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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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TRICKED – Episode 12

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[Hearts got involved]

GENRE: Office Romance

Written by; Racheal A.





Chapter 12

“So,how long do you think it’ll take Kiara to earn Erik Zander’s trust?”Thomas asked,placing his hand on Natasha’s thigh

Natasha sighed.

“It’ll take a while. Kiara is nothing like me. She might be pretty but she’s no seductress. I would’ve had Erik in my grasp already if I was the one doing the job”

“Well, she’s our only option so we have no choice” Thomas took a sip from his wine and dropped it

“Unfortunately”Natasha muttered.

“Let’s get our minds off of that for a while and just have fun”He smiled,tracing his hand up her waist line to her bare shoulder before kissing it.

She Mõ@ɲed in pleasure and dropped the glass in her hand, placing her hands on his chest.


Kiara dropped her phone after Natasha ended the phone call.

“So,did she tell you where she is?”Daphne asked

“She’s at a family reunion”Kiara answered.

“Oh”Daphne folded her lips “And…She didn’t bother to take you along?”

Kiara raised her head from the photo she was gazing at to look at Daphne.

“Or she doesn’t see you as family”

“Daphne”Kiara cautioned her, knowing where she was heading.

“There’s no better explanation for why she didn’t take you along with her. It’s obvious she doesn’t see you as family”

“Daphne, please stop”

“You know I’m right Kiara. Stop giving yourself false hope and trying to force yourself on Natasha”

“Force myself on Natasha?”Kiara asked in disbelief and scoffed “You’re unbelievable”

“I’m unbelievable?”Daphne pointed at herself “I’m not the one trying to get my stepmother to treat me as her real daughter knowing it’s never going to be possible especially knowing the kind of person she is”

“You don’t know anything about Natasha”Kiara stood

“You’d be surprised”Daphne rolled her eyes

“What are you talking about?”

“Listen, I know how much you want a mother – daughter relationship with Natasha but it’s never going to be possible. No matter how close you two get,there’s always going to be that separation, that feeling that she’s not your real mom”Daphne said”Natasha isn’t worth your time and energy, stop trying so hard to make her treat you like you’re her real daughter. You’re not a little kid anymore Kiara”

“You don’t know what it feels like, growing up without a mother”Kiara said hurtfully.

“I don’t but it hurts me seeing you try so hard and even go out of your way to please someone who isn’t worth it”

“Not worth it? I don’t even get why you don’t like her. She’s done nothing wrong to you”

“I just don’t”Daphne shrugged

“Well,I do and I’d appreciate if you’d accept that”

“I don’t think I want to”

Kiara scoffed,tears were in her eyes already.

“You should leave then”

“You can’t be serious”Daphne laughed but she paused when she saw the look on Kiara’s face.

“Fine”She said “I’ll leave if that’s what you want” She walked to the door. “But,you know how much I like you Kiara. You’re my best friend and I’ll never say things to hurt you on purpose”She said again.

“I’m beginning to doubt that”Kiara said and looked away.

Daphne stared at Kiara with an opened mouth not knowing what to say.

“Do you really mean that?”She asked hurtfully.

Kiara swallowed,not responding.

Daphne bit her lower lip and stared at Kiara for a while before leaving.

Kiara sat on her bed dejectedly with tears in her eyes as she stared at the photo.

“You’ll be having a meeting with all the staffs who work in the lab by 12pm and by 2pm, you’ll be having a date with Miss lvy” Kiara read out Erik’s schedule to him

Erik stared at her.

He noticed she looked depressed and wasn’t her usual self. It wasn’t the lack of smile this time around though her smile still wasn’t there,her eyes also looked down and the spark that used to be in them wasn’t.

He was almost prompted to ask her why but he stopped himself.

“You can get back your desk”He said.

“Yes sir”She nodded and walked out of his office.

Kiara couldn’t stop thinking about her fight with Daphne the previous night.

It wasn’t the first time She and Daphne would fight over that issue but the previous night’s own felt a bit intense and it usually hurt Kiara a lot whenever she and Daphne fought over that issue.

Daphne was making her feel stupid for wanting to have a mother – daughter relationship with Natasha and it doesn’t really feel fair knowing Daphne was aware of the reason why she wanted such relationship with Natasha.

She sat at her desk and began working on her laptop.

Her phone rang but she ignored it, seeing the caller was Daphne.

It kept ringing repeatedly.

“Aren’t you going to pick your call?”Ken asked

She heaved and shook her head.

“O-kay…”Ken muttered.

Daphne sighed frustratedly after dialing Kiara’s phone number for the umpteenth time without her answering any of the calls.

“Is she really going to keep ignoring me?”She asked herself “Did I take things too far last night? It’s not my fault she’s been driving me crazy with her insane dream to have a mother – daughter relationship with Natasha”She said and later sighed “Jeez,I h@ťě when she’s giving me the silent treatment”She scattered her hair.

“You might want to tone it down a little bit or the customers will think you’re crazy”Daphne’s coworker said to her.

Daphne turned to look at her.

“I am!”She snapped.

Erik already finished having his meeting with the laboratory’s staffs and was now patiently waiting for Ivy to arrive.

He glanced at Kiara as he waited.

She was still looking depressed.

Ivy soon walked in.

“Hey sweetie”She smiled and kissed him before sitting on a chair.

He smiled.

“I’m sorry I’m late and I’m even more sorry I won’t be able to spend enough time with you”She pouted

“What?” Erik muttered, wanting to understand her clearly.

“I have a business meeting to attend in twenty minutes. I had to squeeze out time to come here because I didn’t fulfill my promise to come here the last time”

“So, you’re saying you just stopped by to say hi?”

She smiled and nodded

“I’m glad you understand” She said

“Are you being serious right now?”Erik asked

“I’m sorry Erik but we’ll spend time together some other time,I promise” Ivy said and stood “I have to go now”She kissed him “Bye”She said before walking out of his office.

“Is Miss lvy and Mr Erik not supposed to go on a date together?”Kiara asked Ken when she saw Ivy leave the office.

“Yeah, pretty sure that date has just been canceled” Ken said

Kiara blinked.

Erik stared as Ivy left not knowing exactly how to react to what just happened but one thing was for sure. Ivy’s action today hurt him more than all the other times she’s bailed out on their dates.

He released a sigh as his eyes became red with tears.

He stood and left the office.

“And… He’s going home”Ken said when Erik left the office. “Mr Erik tries his best to create time to go on dates with Miss lvy and all she does is just come and give excuses that she’s too busy to go on a date with him”

“That’s… Hurtful”Kiara muttered.

“She may seem nice on the outside but when it comes to her relationship with Mr Erik,she isn’t” Ken said.

Kiara suddenly felt concern for Erik, understanding what he was going through but she soon shook it off.

It still wasn’t enough reason for him to act like a jerk.

But,no doubt he was really hurt about what Ivy does to him.

Nathan sighed as he watched Erik drink himself to stupor.

He didn’t make any attempt to stop him because he knew it would be a futile attempt.

He was probably going to stop when he got tired.

Erik took a bottle of wine with him as he staggered to his room.

He crashed on his bed when he got in.

A drop of tear rolled down his face as he remembered all the times Ivy gave excuses as to why she couldn’t spend time with him since they’ve been dating. He felt really hurt.

He soon fell asleep


Erik suddenly found himself as the spectator of a an accident – A fatal car accident.

A man and a woman were in the car and were injured terribly and just a few buildings away from the car was a school building which went up in flames in a matter of seconds.

Cries could be heard coming from the building but the one he could hear the most was that of a little girl, screaming his name.

The man and woman whose car got involved in the accident soon began calling his name also.

He held his head as the screams pierced his ears.

Erik gasped and woke up covered in sweats.

It was just a nightmare.

But,he could feel his head spinning.

He tried to get up from his bed but the pain only became worse.


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