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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Love Me Slowly…)

THEME; The King’s Woman.

CHAPTER 3โƒ 4

Gbemi Writesโœ๏ธ




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As soon as they got to his private house and as soon as Ciara got out of the car.

She took to her heels only to be pursued by two guards who eventually caught her.

“Let go of me! Let me go!” Ciara yelled as the guards held her up by her arms while her legs dangled in the air.

It wasn’t until they got to where Reagan stood that they set her on her feet.

“This isn’t right! You can’t keep me here against my will! Have got a wedding to attend! ” She yelled at Reagan who only stood in silence, watching her.

Once again, she turned to run off only to be pulled back by Reagan.

He held her tightly in his arms while she kept struggling to be freed.

“Let go of me! As soon as I get out of here, I will make sure everyone know what you did today, you crazy man!” She muttered against his chest since he wouldn’t let go of her.

“Do you know that this is the second time you’ve cursed me today?” Reagan finally spoke which made her more angry.

“So what? I’d rather give a dog my respect than to give it to you!” She spat out and that got him letting go of her.

She tried to move away from him only to be carried over his shoulders and what he did next made her gasp out in shock.

He slapped on the @zz which got her hitting him on the back in return.

“You pig! How dare you!” She yelled as she struggled to free herself from him but he didn’t let her go until they got to a room where he threw her on the bed.

“What right do you have in hitting my @zz?” She asked as she quickly stood up.

“The right of being your future husband. Everything you possess will surely be mine, so stop making a fuss” he declared softly.

“I have someone else that I intend to marry! Why can’t you just understand that?” She said this as she stamp her foot on the floor in anger.

“This isn’t about understanding. It’s the duty of a king to bring back home a bride and you are that bride” he said again.

“You don’t love me and I don’t love you, how do you expect a marriage to work when we don’t love each other?” She asked trying to make him see reason.

“Love isn’t the only thing necessary in a marriage. If the s*x between the couple is good enough then it’s bound to work” he replied as he gave her body a lustful look.

Ciara moved away from him crossing her arms over her chest.

“I have no intention of sleeping with you neither do I want to marry you” she said fiercely.

“You are going to marry me and you will be sharing my bed every night for the rest of your life. You will give birth to my heir and live by my side as my wife and my queen” he stated firmly.

“I’d rather die” she returned defiantly.

“Do you really want to fight me cause let me tell you that you won’t win. I have everything in my power to make you do what I want, going against me will only….”

“Am never going to do your bidding. You might as well ki|| me now!” She cut him off abruptly.

“Fine then, your wish is my command”

With that said he shrugged off his coat and began to unbutton his shirt.

“Wh… what…are you doing?” Ciara stuttered out.

“Have told you that your wish is my command but then I will rather let you die while having exquisite pleasure with me than to have an easy death” he replied as threw his shirt on the floor before walking towards her.

“No! I don’t want this, stay away from me!” She screamed wanting to pull away from him but her action got her falling on the bed with him over her.

Holding onto her hand, he bent towards her and trailed a kiss down her throat.

“Let go of me! ”

“You are a black belt holder aren’t you? try fighting me off” he mocked as he tried to kiss her but Willow chose that moment to interrupt.

“It’s urgent your Majesty ” Willow yelled when Reagan decided to ignore him.

Letting out a sigh, he let go of Ciara and went to open the door.

“The prime minister is at the palace and it seems like he was called by your sister” Willow said for his ears alone.

“If she has called the prime minister over, then she must be up to her tricks again” Reagan muttered.

“Get the car ready” he instructed and when Willow left to do his bidding, he went back to Ciara who now lay in bed pretending to be asleep.

“Am heading to the palace for a while and when I return we will continue from where we stop and don’t you dare think of running away” he warned before leaving the room.

< ๐‘๐จ๐ฒ๐š๐ฅ ๐๐š๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ž >

Reagan sat on the king’s throne, slowly sipping his coffee while watching the prime minister.

“You are saying that your visit today is to talk about me finding a queen?” He asked.

“No offense, your Majesty. But the parliament and the president has taken keen interest in this situation and they’ve told me to let you…”

“Tell them not to worry for I have found a queen” Reagan said which earned him a surprise look from the prime minister.

“May I perhaps ask who she is?” The prime minister asked.

“You wouldn’t know if I told you, so it’s best that you be present on the day I bring her to the palace” Reagan stated which got him nodding.

“If there is nothing much to say then I suggest you head back and give my news to the president or to my sister, who sent you” Reagan added and from the nervous look the prime minister sent his way, he confirmed his suspicion.

As soon as the prime minister left. The door open revealing his elder sister, Elvira. His number one enemy.

“I heard that you’ve found a queen” Elvira said not bothering to show curtsey.

“I have and soon, she will be introduced to the family” Reagan replied.

“Seeing that you quickly found a girl to marry tells me that you are scared of my thr_@t” Elvira confronted.

“thr_@t? That isn’t a thr_@t but sheer cruelty, cause if it isn’t cruelty you wouldn’t insist that I marry a girl who once shattered me in the past”

“A king never holds a grudge much less to a girl he once loved in the past” Elvira let out dryly.

“Well this king holds a grudge and don’t think I don’t know what you are trying to do. You get me to marry Velvet and she helps you get the throne, the one thing you’ve always wanted”

“If you know that then you should do the right thing and give it to me. A little fool like you doesn’t have what it takes to rule this country” Elvira let out, her eyes glowing with h@ลฅฤ› for her brother.

“Then you should have been born a male” Reagan replied knowing how much it hurts her.

He was almost at the door when a book she had thrown landed on his back.

“Arrgh! I so much h@ลฅฤ› you, I really h@ลฅฤ› you!” Elvira yelled at him.

“I know, since you’ve always made that clear to me ever since I was a little boy ” Reagan replied before leaving the room while trying to hide the pain he felt by his sister’s word.


A girl of eighteen could be seen running towards the king chambers while her royal escort ran after her, calling her to stop but that got her running more faster.

As soon as she got to the king’s chamber, she ran straight into the room not waiting for his guards to announce her arrival.

“I heard you are getting married, big bro” Regina said in excitement as she walk into the room ignoring Rico, her other brother who is also present.

“I am ” Reagan replied which earned a smile from her.

“People might think you are the one getting married” Rico taunted and that got her hitting him on the head.

“Don’t ruin my happy mood” She glowered at him before turning to Reagan with a happy smile on her face.

“When will I meet her? It’s gonna be fun having another girl to talk to and….”

“Don’t you talk to your gossipy girlfriends everyday in college?” Rico asked.

“I do but it’s different when am at home. I have no one to talk to except you boys” Regina replied mildly.

“You might refer to me as a boy but leave his Majesty out of it” Rico cautioned.

“Who are you to tell me what to do? My lovely brother isn’t complaining ” Regina said as she went to hold onto Reagan.

“I am also your brother and we happen to be born on the same day ” Rico replied which got Regina poking out her tongue at him.

“You two always have to fight whenever you are around each other” Reagan said slowly, enjoying their company.

“That’s why I prefer Rex, he’s more matured than him” Regina complained.

“For the record, I was the first triplet mom gave birth to which makes me older and more wiser than you and Rex!” Rico retorted which got Reagan laughing.

“Speaking of Rex, isn’t he meant to be back today?” Reagan asked.

“I will be going to the airport in a few minutes to pick him up” Regina answered.

“Fine then don’t forget to take the guards with you. The royal family needs to be alert now more than ever” Reagan instructed which got her nodding.

“I will be off now. Bye my lovely brother and bye ugly, Rico” Regina said waving at them both.

She got to the door and at the same time, Willow chose that moment to come in which got them bumping into each other.

“Am sorry your highness, I didn’t mean to” Willow apologised and Regina shyly shook her head.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologise” she said and quickly ran out of the room trying to hide the blush on her cheek.

< ๐€๐ข๐ซ๐ฉ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ >

Regina stood with three maids and four guards, waiting for Rex to show up.

They were still waiting when a little girl bump into Regina staining her gown.

As soon as the little girl and her apologising mom were gone.

Regina stared at her stained dress wondering how she will get the dirt off when one of the maids came to her.

“You can wear my dress if you are uncomfortable, your highness” Bethany suggested and being someone who h@ลฅฤ›s dirt, Regina had no choice but to accept her offer.

Bethany had given Regina her clothes and while Regina got dressed in the private rest room. Bethany joined the other maids now dressed in Regina expensive dress.

“Let me hold onto her highness bag” Bethany offered as she took princess Regina things from the other maids.

Just then, someone held her by the waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“I knew you would come pick me, my sugar plum” Rex said as he mistook Bethany for Regina.

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Reagan got out of the car to notice the guards looking apprehensive.

Willow who had been talking to one of them came back to him with a apprehensive look on his face too.

“There’s bad news, your Majesty” Willow began but he couldn’t get to complete his sentence when a car drove past them and in it is Ciara.

“I hope I never get to see you again!” She yelled and did a f^ck you sign at Reagan before speeding the car off.

“Now, how on earth did she manage to escape ?” Reagan questioned….

To be continued โœŒ๏ธโœŒ๏ธโœŒ๏ธ

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