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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{His segzy Vixen}

Theme: Succumbing To Me.

Chapter 3🔥4


Gbemi Writes ✍️



Roland sat at his desk dealing with some paper work but when his thoughts kept being disturbed, he pushed the paper aside.

It’s been two weeks after the accident and they’ve been no news of Amber. He thought as he let out a sigh.

At that moment, James came into the office in a rush.

“He found her! He has found her!” James yelled out in delight.

“The private investigator I hired called this morning and told me a few things on the phone but when he’s less busy, he intends to see you so he can tell you more on the things he found out” James added.

“So what are the things he told you?” Roland asked while trying to hide the pleasure he felt.

“Well, According to him. Her full name is Amber Reyes, she works as a bodyguard for a living and share an apartment with a close friend of hers”

“What else?”

“He didn’t say much but he told me the name of the company she works. It’s called D.N bodyguard agency, have you heard of it?” James asked.

“I have and if I had known that she has been working there, I would have gone to see her rather than to wait for a whole two week” Roland said which got James grinning wapishly.

“If you want to go and see her now, I can prepare…”

“No. I’d rather not do that instead help me order the best bouquet of flower and send it to her place of work” Roland said.

“Why do that, sir?”

“It’s a way of letting her know that I intend to be a part of her life. You won’t understand even if I explain, so just do as you are told” Roland ordered which got him letting out a loud ‘yes sir’

As soon as James left his office. Roland smile grew wider.

He was debating on going to her agency to catch a glimpse of her when the door barge open and Evelyn came in accompanied by his secretary.

“Am sorry sir, I tried to stop her but…”

“It’s fine Lily, get back to work” He told his secretary who quickly left his office.

“And to what do I owe this visit of yours?” Roland asked while having a bored expression on his face.

“Why didn’t you come to dinner last night? I called you severally but you ignored my calls!” Evelyn asked looking angry.

“I told you that I won’t be coming. I made that clear to you so don’t you dare put the blame on me” he replied with anger too.

“Why are you suddenly doing this? I know our relationship began due to a business merger but we both agreed to work on it” Evelyn said wanting to make him see reason.

“That was weeks ago and I only agreed to it then to please my mom but now I no longer want to be part of this farce” Roland answered.

“Is it because you’ve found another slut? Have heard about your playboy character but I never thought much of it and now….”

“Am only quitting this farce because have found the one for me” Roland told her briskly.


“Have found the girl I intend to spend the rest of my life with and so it’s an end for us. Not that there was ever anything between us in the first place” Roland replied.

“You really are a creep!” Evelyn yelled at him.

“A creep who’s heart has been stolen by a fascinating lady which isn’t you. If you are done talking, I suggest you leave cause am busy” Roland said to her and Evelyn left his office banging his door to make it known to him that she is angry.


“If you don’t stop hitting the bag then the bag might just hit you back” Marcos said as he joined Amber in the training room.

“Since I have nothing to do. All I can do is punch bags all day long” Amber replied as she pulled off her gloves.

“You are angry at the director right? You shouldn’t. I think that him not letting you to work for now is the best. A week ago you were shot in the arm while protecting that Asian lady and…”

“Have been through worse things and he still let me work but now…he is a bit unfair” Amber let out softly.

“I didn’t want to tell you this before but I will have to. You see, the director likes….”

“Is there a miss Amber here?” A guy ask from the door way.

“That’s me” Amber replied as she went towards the delivery guy.

“This is for you ” the delivery guy told her before giving her a bouquet of flower

“I think you’ve got the wrong person because I…”

“Aren’t you Miss Amber Reyes?”

“I am ”

“Then it’s for you, could you please sign here for me?” When she finish signing it, he took his leave while Amber kept starring at the bouquet.

“Let’s see what the card says” Marcos said as he pulled out the card.

“It doesn’t say much. Only that it’s from an admirer. You naughty girl, so you’ve earned yourself an admirer, tell me who he is ?” Marcos demanded.

“I doubt that he’s an admirer. Probably her sugar daddy” Roxanne the other female in the agency let out and that got everyone laughing.

“The only who’s got a sugar daddy here is you hussy!” Marcos said to Roxanne who did a f^ck you sign to him with her finger.

“Since I don’t know who it’s from , I better throw it away” Amber said as she threw the flower into the nearest bin before going back to punching her bag.

Later that day, As soon as Amber got home. The first thing she notice was another bouquet of flower which was left on the table.

“What’s that?”

“Oh! It arrived for you this afternoon. You said you aren’t interested in men and want them far away from you but it seems like you’ve caught some one attention. Tell me who it is?” Sarah urge wanting to know.

“I don’t know and am not interested in finding out so just throw it away” Amber ordered.


“Where’s Liam?” Amber ask.

“Getting ready for bed”

“I will go see him and make sure you throw that away” Amber ordered before going up the stairs.

“But this is too pretty to throw away” Sarah muttered sadly.

Amber arrived at her place of work the next day only to see some one waiting for her with a bouquet of flower.

Thinking it was the delivery guy, she went to him wanting to tell him to return the flowers to whoever sent it.

“I told you that this flowers aren’t for me and…” She stop talking when she saw Roland.

“Surprised right? But I told you that we will meet again” he said walking towards her.

“Here you go and don’t refuse it” he said stretching the bouquet towards her but someone else took it out of his hands.

“Who are you and why are you being a bother to Amber?” Darren asked startling Amber and Roland.

“Director, it’s not what you think and….”

“Marcos told me about what happen yesterday. Is he a stalker?” Darren asked her.

“A stalker!” Roland let out incredulously.

“No. He’s some one i know, remember the day of the interview, I told you I was helping some one right. He is the man I helped” She explained which got Darren anger cooling a bit.

“I only came here to take her out for breakfast and also to thank her for her help that day” Roland said.

“Is that true?” Darren asked Amber who shook her head in reply though she never heard of his plan before.

“Then you can take the morning off but don’t return late” Darren added lightly before going into the company.

“Who the hell is he?” Roland let out in anger.

“He is my boss”

“Are you sure he’s only your boss and nothing else?” Roland ask.

“Darren is just my boss and you don’t have to take me out for breakfast, I can…”

“You agreed to come with me a while ago. So don’t you dare change your mind” Roland countered as he took hold of her hand.

“You don’t have to” Amber said as she pull her hand out of his hold.

“But I want to and I will” Roland said as he took hold of her hand again,pulling her towards his car and unknown to them both, Darren stood at the entrance watching them.

As soon as his car stopped in front of a posh restaurant, Amber stared at her clothes.

“I don’t think this is right. Am not dressed for this sort of place” Amber said softly.

“What’s wrong with the clothes you are wearing?” Roland asked.

“It’s a suit and…”

“You are wearing a suit and am also wearing one which doesn’t matter and besides, I booked the whole restaurant ” he informed before getting out of the car while she followed suit.

“Ready?” He ask as he held out his hand to her.

“Why aren’t you taking my hand?” He asked when she stood still.

“If you wanted to thank me for saving your life, you didnt have to go this far. A simple thank you will have suffice” she pointed out

“Your right. A simple thank you would have done it but that won’t give me a reason to see you” he muttered.


“It’s so good to see you Roland” a lady said as she joined them interrupting their conversation.

“So good to see you too Cynthia but am in the middle of some thing. Can I talk to you later?” Roland said although she didn’t like the way he dismissed her, she went on her way.

“Sorry for that, I…”

“What’s your name?” Amber ask suddenly.

“Am a bit offended that you don’t…”

“Just tell me what your name is!” She yelled and though her demand got him feeling a bit surprise, he did tell her.

“Roland Lincoln ” he replied and he watch her expression change to one of shock and then anger.

“Are you okay, Amber” he ask walking towards her but she move away from him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked looking a bit worried.

“Have got to go” she said as she ran past him while he stood watching her leave.

Did he say some thing wrong? Roland thought as he scratch his head.


It’s Sarah’s first day working as a substitute teacher in Lewis college and she thinks of everything to be a dream until she faced reality while visiting the ladies room.

As soon as she got there, she was surprised to see a male student standing outside while pressing his phone.

Choosing to ignore him, she was about to go in when he spoke.

“I would advice you not to go in”

“Why? As far I know this is the ladies toilet” Sarah replied and that got him looking her way.

Sarah wouldn’t deny that he had a gorgeous face and immediately she shook off the thought.

“Some thing is going on inside there and so it will be best if you…”

“Stop spilling crap and move out of my way” Sarah said and slowly he got out of her way.

As soon as she got in, Sarah began hearing a girl Mõ@ɲ.

“Arrgh! Give it to me Murphy! Don’t stop, you are hitting it right, just keep giving it to me!”

Feeling disgusted by the things she heard, she dash out of the place.

“Why the hell are they doing that in there!” Sarah yelled at the guy who was waiting outside.

“They got the urge and since this is the safest place, they came here and told me to watch for them” the guy answered.

“And you agreed to it! You are just as disgusting as them” Sarah let out and that got him her utmost attention.

“You know. You are the first girl who didn’t ask me for the same thing those two are doing. What major are you in?” He asked which got her snorting.

“Am not in any major! Am a teacher here!” She yelled at him.

“A teacher. You must be new then since I know most of the teachers and…”

“Let me guess, this teacher you’ve mentioned have been intimate with you right?” Sarah asked which got him nodding.

“What can I do? Am irresistible and when they come to me, I just can’t send them off. You aren’t exactly my type but I will be willing to make room for you if you also find me irresistible ” he said giving her a wink.

“And who exactly is your type?”

“A girl with big B-__-bs and a big @zz. You on the other hand don’t have that but I don’t mind having you” he replied with utmost honesty.

“I can’t believe am hearing this from a kid!”

“Am Twenty no longer a kid. What are you? Twenty one or two or three?”

“Just so you know Mr big @zz and B-__-bs. You aren’t my type either, the guys I go for knows what is right from wrong and you certainly don’t know that which makes you less of a person in my eyes” Sarah said to him and that got him smiling.

“And also I don’t really think the female species enjoy that little thing under you. They are only attracted to your face and nothing else so don’t think yourself as great!” She added angrily before storming off.

The guy kept starring at her until she walk out of his sight.

“It’s the first time I got rejected by a girl. Fascinating” he muttered as a smile escape his lips.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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