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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TRICKED – Episode 2

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[Hearts got involved]

GENRE: Office Romance

Written by; Racheal A.





Chapter 2

Kiara locked the door of the supermarket before turning to bade Daphne and the other two girls goodnight.

“You just had to close late, didn’t you?”The first girl said, rolling her eyes.

“Don’t be so hard on her,it wasn’t intentional” Daphne said.

The second girl groaned before leaving with the first girl.

“Seriously? Natasha said to close early but you chose to close ten pm” Daphne frowned at Kiara.

“Hey, it’s not my fault the customers wouldn’t stop coming”Kiara shrugged as she opened her pink back pack and brought out her jacket.

“They never stop coming” Daphne groaned “And is that the excuse you plan to give Natasha when you get home and she asks why you closed late, defying her orders?”

“Defying her orders?”Kiara chuckled”You’re making her sound like an evil queen”

“Well,she does have all the characteristics of an evil queen. She’s bossy,she doesn’t smile to any of her employees…”

“Don’t talk about my stepmom that way”Kiara frowned at her.

Daphne sighed

“I don’t even get why you like her so much”

“I do,deal with it”Kiara said”And, you’ll find out she’s nice once you get to know her”

“Yeah,I don’t think so”Daphne shook her head.

They got to the sidewalk.

“Well…”Daphne heaved,placing her hands on Kiara’s shoulders”I guess this is where we part ways”

“Why are you making it sound like we won’t be seeing each other again?”

“Cause I’m not sure we’ll get to see each other again. For all we know, Natasha might have you buried for going against her orders or worse still, she could put you in a lion’s cage”

Kiara frowned”Seriously?”

Daphne laughed

“Okay,sorry,I won’t talk about her that way again” She said and hugged Kiara “See you tomorrow” She smiled

Kiara smiled and patted Daphne’s back

“You too” She said

She smiled as she watched Daphne walk away before flagging down a taxi.

She got in after telling the driver her destination.

Soon,the driver dropped her off at her destination.

Kiara hurried to the door and took in a deep breath as she raised her hand to the door knob.

She held the door knob and exhaled before pushing it open.

She felt her heart skip a beat when she met Natasha seated on a couch in the sitting room.

“Was my message not enough to make it clear to you that I wanted you to come home early?” Natasha asked, unsmiling

“I’m sorry Natasha”

“You know I don’t like to be kept waiting”

“I know but there were just so many customers and I lost track of time and…”

“I’m sorry”Natasha said

Kiara paused,her mouth hanging.

“Wh…why?”She asked taken aback.

Natasha wasn’t the kind of person who said ‘sorry’ and even if Natasha decided to sorry to someone, it was definitely not to Kiara because Natasha was always strict with her.

“I shouldn’t have left the supermarket early. I’m sorry you had to do so much work”

“Um…” Kiara muttered as she dropped her backpack.

“Come,have a seat beside me”Natasha said, smiling.

Kiara stood still on her spot,trying to access what was happening.

Why was Natasha acting so nice?

Not that Natasha was wasn’t nice or anything but she was being extra tonight.

“Come on” Natasha urged.

Kiara slowly walked to Natasha and sat beside her.

She cleared her throat as she tapped her fingers on her legs.

She had never seated this close to Natasha before.

“Um…you said you had something important to tell me?”Kiara asked, turning to face Natasha.

“Yes,I did”Natasha said.

She smiled and held Kiara’s hands.

Kiara tried her best to hide her surprise.

“It’s something that I’ve always wanted to tell you a long time ago but I couldn’t because I didn’t want to push you into something you were not ready for but now,I can tell that you’re ready for it”

“I…I don’t understand,what are you talking about?”

Natasha sighed.

“I really don’t feel good about telling you this. Maybe I shouldn’t” She said and looked away.

“Natasha,you can tell me wh@ťěver it is you want to tell me”Kiara smiled at her

“Are you sure?”

Kiara nodded.

Natasha cleared her throat.

“Well,the thing is… I thought it would be best if you knew what your father went through few months before he died”


“A few months before your father’s death,he partnered with a man for a business project” Natasha paused “Your father put in all of his money and efforts to make the project a success and when the project finally resulted in success, your father was denied his share of the profit” She paused again,trying to see the effect of her words on Kiara.

“I…”Kiara swallowed before facing Natasha again “How come I didn’t know about it?”She asked, finding it hard to believe what Natasha just told her.

“You were just a little girl when it happened. Your father couldn’t possibly tell you something like that”

“Okay, agreed but,why tell me now?”

“Because you’re no longer a little girl anymore and you can help your father get back what is rightfully his”

“How?”Kiara asked “This is something that happened years ago. The man who denied my dad of his share has probably forgotten about it and if my father couldn’t get his share while he was still alive,what makes you think I can?”

“Because…”Natasha smiled, touching Kiara’s cheek “I believe in you”

“You…do?” Kiara’s face lit up.

“I always have”Natasha said.

Hearing Natasha say those words to her made Kiara extremely happy.

“And getting back your father’s share of the profit is one of the easiest things you can accomplish. You’re a brave woman,Kiara”

Kiara smiled,not being able to contain her joy.

“So,what do you say? Will you help your father get back what is rightfully his?”

Kiara nodded.

Natasha smiled

“But,how do I go about it?”

“We’ll talk more on that tomorrow. Right now,I want you go to your room and have a warm bath, you’ve been working all day. I’ll help you bring your food”

“But,I haven’t cooked dinner yet?”Kiara said,she was the one who usually cooked the food they eat.

“I already did” Natasha said “Go on,go to your room” She urged

Kiara stood and picked up her backpack before heading to her room.

She laid on the bed and smiled when she got in.

Her smile grew wider when she remembered how Natasha spoke to her lovingly,like a mother would to her daughter.

She sat up on her bed and reached for her father’s photo which was on the small locker beside her bed.

She stared at it.

Her smile slowly disappeared and she released a sigh.

“I hope you’re resting well dad”She said as she stared at the photo

“Natasha and I had a talk today. About you actually”She released a short smile. It was more of a sad smile. “It’s been a while since we’ve done that”She said “Tomorrow, she’ll be telling me of a way to get back something you were denied of while you were alive and… I’ll make sure to get it back for you. You’ll be really happy, won’t you?”She asked”Plus Natasha would be really proud of me” She said “It’s funny how I really want her to treat me like I’m her biological daughter. She’s not treating me bad but it just sort of shows from the way we relate that I’m not her real daughter. I don’t like that”She shook her head “Though she’s my stepmom,I really want us to have a mother – daughter connection. It sounds stupid,right?”She chuckled “Daphne thinks it’s stupid. I’m sure you don’t”She smiled “I really miss you dad”She sighed as she stroked the edge of the photo.

Somehow, speaking to the photo made her feel like she was speaking to her father.

It felt like some sort of connection between them.

After Kiara left the sitting room,Natasha dialed Thomas’s number but she made sure Kiara had entered her room before dialing it.

“Hey”Thomas’s voice sounded at the other end.

“I already took care of Kiara, she’ll be helping us” She said


“Now,I need you to tell me of your plan”


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