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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE BAD BOY’S BABY – Episode 34

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(Neighbor next door)… 🌺🥀

Theme: Her innocence….

By Terri Savage 🖊️






“Yes, I found your brother, he’s the youngest professor in Florida Miami ” The voice replied.

Seth smiled, displaying his cute set of teeth.

“Check your phone, I sent you his recent pictures” The voice said.

“Thank you, I owe you one” Seth said, running two of his fingers in his hair.

“You don’t have to, so when are you moving?”

“Any moment from now” Seth replied.

“Till then” The voice said and hung up.

Seth checked his phone and he saw the pictures sent to him just a few minutes ago.

He stared at Shane’s face and a big smile crossed his face.

“Finally you, twin bro” He said, his eyes still on the picture.

His brain suddenly did a flashback and he closed his eyes, remembering the cruelest night of his life.

Shane’s hands moved on the bed and his eyes opened next, he looked at the space beside him and he found it empty. He sighed remembering when she left the room. He was fully conscious when she steadily and quietly came down from the bed.

You can’t sleep on the same bed with him and get up without his knowledge as long as he still remains the devil.

He decided not to talk to her and wait for her to come back but she didn’t come back till he fell asleep again. He stood up and came down from the bed.

He walked out of the room and entered the living room but she wasn’t there.

He turned around and started walking to where his instincts were telling him that she’d be. He stopped at the training room door and he started hearing her voice inside.

He slowly opened the door and there she was, training on her own.

Rona kept fighting the punching bag, throwing punches and kicks at it, she was doing everything according to Shane’s words, trying to perfect everything.

She left the punching bag and took position, she started doing press ups.

“20..21…23..24..25..26..27..28..29..30..31..32” At thirty two her hands and legs started shaking as she started getting weak.

“You can do it Rona” She said, fighting back with the energy in her. She took a long breath and resumed.

“33..34..35..36…36..38..39..40” She finally counted to forty and collapsed on the ground, breathing hard with a smile on her face.

“I did it” She said and raised up.

“I wonder how Greek god was dodging all my moves effortlessly, he’s so good” She said and started throwing punches in the air, doing kicks the way he told her to do it.

At a point she somersaulted but unfortunately for her she landed on her back heavily.

“Ahhh…f-__-k” She groaned.

“You need training to do that” Shane said, coming in.

She looked at him sharply.

“Greek god” She said, standing.

“Why are you training at this time?” He asked.

“I want to be perfect, no dulling” She winked.

“You didn’t wake me”

“I didn’t want to disturb you, you were so cute while sleeping” She said, going closer to him.

“Good morning master” She whispered and pecked him, she tried moving away but he pulled her back and kissed her lips more deeply before letting go.

“I love you” She said, blushing.

“I love you too, my cute little baby, you are doing well, I will teach you how to handle a gun now” He said and she nodded.

He took her hand and walked with her to another part of the room.

He drew down the curtain and her eyes widened.

“Wow, never knew there was a place like this here” She said, and he got a gun.

He turned her around, both of them facing the bullseye.

“This is how you hold a gun and shot, make sure your finger is on the trigger and hold the gun firmly with your other hand, make sure your feet is away from each other like two meters, aim this way and then you will shot” He said, standing behind her as he showed her how to do it.

“Grabbed”She said.

“Try it” He said.

Rona faced the bullseye and tried pulling the trigger but her hands became shaky.

“Don’t shiver, do it” He said.

This time she put all courage together and she pulled the trigger, the bullet hit the bullseye angle.

“Continue, aim properly, take it as an enemy” He said and she started $h00ting.

“Yeah, that is it” Shane said and threw a flying kick at her but she moved back, summersalting back using her two hands.

She stood straight and came at him, Shane directed his two hands at her face but she quickly blocked it with two hands, their hands collided and that sent her to the ground.

She stood up quickly and faced him again.

“That’s the spirit” He shouted and she ran to him.

Shane saw her coming but what she did next made him smile secretly.

When she was close to him, she went down, sliding with her legs and she quickly balanced herself, going behind him. She quickly grabbed him from behind and flipped him on her back.

Shane landed on the ground and she turned with wide eyes.

“Yes, I did it, I finally lifted you!!” She started screaming but she suddenly stopped when realization hit her.

“You knowingly allow me to lift you right?” She asked and he nodded.

“I’m such a fool” She said, frowning.

“But you were great, that move was dangerous, you can defeat another person with your moves but don’t forget I’m your master” He said and she smiled.

“I’m all sweaty” She said, looking at her body.

“You’re cute this way” He said with a naughty look, and she took her lips in.

“Carry me” She said softly.

“I was planning to do that” He said.

“Help me up” He said, and she came closer. He brought his hand forward and Rona took it but immediately he pulled her and she fell on him, a light gasp escaping her lips.

Her face was just an inch away from his face, his pinkiness staring at her.

He raised his hand and took away the strand of hair on her face.

Rona blinked cutely, staring at him.

“You are charming and gorgeous” He whispered romantically.

“I love you Greek god” She muttered and he gently placed his lips on her. Rona closed her eyes and welcomed his lips.

Diego entered the living room and Brandy faced him immediately.

“Any news about her location?” She asked.

“I’m sorry, she moved out but I’m still on the search for her new location, forgive me…

“Come on, don’t blame yourself Diego” She said and he smiled.

“Keep me updated but we need to do this fast, I have to find my daughter before bringing Janette down” Brandy said.

“I will do my best, bye ma’am” Diego said.

Adrian walked downstairs with a tap in his hand.

“Diego” Adrian smiled.

“Adrian” Diego replied, going closer to him.

They $h00t hands.

“I’m leaving right now” Diego said.

“Take care man” Adrian replied and Diego walked out.

Adrian faced brandy with a smile.

“Oh! My” Adrian gasped.


“Is it my eyes or you are growing more beautiful?” Adrian replied.

“Oh! please” She smiled secretly and started walking upstairs.

Both wake up into each other’s arms, and Rona gives him a cute morning smile.

“Morning, my Shane” She whispered.

“Good morning, pretty little thing” He replied and she took her hand to his face, she placed it on his cheek and she began caressing.

“What did you put in your hand?” He asked.

“Love.. L.O.V.E” She replied, spelling it.

He looked at her affectionately before bringing his lips closer and kissing her softly.

“Today is Monday” He said.

“I can’t wait to see my friends” She said excitedly.

“Let’s brush together” He said.

“Breakfast next” She winked cutely.

Andrew was about to go out of the room when he stopped and faced Janette who was sitting on the bed, lost in thoughts.

She had a scared and worried look on her face.

“What is wrong with you?” He asked and she looked.

“Are you okay?” He asked again but she faced him with no word.

“Okay, suit yourself” Andrew said and walked out.

Janette released a loud long sigh.

How the hell did Brandy survive? She shot her three times, and about her child how did the baby survive and who’s she? Where could she be?

She needed to really act fast, Brandy looked like she wasn’t joking. She’s a billionaire right now and it will be hard fighting her. She’s not the calm Brandy anymore.

If she has to protect what she works hard for then she has to do anything to protect it.

“I can’t allow her to ruin me” Janette said, grabbing the bedspread tightly.

Angelique and Erica came out of their cars at the same time, and rushed into each other’s arms. They didn’t spend the weekend together since Erica traveled with her parents.

“How was the trip?” Angelique asked.

“Splendid, I really missed you” Erica said, kissing her cheeks.

“So how did you spend yours?” Erica asked and Angelique started smiling as she remembered her moments with Valentino.

“You are smiling?”

“I spent it with Valentino and we..” Angelique said but paused, biting her lips.

“You guys f-__-ked right?” Erica asked, waiting to hear the expected.


“What!! He….

“I trust him, he won’t break me” Angelique cut in.

“You fell for him?”

“He’s hard to resist” Angelique replied.

Erica sighed.

“I hope you don’t cry later”

“Babies!!!” Rona screamed as she came out of Shane’s car, running to them.

“Baby Rona” They turned to her with smiles.

They hugged at once.

“I missed you girls” Rona said, smiling.

“We miss you too” They chorused.

“You’re looking more prettier, look like our professor is taking care of you” Erica winked.

“Babies!!” Mandy called and they turned.

She got to them and started hugging them one by one.

“I love your dress” Angelique said and Mandy smiled.

“Valentine got it for me” She said.

“Huh!” They faced her.

“Are we expecting something..??” Rona winked.

“Stop it” Mandy hit her playfully.

“We are having a practical this morning, I think professor ćƖĩťoris is around” Angelique said.

“What!!” Rona and Mandy gasped.

“His name is Clifford but Angelique loves calling him that since she dislikes him a lot” Erica said.

“Ohh!!” They chorused and started walking to the class when Valentine suddenly appeared and grabbed Mandy’s hand.

“Valentine” She said.

“Let’s talk” He said, pulling her away.

“They look cute together” Rona said and they all laughed.

“I want them to date” Erica said.


Valentine released Mandy’s hand and faced her with a questioning look.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?” She asked.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked and she blinked confusingly.

“Tell you about what? Is there something I have to tell you?” She replied.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you lost your job because of Charlotte?” He asked, his voice lacing with anger.

“You found out?”

“You think I won’t find out?” He replied and she looked away.

“It wasn’t necessary telling you?” She replied.

“Why? Because I’m not your brother or your boyfriend? So it’s not necessary to tell me?” He asked and looked at her before he started walking away.

Mandy ran after him and hugged him from behind.

“Please, Valentine, I’m sorry” She said softly.

“I care about you, I somehow found myself caring about you, I just want to protect you” He said and she smiled.

“I’m sorry, please don’t walk away” She said, placing her head on his back.

“I won’t keep things away from you again” She said and he finally smiled.

He turned and took her hand, closing the gap between them as he hugged her tightly.

“Just allow to be there for you, I just want to do it” He whispered and she smiled, hugging him back.

Rose who was watching them all these while blinked back her tears. She heard his words and her heart was piercing with each word.

She looked at them hugging and she turned around to walk away but she bumped into Stella.

“I have been looking for you, so you are here?” Stella asked.

“Yes” Rose replied with a cracky voice and started walking away.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re not active like before, you don’t bully…

“Cos I’m tired of bullying students, I’m tired of living a bad life, I want a change and I hope you girls do the same” Rose said and walked away.

“What’s she talking about? Change?” Stella wondered.

Rona smiled as she watched around the whole school. She just found out about this place today and it feels good coming here. The peaceful and cool atmosphere here.

She came here after leaving Shane’s office. She remembered the office kisses and started blushing.

She’s grateful he came into her life, saving her from her wicked uncle and loving someone like her, ready to go against his father because of her.

He doesn’t smile but she knows he loves her for real. He isn’t someone who pretends..

And her cute crazy friends…She smiled as she kept thinking about everything.

She placed her hands on rooftop stairs and kept looking around the whole school when she suddenly felt an ominous movement behind her.

The steps were coming quietly but her ears detected the sounds.

She held the stairs firmly and calculated her stances.

She quickly turned and the person tried pushing her but she quickly bent down, rolling to the other side.

She stood up to come in contact with a mask guy.

The guy ran to her and grabbed her, forcefully pushing her to the stairs. He started trying to push her down the rooftop but Rona kicked him and he returned the kick..

He tried hitting her again but she grabbed his hand and twisted it before punching him, he fell with a bloody nose.


Rona ran to him but he was faster and he used that opportunity to grab her up and push her to the edge of the rooftop.

He started trying to push her again but she raised her hand up and grabbed his head. She raised her leg to his middle and cries fell from his lips.

She was about to push him away when the guy pushed her and she started falling but in the process she trapped her legs on his neck and pulled him down with her.

🗣️ What the f-__-k is happening?

🗣️Two people are falling from the rooftop!!!

🗣️ What!!!

The students’ eyes widened.


Eyes bulged as the fall finally happened and blood splashed around… painting the walls.



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