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Friday, October 18, 2024
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πŸ’Œ WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .πŸ’Œ



Elijah listen carefully to me,you have no right to say that in my may be put to death if the king hears this lie ” I said angrily”

Really,you call it a lie? anyway I won’t waste time talking to you..I only need my daughter back between today and tomorrow ” he said angrily leaving”

” Oh no , what’s he trying to do..I need to find the old man that serves in the blue banquet..he alone can tell me what exactly happened that night, but first I need to see Kora”

” I rushed quickly inside and headed to kora’s room,I got there and began to knock for her to open”

Kora dear, open up…kora you can’t stay indoors forever…the fact that you’re not a successor doesn’t mean you’re a no body… you’re a princess my dear ” I kept saying but no response”

” I pushed the door and was surprised it was open”

The door was locked some hours ago.. why’s it open now” I said to myself going in as I couldn’t find kora in her room”


Kora dear..

Kora where are you ” I called looking everywhere but she was no where to be found”

Goodness what’s she up to this time…

Anyway I’ll be back shortly let me visit the old man ” I said rushing out”


I arrived at the blue banquet and saw many servant there…

Greetings My queen” the bowed to me”

You May rise, where is your master” I asked ”

My queen.. master has gone out to get some flowers…he won’t be back any time sooner” a servant said ”

So are you asking me not to wait for him ?” I asked ”

My queen, when master returns.. we’ll inform you..we can’t let you stay in this disgusting place else king Luhuda might punish us ” they said bowing ”

Fine ..I should get going then..but don’t forget to inform me when he returns” I said ”

Yes my queen” they responded as I left ”

πŸ”” SAPPHIRE πŸ”” really don’t know who my real parent are?” I asked in tears ”

I don’t my child” she said sobbing but I knew she was saying a lie..she really doesn’t want to lose me but that can’t change the fact that she fooled me all this years ”

Sapphire dear,I was the one who found you and thought I’d already given you back to your real mother but didn’t know she wasn’t,so you have to trust me because I’ll make sure I find your real parent..all I know is that they should come from colony… let’s go sapphire” trinaba said holding my hand as mother couldn’t stop herself from crying ”

Trinaba..I promise you that if you help me find my real parent, I’ll undo the curses in your kingdom” I said ”

It’s a promise sapphire, let’s go” we said moving as his soldiers stopped us with Thier swords ”

My prince,this wasn’t part of the king’s orders..if the king finds out you’re doing this, you’ll be punished” one of the soldier said ”

Albert..put your swords down everyone..I have the right to change orders when things go wrong.. wait a sec..are you all really pointing your swords at me? Have you forgotten I’ll be made the crown prince soon?” I asked as they dropped Thier weapons bowing ”

We are sorry my prince” they said ”

Listen all of you, return back to taradem.. tell father everything that has happened,and also I’ll be back with sapphire soon ” I said to them leaving”

Yes my prince ” they responded”


They all left as I couldn’t stop myself from crying,how could the gods give the elites beautiful children like kora and sapphire…why not me…

How I wish they wouldn’t figure it out that the elites are her parent..I just don’t want sapphire to leave me” I cried out when suddenly I saw Jacob coming out of his room stretching himself”

Mother.. where is sapphire ” he asked as I walked to him and landed him a slap”

” He looked at me surprisingly with a hand on his cheeks” slapped me for the first time ” he asked almost in tears”

This is all your fault got drunk and split out everything you knew about could you do that to us” I said in tears”

Oh no.. mother don’t tell me I told sapphire she’s not from the underworld, don’t tell me I told her we weren’t her real family ” he said almost in tears”

Isn’t that all you’ve ever wanted because of your stupid love for her huh… Jacob sapphire has left us again..she won’t call me mother anymore ” I said in tears”

No..this can’t be..I need to protect sapphire..the world is wicked.. they’re allot of evil people there..if I keep staying here in the underworld there’s no way I can protect her,the last time she was there..she almost lost her live ” he said looking confused in tears”

What are you trying to say Jacob ” I asked in tears”

Mother.. it’s time.. it’s time for me to let King Luhuda and everyone know I’m a prince of taradem..” he said”

What madness are you talking about can’t do this..” I said in tears holding his hands”

Mother..I need to do this for sapphire.. only if I live in the world I can protect sapphire ,I can’t watch anyone hurt her” he said about leaving as I held him up with a spell”

I won’t let you leave me too Jacob..tell me haven’t I been a good mother to you two” I asked in tears”

I’m sorry mother..I love you so much..but I need to protect the woman I love.. I’m sorry I’ll have to prove stubborn today..I won’t let your spell keep me back ” he said breaking out of the spell and pushed me to the ground with his powers..then he vanished”

I couldn’t hold back my tears, everything is falling apart.. the beauty in the underworld created by sapphire isn’t what I want to see right now…

I’m all alone ” I said aloud in tears”

No you’re not.. I’m here for you ” I heard a voice behind me as I turned quickly with my sword pointed at her”

Who are you,oh no..the queen of taradem..why are you here ” I asked”

This isn’t the queen..I am seer jecintha ” she said smiling”


She explained everything to me and she wanted me to work with her to destroy Luhuda.

So what do you say about it Demon queen ” she asked”

I agree with you,so far as I’ll get back everything the king has collected from me” I said”

Then we should get going then.. don’t forget it’ll be a dangerous mission so you need to be fully prepared ” she said”

I don’t need you to tell me that,as a queen I know what to do” I said”

Fine.. let’s go then” she said as we vanished together”


I lay on my bed shivering..

I was having some fever and I knew it wasn’t ordinary..

I think the king of hell wants me back..I don’t think I still have days to stay in the world.

Suddenly i heard the king of hell saying to me.

πŸ‘Ή have just two days to return to hell, hahaha..I told you things can’t go the way you want” he said ”

You lie.. I’ll do my best to make up for all my mistakes in the world and i shall go to heaven” I said ”

Keep have just two days in this world and the curses you made are still ruining the lives of the people the heavenly king think heaven is happy..I don’t have much to say but will only welcome you back to hell, hahahaha” he laughed and vanished”

” No..I won’t return to soul needs to rest in peace.. beside they were the ones who wronged me..why does the heavenly king call it a sin”


I sat down together with my husband thinking about kora’s whereabouts.

Do you think she has returned to colony?” The king asked ”

I don’t think so my king..this is strange..that girl may be up to something..” I said as we saw a guard rushing in”

My king..the demon prince is here to see you ” he said as my husband stood up surprisingly”

He’s here?” He said in Shocks as we saw the demon prince coming in”

” He got closer to us and bowed saying”

Greetings father….” He said”

” The shocks in me were unpredictable as I staggered almost falling”

Father? ” I asked surprisingly”

Jacob..why are you here ” the king asked”

Father..I guess your queen already know I’m your son from the underworld,if no then I shall explain to her” he said as the king shouted at him”

Stay quiet..did you come here to hurt my queen with those words? Did your mother send you ?” The king asked angrily as I grabbed his hand saying”

My king.. what’s going on,is this a joke?” I asked in Shocks as he turned to me and gave me a hug”

My queen.. please I’ll explain everything to you ” he said sadly”

Then start explaining ” I said in tears already when suddenly a guard rushed in again with a report”

Greetings My king and queen,the demon queen and jecintha are here for war” he said as we were Shocked”

What! Jecintha has finally joined the demon queen to fight me? This will be tough , guards.. Has the prince returned with his soldiers?” He asked”

My king..the prince ordered his soldiers to return while he left with the successor to look for her real parent ” he said”

What nonsense.. that boy won’t stop disobeying my orders..he found the girl and left with her to do something else.. wait a sec.. isn’t the demon queen her mother? What is happening ” he asked confusedly”

Gather the soldiers now and get ready for war.. tell all the soldiers not to attack jecintha’s face ” he said”

Yes my king ” he responded and left”

Father.. please take it easy with the battle.. don’t harm my mother..” Jacob said as we all left outside immediately”


” I saw them coming out as the queen’s face was already covered with bandages ”

” Now that the demon queen is on my side..I don’t think the king will win the battle,by the way where’s the so call seer Helena,she isn’t here.. interesting…and what about the ugly wizard doctor…I can see he’s just relaxing waiting for me to destroy the king before he starts stressing..”

Jecintha.. you’re finally back..and I can see there’s no scratch on my wife’s face, good job …and you demon queen..I can see how ready you are to fight me…. soldiers attackkkkkkk” the king ordered when suddenly the demon queen pushed me to land on the ground with her spells,then grabbed my neck with chains saying ”

Hold need to attack..I don’t work with some sick frogs.. take her away” demon queen said pushing me to the king as he grabbed me with the chains ”

Thank you so much demon queen” the king said looking at her surprisingly ”

How could you do this to me…you demons have no conscience” I said angrily ”

Jecintha.. it’s over.. you’ll be severely punished” the king said angrily ”

You wouldn’t dare do…” Was about completing my statement when suddenly I began to feel dizzy then couldn’t stop myself from vomiting”


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