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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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[ Her Only Harmony… ]





❝ ‹‹ 𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆…❞

” It’s a ghost! ” Devyn screamed again as she ran back to her room to get red beans for exorcism.

The guy moved his gaze to Cecilia and stared at her strangely as he watched her hide under the table.

She got the beans and headed to where the guy was standing. She started throwing the beans at him, but he suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, earning a gasp from her. That was when she saw his face very well, his eyes were sparking like the night stars.

Just by looking into his eyes, She felt something move in her at the speed of light, but she wasn’t sure of the feeling so she ignored it.

” Oh, It’s you ” She muttered, releasing her hand from his grip. She went to a corner in the sitting room and turned on the light.

” Mom, it’s the stranger. You can stop hiding now” She said, and slowly, Cecilia left her hiding spot still holding her chest.

” Jeez, that made me panic” She breathed out as she got the remote and turned off the TV. She then faced the stranger and sighed.

” What’s the point of asking him anything when he can’t talk? Poor thing” Cecilia who was about to ask him the reason why he stood like a ghost in the middle of the sitting room, exhaled.

Devyn’s eyes accidentally moved to her skin and she was surprised at what she saw. Her bruises were nowhere on her body, everything was gone.

” Strange ” She muttered. Her hands quickly went to her face to see if the burnt spot also disappeared but it didn’t. She pouted sadly and sat on one of the couches.

The guy continued staring at mother and daughter without a word. Devyn tapped the space next to her as she looked at him, signaling him to come seat which he did.

” Good ” She wanted to touch his hair, but he shifted his head. She smiled and touched it anyway.

” Where are you from?” She asked, but he didn’t reply. ” Is your house really far?” She asked again, Still he said nothing.

” Oh, I forgot he can’t talk ” She muttered and faced her mom.

” What should we do with him? ”

” We should take him to the police station tomorrow, maybe he lost his way around here and couldn’t remember where he comes from. The police might be able to do something, and his parents might locate him, or what do you think?” Cecilia asked and Devyn stared at the stranger.

” Does he even have parents? I saw him fall from the sky” She muttered. ” That’s ridiculous. Who falls from the sky?” She scolded herself mentally.

“Maybe we should take him there, but what if no one comes for him?” She asked and Cecilia thought for a while.

” Let’s not assume first. You need to get ready for school”

” But, mom.. ”

” I know what happened, okay? I know you were bullied cos I noticed all the bruises on your skin last night… ” She stopped talking and took a proper look at her daughter.

” Where are they? The bruises?”

” I’m not sure too. I applied ointment to it last night, and even though it’s all gone, there were supposed to be scars left right?” She asked and her mom nodded.

” But the scars are gone too. Everything, except the scar on my face” She replied.

” I’m serious, mom. I don’t wanna go to school today, I can’t face my mates”

” I know the feeling of being alone baby. Most times, when you feel like you don’t belong, try to be bold. I too was once a student so I know how it feels to be bullied cos I was also a victim. It stopped the day I stood up to my bullies even though I couldn’t fight them. That only provoke them and they made to beat up, but someone interfere. Since then, I started fighting for myself”

” We’re both different people Mom. I’ve been indoors for 13 years and what? You expect me to just know how the other kids behave?” She sighed.

” I under…. ”

” No, you don’t. And please, Don’t tell me anything about school cos I’m not going” She stood up and left for her room. Cecilia sighed as she watch her go.

” Can you please go talk to her?” Cecilia faced the stranger.

” Oh, I forgot you don’t talk ” She sighed again.

” I’ll make breakfast” She said and left for the kitchen while the guy just stared as usual, without saying a word.



Elvira and Zora left their respective rooms for the sitting room. They met Elvire and Harriet doing the chores since it was their turn.

” Good morning ” Zora said from behind them and the girls turned to face whoever greeted them. Zora gulped forcefully when she noticed Harriet wasn’t smiling one bit.

” Where in the name of heaven did you both go last night? And what time did you both get home? Who even opened the door for you both? I remember changing the passcode cos I wanted you both to spend the night outside” Harriet said. She hadn’t noticed the bruises on Zora’s face.

Elvire burst into laughter when she sighted Elvira struggling to walk.

” Did you both get into a fight? And what happened to your lips Zora? Did you K!SS a bee? Your forehead too” Elvire said amidst laughter. That was when Harriet noticed and a frown appeared on her forehead.

” How will you get to school today looking like… how do I describe your look right now?” Elvire laughed again.

” How did you both end up this way?” Harriet asked calmly. Since she was the oldest, she needed to keep her cool. Her frown deepened when they wouldn’t say anything.

” We were just taking a walk when someone attacked us” Zora lied.

Elvire laughed it.

” I wished he or she would’ve broken Elvira completely ” Elvire rolled her eyes. She didn’t care cos she believed they had done something to whoever beat them up.

” Since you two don’t wanna tell me anything, I’ll pretend I didn’t notice” Harriet said and continued using the vacuum. Zora felt bad immediately cos she knew Harriet was mad at them.

” Unnie…” Elvira called with a pout.

” Don’t call me that. You acknowledge me as your older sister, yet you both ignore wh@ťěver I say?” Haven’t I been a good sister and a leader to you’ll over the years?” Harriet asked.

” We’re sorry ” They both chorused. Harriet hissed as she left the vacuum and headed to her room. Of course no school for them. She couldn’t go to school and risked getting insulted by SUNSHINE for not taking care of her group members.

Elvire stared at her twin before shaking her head.

” Are you happy your twin sister is like this?” Elvira asked, almost in tears cos she was feeling pain.

” Of course. I’m very happy” Elvire replied and left too.

” You sure she’s your sister? Apart from the resemblance, you really need to ask your mom if Elvire is indeed your sister” Zora said.

” I’m in pain ” Elvira began sobbing again.



Lesley stood at the gate and glanced at her wristwatch, waiting patiently for Devyn. She was hoping that Devyn would come to school despite what happened in class the previous day. Four cars drove in, almost hitting her, but she shifted back slightly.

Knowing who it was, a frown wrinkled her forehead.


The students screamed as they watch the girls leave their cars, looking a lot hotter than yesterday.

Gemma walked over to Lesley who was staring at her.

” I thought you weren’t gonna leave the road cos I had plans of making you crippled” Gemma said. Emerald and Belinda left for their class, but not without showing off their cute smiles to the other students.

Lesley smiled instead as she leaned closer.

” I guess I already told you I’m from France, but you know why I’m here? I was sent to exile by my Dad, and you know why?” Lesley laughed instead and Gemma stared at her weirdly.

” Look at me that way again and I’m gonna plug out your eyeballs from its sockets and Ṣūçƙ out the fluid” She said again and Gemma shifted slightly.

” You’re cràzy ” Honesty said from behind.

” Sure, cos it fits me perfectly. The person who named you Honesty is crazier. Why Honesty when you’re just one big fat lie?” Lesley shook her head before looking at Gemma again.

” Prenez soin de vos globes oculaires ( Take care of your eyeballs )” She said and walked away.

” What the heck just happened? Did she just insult me in French?” Gemma asked.

” She really doesn’t know what we’re capable of doing” Honesty said and held Gemma, pulling her away while Gemma kept staring in Lesley’s direction angrily.

<< MARVINS MANSION Maikel was in the kitchen making breakfast for the others while Alistair helped him out. Rema was busy playing cards with Valerie while Ian was in the bathroom taking his bath. ” Hyung, I’m starving ” Sweetheart walked into the kitchen. ” Few more minutes. Breakfast is almost ready” Alistair replied and Sweetheart nodded. He turned and made to leave when his eyes landed on Alistair’s legs. ” Wtf ” He muttered as he faced Alistair. ” That’s the socks I was planning to wear today ” He said and Alistair looked at his feet before frowning. ” These are mine ” ” No, they’re not ” Maikel replied. ” Really? Then we have something that looks almost the same?” He asked. ” Nope… You don’t have anything of such in this house” Maikel laughed while Alistair faced Sweetheart. ” It’s just socks, okay? I believe it won’t cost up to $100. Hyung will get you a new one after school” ” Forget it ” Sweetheart said and left the kitchen. ” Where you cursed to wear people’s stuff?” Maikel laughed. ” I think I find your outfits cuter” Alistair replied. ” Really? Should we exchange wardrobes?” Maikel asked. ” No thanks” Alistair laughed and Maikel chuckled. Sweetheart walked past Valerie and Rema who were playing cards and laughing hysterically. He headed to Nash’s room and met him still fast asleep. ” Hyung ” He shook his body vigorously yet Nash didn’t budge. ” Hyung!” Sweetheart shook him again and Nash groaned. ” I’ll ki|| you if I open my eyes” He said from his sleep but Sweetheart only chuckled as he held Nash’s legs. He pulled him out of bed and Nash landed heavily on the floor. He sat up and glared at Sweetheart harshly. If only looks could ki||, then Sweetheart would’ve been dead. ” Maikel!!” Sweetheart shouted, running out of Nash’s room. Nash stood up and left his room to the sitting room where he met Rema and Valerie playing cards. ” Good morning, Hyung” Valerie and Rema chorused as they continued with what they were doing. Nash made to enter the kitchen but he stopped and faced Rema again. ” Thought you had an interview by 8:30 a.m?” Nash asked and Rema’s hands stopped midair. He moved his eyes to the wall clock and they almost left their sockets. ” Oh! No ” He exclaimed and checked his phone. He had 15 missed calls from their manager. ” Why is he so forgetful?” Alistair asked. ” Yeah… and you love wearing other people’s clothes” Nash replied. ” Breakfast is ready ” Maikel announced. ” Yeah!!” Valerie shouted and left for the dining. Sweetheart sat down too with Alistair and Ian while Nash went to the bathroom for his morning routine. After he was done, he joined the rest on the table. In no time, Rema left his room all dressed. He got to the table and snatched Nash’s chopsticks. ” Sorry hyung, I’m in a hurry ” He said as he ate from Nash’s plate. After eating a few spoonfuls, he stood up and left the house. ” You should be careful before you get indigestion” Maikel said, but Rema already drove away. Maikel sighed. ★ ∆∆ DEVYN’S HOME Devyn left her room, all dressed for school. Though she knew she was late already, she didn’t want to make her mom sad by not going to school, so she decided to go. ” Oh! I was about to take him to the station” Cecilia said when she sighted Devyn. ” I’m sorry Mom. Sorry for raising my voice at you” She said. Her mom smiled and hugged her. She stroke her hair gently before disengaging from the hug. ” It’s okay, mom understands very well ” Cecilia said and Devyn smiled. ” I’ll go now, and you should too. You’re already late” Cecilia said. ” It’s nothing, I wanna go with you to the station. Classes aren’t serious lately cos of an upcoming audition. The school gate will be open till closing hours ” She explained and Cecilia nodded. The fact that her daughter changed her mind about not going to school was enough already. They all left the house and started walking down the street together. The strange guy suddenly went to a kid holding a teddy bear. He took it from the kid and held it, staring at it weirdly. ” Ajussi ” The young boy began to cry. Devyn looked back to see the stranger shaking the teddy to see what it was made of. He placed it down and started stepping on it. ” What’s he doing?” Devyn exclaimed and rushed to him. She got there and pulled him away. She gave the teddy to the little boy and cleaned his tears before dragging the strange guy away. ” Mom, I don’t think it’s a good idea. He doesn’t look okay” Devyn faced her mom, still holding the stranger who kept looking around the busy road. Seeing the cars and people move on the road was fascinating. ” Should we just go home?” Devyn asked and her mom sighed before nodding. When they turned to leave, the stranger wiggled his hand out of Devyn’s hold when he sighted someone putting on a bear costume. He began following the person behind, and when the person noticed, he increased his steps and the stranger did the same. The person suddenly took to his heels and the stranger followed suit. ” Why the hell is he running after me?” The person in the costume cried out, drawing people’s attention, yet the strange guy wouldn’t stop following him despite the eyes on them. ” Oh no!” Cecelia exclaimed and stared at her daughter who nodded. They began running after the stranger too. ” Wait!!” Devyn kept calling but he wouldn’t stop. People were making videos already. When the guy with the costume was tired of running. He stopped and faced the stranger who took a step backwards. ” Wait? Why are you following me?” The masculine voice asked. The strange guy just stared at him weirdly, wondering how he was able to become a bear. ” You son of a Ɓîtçh ” The guy cursed and began chasing the stranger following him. Now it was the stranger’s turn to run. He kept running until he bumped into Devyn. He quickly hid behind her for protection. She breathed out and gulped as she faced the guy with the bear costume. She bowed to him. ” He’s my brother and he’s mentally unstable that he does things without realizing. I’m sorry for causing you trouble” Devyn said. ” You should just chain him at home or admit him to a psychiatric hospital. His condition is worst” The man said and began leaving. ” I’m sorry ” Devyn said loudly as she turned around and held the strange guy firmly. ” Let’s go home ” She said and began pulling him away. She met her mom and they both left for their house together. They got home and Devyn got her backpack. She faced her mom who peck her hair. ” I’ll be off now ” She said and moved her gaze to the stranger who was looking around innocently. ” I’ll come up with a name for you when I get back from school. I can’t keep calling you stranger” She said and waved at him before leaving the house to school. ★ Devyn got to school and everyone was busy. She made to turn left when someone suddenly showed up in front of her, frightening her. ” Devyn!” Lesley hugged her tight. ” You almost ki||ed me ” ” Thought you weren’t gonna come to school after what happened in class yesterday”.. Lesley said as she disengaged from the hug. ” You don’t even know me, why are you so nice to me?” Devyn asked. ” I don’t know. Let’s say it’s part of my personality” She laughed as she held Devyn’s hand. ” School looks busy ” ” Yeah, everyone is preparing for the upcoming audition” Lesley said and stood in front of her. ” Miss Rachel wants to see you in her office” ” What? Me? Why?” Devyn asked. ” No idea…” ” Will you come with me then?” ” Should I?” Lesley asked back and Devyn nodded. ” Alright then, let’s go. The class is quite empty cos most of the students are absent. I had to come to school cos I was so worried about you. The way you ran out of class made me feel bad”. ” You don’t have to feel bad. I guess I’ll be used to it soon” Devyn smiled slightly as they headed to Miss Rachel’s office, passing by the library where they met Gemma coming their way. Devyn made to take another route but Lesley held her back. ” Why? You don’t need to be scared of her, she’s not God” Lesley held her hand firmly as they continued walking towards Gemma too. ” Hey, artificial doll ” Gemma stopped in front of them. ” Can’t believe you still have the guts to show your face here after what I did to you yesterday. Well, watch you back young lady” She said and went between them. Lesley wanted to pull her back but Devyn was faster. She turned Gemma around and made her face her. ” It’s Devyn and if you can’t pronounce that, just call me Dev ” She said, and Gemma furrowed brows. Lesley was shocked and Devyn was exempted. She didn’t know when those words left her mouth. ” Are you crazy?” Gemma asked and Devyn shook her head continuously, regretting what she said. Maikel, Ian, Valerie, and Sweetheart were heading to the library when they came across the scene. ” Isn’t she the girl from earlier? The one you touched her hair?” Sweetheart asked. ” She’s cute ” Valerie muttered, while Maikel just stared. Gemma immediately landed Devyn a deafening slap, scattering her hair. Maikel made to interfere but he stopped at what he saw next. Gemma made to slap Devyn again but Devyn held her hand midair and returned the slap twice. Gemma went dumb on the spot as she felt her head getting hot. ” Wow!” Ian, and Sweetheart exclaimed. Lesley’s eyes widened. Devyn stared at her hands with widened eyes. how did she do that? She couldn’t fathom what just happened and how she was able to slap her. Gently and slowly, Gemma went to the ground, fainting in the process. …. 𝐓𝐁𝐂….

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