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Friday, October 18, 2024
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🍷 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi . 🍷



Meet lohara ,a 23 years old girl who was born with a magical power.

Lohara has this powers that whenever she’s angry she bring out fire from her mouth and hands uncontrollably.

Lohara has been trying so hard to manage her powers,her parent are very worried and looking for a way to stop those powers of hers .

Lohara has a boyfriend name Derick.. only Derick knows about lohara’s power exception of her parent.

Derick loves lohara so much and was ready to spend the rest of his life with her no matter what dangerous powers she posses .

Later on lahara’s parent visited a magician who told them her powers can only be controlled with a bracelet made with human blood.

Mr Jackson and his wife Laura had no where to get human blood, and of course they are not those kind of people who can k*ll someone.

They had no choice than to continue making their daughter happy in other for her not to be angry and hurt anyone.

The idea of a bracelet made with human blood skipped their mind because they wasn’t any way for them to get blood.


One faithful morning… lohara’s mother was making breakfast when she saw her daughter coming into the kitchen.

“Lohara dear,why are you here.. common my angel go back inside and continue reading” her mum said .

” Mother,I can’t read anymore.. could you help me tell those kids playing outside to stop making a noise ”
lohara said with her book .

” Lohara.. common those kids are actually in their compound do you expect me to go stop them in their father’s compound” her mum said smiling and cooking.

” You have to stop them mother because I’ll be having a test tomorrow…I can’t bear the noise” lohara said as her dad came down to the kitchen .

” What’s happening here babies…lohara what’s the problem”
Her dad asked.

” Father.. those kids outside are disturbing me from reading..I asked mum to go stop them but she wouldn’t ”
Lohara said as her mum said back.

” Lohara, please go inside your room.. shut your windows and put on your Head set,I bet you won’t hear any more noise from them ”
Her mum said as she looked at her angrily.

” Mum are you trying to stop me from reading?”
She asked getting angry as her dad noticed and rushed to her immediately.

” Hey,hey, hey princess..calm down,calm down.. breath out .. listen to me.. I’m going to their compound now to stop them from making a noise ”
Her dad said about leaving as Lohara said angrily.

” There’s no need for that,you two don’t want me to want me to fail my testtttttt”
Lohara said angrily aloud as her eyes began to switch colours.

” Oh have to calm down.. don’t do this… I’m going now to stop them, lohara put yourself together please ”
Her dad said aloud standing very far from her”

” Lohara.. I’m so sorry if I got you upset.. please calm promised never to hurt anyone…you have to put yourself in other now” her mum said in tears already seeing her daughter becoming a monster again.

” Don’t tell me to calm down.. I don’t know who you are, I’ll destroy youuuu” lohara said bringing out fire from her mouth and poured on her mum.

“Nooooooooo… ahhhhh ” her mum screamed burning.

Noooo.. Laura.. Laura ” her dad called pouring some water on his wife immediately.

“Hahaha..all of you..will die todayyyyy” lohara said laughing as her dad grabbed her mum who was already on the floor with burnt body.

” Laura.. Laura,stay with me.. don’t leave me yet.. I’ll take you to the hospital okay”
Mr Jackson said in tears as his wife managed to touch his cheeks saying ”

Jack.. Jackson… not waste your time..I can’t hold it any longer… please.. please the time for use my blood and make that bracelet” Laura said in pains.

” Never,I won’t do that to you.. Laura if I do that I’ll lose you”
He said in tears.

” I’m already going to die Jackson…you have To do it now , Jackson you’re not a bad person…all this years we’ve been together I haven’t seen you as someone that can ki|| a fly, Jackson I know you don’t have the heart to ki|| someone to use his or her blood, don’t allow my blood to be wasted when you know it’ll help our daughter from harming the world, have to do it now…” She said as Jackson couldn’t help himself from crying”

” I don’t want to lose you Laura, you’ve been a good wife to me …I don’t see myself living without you” Jackson said in tears.

” Maybe this is our destiny you want to lose both me and your only child? remember that if lohara goes out to do this to someone..she might be put to dead or jailed, don’t you want her to be able to resist the powers when it comes? look at our beautiful daughter.. she doesn’t even know what she’s doing… those powers are controlling her…do it nowwwwww” Laura said angrily and suddenly her eyes closed.

” Laura.. Laura wake up.. don’t do this.. Laura” Jackson called in tears as Lohara continued laughing.

“Hahaha…. hahahaha.. it’s your turn now”lohara said laughing”


Mr Jackson quickly carried the bracelet that was given to them and also a knife and began to sla*ghter his wife’s neck.

The blood began to pump out as he put the bracelet into the blood,he couldn’t stop himself from crying..he had no choice but to do so, just as his late wife had said he wouldn’t want to lose lohara too.

” What are you doing” lohara asked angrily with her mouth filled with fire 🔥.

” Lohara.. please calm down.. I’m doing this because of you…you don’t have to burn can burn me after I’m done wearing you the bracelet ” Mr Jackson said in tears.

“Hahaha.. hahahaha ” lohara kept laughing .

Mr Jackson looked at the bracelet that was in the blood..he was Shocked to see it changing from Ash to Red colour…he noticed it was ready so he took it immediately walking slowly and slowly to lohara.

Now it’s time for him to put the bracelet on her..but how do he do it when she’s already ready to pour out fire on him…

” Lohara.. please..let me put this on you… it’ll stop this madness.. believe me” Mr Jackson said walking slowly and slowly to lohara who has already forwarded her hands full of fire to release fire on her dad.

“Stay back.. don’t come near meeee” lohara said angrily ”


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