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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 20

FIRE & ICE – Episode 20

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Kingston rushed into Master Zung’s office at once,He was closing his eyes definitely doing some enchantment but Kingston didn’t care.

“Master Zung” he called and his eyes opened

“I need your help please come with me right away,hurry” Kingston said and master Zung stood up and followed him at once without asking question

“What happened to her?” Master Zung asked when they entered Kingston’s room,Alice was on the bed looking lifeless

Kingston explained their encounter at the park

“I think the sword was soaked with dark poison” Master Zung said after checking Alice

“I know,so what do we do? We need to save her,,please” Kingston said and master Zung looked up

“Did I just hear you saying please?” He asked

“It’s not the tine to joke around,,just,,do something. I would have helped but my power is not working,I think the dark stuff is really powerful” Kingston said staring at Alice on the bed

Seeing her looking weak make him sad,really sad. Maybe if he haven’t asked her to go out with him,everything wouldn’t have happened

“Master Min,,” Master Zung said and immediately Master Min appeared in the room.

He walked toward Alice and touched her

“Her soul is moving out,,,”

“Stop saying that” Kingston snapped

“It’s the truth,,if you don’t do something,she’s going to die” Master Min said

“What should I do? I wasn’t able to heal her ,,do something” Kingston said

“The antidote,,,you can only get it from the person who stabbed’s not a rare dark magic so I can’t help” Master Min said

“I don’t know those people,,,,,,,”

“The dark institute,,” Master Zung interrupted

“Do you know where that is? Tell me,,I will go right now” Kingston saud

“It’s dangerous,,those people are,,,,”

“They are no match to me so cut the crab and tell me where the institute is” Kingston snapped

Master Zung told him every details about the institute

“Don’t leave her side,,,I will be back” Kingston said and closed his eyes,,,after some minutes he opened with a loud groan

“Can you describe more better? I can’t get anything” Kingston said

Master Zung explained more deeply this time

The moment he closed his eyes,,he disappeared.

“Who’s she to him? He look worried” Master Min said

“I have no idea,,she’s special I think” Master Zung replied

“Where’s the little girl they came with?” Master Min asked

“With Some workers”



“How dare you tell me you didn’t succeed in ki||ing those interrupters!” The master yelled angrily at the four

They immediately bowed their heads

“I can’t believe you got hurt,,so embarrassing”

“Trust us master,,,He’s really d@mn strong,,He’s powerful” Leander spoke up and a slap landed on her face

The others kept quiet

“Get out!! And get prepared,,you must bring those two,,,no matter what. Do you get that!”

“Yes master” They chorused and left the office

“Are you okay?” Pax asked Leander but she ignored him and walked away

“Who’s that dude though?” Gunner sighed

“He’s a crazy type,,,how do we get him like the master want?” Pax sighed

“I will ki|| him once I see him,,,I swear” Leviana said and walked away.

She entered her room and throw her sword somewhere angrily,she remembered how Kingston stabbed her belly,great thing the sword can never hurt her since they all have the antidote right in their intestine.

She started pacing around the room

She continue pacing,,it was f-__-king late already. Everyone is probably asleep right now but she was thinking of the best way to get Kingston,she want to ki|| him so badly


Kingston appeared right in the middle of the institute

“Dark Powers,,everywhere” He muttered,,he could smell them.

His mind went to Leviana first,,since it was her sword,definitely she will have the antidote right?

He closed his eyes trying to get her location and he did,,he started walking toward Leviana’s room. The institute was so silent,,he finally got to the doorstep,he was sure it’s Leviana’s room so he opened at once and closed the door again.

“Who’s that?” Leviana asked from the inside and Kingston entered the room with her

She immediately made to take her sword but Kingston appeared right behind her and kicked her back,she fell on the floor and groaned In pain. She recovered too quickly and stood up facing Kingston angrily

“What are you doing here?” She asked

“You stabbed my friend with your sword” Kingston replied,,his eyes not leaving her for once

“That’s a relief,,I know I can’t lose you two at a time” Leviana smiled wickedly

“I’m here to take the antidote from you,,,I’m sure you have it” Kingston said

Leviana laughed

“You must be a prince,,you’re ordering me. I’m here to take the antidote,,you think I’m dumb?” Leviana frowned

“You should give me gently,,,if you don’t want it gentle. I don’t mind destroying everything here within a second,,you can try me” Kingston said staring all around the room

“Such guts” Leviana scoffed

“Are you in?” Kingston asked

Leviana smirked and brought out a small Test tube with a purple liquid in it

Kingston tried to move forward

“I will break it right here if you move” Leviana said and Kingston stopped immediately

“I’m going to give you this antidote on one condition” She daid

“Wha condition?” Kingston asked impatiently

“Fight with me,,,if you win,,I will give you and if I end up ki||ing you,,my reward comes from master” Leviana said with a wicked grin

Kingston thought for a while,,he doesn’t have a choice. Alice is lying down helplessly right now,,he need to save her no matter what

“Deal,but no sword” Kingston said

“I fight with my sword,,are you in or not?”

“Okay” Kingston said

Leviana smirked and took her sword,,the tube was still with her.

“Come with me” She said and walked away while Kingston followed

They entered somewhere with a large space,,,Kingston looked around

“Right here” Leviana dropped the tube

“If you try to play smart,,just with a click of my fingers together. It will be destroyed” She laughed

“Let’s do this” Kingston said

Leviana show off her sword fighting ski||s first

‘That wouldn’t have too much effect on my’ Kingston thought staring at the magic sword

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