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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{His segzy Vixen}

Theme: Succumbing To Me.

Chapter 19🔥20


Gbemi Writes ✍️



“Drinking again?” James let out in frustration as he saw Roland drinking alone in his apartment.

“Is it a crime for me to drink in my own home?” Roland’s retort came out a little husky.

“It isn’t but you are obviously doing it for a wrong reason. If you keep going on like this, you will lose Amber and your son?” James told him bluntly.

“I only took Liam to enjoy a little ice cream, it made her angry and she warned me to stay away from them. Am running out of ideas? What excuse should I make in seeing them again?” Roland said.

“You don’t need an excuse since Liam is your son but then Amber is the problem since you hurt….Aaah! ” James let out when Roland hit the back of his head.

“I know what I did to Amber, you don’t have to remind me” Roland said wanting to smack his head again but James quickly move away

“If you keep hitting me then I won’t be able to suggest a good plan for you” James warned.

“What plan do you have in mind?”

“If Amber is working in a place that has to do with martial arts training and all then they must be open for new trainee or some thing, which is where you come in” James suggested and that brightened Roland’s mood.

“By staying in the same place with Amber, it will be hard for her to ignore me and I can seduce my way back into her life and my son’s. Fabulous idea, remind me to give you a raise” Roland said as he picked up his phone.

“Thank you boss ” James said in excitement but the excitement died when he heard what Roland said next.

“Just so you know. If it’s really true that they are recruiting people for that, you and I will be enrolling”

“You are the one who wants to get close to Amber, what does it have to do with me?”

“Haven’t you heard the saying, anywhere I go, you go. Cheer up, it will be fun learning martial arts with me” Roland replied sweetly.


Amber kept starring at Roland in shock while he did the same with a bright smile on his face.

Having noticed the intimate look between the both of them, Marco took over.

“Have a seat sir. Start by telling us your name and the reason why you are here” Marco began the interview and that brought the two of them out of the starring contest.

“I don’t need to tell you my name since you know it and as for the reason am here, I came to see someone’s face everyday ” Roland answered now starring at Amber.

“Really? Can you tell me who this person is cause I wouldn’t like it to be me” Marco asked again.

“Sure. She’s present here and it’s Amber” Roland admitted which got everyone in the room starring at Amber.

“Oh! May I ask why it is that you chose to join the agency just so you can see her face?” Marco asked also enjoying the moment.

“That’s because am crazy about her but she’s not willing to….”

“That’s enough Roland, come with me!” Amber ordered as she left the room while Roland followed.

As soon as they got to a quiet room Amber released her anger on him.

“Just what is your problem? How dare you think you can come to my work place and embarrass me?”

“Did you feel embarrassed? I didn’t mean for that when I said those things” Roland replied truthfully.

“Just what are you up to? I forgave you already? Why won’t you leave me alone? What do I have to do to keep you away from me!” Amber yelled.

“Don’t do anything cause no matter what you do, I will keep coming back” he said defiantly.

“You must be crazy!”

“I am crazy! You enchanted me seven years ago and you did the same now. I don’t see life without you and Liam in it” Roland admitted.

“There’s no use talking to you. Just leave ” she said as she walk past him only to be pulled into a tight hug.

“Roland!” Amber called trying to pull herself free.

“Can’t you give me a second chance. Am in too deep to let you go” he whispered and instead of giving a reply, she pulled away from him.

“Letting you into my life a second time will only result to more heartache. Have been through it before and I don’t want to go through it again” she admitted.

“So leave Roland. Don’t cause more trouble for me” Amber said as she tried to leave once again but he held her back.

“Am not leaving. I will stay here and earn your love once again” he said with determination.

“You know nothing about martial arts so you won’t be chosen”

“I know and that’s why I made Darren my back up” He said confusing her for a while.

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t have to know. All you have to think about now is that you will be seeing me every day for the rest of your life, see you later” He said and before she could resist, he stole a kiss from her before walking off.

“Jerk!” Amber yelled as she rub her lips.

She was heading back to the interview room when she notice some one amongst the recruiters.

There’s no mistake that it’s the girl who robbed her the other day.

What’s she doing here? To rob more people? Amber thought as she quickly went to her.

“Caught you you thief! Are you here to steal more?” Amber asked the girl who was startled to see her.

She pushed Amber away and took to her heels but Amber went after her not wanting to lose her.

She ran out of the building and Amber followed luckily for her Darren just arrived and quickly she told him to hold onto the girl.

Darren stood in her path and she tried to hit him but he caught hold of her hand and pulled her over his shoulder which got her falling on the floor.

“Thank God you caught her. She’s a thief, call the police” Amber said.

“Don’t call the police, please ” the girl said and it was then Darren saw her face.

“You!” He let out in surprise.

“Do you know her?” Amber asked and that got him nodding.

A while later the three of them sat in Darren office.

The hoodie she had on was no longer on her head which showed her short hair and boyish look.

“So you are saying that she has always been here for the recruitment for the past two years but due to her not having money, she couldn’t enrol?” Amber asked which got Darren nodding.

“Let me guess. You stole my money just to save up for this year recruitment?” Amber asked and she nodded.

“Am not a thief, I just have to enroll here. It has always been my dream to work as a body guard and Its one of the reason why I stole your money, am sorry” she apologised.

“Don’t you have anyone supporting you?” Darren asked.

“I have no one” The girl replied.

“What’s your name?”

“Estrella” The girl answered.

“Though am short on cash, I will help you. It’s your dream to work as a body guard right?” Amber asked and she nodded in excitement.

“Then I will help you fulfil that dream” Amber said which got Estrella teary.

“Thank you so much” Estrella said with so much happiness and gave Amber a hug too.

Darren sat smiling at the scene in front of him. This is one of the reason he fell for Amber, her compassionate heart ended him loving every thing about her.


“You want to what?”

“We want to join the martial arts club” Murphy said as he gave a wink to the lady in charge.

“I thought you guys will prefer more sophisticated club but now that you are here….am so happy” She confess as she kept starring at the three hotties of the school.

“Don’t they have to pass the entrance test?” Sarah asked as she walk into the room.

“They don’t have to since they are…”

“They are what? Rich spoilt brats who use their handsome face to get what they want?” Sarah asked not minding if she sound rude.

“And what assurance do you have about that? ” Jerome spoke for the first time.

“I don’t need an assurance, I know that as a fact”

“Then am willing to change that fact of yours” Jerome challenged.

“Really? You will do wh@ťěver I say just to change my mind?” Sarah asked and he nodded.

“Fine then. It’s a deal”

A while later Sarah and Jerome stood in the martial art club room both dressed in their outfit.

“If you manage to pull me over your shoulder then I will concede defeat but if you fail to, you and your friends are gonna have to leave” Sarah said laying out the challenge.

“You are on” Jerome replied as he move towards her only to be pulled over her shoulder.

Jerome fell on the floor hitting his back hard, he groaned out his pain which got Zack and Murphy laughing.

“Wanna try again?” Sarah asked as she stood over him and feeling like a sissy, he stood up quickly.

“Let’s try again” he said as he went for her only to pulled over her shoulder again.

Jerome didn’t give up and stood up for the third, fourth and fifth time.

And in all of it, he always end up on the floor.

“I think you should give up, Jerome” Murphy yelled at him.

“Listen to your friends and give up already. I learnt from a very good person, you won’t be able to beat me” Sarah mocked and began to leave but Jerome stood up and went after her.

His friends expected him to do the same thing but instead Jerome began tickling Sarah which got her laughing and ended up falling on the floor with Jerome over her.

“You are down. I win” Jerome said with satisfaction and that got Sarah laughing out.

“That’s cheating” she said.

“You also cheated. You knew I wasn’t good and that a pro like yourself will end up winning and so I decided to cheat too” He replied.

“Fine then, you win. Now get off” The laughing Sarah said but that didn’t get him off of her.

He found her laughing face mesmerizing and that got him starring continuously not until she tickled him too which got him getting off of her.

“We aren’t done yet!” Jerome said.

“I am. I need to go see some one” she replied as she turn to leave.


“Liam, not like you know him. See you all later” Sarah said to Murphy and Zack who waved her off.

“What the hell just happened with you?” Murphy asked as they went to meet Jerome who was still seated on the floor.

“What do you mean?”

“You aren’t the type to waste your time but then you insisted on us coming here and you agreed to a fist fight with her knowing that you are likely to lose. This only mean one thing” Zack said as he stared at Murphy who also gave him a knowing look.

“You are interested in her” they both said at the same time.

“Stop spilling nonsense. I just find her annoying” Jerome defended.

“Lies. Your face changed when she mentioned Liam, who can Liam be?” Murphy asked jokingly.

“Perhaps her boyfriend ” Zack answered and when they saw Jerome angry face they burst out in laughter.

“There’s no use listening to you two” Jerome said as he walk out of the club room.

He got out of the building in time to see Sarah heading to her bicycle.

Suddenly a car came out of nowhere heading towards her, this got Jerome moving and he pulled her out of harm’s way on time.

They both landed on the floor with Sarah grazing her knee and also spraining her foot.

“Are you okay?” Jerome asked which got her nodding.

“Are you okay too?” Sarah asked.

“I am, let me help you up” he said taking hold of her hand and when she stood up she let out a cry due to her sprained foot.

“You are injured, am taking you to the infirmary”

“No. I need to get Liam, he’s…”

“To hell with Liam. I don’t know why you put more importance in that man and I don’t care. You need your treatment and you need it now” He stated fiercely which got Sarah agreeing.

He would have carried her but she refused, saying she can manage herself.

A while later, after the doctor had checked on Sarah. Jerome walk into the room only to see her getting ready to leave.

“I need to go to Liam, he needs me and….”

“Will you stop talking about Liam? Isn’t he old enough to take care of himself ? I don’t intend to let you out of here just so you can go and see that guy” Jerome stated fiercely.

“Can you lend me your phone then?” She requested gently which got him complying.

He gave his phone to her and she called Amber, explaining the whole thing to her before returning his phone to him.

“What do you mean when you said she should go and pick Liam?” Jerome who had been listening to the conversation asked.

“Cause this so called Liam is a little boy of six. A boy who needs to be picked up from school, happy now?” Sarah asked and when he turn away without saying a thing in return, Sarah couldn’t hold in her smile.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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