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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 34 & 35

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( She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie.. )

Chapter 34&35

By Authoress Bloom H.


So-hee’s face flushed red and her eyes shut tightly as her K!SSed her. Goosebumps covered her skin as he ran his hands in her hair

A light Mõ@ɲ left her lips when Rhett bit her lip, she opened her eyes staring directly into his

He broke the K!SS slowly and she blinked doubting wh@ťěver just happened

Did he just K!SS her??

Her eyes widened in realization and he chuckled, fixing her hair like he did nothing wrong – well he did nothing wrong though

“You taste like vanilla… I love vanilla” He said and she blinked, flapping her lashes quickly, it almost seemed like they would fall off

“You don’t look like much but d@mn you’re really heavy” He said, she looked down at their posture, she was still on top of him on his chair

“Sir..” She got off him but he pulled her back and she landed on his lap

She gasped sharply, her heart doing wonders in her chest.

Rhett leaned forward and whispered against her neck

“So did the male lead end up like me…drunk?” He asked

“Argh…” She screamed into her palms and stood up from his leg running towards the door, she opened it and peeped out to make sure no one was watching before hurrying out

Rhett chuckled and adjusted in the chair, he doesn’t regret K!SSing her a bit, he licked his lips recalling how soft hers was…all he could think of at that moment was when next he’d get to K!SS those sweet lips of hers again

He opened his laptop and began working with a smile plastered on his face


So-hee ran to the restroom, she rested on the sink and turned the faucet on, using the water to wash her face

Her heartbeat increased pounding against her chest. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and touched her lips, rubbing it slowly

“Crap!” She cussed and pouted

She wasn’t even angry at him for stealing her first K!SS, she has no idea what she’s feeling right now

But they’re definitely butterflies in her stomach and a tingly feeling lingering deep down in her heart

She was still looking into the mirror when Ella entered

“Hey babe” Ella cooed proceeding to wash her hands but got no response from So-hee

She turned the faucet off and wiped her hands before facing So-hee who was still rubbing her lips obviously lost in her head

“So-hee!” She tapped

So-hee jerked, “Huh?…H..hey Ella” She stuttered

Ella ignored her greeting and moved her face closer to hers then pushed her hand away from her lips

“What’s up with your lips, they seem swollen”

So-hee gulped, suddenly feeling sweaty, she can’t possibly tell him the boss K!SSed her now can she?

“Uh…it’s nothing”

“Aww…I think I know what happened?” Ella said with a smile, she already concluded it was Felix who had K!SSed her

“, coffee burnt my lips and I rubbed it that’s why it’s swollen” She lied

“Don’t deny it…I know what happened, he told me everything” Ella lied, she just wanted to make So-hee spill the beans

So-hee’s eyes widened, how did she know, did Rhett really tell her about it?

“So he K!SSed you huh?” Ella asked grinning and she slowly nodded

“But it was a mistake I swear” She added quickly

Ella kept grinning like a fool

“Please don’t tell anyone…please Ella…I promise to do all your work” She pleaded

“Deal…you promised” Ella smiled and hopped out, smiling

“Goshh…Yi-jun, look what you’ve caused” So-hee muttered

Back in the workspace, Ella entered and scurried to Felix’s side

“Hey senior editor Shin” She said and he smirked looking at her

“I’m not doing free edits Ella, especially not for you” He said and she scoffed

“You’re really mean swears…but that aside, I see what you did to So-hee, hmm, bad guy Felix” She said and he gave her a look

“What are you talking about?” He asked, truly confused and she rolled her eyes

“Hmm…you didn’t even spare her lips…jeez” She said and left him confused

“What?” He shook his head, just then So-hee entered covering her face

“What’s wrong with your face?” He asked and she glared at him, since last night they haven’t spoken to each other

“Nothing” She snapped

He sighed and looked back at Ella, she was winking and making K!SSy faces at him which confused him more

“She’s mad” He concluded and continued working



“I’m in the pond already and you have got your book won’t you leave?” Moon whined looking at Yu-ri who was tapping her feet impatiently waiting for him to get out of the pond

She’d chased him till they somehow ended up in this garden with a small pond. The place is really pretty with different types of flowers and the view of the sky from there is great too

“I can’t believe you sneaked into a girl’s room…not cool dude” She glared and he rolled his eyes

“You always sneak into mine”

“Well that’s because…I’m Yu-ri, I’m crazy, I don’t think before doing anything” She said senselessly and he chuckled softly

‘she’s really crazy’ He thought

“I’m leaving…but don’t think I’m done with you…I’ll definitely hit you for this” She seethed and raised the book

“My baby” She hugged it and marched away

Moon waited for a while before walking out of the pond, he was completely wet

“d@mn that tyrant…Yu-ri” He muttered and sat on the plain grass looking around

“I’ll bring Juni here one day” He smiled and somehow his mind went back to Yu-ri

Her art book, he didn’t expect her to be so good at drawing…she’d drawn some anime characters too and it looked so real…It was like looking at her from another angle and he loved it

“I’ll steal that book again” He smirked



She entered the class with a smile holding the book up victoriously

Jack and Blake sighed in relief

“Thank God” Jack breathed

Gavin smirked when he saw her, he stood up from his seat and went to sit beside her.

“Hi…I’m Gavin” He smiled cutely

🗣️ OMG…he just spoke

🗣️ I wish I was Yu-ri right now

The students commented, since he’d not spoken a word

Alisa rolled her eyes and scoffed, glancing at the door for any sign of Moon

“Hi…I’m not interested” Yu-ri responded and Blake stifled a laughter

Gavin looked at her side profile for a while and smiled…his heart actually skipped a beat

“Kim Yu-ri” He said and she looked at him with squinted brows

“I heard our classmates say it” He shrugged and she glared at everyone

“Okay but you call it with respect” She said eying him and he smiled showing off his perfect set of teeth

She was swooned for a moment

“Yes ma’am Yu-ri” He replied and she blinked before looking away


A voice blared from the speaker in their class

“God, what did I do now?” She mumbled and stood up

“If I don’t come back in fifteen minutes… don’t worry I’m still okay” She laughed before going out

Jack and Blake chuckled, “Yes boss!”

Gavin smiled too

When she got to the principal’s office, she met Juni there

“Hi principal” She waved at the middle aged man who only nodded wearily

“I heard you beat someone up….again, Yu-ri why do you always go around looking for trouble?” He said and she gasped

“Me? Today? I didn’t even hurt a fly today” She said looking confused

” But miss Jeon here said you beat her friend up” He insisted and she faced Juni

“You have a friend?” She pressed her lips together

” Yes I do…and I care about their safety, now where’s Moon and what have you done to him” Juni glared and Yu-ri burst into a hysterical laughter

“Mr Principal sir…she’s not in her senses, she clearly had elephant’s urine for breakfast today” She said and they gasped

” Kim Yu-ri!” He snapped

” Ask her sir, did she see me hit Moon? Did she see me ki|| him? In fact, I would like to report them to you…she and her boyfriend stole my art book and almost set it on fire” She exaggerated and Juni gasped

” She’s lying”

” Mr. Kwang my book and I need justice” Yuri snapped and Mr. Kwang sank in his chair tiredly, why on earth did he get involved with Yu-ri

“Sir …she’s lying just to escape the punishment” Juni said on the verge of tears

” Liar!” Yu-ri snapped

” Out! Out both of you…go and sort out your issues…and Juni don’t ever an incident to me without necessary proof” He drove them out

Yu-ri and Juni left, when they got out, Yuri stepped in front of Juni

“You’re such a stray snake…how dare you accuse me vaguely” She asked and Juni rolled her eyes

” Where’s Moon?” She asked and with a huff, Yu-ri walked away

“Hey…where’s he?” She asked again but she left already

“I just h@ťě her” She ran her hand into her hair before storming away

Alisa smirked from where’s she’s been watching

“I didn’t expect this…Juni never seemed like a viscous person but look now” She smiled and walked away



Min-ji entered the room and walked to a particular table where a lady was seated

She stood in front and gulped she found Anna glaring with bloodshot eyes

She exhaled and sat down looking fearless though she was shaking terribly within her

“Why did you call me here?” She asked and picked the menu

“Stay away from Ace…he’s my fiance” Anna seethed and Min-ji chuckled recalling how heated she and Ace had made out last night

“And what if I don’t?” She asked and Anna smirked

“You don’t wanna know little sis” Anna said

“You’re just older than me with a year Nari…and yes, Ace is not a toy which you will throw in the dumpster and expect to see it there the next day waiting for you” She said and Anna clenched her jaws

Min-ji scoffed and continued

“He’s human with feelings…and you took him for granted, he doesn’t feel a d@mn thing for you anymore….and I’ll make sure it never happens cause he has me now and yunno the difference between you and I…”

She paused

“I value emotions, I’m not heartless, stupid and whoring like you” She said

Anna’s face was dangerously red with fury, she stood up dragging her up by her hair

“How dare you?” Everyone was watching them now

She raised her hand but Min-ji was fast, she caught it mid air and slapped her, Anna fell back on the chair…looking shocked and mad at the same time

“Quit deceiving yourself that he’s your’s Anna…he’s mine now and I’ll make sure he’s mine forever….I’d advise you to go for a brain checkup cos it seems you’re failing to understand things as it is” She said and her phone rang…it was Ace

She waved the phone in Anna’s face before picking

“Hey babe…I miss you” Ace said and Min-ji smirked

“But we were together throughout last night” She replied and Anna gasped, breathing like one who ran a marathon

“I know but I miss you…real bad, gosh I just had this super boring meeting”

” Tell me more baby” Min-ji responded and glared at Anna mouthing a “He’s mine now” before leaving

“Ahhh!!!” Anna shrieked loudly not minding the stares, she can’t believe Min-ji just spoke back at her, even humiliated her and left

She’s the one who’s supposed to win not Min-ji!! And Ace is supposed to be with her, not with Min-ji

Why is everything going awry for her, argh!

“I h@ťě her so much” She rasped and picked up her phone calling someone

“I have a job for you” She ended the call

If she can’t have him, no one else will…she thought fuming as she squeezed the menu in her hand


Min-ji smiled as the call with Ace ended, she completely forgot about her meeting with Anna, not like she cares anyway

She was catwalking to her spot at the counter when she saw Eun-Hae walking towards the exit with lots of guards behind her

She scoffed, becoming angry instantly

“Was I cursed to meet mother and daughter today?” She thought

When Eun-Hae got closer, she wore a fake smile and took a deep breath before moving forward, she bowed to observe all working protocols

“Welcome to Seoul ma’am…enjoy your stay” She said and Eun-Hae smiled elatedly

“Oh my goodness Min-ji…it’s really you” She said happily, the last time she saw Min-ji was ten years ago and since then, she’s been seeing her in pictures

“I need to return to work now ma’am” Min-ji mouthed and moved but Eun-Hae blocked her path

“Uh..can we talk?”

“No we can’t…please move away I’m tired of acting nice here, seeing your ugly face continously might make me lose it” She said snappily through greeted teeth

“We can talk later then”

“We’re talking right now aren’t we? Excuse me!” Min-ji bowed again and walked away

Eun-Hae sighed as she watched her leave, her heart was heavy and all she wanted to do was cry but she blinked back the tears

She took out her phone and called Anna

“Fůçƙ off!” Anna cut it before she could speak

Eun-Hae bit her lip hard and gulped down nothing then glanced at Min-ji but she wasn’t looking at her

“Let’s go” She finally voiced out and led the way with the guards trailing behind

Min-ji looked up and sighed

“Heartless duo…mother and daughter” She mumbled with trembling lips


The staff sat in the conference room discussing randomly about their project.

Only Felix and Rhett didn’t seem quite interested, they both were lost in thoughts

Rhett was replaying the K!SS with So-hee in his head and watching the door waiting for her to enter while Felix couldn’t still wrap his head round what Ella said earlier




“Rhett!!” Soo-min and Vivian yelled into his ears and he jumped out of the chair

He looked at them and laughed nervously before sitting down

“Is everything alright? You seemed really lost” Lucy asked feeling concerned, he smiled reassuringly and glanced at the door again

“Editor Shin” Hana tapped Felix and he jolted too, then nodded at her

She, Soo-min and Ella giggled as they thought he was thinking about So-hee

Rhett cleared his throat

“There’s just a month to the launch of our new magazine and we all have worked really hard on this…Your efforts are appreciated guys…thank you” He said with a smile and they applauded

So-hee entered and sat beside Vivian, she was doing some photocopies earlier

“There’s an extra feature we have to include and that’s vacationing” He said and they gasped

” A vacation?” Soo-min giggled

” OMG…I can’t wait” Ella squealed

Lucy smiled

“Yes a vacation…sponsored by Shine…each one of you will be sent out to a place within Korea” She said and they cheered

“But mind you…you’ll have to create something like a memory of the place so it can be added to the magazine” She added

“Piece of cake” Hana smiled

So-hee sighed, she won’t be going as she’s an intern, she’d have to stay back in the office with whoever is staying back

What if it’s Rhett?

“Aigoo” She whispered

“So here are your pairings…Clement and Hana to Busan…Soo-min and Sojun…Jeju, Vivian is staying here with So-hee and I while Felix, Rhett and Ella are going to Jogno-gu, close by”

“It’s a two weeks stay” Vivian added and pouted childishly causing them to laugh

“Yes…I’ve never been to Jeju before” Soo-min danced about happily

“Aww…I’m sad” Vivian cooed, since she’s in control of all fashion affairs involving the idols, she had to stay behind

Rhett glanced at So-hee, in as much as he wanted her to come along, he knew Jogno-gu was quite a harsh place especially the slums where they were actually going to

He chuckled inwardly when he caught Ella grinning from ear to ear

“Seems she’s never been there before”

So-hee pouted sighed sadly, she also wanted to travel

“Let So-hee join us” Ella suddenly spoke with a sly smirk

” What!” So-hee stood up, yes she wanted to travel but not with them, she also wanted to go to Jeju

“Yes, she needs to travel too…please let her, she needs experience right?” Hana butt in winking at Felix

” No…”

“C’mon So-hee” Ella raised and brow and she gasped nodding quickly, she didn’t want her secret spilled

“I also want to travel, please Lucy” She pleaded

“Okay but you’re going along with Rhett’s team”

Rhett smirked, he can’t believe she’s coming along without him trying

“You owe me one” Ella whispered to Felix and he nodded, smiling

“So when are we leaving?” Clement asked

“In two days…you guys go get ready to have fun…Vivian and I will take care of everything here” Lucy said and they cheered

So-hee felt someone’s eyes on her, she looked up and found Felix staring, she pouted and looked at Rhett

He winked and her heart fluttered almost leaving her chest


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