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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(🐍He’s a demon🐍)
🌹Written By Hen R ica🌹


“Mother..please come back…don’t leave your son now..I need you mother…my Python mother…please come backkk…”I said and broke down in bitter tears…

“Kala…please you have to stop crying…we have to find a way to get back the Python mother because we can’t fight this battle together…we are all going to die without the Python mother..”kemi said in tears as I held her tight crying…

“My daughter is right kala..please what do we do now?..”the queen asked as the door opened and an old man rushed in…

“Wizard…what is the matter?…how is my husband?..,”the queen asked …

“My queen…there is trouble…the gods just revealed to me about these two demon women…they want to ki|| barakemi because she is the demon princess and the heir to the demon throne..”the wizard said as I got up angrily…

“Who are these enemies…I can’t let anything happen to my kemi?..never..”I said in tears…

“You have to protect the demon princess with your Python powers by getting married to her and that has to be done in the Python forest…”the old wizard said …

“I don’t care…I would do anything within my powers to protect my kemi…I shall destroy those demon ghosts who wants to ki|| my kemi…Hahaha…”I said laughing hysterically..

“Python prince…you have to marry her now because what those demons are already on their way to ki|| the demon princess…so get ready to make her your wife..”the wizard said as i vanished…

“I have to start making preparations…I have to plant traps around the forest to keep those demons away…Please Python goddess you have to help me because my mother is already dead…oh no…


Lady fola took me back to the demon fortress to fortify me with more powers…

“Fola…why the heck did you bring me here?..I already have demon powers so take me out of this disgusting place…”I said angrily…

“Hey you spoilt brat…you have to start learning how to call me mother because I am your mother now…”Fola said angrily as I burst into laughter…

“You are a moron fola for thinking I would call you my mother because you are just a dead moron…you think I don’t know you are dead?…hahaha…”I said laughing…

“Just shut up little fool…you don’t even know that kala is getting married to the demon princess in the Python forest and anytime from now,they are going to take away your throne…hahaha…”she said getting me shocked…

“No…that can’t happen…those fools can never be together…I have to do something…”I screamed angrily as I vanished and appeared in the Python forest…

I started sniffing everywhere for those fools and I found myself in a Python cave…I was shocked to see barakemi applying some fortifications…hahaha…

“What the heck are you doing here you’d spoilt demon?..”the cheap fowl asked as I used my powers to land her a slap…

“How dare you?…oh I see…that foolish Python prince has given you guts but I am going to ki|| you today and nowww…”I screamed and was about attacking her but she pointed her hands to me and I was chained down with some demon chains…

“Let me go you moron…let me gooo…”I screamed…


It’s been hours now and everyone has been waiting In the Python forest for my marriage…

Barakemi hasn’t finished applying the fortifications …i don’t know why my instinct keeps telling me barakemi so in trouble…I have to go and get her because everyone is already losing their patience…I can’t let this day pass by without getting married to I can’t…

I rushed to the Python cave and I was shocked to meet Funke in chains while barakemi was busy applying her fortifications…

“What is this demon doing here kemi?..”I asked surprisingly…

“She came to attack me kala…we have to ki|| her because I know she’s one of our enemies…”barakemi said as i was about ki||ing Funke when suddenly lady fola appeared holding a demon sphere…

“Fola…please help me…help meee…”Funke said aloud and before I knew what was happening,lady fola threw the demon sphere at me and I fell down bleeding…

“Ahhhh…”I groaned in pains…

“Hahaha…I have come to steal,ki|| and destroy…Hahahaha..”fola said laughing hysterically as she quickly hung barakemi in the air…

“I am going to buy you and unleash my black venom on you..”lady fola said as she was about biting me when suddenly blood started dripping from one corner of her mouth…what the heck?,.,

I turned and I was shocked to see mother holding a sword with maggots coming out from her whole body…


I rushed to lady fola and smashed her head on the floor..I have to take it easy with her because she’s in my body…

I raised her up and stabbed her with my sword as she landed on the ground in the pool of her own blood…

“Now kala…ki|| that spoilt demon before she regains strength…”I ordered as kala shot Funke with a demon arrow and she died…hahahahaha…

“The deed is done Python mother…now you have to claim your body before the king of hell comes here to take you away…”I heard a voice say to me as I turned to see the Python goddess smiling…

I rushed to where lady fola was and quickly lay on her body…yesss…finally I am free…

“Mother…you are back …mother..,I knew you would never live me…”kala said as I freed barakemi and hugged her in tears…

“Kemi…I can’t loose you again so we have to get married now before another demon comes…”Kala said and dragged us to the Python temple…

After all the fortifications,the Python goddess said

“Congratulations my Python prince…you two are now officially married…”she said …

“You may now kiss you bride..”she said as kala and kemi kissed passionately…

“Hmmm…I am already jealous…where’s my Python king?..”I asked and everyone burst into laughter..

Thanks for reading sweethearts👍…please share sweeties…

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I luv you all🥰.

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