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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 9 & 10

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She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie…


Chapter 09


By Bloom H

*✿❀ ❀✿*


It was time to go home, everyone on the editor’s floor were all leaving while wishing each other a goodnight

So-hee sat dejectedly on her desk looking at the PC, her hands were placed on the desk supporting her chin. She was in deep thoughts about what happened earlier today

She sighs,

She looked at Rhett’s cabin but the blinds were down.

She sighed again.

“Are you planning on spending the night in here?” Felix sneaked startling her. She held her chest

“Goodness, do you want me to die?” She frowned and began packing her bag, Felix chuckled as he watched her pick her bag

“Let me treat you to dinner tonight” He said and she laughed sarcastically

“No thanks” She stood up and they left the office

Immediately they left, Rhett came out of his cabin. He just finished sorting out some things in the files. He switched off the lights and left to his car.

He drove out of the lot slowly as usual, he saw Felix and So-hee walking together and they were seriously laughing. Felix took his hands and wrapped it round her shoulders as they walked

He squinted his brows, what’s their relationship

He breathed “Well… it’s their business right?” He asked himself and increased the speed of the car

A Café,

So-hee and Felix were having coffee, he managed to convince her after all

“Ahh, this is good coffee” So-hee exclaimed as she had a sip from her cup

“I told you” Felix said proudly and leaned on his chair

“I still find it hard to believe you’re paying for this” She glared at him

“I am, swears” He took out a note and dropped it on the table, she nodded a sipped from her cup again

“You applied as an intern at Ling Fest before Shine?” He asked

“Yes I did but I was rejected by Zoey, she asked me to work as the cleaner instead, when I refused she mocked and chased me away. That was horrible, d@mn.. Min-ji almost went there to cause a scene” She explained

“Who’s Min-ji?”

“My best friend and roommate, she’s like my sister” She smiled

“Mn. You never told me about her, hmph, what type of friend are you?” He scoffed

“You never asked duh, you’re always after my money dear friend” She stuck out her tongue at him

“Yeah about that, So-hee can you give me 2000? please I desperately need it, please” He pleaded with puppy eyes, she dropped her cup with her mouth wide open

“What do you need ¥2000 for? I knew it, there’s something more to this” She whisper yelled

“Please So-hee, I swear I’ll pay you back when I receive my salary” He begged, sincerely

She huffed and scoffed and rolled her eyes, she’s never been the type to refuse people. She took her phone

“You just promised so keep your words, tell me your account number” She seethed

Felix stared at her for a while then burst into laughter, he’s just teasing her

“What?” She asked confusedly

“So-hee are you so nice?, gosh that’s too much”


“I’m just joking, I don’t need your money. You should learn how to say NO sometimes, jeez!” He shrugged

“So you don’t need the money?” She asked to be sure and he nodded negatively

“I thought you needed it that’s why, besides you’re my friend” She said and dropped her phone

“You should stop being ignorant sometimes So-hee. like back when Zoey spit at you why didn’t you speak back or defend yourself, you let her humiliate you, why?”

So-hee bit her lip and took her head down

“Well, it isn’t my fault, I was just shocked that’s why” She grinned and he palmed his eyes

“Aiish.. ” He sighed and sank back into his chair


“Goodnight” So-hee waved at Felix, they were in front of her apartment, he walked her home today

“Dream of me bunny” He said and she blushed a bit

He caressed her cheeks and smiled at her before leaving.

She watched him leave till he was out of sight before climbing the stairs in front of her apartment, she didn’t go with her key today so she rang the doorbell

“Who is it?” Min-ji opened the door

“What’s the need of asking when you’ve opened it already” She said and entered. Min-ji ran back to the couch where she was watching her favorite show

The smell of rice cakes filled the room, surely someone was cooking

Maybe her mom or sister cos these are the only ones with the keys to the apartment. She hopes it’s her mom and not sister. She took off her shoes and entered further but her fears were confirmed when Yu-ri stepped out of the kitchen putting on an apron and a chef hat

“Hey sis” Yu-ri beamed while dancing to a tune from the TV

So-hee joined her in dancing, Min-ji was also dancing, it was an advert tune they loved so much

“What are you doing here this late” She asked after the tune finished

“I’m staying here for the week” Yu-ri said

She dropped her bag and sat on a chair

“Why? And why didn’t I see your bicycle outside?”

“I drove her here, mom asked me to bring her along” Min-ji blew her a K!SS

“Mom said I should stay here or she might ki|| me if I stay with her for a week, I’m on suspension remember?” Yu-ri grinned fiddling with the ladle in her hand. So-hee groaned tiredly

“How are you so sure I won’t ki|| you instead”

“Not possible, I’ll ki|| you before you ki|| me” Yu-ri replied causing Min-ji to laugh. So-hee hissed “You’re sleeping on the couch”

“No I’m not, I already arranged my things in your room”

“What?” She screamed and Yu-ri nodded. Min-ji was just laughing at them

“Sis, who was that cute guy outside with you just now, is that your boyfriend?” Yu-ri asked

“No he’s not, he’s my friend and colleague” So-hee answered

“You mean that cute guy is just a friend? Jesus! what’s with you girls and rejecting cute guys” Yu-ri gasped

“Is that kimchi burning?” Min-ji sniffed the air

Yu-ri and So-hee did the same, Yu-ri shouted and ran back to the kitchen. So-hee sighed and faced Min-ji

“Before you ask that was Felix, he walked me home, so tell me, who did you reject?”

“I didn’t actually reject him, I only said he couldn’t have my number” Min-ji replied

“Who is HIM” So-hee laid emphasis on the ‘HIM’

“Ace..the guy I told you about the other day”

“Ohh, you rejected him? terrible girl, just terrible” So-hee laughed

“It’s just my number duh, he didn’t ask me out or something”

“Min-ji dinner is ready!!” Yu-ri yelled from the table. Min-ji dropped the remote and hastily ran there

“What about me, I’m also hungry” So-hee scoffed

“Sorry I only call nice people to the table not stingy ones. Anyways since I’m nice, you can join us too” Yu-ri winked, Min-ji laughed

So-hee gasped at her sister’s attitude, what the heck…

She rolled her eyes and joined them


Rhett came out of the bathroom wiping his wet face. He dropped the towel and picked up his laptop heading to his small sitting room.

He stays in a rented apartment despite the fact that he has a house. He loves privacy and personal space. Rhett feels staying in his mansion with bodyguards will attract unnecessary attention to him

Life is hard being a celebrity but living it freely feels better

He sat down on the sofa and switched on the TV. He saw his latest book CLOVERS on the arm rest, he picked it up and began reading

He started writing at the age of 12, he used to write colorful kid books then, he has a wide imagination which aids him. He also is a model, infact he has been a model all his life, since his mom is a model she introduced him to the screen at an early age, writing is just like a thing of fun for him

“d@mn I’m quite a fella ain’t I?” He chuckled as he read through the passages of the book

After a while, he dropped the book and opened his laptop going through the mails he had. He intends on sending a message to Zoey about the dates

As he went through the mails, he saw one from *Intern*

“Huh?” He opened the mail, it was the article Kim So-hee wrote for the commentary. She had sent it for him to read and edit before she submitted but he didn’t check it

He’s just seeing it

“Ohh” He muttered

He relaxed and read the write up, he didn’t even know the time he started smiling

“She’s a pro swears” He smiled more

Writing to him is an art, and she’s good at that art. He read the article twice then changed the name from intern to clumsy intern

“She’s an intern at my company and she’s clumsy, should I write a book about this?” He asked no one in particular and nodded

“I will write a book about this clumsy intern” He mumbled, smiling

He smirked and chuckled



Min-ji rubbed her eyes as she opened the door to So-hee’s room. She’s here to wake them up, she’s So-hee’s human alarm

She yawned and stretched, she gasped when she saw their sleeping posture. They were in a criss cross position, how possible is that. So-hee is a good sleeper but Kim Yu-Ri….

One of Yu-ri’s leg was on So-hee’s face, the other was wide spread on the bed. Her hair was scattered around and her mouth was wide open. So-hee was deeply asleep face up

She laughed and laughed, she held her stomach as she laughed, it’s too funny. Her laughter woke Yu-ri up

“Urggh” Yu-ri groaned trying to stretch as she woke up but ended up pushing So-hee off the bed

So-hee fell with a thud, she groaned in her sleep but didn’t wake up

“What? is she a pig? She sleeps so much” Min-ji laughed, Yu-ri was already up, she looked like she just fought with lions cos her hair is a mess

“Kim So-hee sleeps like my dad, deeply.. Good morning sis” Yu-ri said scratching her head

” Good morning sweetheart how was your night?”

” It was great, it would have been greater if So-hee slept on the couch” Yu-ri grinned and Min-ji shushed her

” Naughty girl, help me wake your sister up” Min-ji hit So-hee’s leg lightly

Yu-ri smiled mischievously and moved closer to Min-ji then whispered something into her ears

“Really? How come I never knew?” Min-ji laughed

“You never asked Kim Yu-Ri, let’s do this!” Yu-ri boasted

” Rattt!!” They screamed together jumping dramatically, they kept doing it but So-hee didn’t move

“Huh? it always worked, what happened now?” Yu-ri quizzed

Min-ji moved closer to So-hee’s body and shook it vigorously but there was no movement

“So-hee, Kim So-hee!!” She called violently alarming Yu-ri

” Sis, sis… what happened, she was fine last night, she’s not breathing Min-ji, sis” Yu-ri panicked as she shook So-hee

Min-ji had tears in her eyes ” So-hee, what happened, goodness Yu-ri call the hospital, call mom and dad.. be fast”

Yu-ri nodded and ran to the stand, she took her phone, her hands were shaking terribly

“Sis please get up, what would I do without you” She lamented, she loves her sister very much, though she troubles her alot but So-hee understands her perfectly

“Kim So-hee, what’s wrong with you, stop this stunt please, So-hee” Min-ji cried, So-hee is her life what will she do without her

“Good morning guys!!” So-hee beamed with a huge smile on her face. She started laughing when she saw them in tears

“What? Kim So-hee?” Min-ji called in shock sniffing, she touched So-hee’s face

“Sis!!” Yu-ri ran to her

“Who got played now” So-hee laughed harder, that was when it dawned on them that she tricked them. She was actually awake the time she fell, she opened her eyes only to see Yu-ri whispering into Min-ji’s ears and they smiled mischievously so she thought of teaching them a lesson

She stood from the floor, Min-ji stood too

“Poor Min-ji and Yu-ri, did you guys think I was..” She used her hand on her neck to demonstrate death

Min-ji was already red in anger, while Yu-ri was breathing in relief

“Kim So-hee!!!!!!” Min-ji yelled and jumped on her as they engaged in a playful but hot brawl



So-hee hurried down stairs with her bag and some files. She had a small plaster on the side of her forehead, Min-ji beat hell out of her earlier

“Wow, sis you look different are you going to seduce someone?” Yu-ri asked as soon as she reached the table. She put on a red short gown and white sneakers

“Min-ji made me wear it, I feel awkward” She sat down and started eating

” Come on, you look look hot” Min-ji said and Yu-ri nodded

” I think you should dress like this more often, Min-ji you should have done something about the hair too, it’s quite messy” Yu-ri said

” I’m full,,, goodbye fashionistas please don’t shop too much” So-hee said as she picked the black bag Min-ji made her carry, she hugged them before leaving

“We’ll shop like hell right?” Yu-ri asked batting her long lashes

“Definitely” Min-ji grinned and they continued eating


Rhett exited his apartment, he’s looking so hot that even the receptionist were drooling at him as he left for his car. Everyone is staring at him, the ladies and men. He ignored their stares and entered the car, he drives himself now, he doesn’t need a driver

He started the car and drove off. When he got to the company, it was quite late, traffic was terrible. He entered the building walking segzily, the workers couldn’t help but drool.

He’s so gorgeous

Perfection at it’s peak

The way he’s walking is so segzy, d@mn

Mr& Mrs Jung birthed an angel

I love his attitude, so cool and calm yet intelligent, my type of guy

He sighed, he’s glad the workers on the last floor are not like this. It is true that writers have no time for such silly things

He chuckled as he came out of the first elevator, he entered another one but before the door would shut, a tiny hand held it

“Please, please let me in Mr elevator” So-hee sang as she slipped her slim body through the door

Rhett’s jaws dropped, is this really So-hee or her look alike

So-hee faced him and flinched a little, she didn’t expect to meet him in the elevator again

“Good morning boss” She greeted avoiding his gaze

Rhett was too engrossed in checking her out, he didn’t hear her speak. She is looking d@mn gorgeous, he’s used to seeing her dress odd so seeing her dressed gorgeously is getting a toll on him

“Sir, sir!” She snapped her fingers in front of him

“Good morning So-hee” He quickly composed himself

She smiled and faced the door sighing lowly, the ride always seems longer when she’s with him

Rhett kept stealing glances at her, it’s like she is a magnet pulling his attention to her

*Ping* The elevator doors opened, So-hee looked at Rhett waiting for him to move out first

“Boss, we’re here” She said but noticed he was lost staring at her

She panicked, is her clothe torn? Maybe it’s not decent enough? Or she looks ugly


“So-hee, get out” Rhett’s voice brought her out of her reverie. She looked up, he was already outside trying to hold the doors in place, turns out the doors were shutting

She quickly moved her Petit figure out of the ride. Rhett left the door and faced her

” You’ll be attending a meeting with me later today, so be prepared” He uttered

” O.. okay.. boss” She stuttered, her first meeting as an intern was going to be with the hottie, her cute boss

“Tell your boyfriend about this too, he should be ready to let you be by then” He said referring to Felix. He cleared his throat awkwardly not knowing why he said that.

So-hee looked at him in a confused way, she doesn’t have a boyfriend

“Actually boss, I think you might be mistaken, I don’t have a boyfriend”

” Felix.. ”

” Oh no no, you misunderstood, he’s a good friend” She cut him off and some how he felt happy

“Wh@ťěver… I don’t care about that, just be prepared and please while we’re there don’t mess things up” He said and left

She jumped happily

” My first meeting outside the company!!” She squealed

She ran to the coffee maker like she always does.

“But why did boss say that” She thought as she made the coffees

Why would he think Felix and I are dating..

So weird..

She shrugged and arranged the cups properly before heading to the office
To be continued

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