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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{His segzy Vixen}

Theme: Succumbing To Me.

Chapter 17🔥18


Gbemi Writes ✍️



As soon as Liam left the sitting room for the kitchen.

Roland stared at Amber and the smile that wss hovering on his lips faded when he saw the was she was starring at him.

“Amber I….” He stopped talking when she went after Liam choosing to ignore him.

“Why are you just standing there? Come join us” Sarah who came down stairs all set for work said to Roland and reluctantly he followed Sarah who led him to a kitchen where Amber and Liam were both seated having their breakfast.

“We need to set up one more plate for the guest ” Sarah informed lightly.

“Do it yourself” Amber replied obviously angry at Sarah.

“Are you still angry about yesterday? I had to do it just so he would realise his mistake ” Sarah said as she stared at Roland.

“Liam is here, Mind your words ” Amber warn and that got her keeping her mouth shut.

Sarah gave Roland his breakfast and urged him to join them which he did.

They were all eating, lost in their thoughts when Liam broke the silence.

“Are you ambidextrous?” Liam asked Roland who gave a nod.

“Me too. I can equally use the right and left hand, see!” He said as he demonstrate it which got Roland smiling.

“Your manners Liam” Amber cautioned which got him eating his food in silence.

As soon as they were done eating, Sarah took Liam to school while Amber dealt with the dishes.

Roland had offered to help but she had refused which now got him standing a few paces away watching her.

He would have like it if she said some thing cause her silence is driving him nuts.

“Aren’t you going to ask why I came last night?” He asked.

“Why should I when I don’t care ” she answered without giving him a smile.

“I had a DNA test done yesterday and it turned out positive. Am Liam’s Father” he said.

“Liam doesn’t have a father, his father died the day he abandoned him” Amber answered her gaze still on her task.

She move towards a drawer intending to put the wash plates in it when she felt Roland arms around her.

“What are you doing?” Amber asked as she tried to pull away but he held onto her waist tightly.

“Have been waiting for everyone to leave just so I can do this” he whispered into her ear.

“I know you h@ťě me and I h@ťě myself more for every thing I did to you and our son, I don’t even know how am going to apologise but then….can’t you at least give me a chance to apologise to you?” He said while awaiting her reply.

When she said nothing, he let her go and turned her to him.

“You aren’t saying a thing”

“And what do you expect me to say? After every thing have gone through, do you think that I will let you back into my life?” Amber ask wearing a hard look on her face.

“Fine, I might accept your apology but I won’t ever let you be a part of Liam’s life. We have been doing well without you in our lives and we certainly don’t need you, so do me a favour and get out of my house” she said pointing at the door.

“Amber I….”

“Get out! Don’t make me lose my patience and make you regret ever stepping your foot into my home” she said fiercely and that got him heading to the door.

He was about to turn the knob when he turn to her again.

“Am really sorry, Amber. I mean it” he said lightly before walking out of the house.


“Where exactly have you been? I went to your house as always only to find it empty? I was tempted to call the cops” James said as soon as he walk into the office.

“I went to Amber place” he answered and that got James moving towards him.

“So, Did you get to kiss and make up?” James asked.

“I wish it was as easy as that. She made it clear to me that I can never be a part of her life including my son” Roland let out slowly.

“Will you do as she says?”

“I should since all have ever caused her is pain but after meeting my son. I don’t think I can do that” Roland admitted.

“This is complicated ” James drawled while she held onto him.

“It is. Let’s get to work, tell my secretary to come in when you leave” Roland ordered.

“Stacey will be arriving a bit late. She took her daughter to school” James informed.

“Can we….hang on a sec, what time do little kids of about six close from school?” Roland asked and James thought about it before giving a reply.

“Why do you ask?” James enquired while Roland let out a mischievous smile in return.


“It’s two already, why isn’t he out or did he leave?” Roland said to himself as he got out of the car while watching the entrance for any sign of Liam.

His intention is to catch a brief glimpse of his son and leave but since he’s arrived, he hasn’t seen him.

“Did you have fun today ?” Amber asked as she and Liam walk out of the school premises.

“Yes, momma. I ended up doing my work with Annabel” Liam answered sweetly.

“And who is Annabel?” Amber asked since she’s never heard him talk about her.

“My future girlfriend” Liam said having a glowing look on him.

“Now hold on kiddo! What future girlfriend are you….”

“Isn’t that your friend?” Liam asked suddenly which made her stop what she was saying to look at the so called friend.

There was Roland standing by his car starring at the both of them.

Amber’s anger rose and she began to leave with Liam who quickly pulled out of her hold to go to Roland.

“Hello little one” Roland greeted as he crouch in front of Liam.

He didn’t want them to notice him but Liam had and so he will just have to go with the f

“Is this your car?” Liam ask, his eyes bulging with excitement just by starring at it.

“It is ” Roland answered a smile hovering on his lips.

“Liam! You just can’t run off to meet strangers” On hearing that the smile on his face died and slowly he stood up to stare at Amber.

“But he’s not a stranger, he’s your friend” Liam replied softly.

“And what makes you think he is my friend?” Amber ask as she turn a sweet gaze to her son.

“Cause you came here with him to pick me” Liam said and seeing it as an opportunity, Roland said quickly.

“That’s true, I came here to take you home with your mom. What do you think about riding in my car?” Roland asked.

“I love it!” Little Liam replied and immediately Logan carried the little kid in his arms securing him in the back seat.

Logan went to Amber who still stood rooted in her spot glaring at him.

“Am sorry. I only wanted to…”

“I told you that I don’t want you in our lives” Amber said as she gave him a scathing look.

“I don’t think I can’t do that. To me, you and Liam are a very important part of my life” he stated.

“Then you might…”

“Let’s not fight. Liam is watching and it won’t hurt if I take you both home” he said mildly which earned him a resentful look from her.

He got into the car and reluctantly Amber got into it with him.

Since Amber didn’t say a thing, it was quiet all through but when Liam curiosity got him asking about the car, conversation flowed easily.

“Did you buy this?” Liam asked which got Roland nodding.

“Then you must be rich?” Liam asked again.

“Liam, what did I tell you about being curious?” Amber asked.

“Curiousity ki||ed the cat which means that some times, questions are left better without searching for answers.” Liam replied.

Seeing the way Amber handled Liam got Roland swelling with pride. Not only is his son brilliant, his mom is also the best.

“If you are taking us home then you will have to stop at the shopping mall cause mom need to buy some things” Liam informed.

“You don’t have to. You can drop us off at the mall and….”

“I will wait for you. I intend to take you both home” Roland said firmly as he gave Amber a knowing look while she glared at him.

They got to the shopping mall and while Amber went in to get what she had to buy for them, Roland decided to spend some little time with Liam.

“Can I take you that ice cream shop?” Roland asked and that got Liam brightening up.

A while later they both sat at a table enjoying their ice cream and Roland got to found out that Liam favourite ice cream is Vanilla which is also his favorite.

“Tell me some thing. Do you like my mom?” Liam asked suddenly and that got Roland choking slightly on his ice cream.

“Why do you ask?”

“Cause you keep starring at her even when she isn’t looking. I was told by aunt Sarah that whenever a guy stare at a girl then he likes her” Liam replied.

“Then we will have to talk to aunt Sarah to stop her from filling your head with such ideas” Roland replied still taken aback by Liam question.

“So, do you like her?” Liam asked again.

“If I say yes will that make you angry?” Roland asked

“No. Mom have always been alone, I wouldn’t mind if you like her as long as you will take me as your son too?” Liam said cutely.

Liam didn’t know how much Roland wants to tell him that he is his father.

He was saved from giving a reply when the people from the other table began singing a happy birthday and that caught their attention.

It wasn’t until the kid who they were celebrating blew out the candle that Liam spoke again.

“Its my birthday next month”

“Really? Then we can have a party and…”,

“I don’t celebrate it” Liam said having a sad expression on his face.


“Cause it’s the day grandma died. Mom is always sad and not to make her more sad, I refuse to have it celebrated” Liam replied.

Roland who didn’t know about the death of Amber’s mom was shock by it.

At that moment a angry Amber walk towards them, pulling Liam out of the chair.

“How dare you take off with Liam with out my permission. Do you know how scared I was when I got outside to find you both gone?” She yelled not bothered about the other customers watching them.

“Amber I…”

“Save it! Just stay the hell away from us” Amber added before storming out of the restaurant.


A girl of about Twenty three to twenty four could be seen running off while two bulky men ran after her.

“She’s a thief! Get her”

“Stop there you thieving witch” the men yelled as they went after her but she didn’t stop.

She noticed some pile of dirt and quickly went to hide there and luckily for her the men ran past with out seeing her.

The girl got out of the dirt intent on running off when she bump into Amber whose wallet fell out of her jacket.

“Are you okay?” Amber asked as she help the girl up and unknown to her the girl had taken her wallet.

“I am” the girl replied before running off leaving Amber starring after her.

When she got to a quiet corner, she counted the money In Amber purse and also the money she had on her.

A smile lit up her face as she stared at the money in her hands.

“Now it’s complete ” she whispered to herself before running off.


“That darn thief !” Amber muttered as she made her way to the agency.

She had realised a while later that her wallet was missing and that happened when she collided with that girl from earlier.

“Thank God you are here” Marco said as soon as she walk in.

“What’s wrong?”

“Today is recruiting day and it’s hectic. More than hundred applicant came, you’ve got to help” Marco said as he pulled her into the room where they were interviewing the applicants.

A while later and after interviewing twenty people, Amber called for the next applicant to come In.

She failed to notice who it was because she was busy writing some thing on her note pad but when she heard his voice, she looked up immediately.

“Am Applicant number twenty one” Roland said while she kept starring at him in shock

Why on earth is he here…..

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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