t over yet. Hope I did well here,though” Kyrian muttered to himself,taking a deep breath.😂

They actually just had a meeting,but Caesar isn’t around. He went for another meeting again,somewhere else.

Kyrian is the one who represented Caesar,since he’s not around.

And he’s hoping he did well like Caesar himself would.

He began to walk towards the elevator to take him back to his Office,and that was when he saw Caesar’s car driving in.

“Ďïčkhead! He’s finally here” He chuckled,pocketing his both hands as he handsomely stood,waiting for his friend.

They’ve not seen each other today,actually. Because it’s from home that Caesar went for his meeting.

He,and Georgia haven’t even seen each other too,he left the house very early in the morning.

Caesar parked the car in his personal space,which no one else uses. Well,Kyrian stubbornly and annoyingly does sometimes.

“You stayed longer than I thought” Kyrian said,as Caesar walked to where he stood. Caesar breathed out before smiling.

“Yeah,I didn’t expect it to last that long long too” He replied,bringing out one of his phones from his pocket.

“So,how did it go?” Kyrian asked,as they both began to walk into the elevator.

“It went well. How was the meeting here though?
Gawd! I thought we would close the other one on time so I could attend the one here” Caesar sighed out.

“I thought so too,not until I waited and waited” Kyrian said.

“I believe you did well,so I got no problem” He said,and Kyrian smiled.

They entered his Office,and Caesar sat gently,dropping his phones,and Kyrian sat too.

“Bring in the documents for signing” He said as he picked up the telephone and called one of the staffs.

He dropped it afterwards,and faced Kyrian again.

“What’s up with you?” He asked,grinning happily.

Kyrian didn’t fail to notice that happy face,right from downstairs when he parked his car,and walked up to him. He’s been wondering who,or what is behind that happy face.

Caesar was always grumpy. Always looking like a soured tomato,especially when he’s having a stressful day.

“No,man. What’s up with…you?” Kyrian asked instead,and he chuckled.

“You look very happy,what’s happening?” Kyrian smiled,and he did too.

He rested his back on the swivel,and began to spin it slowly,staring at Kyrian and still smiling.

“I had the sweetest dream ever,dude. And when I woke up,I realized it wasn’t a dream,but reality” He chuckled,rubbing his beardless chin.

“Can you stop beating around the bush and tell me what’s up?” Kyrian rolled eyes,and scoffed.

Caesar chuckled annoyingly,smiling like he has lost a nut.

“I’d love to tell you,but then,you’re a single man” He mocked.

“Màd man. Are you mocking me right now?” Kyrian scoffed again,and he chuckled.

“Go get married and I’ll stop mocking you,my man” Caesar laughed lightly,and Kyrian chuckled.
He just sensed that this has got to do with him and his wife.

For him to say he should go get marry,there’s definitely some sweet news to hear.

“Okay. What am I missing here?” Kyrian curved his brows,questioningly.

“So,Mom and Dad invited….

He told Kyrian everything,and his mouth was left agape.

Wait,when did these two start getting along that it has even gotten to the level of them kissing,and he had no idea?

Well,they just started getting along.

And as for the kiss,it was something they both couldn’t resist.

“Wait,she didn’t push or slap you?” Kyrian asked with creased brows as he still doesn’t believe what Caesar just told him.

Like,isn’t it the same Georgia he always gotten frustrated and complained about?

And now,boom! Out of the blues.

“She didn’t,but shocked the hell out of me instead” Caesar said.

“I swear,she should have kicked your Ďïčk hard” Kyrian smirked,and Caesar frowned.

“Why should she have done that” Caesar shrugged,his brows curved.

“Because you’re stupid. Anyway,I am happy you have started having sense” Kyrian jibed,and he rolled eyes.

“Ďïčkhead. It’s not your fault that I told you what I should have told a married man instead” Caesar said,and they both chuckled.

“Come in” Caesar said when a knock came at the door.

An employee whom he had called earlier to bring the documents for signing,walked in.

“Good morning,Sir. Here are the documents” He greeted them both,and said.

“Thank you. You can leave” Caesar said,and he left instantly.

Kyrian faced him this time,the moment the guy left.
Caesar was already going through the documents,while he picked up a pen to start signing immediately.

When he raised his head,he found out Kyrian was staring at him like he stole something from him,or he’s probably reading his mind.

“f_ck! What’s with the stare?” He questioned,shaking his head.

“So,what about Cindy?” The question came like a hard knock on the head. He paused to look at him with a smirk.

“Humph! Cindy” Was all he said,as he chuckled.


“Thank you so much,Lennox for saving my sister that day” Alvira said,as she finally met with Lennox.

They are actually on their way back from the library,so he met them half way. Although,Alvara is the one who told him where they were. So,he found his way there.

“I am glad I did,Alvira. I still can’t believe you’re a twin” Lennox turned to Alvara and smiled cutely. Alvara returned it too.

“Pleasure to meet you” He said,shaking Alvira.

“Same here” Alvira smiled.

“I’ll see you guys later,I need to go see Niran….Vara and Michal” Alvira said to them,and they nodded. She had told them before though.

Lennox left with Alvara and Michal,and Alvira left for Niran’s apartment.

She knew Alvara would be safe with Lennox and Michal,so she wasn’t worried about leaving her sister’s side.

And also,they won’t be having any class soon,so….


Cindy is seen seated on the couch,her legs crossed as she was seriously focused on her phone.

She was so engrossed in wh@ťěver she was seeing on the internet that she forgot what she left on fire,but when she finally did remember,she sprang up and ran into the kitchen.

“$h|t! My food!” She exclaimed,bringing down the pot instantly.

She hissed and left the kitchen,hoping to come back when the smoke has subsided.

She sat back down,then picked her phone that she had dropped carelessly on the couch,and resumed what she was doing.

While she scrolled down her news feed,she saw a post concerning Caesar that dried her blood up instantly.

She just saw the news of two days ago,when Caesar was asked if his relationship with his girlfriend was just a rumor,and he said it was a rumor.

Her eyes widened more and more as she couldn’t believe what she was reading.

Did she read well,or her eyes are playing tricks on her?

Did Caesar just say his relationship with her was all a rumor?

f_ck! She wasn’t even aware of this news until today.

Like,what the hell did she just read?!

She stood up from the chair and started pacing around,obviously going insane

Wait,Caesar loves her madly,she’s sure of that!

So,why the sudden change,why the sudden attitude towards her.

This $h|t started the day she left Chiang Mai City.

Is there actually something she has done that has made him change?

Cindy thought as she kept pacing around like a màd woman.

“No!” She exclaimed as Jade’s words began to ring in her head.

“Caesar can’t do this to me,no!…argh!!” She screamed yet again,slumping down the ground and began to shed tears.


“So,you just chose not to go to school,huh?” Alvira said,picking the video game remote.

“I told you I have no classes today,so I just chose to stay home” Niran replied,sitting near Alvira,and picking his too. Alvira scoffed and rolled eyes.

“So what about your baby,why didn’t you come for her sake alone?” Alvira joked and he chuckled,kissing her right cheek.

“But you are here now…aren’t you happy?” He asked,raising his brows funnily and she chuckled.

“Wh@ťěver,I need the play this” She said,and he nodded.

“Don’t cry if I end up beating you” Niran bragged,and she laughed.

“You wish. Let’s see who’s gonna cry” She smirked,getting ready for the game.

They began to play and within five minutes,Alvira beat him hands down

He turned to look at her with a shocked look,and she laughed.

“Are you tired already?” She asked derisively,and he rolled eyes. Alvira laughed at that,then they continued.


Niran could be heard grunting as Alvira has beaten him over and over like a baby.

“I told you to back off,but you didn’t listen” She laughed and he chuckled.

“Remind me to go for a training the next time we want to play this” He said,and Alvira laughed out,while he kissed her cheek again.

He did it again,then again,until he turned her face to him and captured her lips.

Alvira instantly shut her eyes and didn’t face to respond.

He moved from her lips,and went to her neck as the kiss progressed.

Alvira gasped s little when he licked her neck warmly.

His hands began to roam around her body,and they rested on her bõobs.

His hands went under her shirt,and he pressed hard on the left one,while he returned to her lips.

“Ha!….Stop!” Alvira gasped and said,breaking away from the kiss immediately.

She took a deep breath,shutting her eyes completely,then opened them and stared at his face.

“Sêx?….naa,I don’t think I’m ready for that. It’s too early,don’t you think?” Alvira breathed out again. She was literally still breathing fast from she the kiss they had.

“I’m sorry” Niran apologized immediately,staring at her face,while she was doing same.

“Hope you’re not mad at me?” He asked.

“Not at all,I just need to listen to a song right now” She replied with a smile,wearing her headphones over her head immediately. Niran just nodded.

Why would he even think of them having sêx already? It’s too early!

Alvira pecked his cheek instead,then relaxed on the chair to listen to her song.


A tall slim figure walked into her Office,dressed in black and white gorgeous suite that looks so good on her.

Yes! She’s wearing her Lawyer outfit alright,and as usual. She’s always ki||ing in everything she wears.

She had stepped out of her Office,so she just got back from where she went to.

She actually had a visitor who came to report a case might probably end up handling.

Her phone started ringing immediately she settled down on her seat.

“Who’s this?” She asked no one in particular when she saw an unknown number.

“Hello…?” Her sweet voice sounded at the other end,and the person responded momentarily with deep voice.

“Ugh….who’s this,please” She asked politely. Although,the voice sounded familiar,but she couldn’t tell who that was.

“Shouldn’t I sue you for not having your husband’s phone number?” He asked,and instantly,she knew it was Caesar.

She rolled eyes and giggled at what he just said. But what the hell?! Caesar just called her?

Okay. This is too good to be true…why has he changed just like that?

“How are you? Surprised that I called…I mean,that I have your number?” He asked,and she shook her head,smiling.

“All of what you just said” She replied and he chuckled.

“S,how are you?” He asked again,and she replied warmly.

She and Caesar spoke for a little while before the call ended.

“Smokes! His voice sounds even cooler on the phone” She giggled,staring at her phone as if she could see him standing there.



“How dare you come here without my permission?” Caesar asked,walking towards the pool where Georgia was already in.

She was sitting at corner,with her legs inside and playing with the water.

“Jerk!” She muttered. She turned to look at him from behind,and she smiled shortly on seeing him.

“Didn’t know I had to take permission before coming to have a cool swim” She replied,turning back to face the water. She enjoyed seeing how her legs were floating in the water.

Plus the coolness of the water…it was cooling her stressed body real good.

She shut her eyes,and breathed in,then out with a warm smile,before she heard Caesar talk nonsense again.

“It’s my pool,yunno” He said proudly,and she scoffed.

“Ooh! I’m sorry,I had no idea the pool belongs to a proud peaÇ0çƙ” She replied him. He chuckled,then dived into the water,making a big splash which landed on Georgia massively.

“Ah!” She screamed in an excited tone as the water cooled her body,sweetly.

She didn’t know he had gotten to where sat,until he rose from the water and placed his strong and hairy arms around the place.

The water was dripping down his dark silky hair which covered part of his face.

“Smokes!” Georgia exclaimed within,not letting Caesar hear it.

d@mn! He was dripping hot and dangerously handsome!

“I could arrest you for using my property without my permission” He whispered,as his face went to her ear.
From there,it went to her neck which he breathed warmly on before kissing,then sucked it a little.

Georgia giggled amidst a gasp.

“Jerk! You’re crazy….

She wanted to say but Caesar shut her up by smashing his lips on hers,grabbing her waist instantly and they both found themselves in a deep kiss.

They pulled away after a while,breathing incessantly and staring at each other.

Caesar licked his wet lips from the wet kiss they just had and swallowed,then smiled at her.

“So,how many people did you sue or sentence to death today?” He asked funnily,dipping himself into the water,then rose to stare at her.

“Nine…plus you,it will be ten” Georgia replied back in a funny way and they both laughed out.


The blaring of the cars were so noisy that people could loudly hear. Students gathered around the school premises.

Those who were shedding tears were there,those just shaking their heads were there too.

In fact,both students and non students were sympathizing.

“What happened?” Michal asked the students around as she,Alvira and Alvara rushed to the scene.

“Oh my….” She quickly turned her face away and couldn’t complete her statement.

“My gawd!!” Alvira exclaimed,with wide eyes.

It’s the Chancellor and two other students that were brutally kìlled.

The Chancellor had his dï ck cut off his body. It was sliced like a sausage and placed on his body. From the way his body looked,you could tell he was brutally beaten up before finally getting kîlled.

The two students were of course,rãped to death as usual.

“Jeez…jeez…jeez! Haa!!” Alvara screamed on seeing the dead bodies.


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