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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{His segzy Vixen}

Theme: Succumbing To Me.

Chapter 11🔥12


Gbemi Writes ✍️



Amber was heading to her room when she got a call from Roland.

“Come to my room. I want to see you” he said softly.

“I can’t and beside our relationship is still a secret, we can’t openly broadcast it” she replied.

“But I haven’t seen you since yesterday” Roland complained.

“I was with you at school the whole of yesterday. So don’t exaggerate” she muttered.

“If you don’t come to see me then I will come downstairs to get you” he said and not giving her the chance to reply, he ended the call.

Amber let out a sigh but she like the thought of seeing him which got her heading to the main house rather than the maids quarter.

She was still on her way there when a maid quickly came to her.

“Hurry! The madam is in your room and she’s talking to your mom and I can sense that its not good” The maid said which got Amber heading to her room.

“How could you do this! After every thing my husband did for you. You had to let your daughter seduce my innocent son” Winter yelled just as Amber got into the room.

She saw her mother kneeling in front of her while Winter fume in anger.

“My daughter will never do that. She knows what is right from wrong and your son is off limit” Brittany Reyes defended.

“Why don’t we ask her about it?” Winter said starring at Amber coldly.

“Tell her that her claim isn’t true. Tell her that she’s wrong about you and her son” Brittany said as she shook her daughter slightly.

Amber wanted to deny it but she couldn’t, that’s how much she loves Roland.

“Am sorry mom” Amber said disappointing her.

“See! Your daughter is shameless. She can’t even deny it. How far are you willing to go Brittany, you weren’t able to seduce my husband and so you decide to use your daughter to get my son” Winter stated.

“My mom isn’t to be blame for this. I love Roland just as much as he loves me, so stop insulting us” Amber said which got Winter moving towards her.

“Not only did you seduce my son, you dare to open that foul mouth of yours and say thrash! How dare you ” she said lifting up her hand to strike Amber but the slap never got to her cause Roland got there on time to stop his mom.

“Let go of me!” Winter yelled at him but he didn’t let go.

“I won’t let you hit Rose . So if you don’t want to be dragged out of this room by me don’t think of touching her” Roland warned which got her putting her hand down.

“How dare you defend her? Did you have to stoop so low. There are a lot of girls out there but you chose to settle for her when…”

“Those lots of girls as you’ve put it didn’t succeed in stealing my heart and they never will cause Whitney is the girl I want and so you’ve got to accept it” Roland stated which got Winter holding onto her head.

“How on earth did she manage to seduce you? What sort of thing did she give you. Let me guess, you gave up your body just to….”

“That’s enough mom! Let’s leave” Roland said as he took hold of her hand.

“Let go of me! I need to make it clear to this tramp that she’s never gonna be with you and….let go of me, Roland!” Winter yelled when Roland carried her over his shoulder and out of the room.

Amber stood watching her mom who was crying on the floor.

She move towards her wanting to touch her but her mother push her hand away.

“Why does it have to be him? Why did you have to fall in love with him?” Brittany said in tears.

“I don’t know. It just happened mom and he loves me too” Amber replied.

“He might love you like you claim but his mom won’t let you two be. I was also in love with his father, I told you about my story. I told you of how his parents pulled us apart and made it clear to you that such love doesn’t exist but you just had to fall in love with him, why?” Brittany said as she kept crying knowing that her daughter is bound to go through pain.

“Break up with him, break wh@ťěver you have going with him. Just break up, please ” Brittany begged and on the other hand Roland set his mother down in her study room.

“You stupid boy! How can you fall in love with her after every thing I did just to get to where I am today. At least you should have chosen some one more suitable!”

“Rose is suitable for me. I love her mom and it’s best you accept it cause I won’t leave her for you or for the millions you are willing to give me” Roland said which earned him a slap.

“Girls like her will only break your heart. She won’t make you happy cause all she’s after is your inheritance and that’s why am doing this. It’s best you break things off with her” Winter said but Roland shook his head in reply.

“I can’t do it mom. Am truly in love with Rose and am not willing to let her go and don’t you think about firing her and her mom or I swear I will leave with them ” he thr_@tned before leaving the room.

A while later, Amber joined Roland in the garden since he told her he will be waiting there for her.

“What did your mom say?” Roland asked.

“She told me to break things off with you” Amber replied.

“Are you going to do it?” Roland asked.

“I don’t know. I really don’t want to do it but I can’t bear to see my mom in pain” Amber said and that got Roland hugging her.

“Don’t let me go. I love you so d@mn much and I promise to protect you and your mom, so don’t give up on me” Roland told her softly.

“Does your mom agree to us being together? ” she asked as she pull back to stare at his face.

” She won’t ever agree to us just as my mom won’t agree” Amber added when she saw the expression on his face.

“I have an idea. Come with me” he urge as he pulled her up to his room.

As soon as they got to his room, he made sure to bolt the door and pulled her into the room looking a bit nervous.

“I know this might sound weird and crazy to you but I mean well and it’s the only thing that I can think of ” Roland said.

“What is it?”

“Let’s have a baby” he suggested and that got her pulling away from him.

“A baby?”

“Yes. If my mom and your mom finds out about us having a child then they won’t be able to do a thing. One way to hold our parents heart is by having a cute child which they won’t be able to resist ” he explained.

“A child. I don’t think it’s right, I still have my life to live and…”

“Aren’t I a part of your life? Am I just a nobody to you?” He said cutting her off abruptly.

“I do love you and I will be more than happy to have you in my life but a child is a big step for us. We are too young and….”

“And am willing to protect you. I don’t picture living the rest of my life with out you, I won’t be able to live if that were to happen” He countered softly.

“I know you are scared and am also scared too since it’s a bold step for us but It’s the only thing for us to do to stay together ” he added managing to convince her.

Loving him so much, she found herself agreeing to it.

“I will take care of you, I promise” he whispered to her before kissing her.

A kiss which led them both to his bed where Roland pulled off her clothes and she also did the same where they ended up making sweet love to each other.

On the other hand Winter sat in her office thinking of ways to get Amber out of her son’s life when Juliet, the head house keeper came into the room.

“I heard about it ma’am” Juliet said referring to her son relationship.

“If you did then where on earth were you when Amber was seducing my son?” Winter asked.

“Am sorry ma’am. Have just been preoccupied with work” Juliet replied.

“Just like her mother tried to take away my man, her daughter is trying to take my son from me. Remember how I hard to come up with all sort of trick just to make Roland’s father look my way? I don’t want my efforts to be put to waste. I really love my son and I don’t want him to be with Amber” Winter said.

“Then do the same thing you did in the past ” Juliet said which got Winter starring at her.

Apart from them being boss and employee. Winter and Juliet have both been friends, awho grew up in an orphanage and whose goal have been to find a rich guy and get married to.

Winter had found a man but back then she discovered that he was in love with Brittany who is Amber mom and she did her best to steal him away from her which she succeeded.

“Will it work?” Winter asked hesitating a bit.

“It will as long as you want Amber and her nuisance of a mom to disappear for good ” Juliet said which got Winter nodding.

“Then lets do it”


“I won’t beat around the bush. Just so Roland won’t leave like he thr_@tened, am willing to give you both a chance” Winter said starring at Roland and Amber who were present in her study room.

“Are you sure about this cause if this is a trick to try to pull us apart then you are wasting your time cause….”

“It’s not a trick! I mean it when I say that I want you two together” Winter replied.

“But on what condition?” Roland asked already knowing his mother next word.

“She works in our restaurant for a few months. I want to be sure that she isn’t after your money, you are my only heir after all and it’s only right that I protect you” Winter said.

“She doesn’t have to…”

“I will do it. If I have to prove to you that am only after your son’s love then I will” Amber said as she cut Roland off.

” Good then. See Juliet to talk more on it” she said dismissing them and as soon as they both left she picked up her phone to call Juliet.

“It’s all set” she said before ending the call.


“Your task isn’t much. All you have to do is to serve the customers” Juliet said as she guide Amber around just as a man approach them.

“This is Peter and he is the manager here. He will also tell you about the things you need to know” Juliet did the intro and the naive Amber failed to notice the look that pass between Juliet and Peter.

“I will continue the tour while Juliet do her thing. Come with me Amber” Peter said as he pulled her into a hall where he led her to what seem like the locker room.

“Is this also part of the…what are you doing!” Amber said when he touched her @zz.

“Just giving you a warm welcome” Peter replied.

“This isn’t a warm welcome. It’s a disgusting act!” Amber yelled in return and when he made a grab for her, she quickly ran out of the room.

As soon as she spot Juliet, she quickly went to her.

“That guy is an animal. He kept touching me and…”

“And what? Do you want to leave? Let me tell you that if you do leave then it’s over for you and Roland. Are you willing to throw your love away due to this little thing?” Juliet asked which got her silent.

“If you wish to quit now you are free to but if you do then forget about being with Roland. The madam won’t give you another chance” Juliet said before walking off leaving Amber deep in thought.


Amber got back to the mansion feeling happy. Her sickness began just some few days ago and though she tired to hide it, she couldn’t and she ended up visiting a doctor who made it clear to her that she’s pregnant.

Will Roland be happy to know about it cause it’s what they wanted in the first place and besides, Roland has been acting a bit strange ever since he went to visit his doctor a week ago.

Whenever he’s with her, he’s always deep in thought and there are times when he simply ignore or forget their date together.

Amber put it off as fatique and she hoped that her news will get him happy like her but on getting to the house what she saw there got her rethinking the whole thing….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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