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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 48: ANGER…. DEATH…


Avery’s womb has increased again,and it was almost getting due for delivery. It was becoming so heavy for her and she knew it was because it wasn’t just an ordinary child she carries.

It was night and The Master wasn’t yet. Avery decided for a walk to meet Stella.

The house was so quiet and lonely, and though she has accepted him back to her life, it was still difficult for her to get use to his other side (Master)

Before she could make it to the door, it banged open. She frightened as she thought Stanley had only returned with anger.

And seeing him get angry was the least thing she ever wanted now.

” Stan…” She paused, seeing as Madam Dacia walked in.

” Oh, I see, you even call him by his name. ” She chuckled. ” Well, that’s a good beginning.”

” What do you want, Madam Dacia? I don’t owe you, I didn’t offend you, what do you still want from me? ”

” Well… Honestly… ” She clapped her palms, ” tsk, tsk, tsk. You really want to know what I want? Okay, here is what I want. I want you to leave my fiance alone!

You don’t deserve him, you don’t worth a thing to him. You’re just a maid and a local baboon, so you better hurry up and go find your fit. ”

” I didn’t ask for The Master to love me at the first place, he did. I walked him out of my life several times but he only came back the more, what do you expect I’d do? ”

” And you went ahead falling in love with him too? ”

” Like I said, what do you expect I’d do? ” She repeated, sounding a bit mean.

” I was expecting you to reject the offer. Do you think getting this bump mean he loves you? Stanley can be cunning at times with love, you don’t know him as much as I do.

If you want to find true love, leave Stanley alone for goodness sake. He belongs to me and me alone, not you, not anyone. Just let us be, okay? Let us be. ”

” I’m sorry, ma’am, but I don’t think he still loves you. But, if you want me to leave, I will, if that will make you happy. ”

” Of course, I will. What are you still standing there for, get going. Go now, will you. Get out of his room. ”

Avery walked past her but she pulled her back forcefully by the hair. ” You think I’ll just let you go like that? Huh? I don’t trust anything about you, I don’t trust you at all from the start. ”

” Let me go, you’re hurting me. ” She cried, trying to pull free from Dacia’s strong grip. ” You’re hurting me, please let me go. I’ll stop, I promise, I won’t have anything to do with him anymore.

Just please stop. I promise, you have my words… Please. ”

” Nonsense! ” She angrily pushed her hard to the ground. Avery’s stomach hit by the edge of the chair as she landed to the ground with a loud scream.

” Arrggh…!!”

At first, Dacia was frightened but turned out to care less if she died or the baby. She squatted to Avery’s level. ” You rot in hell with your child. More thing he isn’t here to save you, your alone now. ”

Avery held her stomach as if doing that will calm the burning pains. She was feeling her legs burning, her breath increased time three of a normal breath.

She leaned on the chair, then she discovered she was bleeding… For the second time.

” No. No… No. No, nooooo!” She screamed.

” Have a nice death ahead, you moroon. ” She left the room.

” Ahhh… Ahhh. ” She bit her lips to avoid screaming louder. ” Stanley… Where are you? Stanley… Stanley… Ahhhh.. Stanley!!! ” She passed out.


It’s almost like an hour now and Avery has been laying dead asleep on the ground. Her blood had stained around her body.

No one knew what had happened, and yet, The Master isn’t back to notice what has happened.


…. (15 Minutes Later..)


He returned, shutting the door behind him. He was surprised how dark the room was, he knows Avery never turned out the lights.

But he didn’t mind too much about it, she might probably be sleeping by now.

He turned on the lights, his eyes stared at the bed but he didn’t see Avery laying on it. ” Avery?” He called. ” Av…”

He was shocked to see Avery laid unconscious on the floor. He touched her pulse, they were cold. ” Avery?” He called again, this time shaking her body slightly but she didn’t make a sign.

He tried carrying her to Donald’s office when he felt something thick and liquid. He stared at his hand, he looked to see where the blood came out from.

Remembering the day she was bleeding because of Dacia’s poison, he thought she has been poisoned again.

He rushed her to doctor Donald’s office and thankfully, he was there. ” Donald, do something about this.”

” What happened to her? ” Asked Donald.

” I don’t know, I think she was poisoned again. How is the baby?” He asked in a haste. ” And how is she too? ”

” Give me a second to check on her. ”

” You check on her while I finish my business.” Donald didn’t have to ask what this business is, he already knew what happened to Avery has a hand to do with Madam Dacia.

He shook his head, ” The devil within.”



” Mat, send this letter to the messenger, will you? ”

” Yes, ma’am. ” She gave the letter to Mat who left the room as soon as possible.

” So, what brings you here all of a sudden? ” She asked.

” What did you do to her? Did you poisoned her again? ” He asked coldly, holding his anger.

” Who are you talking about? Avery? Come on, you pushed away from your life and wh@ťěver that has to do with you. You are no longer my business and so is she.

If you’re looking for who touched your girlfriend, you be… Hold on, what really happened to your girlfriend? Is she dead or… ”

” Cut the crap, Dacia, remember you can’t lie to me. ”

” Excuse me, do I look like I care about her or the baby? What good are they to me? When I tried ki||ing her the first time she didn’t die, why would I stress my life trying to ki|| her again?

You better keep working hard to find out who did wh@ťěver to her, you’ve got the wrong girl. ”

” I know when you lie, Dacia even without being so sensitive with the vampire stuff. You don’t blink when you lie, and you never blinked since you started your story. ”

She smiled. ” I don’t know what you’re talking about. ”

” Maybe you will now. ” He held her neck, hitting her against the wall. ” I h@ťě to be this way, but unfortunately you made me this way. ”

She laughed like she didn’t care. ” So you’re gonna ki|| me, huh? All for that pathetic Ɓîtçh?”

” No, I’m not…” He dashed to the dungeon where the Jaguar sat looking hungry. ” It will.”

Dacia’s heart skipped a beat as she stared at the once sitting Jaguar stand to it’s feet. ” No. No, you’re not taking me in there. You’re not gonna let that… thing, ” she pointed, stressing the last word. ” eat me up. ”

” I’m sorry, Dacia, it’s over between us. ” He threw her into the dungeon, licking her.

He didn’t mind her scream, they meant nothing to him at that moment. He was scared, for the first time he was feeling this way.

When he got to Donald’s office, the expression on the doctor’s face wasn’t encouraging. ” How are they?” He asked.

Donald shook his head, ” I’m sorry, Sir, we lost the baby.” He said with pains.

Stanley felt weak at the instant, his breath rising in fear. No wonder why he was feeling so scared, this was why.

” No,” his deep voice sounded faintly. ” My child isn’t dead. No, it can’t be possible.”

” Avery’s womb must have hit something and it depends on how long she’s been unconscious before you arrived. She got a miscarriage, but fortunately she survived it but… the baby didn’t. ”

His anger rose to the highest, he felt like destroying everything in sight. He lost his child? His first blood child?

He dashed to the dungeon only to find she was dead. He h@ťěd the fact that he never played a role to her death. But fortunately, the Jaguar did it all.


To Be Continued…

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