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HomeGUNSHOTS - {Orgasms & Guns}GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 28

GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 28

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{ 0rg@zms & Guns… }

THEME: ki|| It!


By, Naomi Cindy B.



“Enough of my acting, i think I have more people to ki|| now, I’m still the owner of the game after all” she whispered and started running to the door…

It only took five long steps, and she brought out the key from her pocket.

She threw it out through the hole below the door, and Toxica’s eyes widened when she saw it.

“How did you…

“Open the f-__-king padlock!” Toyota yelled, and she quickly picked the key, opening the lock.

Immediately Toyota stepped out of the room, she grabbed Toxica by the throat, landing her back on the nearest wall. A thin strip of blood rushed out of the corner of Toxica’s lips, and she began struggling.

“Tell me again so I can understand, Brazil did what?” Toyota demanded, making sure the edges of her claws are pressing hard into her neck, hurting her madly.

“It was….it was…Brazil!…. But….I did it to protect….your… revenge” Toxica struggled to speak as her neck bled too. Toyota’s nails were starting to dig into it.

“You blindfolded me so you could fool me? You told me it’d be Denzel and I’ve been hating him for my whole d@mn life! You told me it was him @zzhole!!!” She shouted, bringing her raging face closer to hers so she’d smell the rage. It’s ready to rain and drench even the innocent right now.

No one messes with the devil, you pay with your life or you pay with your life again!

“How dare you deceive me f-__-king old hag!!!” She yelled, sweating profusely as she pulled Toxica away from the wall, but almost immediately, she hit her back on the wall again.

Toxica spit out blood, and it all landed on Toyota’s face, a face that demands answer right now or death.

“You we… were…you were starting to become….weak….you were starting to fall for him…it could hinder your revenge plan, and that’s why….I….

Toxica wasn’t chanced to finish saying that when Toyota hit her forehead hard on hers, and blood came out of her nose this time as her skull banged like a drum.

“He was my strength!!! He was my energy!!! We built the clan together when when he wasn’t there cos we had everything planned together in Atlanta! He was all I ever needed witch!!! How dare you take what rightfully belongs to him!!! I promised him my innocence! He promised to f-__-k the innocence out of me @zzhole! He did!!!” Toyota yelled, and her eyes widened suddenly.

“You….sent him away from Atlanta? Is that another fact?” She muttered.

“I’m…so sorry” Toxica said almost lifelessly, and Toyota blinked.

“The hell…

“I care about you I swear it, I really do and that’s why…

She hasn’t finished when Toyota got her knife from her pocket.

“I’m using your knife to send you to abyss, your time is up” she muttered venomously, and without much ado, she sank the knife into her chest, same place Tiger stabbed two days ago.

More of her blood pumped out, staining Toyota’s face again. It became more bloody, fueling her devilish demeanor as she smirked repeatedly.

“Arggggghhh!!!!!” Toxica cried out when she turned the knife around on her chest, making sure it reached her heart.

“I’m never gonna forgive you, so go wait in hell for me, I’mma send your wimp of a son, but I’m not gonna give him something simple, he’s coming without any part of his d@mn body!” She spat, sinking it again and again.

She stabbed Toxica in the same place several times before the knife fell from her.

“Brazil is….is… Godzilla’s….son” she said with the little life left in her as Toyota held her still.

“I’m not shocked, anything can come from betrayers” Toyota muttered.

“Godzilla trained me, and…..he…he .. got me…. pregnant on the last day ….of my training…., Though…he was… masked…. I’ve never….seen his….face…too” She stuttered weakly.

“Not shocked too, any other thing?” Toyota muttered again.

“Tiger is….. He’s….Ti…ger…is…

She could only say that much before falling on her butt to the ground.

Toyota sighed and bent beside her body. “I’m taking something from you too, you won’t go completely” she muttered and curved her fingers, digging her claw-like long nails to her stabbed chest.

The fingers penetrated till it reached her insides, and in the next minute, Toyota dug out her heart, fresh with blood as she stood with it.

“Bye….I’m gonna keep this as a memento” she said and walked out of the corridor with the heart.


Yenicall was still walking with her ten men, the strongest of his men actually, the ones she can be sure of safety with.

On the other end of the casinos, they heard crashing sounds of fights, obviously Bloody Sinners, so they began walking faster.

” The bomb should have blasted by now, we haven’t felt the heat” one of the men said, and Yenicall stopped with wide eyes immediately.

She looked back, and truly, no heat on the walls as it should be if the bomb truly blasted already.

“Call Spider” she ordered, and another man got a phone to call Spider, but Spider rushed in even before he could call.

“Boss! There’s a problem!”

“Spit it” Toxica replied impatiently.

“The goods we received yesterday, everything is fake, even the gunpowder and the bullets” he reported.

“What the f-__-k! You didn’t check them after taking them? You should have f-__-king done a cross-check!” She yelled crazily.

“There was no time for it last night cos we were all busy preparing for the party till late this evening” he replied.

“The bombs are fake too?” She asked slowly.

“Yes boss” he replied, and her eyes widened.

“What the hell!!!”

“I think someone is behind it all, we’ve never had to deal with fake before” Spider replied.

“f-__-k!” Yenicall replied, and when she remembered she actually locked the door with Saint Genius…

“Even if the bomb is fake, she can’t escape that room” she smirked and dipped her hand into her palazzo pocket to get the key, but it’s nowhere to be found.

“What the f-__-k is up?” She muttered, with wide eyes again, and she remembered when she brought her face closer to Toyota earlier in the room.

She was too engrossed with hitting her to notice the dark glint in her eyes that time, meaning she’s happy that she actually came closer, she must have removed the key then.

Does that mean she has been free? How did she free herself when she was tied with Alpha+Omega tying ski||!

Her throat ran dry immediately, so …. She’s not the owner of this game after all, she has been fooled!

The Terminator used her own trap against her, she has been trapped!

“Let’s move, now!!!” She yelled to her men which are now eleven.

They turned to leave, but that was when Tiger appeared at the end of that corridor, looking livid.

“The second boss?” Yenicall muttered.

Spider was the first to charge forward to him.

Yenicall started running away with the remaining ten men.

Tiger stood his groud till he got to him.

He punched Tiger on the face once, twice, thrice, then for the fourth time.

Tiger didn’t move an inch or show any sign of pain, and that made him stop to look up at him.

Tiger smiled and smirked at a time, making him look scarily deadly.

“Out of power already? All of y’all are dead” he mumbled and returned all the punches he gave him within a minute.

Spider was turning around on a spot till he was done giving the punches, and he fell on the ground.

He quickly picked a broken chair arm and hit it on Tiger’s knee.

Tiger kicked the arm away from him before kicking him. He swept the ground to the other end of the corridor, and Tiger smiled before throwing the chair arm at him.

It got his skull, and he screamed out in pains, rolling on the ground till Tiger got to him.

He picked the chair arm and stabbed the middle of his legs with the sharp edge, slicing out his Ďïčk

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” The scream was excruciating as it left his mouth, but it wasn’t over.

Tiger removed the chair arm from the middle and stuck it in his mouth, making sure it reached his throat.

He went silent immediately as his soul and blood left his lifeless body.

“You’re being too noisy, i h@ťě noises that are not from Tigress in bed” he muttered and turned to the other side again.

He started running wildly to the end, but when he got there, the door is locked.

With just a kick from his leg, the door swung open, and he went in. He met a wooden stair, and luckily, he saw Yenicall and the ten men below the stairs already.

He maneuvered just six steps before jumping down the rails, landing in front of them.

“Protect the boss” one of the men said, and another one led Yenicall out of the place, leaving Tiger with nine men to handle.

He made to follow Yenicall, but the nine blocked him.

He punched the first one in the face, but the punch was returned to him immediately, and he staggered as his lips bled.


“There’s no end to these bullcraps!” Jezebell yelled, flipping another thug over her shoulder before choking him in the throat.

Tedross did an handstand and kicked one to the ground before standing straight, then he lifted him up and threw him to the table.

Another round of thugs rushed in immediately, and he sighed before facing Jezebell.

“There’s really no end to these bullshits” he muttered as they stood back to back, but he immediately inhaled her choky perfume.

“You’re wearing perfume?” He asked in a whisper, holding his chest.

“Yes, you ok?” She said, and his eyes widened as he began coughing, going down on his knees.

“Tedross!” Jezebell gasped as the thugs came for only her.

She grabbed the head of one of the tables and hit it at two at a time, then she threw it forward, hitting another two.

“Tedross this is not the right time for your f-__-king asthma to show up!” She shouted as she climbed a stair, luring some of them there.

Three thugs followed her,but the rest shadowed Tedross downstairs, taking turn to punch him as his asthma took over him.

Jaemin was the first one to come into the room, then the others.

Immediately Delilah saw the scene, she removed the numerous pins she has in her hair and turned around before disseminating it in the air.

It got stuck in delicate parts of many of the thugs, and they let go of Tedross.

“Ross!” She ran to take him before he’d fall.

“Where’s his inhaler?” Sylvester asked, and as Delilah began searching for it, the remaining thugs came for the others.

Lambo and Tequila leapt up at once and hit the head of one of them with their boots.

It sent him flying to the wall, and when they landed back on the ground, they went on opposite directions to climb the available rails, and from there,they jumped down to the middle of the thugs, punching one each.

Their tooth flew out, and they landed far .

Jezebell succeeded in throwing one down the rails, and the second one stabbed her with a knife on the arm.

She removed it with a yelp and made to stab him too, but she hit it away from her hand, and it fell.

He punched her twice and made to take the knife from the ground, but Jezebell was fast to raise it up with her boot.

It flew up to her, and she caught it before sinking it into his neck.

The third one came running to her, but she quickly left the rails, so he met nothing and fell down the rails.

Jaemin landed on the ground after a kick from one of them, but he stood gallantly immediately, smirking darkly.

“How about I read the parts of your body for you, $cvmbag” he said and ran to that one.

He threw him a punch, but he made a counterattack with another punch, so their punches met in the middle, and Jaemin smiled.

“You’re a good one, who’s your father?” He said and suddenly grabbed his arm, pulling him forward to hit his head on the broken table.

His head banged as expected, and when he made to stab Jaemin stylishly from below, Jaemin kicked the knife away from him, and it flew up.

He grabbed it and cut off his right ear and left.

“Here are your ears” he said, pouring them away before cutting his nose and lips, using The Terminator’s tactic.

“Here are your lips and f-__-king nose, dummy” he said and laughed.

“End of lesson, dead body” he released the body.

Sylvester laughed when a thug punched him, and he faced him amusingly.

“Do you eat at all? I guess Yenicall is not feeding y’all well” he said and charged forward

He pretended like he’d punch him, so the thug threw his fist forward in an attempt to counterattack, but Sylvester switched to his neck immediately.

He grabbed his neck and pushed him to the rails, letting the sharp metals th-ru_st into his back before he snapped his neck easily.

That was the last one, so he sighed and flexed his neck.

He looked back and saw Lambo staring at him, and he smiled.


Tiger’s angle is still so hot below the stairs.

They’re really the best of Yenicall’s men cos they’re so good, but no matter the perfection, they’d never beat a Tiger anyways.

Tiger ducked when another punch came to his way. He has either been taking or dodging their punches since it started, trying to make it go on till it tires them out, and it’s obviously working.

He stood straight, and a kick came this time. He knowingly didn’t avoid that, so it hit his jaw, and he smiled secretly.

The punches and hits kept coming till his estimated time came, and he suddenly yanked off the black singlet he’s wearing since it’s already in tatters.

He stood on his spot and pointed an arm forward, calling them to come.

They came at him at once, and the first one he grabbed was from his legs

He carried him completely off the ground and threw him up like a ragdoll.

His body flew to the rails, and immediately his back landed on it, his backbone broke.

The second one came at him and threw a punch.

It met Tiger’s mouth, but he returned it immediately.

He threw another punch, but Tiger returned the favor again . It kept going on till the thug began tired after the twelfth punch, no strength to even punch Tiger again, and that was when Tiger got the chance to throw his head to the wall.

It bounced back, and Tiger caught it, throwing it to the wall two more times. His body fell.

Two came for Tiger at once this time, and immediately they reached him, he grabbed their sweaty necks and went to the wall with them, choking them there.

A knife penetrated into his back from one of them, and he gritted his teeth as he kept choking the two.

Despite the pains from the knife, he never released them till they went limp on his fingers, then he faced the one who stabbed him and slapped him thrice before kicking his throat….

Now he’s left with three, and immediately he faced them , they ran to him at once.


Yenicall came out to the forest after running for almost ten minutes, and she smiled widely immediately.

From the forest, she’s left with thirty minutes run to get to the seaport where she’d sail the available ship to safety.

She kept up her race in the big dark forest, but she suddenly stopped when the moonlight shone on a female figure in front of her.

Her shaky breaths became more shaky, and he concentrated her eyes more firmly to the image.

The moon shone brighter, and the face became clearer, her eyes widened to see her worse nightmare in front of her.

The Terminator! She’s not holding any weapon, but even her image alone is scary as her hair covered one of her eye, leaving out just one eye. Toxica’s heart is still in her right hand.

She smiled sinisterly, her bloody face shimmering as she pointed the heart forward.

“I want your heart too, Yenicall” she muttered devilishly.

TBC… 💜

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