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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love Me Slowly…)

THEME; The King’s Woman.

CHAPTER 35❃ 36 (Semi – Final)

Gbemi Writes✍️


Unedited chapter ❗❗❗



Semi Final Chapter

₰ The New Queen ₰

< Royal Palace >

“He wants me to leave the palace Elvira. I thought that since he said nothing about me staying here, he already agreed to us getting married but he just told the guards to get me out before he return” Velvet said in tears and when Elvira said nothing, she looked up to see Elvira lost in her own thoughts.

“Elvira!” Velvet called startling her.

“Are you even listening to me?” Velvet asked.

“Why should I when I have important things to think about. The phone which Ciara used in recording my crime is still no where to be found and here you are winning about you leaving the palace, just leave already ” Elvira yelled at her.

“You must think the world revolve around you. Well it doesn’t and I hope you never get to find the phone and end up being thrown out of the palace. Good riddance” Velvet yelled her way before leaving the room.

“I won’t be thrown out of the palace, I won’t let that happen” Elvira said to herself.

< Wine Cellar >

“Can you explain what this is to me?” Bethany asked as she showed him the letter from earlier.

She could see the shock on his face before he could to mask it.

“Do you really believe this?” Rex asked.

“I didn’t at first but your reaction now made me think other wise. Are you hiding something from me?” She asked.

“What can I possibly be hiding from you?” Rex asked.

“You tell me since you know what it is” Bethany replied slowly.

“Am not hiding a thing from you…If I were I…”

“I might be a poor maid and all but am not a fool. You are lying to me and if you aren’t ready to speak the truth, I don’t want to talk to you then” she said as she turn to leave but he held onto her hand.

“Fine then, I will tell you the truth” Rex said quickly.

“I…promise me that you won’t get angry” Rex implored.

“That depends on what you tell me” Bethany replied not making it easy for him.

“Well I…I made a bet on you. A bet to bed you” he began slowly ” I will admit that at first I wanted to win the bet but then I got to know you and ended up falling for you ” Rex added regretting his confession due to the look he saw on her face.

“I might have started the dare for the bet but I love you. I love you and that’s why am telling you the truth so you won’t be disappointed when you find out from someone else” Rex said with all sincerity.

“So I was just a bet to you?” Bethany asked as she move away from him.

“It’s all in the past, I love you Beth. I love you so d@mn much” he added as he move towards her but she pushed off his hand.

“Beth” he called trying to make her see his side of things.

“Am never going to trust you again” she said turning to leave only to turn back to him.

“And stay the hell away from me, I h@ťě you Rex” she added before leaving the cellar.

< Queen mother room >

“Really? He came back with that girl?” The queen asked her personal maid and she nodded.

At that moment Reagan walked into the room.

“Why on earth did you bring back Ciara? I thought she’s gone for good?” Queen mother asked.

“And who told you that? Ciara is here to stay not as a guest nor as a fiancee but as my wife. You see mom, we just got married” Reagan informed.

“What!” The queen shrieked out in alarm ” Why would you do that without anyone’s knowing?”

“I don’t need to tell anyone a thing since am the king and can make decision for myself and also you shouldn’t be worried about my marriage to Ciara instead listen to this” Reagan said giving her a phone.

“What’s there to listen to?”

“The evil plot of your daughter” Reagan replied.

“I heard the king is back?” Willow asked as soon as Regina came into his room.

“He is”

“Then have got to be there with….”

“You aren’t going anywhere. You still need to have some rest” she countered and stood by his bed side so he wouldn’t be able to get off.

“But still, I need to report for duty ” he said managing to stand on his good leg.

“And I said no” Regina replied as she took hold of his hand wanting to make him seat but he pulled away.

” Just who the hell do you think you are to boss me around!” He yelled startling her.

“Am not bossing you. I just don’t want you to stress yourself”

“I don’t need you worrying about me. Do you think that by doing this, I will change my mind and date you? Well you are wrong cause I still wouldn’t and you want to know why….you are not woman, you are a girl who still needs more nurturing. I need a woman who can be a shoulder to rely on and you are nothing of that, so do me a favour and get out. You are begining to annoy me” He yelled at her.

Slowly a sad Regina made her way to the door and when she got there, she stopped to stare at him.

“Am sorry if I ever bothered you. I won’t be doing that anymore” she said and left the room making him regret the things he said.

“I really can’t believe this” Queen mother let out in shock after listening to the record.

“Why? Cause you’ve always thought Elvira to be a good person. You only clouded your mind from trying to see the truth and the truth is that your daughter h@ťěs me and wants me gone ” Reagan told her cruelly.

“I didn’t know she is this evil?”

“Now you know and you shouldn’t stop me from doing what I want to her” Reagan stated.

“What do you intend to do?”

“What I should have done a long time ago” Reagan replied before walking out of the room leaving his mother crying her eyes out.

< Restaurant >

“Why isn’t this ex of yours here yet?” Laura asked as they both sat waiting for Reagan to show up.

“Why do you ask, are you in a hurry to leave?” Rico asked.

“Ciara is returning from the hospital today and have got to be around when she arrives” Laura replied.

“Carina will be here soon and as soon as have made it clear that you are my girlfriend, we will leave” Rico stated.

“I can’t stand this anymore” Laura let out when there was still no sign of Carina.

“Am sorry Rico but have got to go” Laura said as she quickly walk off while Rico went after her and he caught up with her outside.

“Be patient a while more. Am sure she will…”

“Please Miss can you take a picture of us?” Laura asked a passer by.

“What are you doing?” Rico asked as they face the camera.

” Taking a picture” she replied as they both pose for the camera. ” Take another one miss” Laura urge and when the lady was about to take another one, Laura pulled Rico’s head towards her and gave him a kiss on the lips.

“Thank you miss” Laura thanked the lady before going back to him. ” Show this pictures to her and am pretty sure that she will forget about you for good. See you later” she said before dashing off.

“How can she just kiss me like that?” Rico muttered as he touch his lips.

< Back At The Palace >

“Let me go! Let go of me you fools!” Elvira yelled at the guard who were pulling her.

But they didnt release her until they got the field which had Reagan, Ciara and the other guards present.

“Why are you doing this Reagan?” Elvira asked.

“It’s time you pay for all your crimes” Reagan told her which got her shaking her head.

“Am innocent wh@ťěver Ciara has told you is a lie ” Elvira cried out quickly.

“Remember that you are talking to me, your brother. Who you tried to ki||” Reagan said.

“Where’s our mom. She wouldn’t let you do this to me if she knew about it, get her for….”

“That’s enough! You’ve done enough and so it’s time you pay for it. Are the police here already?” Reagan asked the guard who nodded in return.

“Then get her out of here” Reagan ordered.

“You can’t do this to me, you have no right to do this. Call the queen, I need to speak to the…”

“I am the Queen now. See this” Ciara said showing her fingers to Elvira just so she can see the ring.

“Am married to Reagan which makes me the queen and so this new queen wants you out of the palace. What are you waiting for, get her out of here!” Ciara bark and immediately the guards pulled a shouting Elvira off.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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