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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 24 & 25

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( She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie.. )

Chapter 24&25

By Bloom H 🦋
✫❀ ❀✯

After a long hot bath, Min-ji came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body. She was in one of the guest rooms at Ace’s mansion. She was going to spend a night since it was still heavily raining. She wore the pyjamas she found on the bed, it was sent for her.

After dressing, she fell on the bed face up and heaved a long sigh.

“Anna was Ace’s fiancee?” She asked audibly

She heard Anna was dating but since she doesn’t care about what she does or who she meets she didn’t know it was Ace. And now that she thinks of it, she feels angry

Her stomach grumbled loudly and she tossed about on the bed. She hasn’t eaten yet

When it made the same noise again, she pouted and forced herself up

“I miss So-hee” She mumbled, if she was here, there’s no way she’d be starving

She stood up and decided to go downstairs. She met a maid on her way, “Oh you’re out already, ma’am asked me to get you”

“Oh..” Was all she could say as they continued going downstairs till they reached the table.

Ace and his mom were seated already and on the table was different types of dishes that made her mouth water instantly.

“Min-ji, c’mon…sit beside me” Mrs. Heather smiled delightfully when she got there.

Min-ji took her sit beside her and soon they started eating. Ace just kept staring at her as she ate while obliviously, she kept devouring the food like her life depended on it – Though at that moment it did, cos she’s d@mn hungry

Everything was going well till Mrs. Heather decided to mention HER

“Anna is your stepsister? You’re also Mr. Lee’s daughter?” She asked in a surprised tone. Min-ji slowly dropped her chopsticks and drank water

“Not now mom” Ace whined and Mrs. Heather shrugged with a look that said “What? I’m just curious”

After she dropped the cup, she cleared her throat

“Yes…. unfortunately” She whispered the last part with an eye roll and for some seconds they maintained silence on the table

“But…” Mrs. Heather wanted to say something but Ace’s glare shut her up, he saw how uncomfortable she was getting because of the talk about her family, he doesn’t want to trigger any bad experiences she must have had

“Nevermind that, you’re different from that witch, she almost ruined my son’s life but you my dear Min-ji, are here to fix it..” She continued causing Min-ji to cough nervously

“Yes, you can fix my life right?” Ace teased and passed her water with a sly smirk and she gasped, before taking it

Mrs. Heather was just smiling like a fool as she watched them, there was definitely something going on. She was happy his son met someone like Min-ji who was more lovely and sweet in every way, hoping very son she’d have…

“Grandkids!!” She blurted and Ace was forced to drop his cutleries this time, while Min-ji swallowed hard the food in her mouth

Mrs. Heather looked at them both before shrugging

“Mom..” He whined and Min-ji chuckled softly, it changed into laughter after a while and Mrs. Heather joined her

Ace just watched them, he’d never seen his mother laugh so much after his father died. He smiled gratefully

“Now that I think about it Min-ji, I never knew a lady needed rehabilitation, you know.. like down there.. ” She laughed and Ace joined the laughter

After the dinner, which somehow ended as a laughing spree, Ace’s mom went to bed while Ace led Min-ji to the guest room even though he initially wanted to take her to his

“You can leave now” Min-ji said grumpily as they got to her room and he frowned

“You’re chasing me away… I thought I was your Bluebell” He smirked

“Goodnight” She ignored him and made to open the door, he held her hand and wrapped his other hand round his waist pressing her body firmly onto his

“Lee Min-ji don’t ignore me, I might just end up doing something crazy to you” He said naughtily and she gasped, her heart skipping several beats

“I.. I’m very exhausted” She stuttered as a blush stained her cheeks. He left her and leaned in close to her before K!SSing her cheeks, close to her lips

“Goodnight sugarplum” He said before turning around to leave. She watched him till he entered his room, still rooted to the spot

“What just happened?” She breathed, fanning herself. She touched the spot he K!SSed and bit her lip with a smile but frowned almost immediately

“He should’ve just K!SSed me on the lips” She huffed and entered the room then hurriedly jumped on the bed.

Nature took its course after sometime




On the huge bed in the middle of the evenly white painted room, laid So-hee, she was sleeping peacefully, a big duvet covering her. It was still drizzling outside and it was very cold.

Rhett entered the room holding a pillow and a blanket. He’d slept on the couch in the living room. He wore a sweatP@ŋt and sweatshirt, his hair was kinda wet showing he’d showered already. He dropped the things in his closet and looked at the beauty on his bed with a sigh

Taking her home yesterday was impossible due to how strong the wind was, if he hadn’t changed his mind last minute about it, they might’ve spent the night in his car. So he brought her to his house which was nearer to where the storm had caught up with them

He moved closer to the bed and sat down, staring at her face. He chuckled and shook his head,
‘she sleeps like a log’ He thought

Taking his face closer to hers, he pushed her hair off her face and rubbed her smooth face then traced his thumb to her lips and it lingered there longer

She stirred slightly, a cute groan leaving her lips

He moved his face back and smirked, wondering how she got to work early since she was still asleep past time. Did she use alarms?

“So-hee!” He tapped her before standing up to leave for the kitchen.

A while after he left, she tossed and turned smiling as she found the bed overly soft and comfy. She rolled to the edge and eventually fell on the floor with a thud

“Ouch!” She yelped and opened her eyes. So-hee stood up frowning as she rubbed her eyes. The first thing she noticed was that she was still in her previous clothes, then the paintings

“Huh?” She looked around, even her bed was now bigger, everything was different. She stupidly grinned, maybe she was in her room in heaven since it was white everywhere but then..

“Am I dead? Nooo..!” She screamed thinking of how she hadn’t gotten back at Yu-ri for every trouble she’s caused her

And she hasn’t gotten married yet

Rhett entered the room looking worried, he heard her scream from the kitchen

When she saw him, she wiped the tear that slid down her face

“Sir, you’re dead also?” She asked and he Cöçked a brow

“But how come we’re sharing the same room, shouldn’t everyone have his own room in heaven?” She muttered and he chuckled

“Seriously? Heaven? So-hee you’re crazy I swear” He said and she wore her glasses. She shrugged, “So I’m not in heaven, well that’s bad… um..”

“You’re in my house” He smirked and she gasped, “In your house? When did I start teleporting?”

Rhett palmed his face while shaking his head and pointed at the bathroom

“Go in there and prepare a bath for yourself, use hot water,” He instructed while she stared blankly at him, “And you didn’t teleport here, I drove you then carried you to bed… and yeah, you should eat more” He smiled and left

“Did he indirectly call me skinny?” She huffed and stomped towards the bathroom. When she got in she placed her hands on her waist, why didn’t he take her home?

What happened?

She shrugged the thoughts off and proceeded to prepare the bath.


So-hee entered the kitchen area which opened into the living room. Rhett had everything for the food he was making sliced already but he hadn’t started cooking yet cause he was busy on his phone

He was on a call right now.

She took her time to stare at the room, it was extremely neat and well arranged. The walls painted white and no speck of dirt was visible

He’s hot and also a neatness freak

She gushed at most of the foreign utensils she’d never seen before and in the process hit a stainless steel pot, it fell with a loud clang

“Aissh” She muttered and picked it up quickly only to meet his gaze when she stood up

“Good morning sir” She pointed the pot at him, he shook his head and collected it

He switched the stove on and started the basics

“Don’t touch anything, okay?” He said and she nodded moving back to lean on the island, her hand knocking down a glass mug and saucer

They broke into pieces instantly.

“I’m sorry sir” She apologized quickly. She doesn’t know why she keeps destroying things wherever she goes, it’s mostly out of nervousness but him? His gaze seem to always be on her and she gets confused

Rhett glanced at the tiny bits then back at her, she was standing close to the mess

Without warning, he lifted her and placed her on the island

“Don’t move” He said and continued what he was doing while she sat quietly admiring how he moved with grace even while cooking

She cleared her throat, recalling she spent a night in his apartment

“Sir, why didn’t you take me home last night?” She asked

“There was a storm and it caught up with us midway, that’s why I brought you here” He explained and she hummed

“Thank you sir”

He looked at her

“Why do you keep referring to me as sir? I h@ťě it” He snapped and she blinked innocently

” Boss?”

” Really? I’m your boss at the office and not at home. You can call me by my name” He said.

” Yi-jun?” She called and he smiled, usually, he didn’t like anyone calling him that but the way it slipped out of her mouth was so right!

“Yeah, that’s perfect” He said and she blushed, he just let her address him by his native name, everyone knows how much he h@ťěs that

“Uh, why do you live in a rented apartment, don’t you have a mansion?” She asked

“I can’t live in a mansion all by myself So-hee, it’s kinda boring yunno. Besides that would draw unnecessary attention to myself, I’m not in for that” He replied and switched off the stove

He moved close to her and between her legs, smirking

“Maybe we could live there together?”

She gasped and shut her eyes while he laughed, lifting her off the island to the floor. He set the vacuum and it cleaned the mess from earlier.

He served the noodles and they started eating

“Wow, this tastes delicious boss…oh I mean Yi-jun”

He smirked.

“Heaven, So-hee, is a golden city, not whitish,” He said after a while and she grinned

” I know”

” Do you?”

” No”

He chuckled at her cuteness and concentrated on the meal. After they were done, she insisted on doing the dishes. She picked her bag and wore her shoes ready to leave, he gave her one of his hoodies and she wore since it was still cold

“Go first and wait in the car, if we leave together, people might make up stories” He said and she nodded

“That makes sense” She said and left

“I always make sense” He scoffed loudly and switched off the lights. He sighed and leaned on the wall, it took him every ounce of self control not to K!SS her while they were alone and he doesn’t know for how long he can keep up.

“Gosh” He ruffled his hair and opened the door, he locked it before heading to the elevator



Yu-ri stepped out of the bus behind Moon who kept ignoring her all the way.

One thing he knows is, he dislikes her very much and wishes to shove it right to her face but then her parents are so nice to him, he just has to put up with her

“I’m sorry I threw pebbles into your room the other day” She moved to his front and without replying he pushed her out of his way and continued walking till he reached the school frontage

“I’ll give you all my pocket money” She added

“Just go away, you keep annoying me” He said coldly and continued walking but Yu-ri being herself still followed anyway.

They entered the building as if on cue, Alissa’s palm connected with Juni’s cheek and loud gasps could be heard from the students

“That bonehead!” Yu-ri sneered

Moon angrily moved to where the girls stood and pushed Alissa aside, he looked at Juni’s red cheeks, he sighed and dragged her away with him

“He just ignored me?” Alisa gasped in disbelief

“You’re not worth acknowledgement bonehead” Yu-ri chuckled as she passed by too

Alisa balled her fists and huffed, stomping away from there.

Moon and Juni entered an empty class, he looked at her cheek again, it was bright red and for some reasons it didn’t sit well with him

“Why did she hit you?” He asked and she pouted

“I don’t know, she just slapped me”

“Because of me?” He asked again and she went quiet. Alisa had been making advances towards him ever since he got there and even if he doesn’t want to say it, the truth is he prefers Yu-ri bugging him than Alisa the bully

Juni looked down and shrugged

“I’m sorry” He said and hugged her

Alisa frowned from the door where she was watching, she bit her lips hard and took a picture of them before leaving

On the other side of the school near Mr. Cha’s office, Yu-ri and her friends stood in front of the notice board looking at the list of students he’d paired for a project

“He never learns, I thought he died after that day I hit him” Yu-ri scoffed as she went through the list. A smile appeared on her face when she saw Moon’s name in the same group with her

“Why is she smiling?” Jack whispered to Blake

“I don’t know, but I think there’s gonna be trouble” He whispered back

Yu-ri looked back at them suspiciously

“What are you guys whispering about?”

“Nothing” They chorused and she grinned, walking away

“Hey, that guy’s on the same group with her, I think that’s why she’s happy” Blake said after checking the list

“She has a crush on him?” Jack gasped and Blake smiled sinisterly

“It’ll be fun teasing her don’t you think?” He said and Jack chuckled. They checked for their names before leaving too


Alisa entered the class and went to sit with her minions, she was looking really upset

“Hey Lisa, why do you look like you were forced to push gravel in a wagon?” Her best friend Vera asked and the others giggled

Alisa glared at them, they stopped immediately

Just then Yu-ri entered smiling foolishly. Vera moved close to Alisa and whispered

“Why is she smiling?”

“How would I know that dummy. I don’t care wh@ťěver she does in her life!” She snapped and Vera moved back slowly. Alisa’s eyes travelled to Moon and Juni’s seat, it was not occupied. She frowned

‘They’re still hugging right?’ She thought and placed her head on her desk

“Where’s he?” Yu-ri asked as she looked around the class for Moon.

“Who are you looking for?” Blake asked out of nowhere and she jerked

“I’m looking for my spray can…to hit on your head” She seethed and he laughed

“We saw him and Juni in an empty class on our way here” Jack said holding his chest, claiming Juni, his crush broke his heart

“Face your front” She smacked them simultaneously

” ouch!” They chorused holding their heads

Involuntarily, her eyes wandered to Moon’s empty sit and she scoffed



[ SHINE ] **
Felix has been waiting outside the elevator for So-hee, he’d tried calling her but her phone is switched off. Did something happen to her?

He dialed her number again but this time the elevator opened revealing Rhett and…

“Bunny?” He called and she stepped out smiling, “Good morning”

Rhett came out scoffing lowly. Looking up, he caught Felix glaring at him so he smirked

“Good morning editor Shin”

Felix forced a smile, “Good morning Mr. Jung”

Rhett nodded making no attempt to leave, he was standing on So-hee’s left while Felix the other side. So-hee who didn’t even notice what was going on gasped and hit her head

“I have to make coffee”

“You don’t have to, Soo-min already did” Felix stopped her and she exhaled. He held her hand

“So-hee get me my morning coffee with extra sugar” Rhett suddenly spoke up and they halted

“You don’t like…” He cut her off, “Now!” He ordered and knowingly walked between them causing Felix to let go of her hand

So-hee went to the coffee maker leaving Felix, he was fuming angrily

‘What does he want’ He thought feeling his blood rush through his veins speedily

So-hee entered Rhett’s office with the coffee and dropped it on the table.


“So about the saucer you broke at my house…” Rhett trailed and she nodded

“I’ll pay for it sir… something like that costs just 150 or so…” She said haughtily

Rhett smirked

“It costs $1000, meaning ¥5500” He said and she gasped moving backwards

Her legs became wobbly and she sat on the floor in the middle of the office with an exasperated look on her face

Rhett bit his lip to stop him from laughing

“What!!” She yelled, she doesn’t even earn that much, where would she get the money

Besides she thought he forgot about that already, she held her chest dramatically



“Yi-jun sir, I’m broke” She pouted and he burst out laughing throwing his head backwards



“How dare you Ace!!”

“Don’t touch me”


Came Anna’s voice as she was forcibly dragged out of the company by some guards. She was almost Ɲ@kēɗ and on the verge of tears, she didn’t think he’d actually send her away after seeing her body

As she stood up, her bag and shoes came falling on her again, she saw Ace’s secretary smirking at her.

“This is all Min-ji’s fault!” She seethed and hurriedly hopped into her car

“Ace is mine!!!” she chanted as she drove

“Mine mine!!!” She kept hitting the steering wheel. It’s true she left him cause he wasn’t that rich but now she wants him back and after being humiliated she plans on doing anything she can to make him hers again

She brought the car to a screeching halt when she saw a familiar figure entering a store. She picked a blazer from the back seat and wore it quickly then rushed out

“Ho-Seok!!” She yelled and he halted turning to look at her but before he could comprehend what was going on a resounding slap crossed his face




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