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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Strange feelings..)🥀

Episode 69&70 {FINALE}

Do not copy or repost ‼️

By Egbe Samuel Chigozie ✍️




“Dad,are you telling me that Hazel is my stepsister?” Lexi asked in shock.

Mr Ryan succeeded in calming Mrs Hampton and they had a brief talk.

Lexi was in great shock cos he never dreamt or imagine Hazel to be his stepsister,thank goodness he didn’t make love with her forcefully cos he was planning to do it back then.

His mouth were agape and he remembered how he took her first kiss back in the hall,he sighed afterwards feeling restless.

Lexi spread his arms wide open and Hazel hugged him immediately and he was stroking her hair.

“I never dreamt or imagine a day like this will come, you’re beautiful and I’ll say you’re the best stepsister I’ve ever seen” He said, disengaging the hug and she smiled.

“I was also shocked when I heard the news,l never knew you’re my stepbrother all these while” Hazel sighed.

Mrs Hampton and Mr Ryan stared at them and smiles was visible on their faces,Mr Ryan breathed in relief cos he’s now free from the secret he’s hiding.


Audrey came out from the aeroplane with Richard and she smiled immediately.

“You like it here right?” She asked and he spoilt his face.

“No! I h@ťě seeing black people” He squeezed his face and she sighed.

“You don’t have to be worried about it, Nigeria is a great country and you’ll see good people” She said and he nodded.

“So where’s your house?” He asked.

“Oh C’mon! Let’s board a cab now” Audrey smiled as they walked to the roadside.

She boarded a cab and they both entered,the driver halted at Audrey’s place and they both came out from the cab.

“Woah!, your house is beautiful” Richard complimented.


“Yes” He nodded.

“Let’s go in” Audrey said and he nodded.

She knocked the door and her senior brother opened the door,he was very surprised to see her.

“Good evening brother Timi” She greeted and he smiled.

“Come inside” He said and they both entered.

Richard brought his hand for handshake and he accepted it, Richard sighed afterwards, sitting on the sofa.

“Bro Timi, you’re back from England already?” She asked and he nodded.

Timi was actually the lecturer who caught Jayden and Hazel kissing, he teaches in Alleyn’s College.

“Lemme introduce him to you” Audrey said, referring to Richard.

“His name is Richard and he’s my boyfriend” Audrey introduced and they both shook hands again.

“Where’s dad?” Audrey asked.

“He’s bathing” Timi replied and his stomach made some wired sounds.

“I’m hungry man” Richard said.

“I should be the one saying it,maids hurry up!” Timi replied and some maids started setting the dinning table.

After some minutes,they were all seen in the dinning including their dad and Richard.

Richard stared at the food before him with a spoilt face and Audrey father chuckled.

“Eat up, it’s Amala and Ewedu, it’s Yorubas favorites” Audrey father said and Richard sighed, finding it hard to eat.

Audrey won’t just stop laughing.


Collins and Natasha were in the sitting room, watching movies until Collins hands started trailing down her @zz.

She widened her eyes and he smiled creepily,he placed the tip of his nose on hers and she giggled.

“You’re something else” She smiled.

He hugged her tightly, almost suffocating her as she was finding it hard to breathe.

She wrapped her hands on his neck and they started kissing intensely.

She broke the kiss and he frowned at her.

“Making those face makes you cute,but we shouldn’t be doing this here” She said and he sighed, grabbing her B-__-bs immediately.

“Ouch!” She winced and he chuckled.

“You know what? I can’t wait to f-__-k you” He said lustfully, capturing her lips again and she won’t stop Mõ@ɲing senselessly.

She was shocked when she started loving him less than a week, she’ll say it’s love at first sight cos the first day she sighted him she loved him immediately.

She grew to love him and she knows he loves her just the same way she love him.

He broke the kiss shortly and they both started catching up their breaths.

“I love you so much” He said affectionately.

“I love you too,so what date is our wedding” She asked and he whispered something into her ear.

“You’re really a s*x addict,I asked you for the date and you’re telling me that you’ll f-__-k me hard” She grinned and he chuckled.

“Soon baby” He winked.


Jasmine was outside the house receiving some fresh air while thinking of Sam.

She can’t lie that she misses him a lot and she wished to taste his lips again,she missed everything about him.

His body scent, innocent look,pinky lips, angelic voice and abs.

She was still thinking of him when her phone started ringing,she answered the call after seeing the caller ID, it’s Sam.

“Hey Jas, how are you?” He asked and she started blushing.

That’s part of what she wants,she wants to hear his angelic voice.

“I’m fine,you?” She asked.

“Not bad,where exactly is your house?” He asked.

“Omg! Are you coming?” She asked.

“Answer me first” He said and she told him,he hung the call afterwards and she sighed.

She blinked her eyes only to see Sam right in front of her.

“Wait,are you a wizard?” She asked and he smiled.

“Yes!!!” She screamed, hugging him tightly.


Jayden, Hazel,Luna, Blaze, Summer, James,Lexi, Aaron and Octavia were at the restaurant.

They all decided to come to the restaurant to have a memorable day,they ordered for the same food and they won’t stop smiling while eating.

Jayden and Hazel kept staring at themselves and they won’t stop winking at themselves,they all know that Lexi is Hazel stepbrother.

Jayden leaned his face closer to Hazel and he placed a kiss on her lips.

“You can’t oppress me here” Luna said, capturing Blaze lips and they all chuckled.

Luna already apologize to Jayden for taking his first kiss and they’re equally in good terms now.

Summer stared at James and he captured her lips, Octavia was expecting Aaron to kiss her but he surprised her by kissing her forehead, leaving a frown on her face.

“Omg! You’re not even romantic!” Octavia hissed and the rest laughed.

“I’m shy” Aaron said childishly and Octavia shook her head.

“How did I even love you in the first place?” She hissed loudly.

“Cos I’m handsome, yunno!” He winked.

“I’m enjoying this drama a lot,I think I’ll compose a story and the title with be UNROMANTIC AARON” Summer giggled.

“That’s a trash name” Luna muttered.

“Hey mind your speech” Summer rolled eyes.

“Will you beat me? Beat me!!” Luna smiled and Summer started chasing her.

Laughter filled the restaurant and it’ll be a memorable day for them.


Jayden and Hazel finished wedding themselves and it’s the wedding night already.

Jayden is now a professional doctor and Hazel is a pharmacist, they’re love keeps growing everyday and it’s still there till now and forever.

Jayden was unbuckling his belt in the room when Hazel entered, twerking purposely.

Jayden licked his lips, finding her so beautiful and tempting, since they’re dating he haven’t even seen her nakedness and now is the right time.

“I love you cupcake” She approached him, cupping his cheeks.

He captured her lips immediately and she started reciprocating back the kiss in a fast pace,she wrapped her hands on his neck, placing her legs on his waist as soft Mõ@ɲs were escaping their mouth.

Jayden closed his eyes in pleasure and he began stroking her long ponytail hair,they broke the kiss shortly and Jayden made her lay on the bed.

He stripped himself naked right in front of her and her mouth formed an ‘OH’ sound after seeing his Ďïčk.

It’s so huge and thick!

Jayden came over her, unbuckling her bra and he started s**king her brèast immediately, she won’t just stop Mõ@ɲing.

Jayden removed her P@ŋtîēṣ and he th-ru_st his Ďïčk into her p**sy, she almost screamed out of pain.

Blood started gushing out from her p**sy cos her hymen just got broken.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks but Jayden ignored the tears,f-__-king her harder.

After some minutes,he finished f-__-king her and he started patting her, leaning his back on the wall.

Hazel was resting her head on his broad chest,mere looking at her one will know that she’s tired.

“I love you cupcake!” She whispered to his ear.

“I love you more HEARTBEAT” He replied, patting her till she fell asleep, they’re heart were beating at the same pace.

They’re meant to be forever and no one can put asunder, they continued loving themselves till they gave birth to four kids.

They weren’t separated until death do them apart.


Don’t forget to join me in the next story, starting on Monday and you know who’s writing it.

Please babies,I need long, lengthy comments.

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