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Friday, October 18, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy🙄😠😡
__But she’s still his baby🥰♥️🥵🔥

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



No save her! Save Carmen. I’m losing my mind. I can’t keep my head straight. I’m numb now. Someone should save her! Please. I don’t know how this happened. I don’t know how she’s dying right infront of me and I can’t do anything about it. I don’t know how she happened to eat something bad. How? What happened?

“Food poison.” The doctor repeated into my ears and I almost stopped breathing. I don’t want to believe it. How? How can she be poisoned right under my nose. How have I been neglecting her safety. Why?

“Why is she poisoned? Why is she lying there on the stretcher! She was with me! She…she…?” I lacked words.

“Look Ricardo, calm down. We’re still on the process of getting a surgery done and after that, we can get back to you.” He said and left me, he closed the ER door on my face!

God! I can’t breathe. I can’t even stay by her side and I can’t even reason to myself anymore!!! Carmen! Tears filled my eyes, and I think it started falling when I saw my mom running towards me.

“Mom, they got her! They poisoned her! They poisoned Carmen! I don’t think I can live anymore if anything happens to her. I don’t know. Mom…” She held me into herself and began to pat my back and soothe carefully.

“It’s okay, it’s fine son. Just relax, Carmen is going to be fine.”

“Please, tell me she’ll be okay,” I sobbed. “I can’t bear the thought of losing her. I just stood there and watched it happen, completely helpless. It’s all my fault – I should have done something to save her.”

My mother’s hand cupped my face, and I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. My chest felt like it was caving in, and my breath came in gasps. The guilt and grief were too much to bear.

My mother’s eyes were full of compassion, but her voice was firm. “Listen to me, dear,” she said. “You did everything you could. You did what any decent person would have done. Sometimes, things happen that are out of our control. There’s no point blaming yourself for what happened. It won’t help anyone, least of all you.” She pulled me into a warm embrace, and I collapsed into her arms, crying like a child. I felt as though a small part of the weight on my shoulders had lifted, but the pain was still raw and overwhelming.

After a few minutes, I managed to regain some of my composure. I sat up and looked my mother in the eye. “But I just can’t stop thinking about it,” I said. “I keep replaying the scene in my head over and over. I keep thinking about what I could have done differently. I should have noticed the signs. I should have known something was wrong. I should have been more attentive, more vigilant.”

My mother’s expression was gentle but serious. “You’re torturing yourself with these ‘should haves’ and ‘what ifs,'” she said.

But will that make me feel any better. Carmen is dying ! No feed back from the doctors! No one is coming out to give me any news and I’m beginning to get pissed off. I want to rip everyone apart, especially the person who is involved in this mess. I want to ki|| the person who almost took Carmen away from me.

“I won’t just sit back and accept what happened,” I said, my voice shaking. “I’m going to find out who did this and make sure they pay for what they did.”

My mother put her hand on my arm and squeezed gently. “I understand your anger,” she said. “But you need to be careful. Don’t do anything rash or reckless. Right now, the most important thing is to focus on your wife. Take care of her, and make sure she’s okay. You can’t go out and seek vengeance until you know she’s safe and taken care of.”

“I’m gonna shut down that restaurant. I’m gonna rip that person’s mouth to shreds and pray the person is not your daughter mom, else, I’m sorry but I will ki|| her.” I thr_@tened bitterly.

If only she can understand how much pain I feel in my heart right now. What’s so hard about protecting Carmen? How big a deal it is? But no! I was busy trying to impress her, being happy and forgetting that the main thing to do isn’t done!!

My phone was buzzing, “Yes??” It was Griffin on the phone.

“I’ve checked the CCTV cameras of the restaurant and I caught something strange on camera.”

I sat up, apprehensive. “What did you find? Who’s behind it? Tell me!! No matter who that person is, I’m gonna ki|| the person and go to jail.”

“It was one of the waitress.”

“A waitress?!” I couldn’t believe my ears. So a waitress had the temerity to joke with my wife’s life! Is her life more valuable than Carmen’s! Who does she think she is?

“Who sent her? Who’s behind her! How dare her play tricks with me!!”

“Mr. Ricardo can you calm down?”

“Calm down? How can you tell me to calm down! Carmen was poisoned! Carmen almost died!! And I should calm down? Don’t make me fire you for saying that word to me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for yourself! Torture her, do everything you can but make sure you get the reason behind the poisoning out of her. I don’t care if you ki|| her afterwards, I don’t give a f-__-k about her d@mn life! She doesn’t deserve to live either, all I want to know is who did this? Who hid behind her to do this to me? Are you listening to me!”

“Yes sir!”

“And after that, shut down that restaurant! Fire everyone, pull that restaurant to the roots! I want it demolished tomorrow.”


“You don’t question me! I’m your boss!!”

“Yes sir.” I hung up on him pacing angrily. I wanted to choke myself to death. A waitress! Why would a waitress want mi esposa dead? Why? Carmen is so frail and weak, can she even live through this.

Oh my Carmen. My heart breaks so much for her.

“Cardo, you’re pushing yourself so hard.” My mom spoke and I wanted to shout at her but I refrained. She’s my mother and venting my anger on her will be the wrong thing to do.

As I was about to reply to my mother, I caught a glimpse of my father standing in the distance, with Carmen’s father standing beside him. They were both watching me with concerned expressions on their faces. I felt a surge of guilt, realizing that I had allowed my anger to get the best of me. I turned back to my mother, my voice softer now. “Just leave mom,” I said. “I don’t want to see you. Anyone from that family irritates me so much.”

“Ricardo!” My father shouted my name and I nearly joined the clouds due to rage.

“What? You want to tell me that I’m incompetent? That I can’t even take care of my own wife? That I’m not man enough? That I should’ve been more careful when it comes to Carmen? Isn’t that it?”

My father’s face turned red and he seemed to struggle with his own anger. “That’s not what I meant!” he exclaimed. “I’m just worried about you. You’ve been pushing yourself so hard, and I can tell that you’re not taking care of yourself. I’m not trying to say that this is your fault. I just want you to know that I’m here for you, no matter what.”

I felt my anger dissipate, replaced by a sense of weariness. “I know,” I said. “I just feel so helpless. I can’t bear to see Carmen like this.”

My father took a step forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. “You’re doing the best you can, son. It’s not your fault that this happened. Sometimes, bad things happen even when we do everything right. What matters is how we respond to those bad things.”

I looked at him, my eyes pleading for understanding. “I just want to fix this,” I said, my voice breaking. “I can’t stand seeing her like this.”

My father’s eyes were filled with sympathy. “I know,” he said, “but sometimes the only thing we can do is be there for the ones we love.”

My eyes went to Mr. Sebastian who was standing and have never said a word since he arrived with my father.

As I looked at Mr. Sebastian, I could see the pain and fear etched into his features. He was pale and trembling, clearly shaken by the events that had transpired. I realized that he must be feeling the same helplessness that I was feeling. Despite our differences, we were united by our love for Carmen. We wanted the same thing – for her to be safe and whole again.

“I told you about Carmen, she can be tenacious and very stubborn and also fights a lot but she’s very weak. She got sick a lot when she was young. I thought__” Mr. Sebastian was struggling to speak and I wanted to stop breathing immediately. “I thought she was going to die at such a young age but she lived.” He gave out a forced smile. He sat down and sighed heavily.

“And she will live. That’s how strong she is. She will make it out of the ER alive. That’s one thing with that little being I gave birth to.” He said with assurance trying to make me feel better.

Mr. Sebastian’s words were like a balm to my soul, soothing the aching in my heart. He was right – Carmen was a fighter, and she had overcome so much in her life already.

I felt a glimmer of hope, a tiny light at the end of the dark tunnel we were in. But even as I felt this hope, I couldn’t shake the fear that still lingered. What if she didn’t make it? What if this was the one time her strength failed her? What if she can’t fight through this like she always did? I pushed the thoughts away, trying to stay focused on the present moment.

I took a deep breath and turned to my father. “Thank you,” I said, my voice hoarse. “For being here, for supporting me, for believing in her.”

My father smiled. “You don’t need to thank me for that,” he said. “I will always be here for you, no matter what. I love you, son.”

His words were simple, but they meant the world to me. In that moment, I felt a surge of gratitude for my father and all he had done for me over the years. I was reminded of how lucky I was to have him in my life.

I felt a pang of guilt as I thought of my mother, who had been nothing but supportive and understanding during this difficult time. I had been so consumed by my own emotions that I had not considered how my behavior might have been affecting her. I turned to her, my eyes filled with remorse. “Mom, I’m so sorry for the way I acted earlier. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just so overwhelmed and I didn’t know how to handle my emotions.”

My mother’s eyes softened as she looked at me. “It’s okay,” she said.

I nodded. I felt like I could breathe for a while. I prayed in my heart. For her safe surgery, for her to get out of there alive. To welcome me in her arms again. Hold me and kiss me till she gets tired. She can cook all the weird meals in the world and I promise to eat them all, I don’t care about visiting the restroom hundred times in a day.

I wished she can jump out of nowhere and tell me that this is all a prank. Show off her beautiful smile and seduce all over again with her lovely eyes. I desperately wanted a miracle to happen. I wanted something great to happen right now and that’s Carmen getting out of there alive.

“So what have you done about this poisoning stuff or are you going to sit here all day and sulk over a woman?” Mr. Sebastian asked and I looked up to his face.

“Uh…I have started investigating on it.”

“Really?” Mr. Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “Did you get any leads yet?”

“Yes, I have a few theories in mind but I’m still investigating. I don’t want to draw any conclusions yet.” I sighed, my mind going back to the list of suspects in my head. I had narrowed it down to a few people, but I still didn’t have enough evidence to make an arrest or confront anyone.

Speaking of an arrest, I have no intention of arresting anyone. I’m going to ki|| that person starting from the waitress who foolishly poisoned Carmen after feeding fat from the Alejandrozz.

How much did they pay her to poison my angel? How much!!! Is she that brazen.

“You think it’s someone in the family right?” My father whispered into my ears and I couldn’t deny the looks of truth in my eyes. The thr_@t to ki|| anyone was there in my eyes too and he could see it all.

“I’m gonna keep quiet until Carmen gets out of there alive.” I told him quietly.

He nodded his head at me and exchanged glances with Sebastian. “I leave you to this. Take care of my daughter, just like you promised me and make sure she gets out of there alive else, I won’t forgive you.” He said huskily and soon, he got busy on his phone and walked off with my father following him behind.

I turned to my mom who was relaxed and watching me all this time. “Are you going to stay with me?”

“You want me to leave? Not like you have anyone to be with you. The family won’t come, not when you’re not on good terms with them and they’re probably your first suspect, so of course, I have to be with you.” She said and smiled.

“You know I love you, right?” I said, my voice choked with emotion. “I know you’re frustrated with me, and I don’t blame you. I’m not acting like the person you raised me to be.”

My mother reached out and took my hand in hers. “You’re still the same person I raised, just going through a difficult time,” she said. “And I know you’ll come out of this stronger than before. I have faith in you.”

“Thank you, Mom,” I said, squeezing her hand.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, the tension in the air as we simply held hands and shared each other’s presence.

Finally, I spoke up, a question that had been on my mind for a while. “What do you think is the best way to move forward? Should I try to track down the person responsible for this, or should I focus on Carmen for now?”

My mother’s eyes met mine, and she gave me a look of sympathy and understanding. “I think it’s important to focus on your own healing right now,” she said. “You’re deeply hurt right now and with the kind of anger boiling in your heart, you will end up destroying everything you laboured hard to build. The person who did this to you knew what would happen when he did this.” She rubbed my palms.

“Look son, the person wants to see you break or maybe over react and destroy everything you think you own with your own hands. Is that what you want? This is the perfect time to tread more carefully. You don’t have to make noise to anyone about what happened.”

“But, Carmen was hurt. Carmen almost died.” I complained bitterly.

“I understand and I know you badly want to catch that person and I want you to punish that person so severely when you get a hold of him. But, I want you to be stronger than before,” she peered into my eyes. “I think that’s what Carmen wants right now. Don’t let your guard down. You can’t be shattered or cry like a woman, not when the enemy is watching your every move.”

Her words were like a wake-up call, reminding me of who I was and what I was capable of. “I can do this,” I said, my voice suddenly stronger.

My mother smiled, a proud gleam in her eyes. “That’s the spirit,” she said. “Now, let’s focus on the most important thing right now: taking care of Carmen. She needs you, and you need to be there for her.”

I nodded, feeling the weight of my responsibilities and my determination to do the right thing. “What do you think I should do?” I asked. “How can I best help her right now?”

My mother considered my question for a moment, her expression thoughtful.

“Make sure she has everything she needs when she wakes up from surgery,” my mother said. “Make sure she has her favorite things with her, like a book or her favorite music. Bring her some of her favorite foods, something that will make her happy. You need to be her beacon of hope when she wakes up, and you need to make sure she knows that you’re not going anywhere.”

I was already starting to feel more focused, and I knew my mother was right. I had to be there for Carmen, no matter what. “I will,” I said.

And just then, the ER door opened and the doctors stepped out with a gleamy expression on their face.

We sprang up from our seats, my heart quickened and my mind went straight to Carmen.

“How is she?”The words tumbled out of my mouth as I stared at one of the doctors, my eyes wide with anticipation. The doctor paused for a moment, taking in my anxious expression, before speaking.

“Your wife is going to be just fine,” the doctor said, a smile spreading across his face. “The surgery went well, and she should make a full recovery, Mr. Ricardo.”

I felt a rush of relief wash over me, and a weight lifted from my chest. I felt tears spring to my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away.

“Thank you,” I said, my voice choked with emotion.

“But there’s a complication,” another doctor began again making my heart jump in my chest.

“What is it doctor?”

He hesitated. “She might lose her baby, we are trying all we can to save the child but I don’t think we can do that so successfully.”

I was hit by a wave of shock, and I struggled to process what the doctor had just said. “What do you mean?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

“What do you mean by a baby? Is she…was she??” I gasped and cupped my lips immediately.

I felt like the floor had been ripped out from under me.

Carmen was pregnant?!

Oh my frail Carmen!


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