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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE ALPHA’S OMEGA MATE – Episode 39 & 40

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{ Dearest Of Desires… }

THEME; A Moonlight Path.



By: Summer Gold R.





“You said it would be bloody!! I thought something bad would happen to him!!” Montana yelled at the old witch

“Of course it was bloody,but that doesn’t mean he would get hurt” She said

“What?? So…the bloody you were talking about….is that…..he would ki|| alot??” Montana asked in shock

“Yes” The old witch replied

“Then when am I supposed to overcome him and take over the throne?! When!!” He yelled

“Your problem is,you’re not patient” The old witch said and Montana chuckled

“I’m not patient?? It’s been ten years since he became the alpha of Moon pack,do you know how I feel throughout those years?? And you say I’m not patient???……”

“The throne belongs to him not you!!” The old witch yelled

“I’m the eldest!!…”

“But he was chosen over you by the moon goddess,you can’t change that Montana,the only way you can get a chance is when he’s no more,the moon goddess might use you as a second chance,or not. So stop being a coward and act with your brain” The old witch said and vanished.

Montana squeezed his fists in anger,his claws came out.

“I will ki|| him myself,I don’t need anyone’s help,I will ki|| him”


Amazon was walking alone round the castle,she was enjoying the beautiful night view as she walked until she suddenly felt a presence beside her,she turned and gasped.

“Knight!” She called.

Knight smiled

“Looks like you’re happy to see me” he said

Amazon hugged him

“I was bored” she muttered

“You should have called for me then” Knight said.

Amazon broke the hug

“I tried using the mind-link with you but I couldn’t,isn’t it strange?? I have no connection with you at all” She said and Knight sighed.

“I’m sure it will grow if we spend more time together,trust me” he said

They found somewhere quiet to seat

“You were handsome back there” Amazon muttered

“Where??” Knight looked at her

“During the party” Amazon said and Knight smiled

“Do you know how much energy it took me not to come to you in there?? I couldn’t take my eyes off you,you look so hot” Knight said

Amazon’s cheeks turned red

“Thank you” she smiled.

“I’ve always imagined my mate to be beautiful,but never knew she was going to be a goddess” Knight said

‘Stop it” Amazon hit him playfully and he chuckled

“But I’m saying the truth” Knight said.

“Me too….I wished my mate was going to be handsome,I wanted him to be really strong,not like my father,I guess the moon goddess really answer prayers,for real. Now I have you,even though we aren’t connected yet,but I’m so happy my dreams came true” Amazon said

Knight tucked her hair behind her ears and caressed her cheeks before slowly going for her lips.

She quickly closed her eyes and their lips met.


“When is she coming??” Wang muttered as he paced around the bedroom waiting for Elsa.

Almost immediately,the door opened and Elsa came in,holding Coco in her arms.

Wang frowned

“What’s that??” He pointed at the cat

“What do you mean? It’s a cat of course,her name is Coco” Elsa smiled

“Who cares what her name is?? Why did you bring her here??” Wang asked

“I’ve been leaving her all alone,I feel bad for her” Elsa muttered,rubbing Coco’s head

“Get down” Wang glared at Coco

“Meow” Coco let out a fearful sound


“I said get down!” Wang growled and immediately Coco jumped down from Elsa’s arms and rushed into somewhere out of Wang’s sight

“Hey!!” Elsa yelled

“I can’t share you with anyone,get on the bed” Alpha Wang said

“It’s a cat…..a pet…..”

“I don’t care okay?? Get on the bed and let’s sleep” Wang scoffed and climbed the bed.

“Seriously?? Are you jealous of a cat??” Elsa asked

Wang ignored her

Elsa shook her head and got on the bed,she lay beside him and Wang quickly changed position,he put his head on her chest,feeling the fullness and warmth of her B-__-bs.

“This is more comfortable than I imagined” He muttered

“You imagined it??” Elsa asked

“Yeah,but I didn’t want to do it,because I won’t be able to stop myself” Wang muttered


“Just like now” Wang raised his head

“Don’t do what you’re thinking,let’s just sleep” Elsa immediately said

“I won’t do much” Wang said

“What?!! Get off me!” Elsa yelled but Wang already pulled off her nightie. His eyes on her B-__-bs.

“What do you think you’re doing??” Elsa muttered

“They look so delicious” Wang winked and gently kissed her Ɲīpplës

Elsa bite her bottom lip.

Wang used his tongue to teased her Ɲīpplë and she let out a Mõ@ɲ,he began sucking her slowly

“Oh gosh” Elsa grabbed his hair with her eyes closed

“I love you” She muttered in sweetness

Wang kept on sucking her Břě@šťs,moving from one to another till he slept off with one of her already red Ɲīpplës in his mouth

Elsa looked at him

“Seriously?? He slept off??” She muttered and touched his hair

“Is he a pup or something??” She chuckled

Wang suddenly moved and to Elsa’s surprise,he began sucking her again which made her chuckle.

“He’s really a pup” She mumbled,staring at his moving lips.


Elsa woke up the next morning and saw Twilight and Moonlight coming out of the bathroom,she quickly sat up

“What are you doing in the alpha’s chamber?” She asked

“The alpha permitted us to come here Luna,we prepared your bath,please go in” Twilight said

“Is there an occasion??” Elsa asked,laying down again

“Your duties starts today” Moonlight said and Elsa sat up immediately

“Duties??” She asked again

“Yes Luna,Old Luna said you don’t have to worry,she will be beside you until you learn all” Twilight smiled

Elsa sighed and got down

She entered the bathroom.

Some minutes later,the maids are dressing her up already.

“What am I doing today??” Elsa asked

“You’re visiting the pack women this morning,and in the evening,you’re having dinner with the Luna’s from the other packs,since you’re going to be the dominant Luna from now on” Moonlight explained and Elsa bite her bottom lips

She never knew it’s going to be since much stress,Now she can’t escape it again.

After a while,they were done.

“We will take you to the Old Luna” The maids said and Elsa nodded as they led the way

But as they opened the door,they found jade waiting.

“Lady Jade” Everyone bowed but Jade’s eyes were focused On Elsa

“Give us a minute” Jade said

The maids looked at Elsa and she nodded

They bowed before shifting away from there.

“What do you want??” Elsa asked.

“You must be feeling on top of the world now” Jade said and Elsa raised her brows

“You really think it’s over just because you were announced as the Luna?? Seriously?? Don’t forget you’re just an omega and will forever be

“What’s your point exactly??” Elsa asked

“Just wait for it,the position will be taken from you as it should be” Jade said

“Then i will love to see you try….you’re just jealous that you didnt get the alpha,you thought he would look down on me and reject me,but you were disappointed. Now he’s all over me and deeply in love with me,there’s nothing you can do about it,if you make me mad too much,you won’t love the outcome,I will destroy you,believe me,I’m an Omega,but with a difference,a crazy one” Elsa smirked and walked away,hitting her shoulder on Jade’s own.

“Really?? Then let’s see” Jade muttered,glaring at Elsa as she walked with the maids behind her.


Lincoln appeared with an angry look on his face as he walked toward the alpha’s office,he almost got to the door but four guards stopped him.

“Get lost” he said coldly

“We are sorry your highness but the alpha said…..”

Lincoln pushed the four out of his way at a time and they all landed heavily in different angles

“Stop me again and you’re dead” he said and opened the door forcefullly and loudly.

Alpha Wang looked up from the book in his hand.

“How dare you??” Lincoln asked,breathing heavily with anger

Wang stood up

“How dare you ban me off the family throne room?!! How f-__-king dare you!!!” Lincoln yelled

“Get out” Wang muttered

Lincoln sped over to him and pushed him against the wall

“Don’t be mistaken,just because you’re the alpha doesn’t mean you can do anything you want with me,I’m still older than you,so watch your mouth” Lincoln thr_@tened,still pushing him against the wall

“Get out” Wang repeated in a low voice without any expression on his face.

“Shut upset” Lincoln said

“I said get out!!!!!!!!!!!!” Alpha Wang growled angrily and threw Lincoln across the room.

His body hit the wall and dropped heavily on the floor

Wang sped over to him in his anger,his eyes already turned red and his claws grew extraordinarily long. He grabbed Lincoln and carried him with just one hand

Lincoln chuckled as blood dropped from his mouth

“So now what,are you going to ki|| me??” He asked

“I warned you” Wang said in a deep voice,three times deeper than his normal voice,he was boiling with anger and his whole body was hot

“How dare you disrespect me in my pack?!!!!” He growled out authoritatively

By now,outside was almost dry,the guards ran away for their lives the moment they heard the Alpha’s angry growl.

Knight was running from where he was and he opened the office at once,breathing heavily.

Wang continue growling angrily at Lincoln,his eyes filled with total rage to just ki|| him,Lincoln was still struggling out of his grip.

“Alpha!!” Knight called

“Don’t come closer” Wang said and Knight stopped on his track.

The door opened once again and Elsa rushed in,someone came to call her just the moment she was about leaving the castle.

“Thank goodness” Knight breathe out

“Wang!!” Elsa called

“Stay out of it” Alpha Wang said

“No! You have to listen to me,stop it right now,or I won’t talk to you for three days” Elsa said and Wang looked at her

His red eyes became normal and he dropped Lincoln

“What did you just….say??” He asked


“Don’t thr_@ten me with that again” He said and walked out of the office angrily

“Wang” Elsa ran after him and grabbed his band

“Wait,I was just…..”

“I want to be alone” Wang throw her hand off and walked away.


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