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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 41:


Writer ✓

He grabbed her, ” Help. Me. ”

He took her into his arms, dashing to Donald’s office. ” Donald! ” He called.

” Yes, Master. ” He answered as he came out from his study room. ” What happened to her? ”

” I don’t know, I think she’s been poisoned. Did she take anything this morning? ”

” I don’t know. ” Just then, the door open, Stella entered.

” Donald, ” she showed him the exact cup Avery drank water from. ” I think she drank from this cup. Wh@ťěver it is they gave to her, it’s poisoned. ”

” Who must have done this to her? ” Donald questioned.

” I suspect one person, ” she looked at Mr Rutherford, not sure if she is to mention name at his front.

” Go ahead, tell me, who did this to her? ”

” Madam Dacia. I heard her discussing with the kitchen maid this morning, I never knew this was what she was up to. ”

” How is the child? ” Doctor Donald ran an ultrasound on her womb,

” The child is unharmed, and so is she. But right now, she needs some rest. ”

He didn’t say anything but left the room in anger. Despite his words to Dacia, she dares to disobey him?

And she dared to harm his meal? To end her life to nothing and let him starve for the rest of his life?

Impossible. He cursed.

He barged the door open. ” What did you do? ”

” What did I do? ” She asked back.

” Don’t try to lie to me, Dacia. Why did you hurt the girl? ”

” I did what I had to do, the girl has to die. ”

” You didn’t have that conscience to let her live for the sake of her unborn child. Why do you intend to ki|| them both at the same time? ”

” And why would I care? You know, I’m beginning to wonder why you’ve become so cold lately. Since you started to feed on her, you have become so caring that you refuse to drink from any other but only her.

You hardly give me the attention I deserve, and we barely spend time together, not just in the garden, but anywhere else.

You never cared about anyone but me, but now, you’re sounding so concerned about the poor pathetic girl. ”

” This wasn’t what we discussed about, Dacia. ”

” Have she made you stop calling me those sweet names now? Fine, if this is what you want, let me ask you this one question, Do you love Avery Dennison? ”

” I won’t have this discussion with you again. And likewise won’t have to explain that you should have no business with the girl until she delivers. Until then, you can do wh@ťěver you want with her. ”

He left the room for her.

She scoffed, smirking. ” This is just the beginning, My Love, the game isn’t yet over. ”


Avery woke up feeling rather healthy and strong. She yawned heavily, yawning. ” Hey, Miss Dennison, you’re awake? ”

” Yes, doctor Donald, I am. How long have I been asleep? ” She asked, still stretching.

” A day and half, I guess. ”

She rose an eyebrow at him, ” A day and half? ” She repeated. ” This is impossible. ”

” It’s really possible as far as you are now, six months pregnant. ”

She stared at her abdomen. ” Guess it grows over the night. ”

” I thought as much too. ”

” Have you seen Gideon? I saw him in my dream. He was with me, he was the one who brought me here, right?”

Donald shook his head, he understands why she thinks so much about him. ” It wasn’t Gideon who brought you here, it was The Master who did. ”

” No, no, you’re lying. That’s not possible. ”

” I’m sorry, Miss Dennison, but that’s just the truth. Gideon never came here. I have to go now. ” He said in a hurry.

” Where to? ”

” To the village, I need to check on my patients there. I’ll be back in two hours time. ”

” What about me? ”

” You stay here or else The Mistress does something else to you. ”

I nodded. ” Okay. ”


I laid on the long stool, holding my belly. I was loving the way the baby kicked.

Granny once told me that whenever a child is kicking, it shows how healthy the baby is. Thankfully, I didn’t lose my child nor my own life.

I can’t believe I had dreamt of Gideon thinking it was reality. I had imagined every action The Master took to be him. I think I’ve been over thinking nowadays.

I sat up, crossing my legs at both sides of the bench. Then a knock came on the door, ” Who is that? ”

Whoever it is opened the door, ” Doctor Donald is… ” I stopped as soon as I saw him. I was so much happy to see him but faded the excitement with a frown. ” What are you doing here? ”

” Avery, ” he tried to explain but I cut him short with a hug.

Honestly, I don’t think I do care how long he has stayed away from me, how long he has kept me wondering if he had abandoned me or not…

I am so d@mn happy to see him once again. ” You came? ” I said in between the hug.

He nodded. ” Of course, I did. How have you been all this while, My Love?”

” I don’t know how to explain it all, but the truth is, it’s really been hectic and complicated. What about you, where have you been all this while? ”

” I went out in search for an escape root, then I overheard that you were finally found. When I got to the room, you were gone. I couldn’t do anything so I had to go on a hide.

They know I stay in that room and if they find me, I won’t be have the chance to meet you.”

” But did you find the escape root?”

” Yes. ” He answered with a nod.

” Can’t we leave this place as soon as possible? During nightfall, we will leave and no one will ever see us. ”

” Avery, it’s really not that easy as you think. There are a lot of guards guarding the place, we need to come up with a plan to get pass them. ”

His gaze fell on my stomach, ” I am pregnant for our baby. ” I touched it smiling. ” Your baby. ”

” Our baby. ” He chuckled, holding my womb. ” This is our baby? ”

I nodded continuously.

” But why has it increased? It’s not up to a week since we slept. ”

” It’s kinda complicated, Gideon and I really don’t know where to start. ”

” What do we have in there?”

I giggled. ” It’s a girl. ”

” A girl? Oh, I love baby girls. ” He held my hands and we both sat down on the bench. ” Does Madam Dacia know about this? ”

I nodded again. ” She found out two night ago. ”

” What did she do? ”

” She made me fill all the empty drums, ” his expression changed to a frown, ” but all thanks to doctor Donald, he pleaded to The Master on my behalf. ”

” And what did he say? ”

” He said I can have a break from my duties until I deliver. So, I won’t be doing any difficult work again, and our baby will be healthy and strong. ”

” When she asked you to fill the drums, did you do it? ”

” Gideon, don’t worry about it anymore, I’m not fetching any water again. ” I never knew he’d take it too serious, despite telling him Donald had pleaded on my behalf.

” What do you want to do? ”

” I was going to have this reported to The Master. How dare she do what she did? And I don’t care what consequences I will face after it, they should know one thing for sure, that no one tampers with my child. ”

I touched his cheeks, ” No one is tampering with our child, ever again. No one, okay? ”

” Better. ”

I gave him an assuring smile. ” Yeah. ”


To Be Continued….

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