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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



I need to know! I don’t know why it suddenly began to bother me but I wanna know why Lucia won’t stop bugging him. Things leads to things and I think that’s why Lucia can’t let him be. I want to know my ground on this.


“What? Why are you shouting?”

“Why am I shouting? Carmen you ask me that!!”


“Yes you say?” And his face was contorting in fury, why? If someone has to get angry here, then it should be me. But I’m not! I’m not angry and all I want is for him to tell me what I want to hear and not this stupid bullshit that he’s trying to pull. I’m fine to hear anything. I understand the answer he gave me, but I’m still curious to learn more about his perspective.

I don’t want Lucia to say it to me. I want to hear his side of the story. I will be so mad if I hear it from someone like Lucia.

I wanna know how I can tackle Lucia. How to deal with her once and for all because I know she will never let me be, let us be, let my Cardo be.

I know she won’t rest until she rub it off to my face that she’s the first woman who had the glory of sleeping with my Cardo.

“Carmen, let’s not talk about this okay?” He was already dressing up to go to work and someone was knocking on our door too.

“Let’s not talk about this?? Cardo what do you take me for?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Don’t I have the rights to know anything about my husband”

“You have! But why is it the first thing you gotta ask me.”

“Because I know all the basic things about you apart from your personal life! I don’t know about your love life!! And I want to know. Why Lucia hangs around you like a leech any chance she gets! I want to know.”

“Look Carmen.” He had already put on his shirt and was buttoning up. “All you got to know is that Lucia is my ex. We dated okay? I loved her so much, we ended up pretty badly and that’s all. And someone have been ringing on our door.” We both looked at the glass wall and it was Stephen standing by the door and knocking all these while.

I sighed. “He can wait there. That’s not my problem this early morning. He can’t come in and out of our room like he wants. Just talk to me Cardo.”

“When I get back from work, we will take our time to talk about it.”

I frowned, crossed my arms on my chest. “When I want to have a party in the evening to celebrate the new house? Everyone will be coming over.”

“I know they will Carmen. Okay? But we will take our time to know about all that.” He had finished dressing up, standing in full height infront of me and touching my shoulders and touching my robe.

“You should stop worrying about Lucia. She can never take me away from you, okay?”

“You don’t have to tell me. She is dead before that ever happens.”

He giggled and loosened my robe’s rope a bit. “Cardo, what are you doing?” He smirked, still busy with what he’s tryna do. “You know Stephen is outside and he can see us.”

“Let me just take a peep before I go to work.”

“And you acted as if you weren’t affected earlier.”

He rolled his eyes at me. “Unaffected?” His hands circled around my waist, a gentle push and I was into his body. “Are you kidding me Carmen, don’t tell me you consciously refused to put on some clothes to torment me?”

I blushed. My heart rippled. “Torment?”

His eyes were already feasting into my naked skin. “Goddamn it!” He tried to kiss me and Stephen knocked again.

Grumpy Stephen! Does he even have a good home? Why does he have to disturb my peace all the time, must he give me a new reason to h@ťě him everyday?

“f-__-k! Carmen…” Cardo was pouting and still peeping into my naked skin. “I gotta go to work.”

“And I gotta go to school.”

Then he frowned. “No more Edgar.”

“Edgar is my friend. I don’t know why you don’t like him.”

“Because I don’t like him. Better be careful with him. Alright? No more parties and gambling with Edgar in school. And come back early.”

Why are there so much *don’ts!* I haven’t even dressed up for school and he’s already rattling.

“No more clubbing okay? And no…”

“No more Edgar right? I’ve heard you. No more Edgar and no more gambling and clubbing and I should come back to school early. Isn’t it?”

“Yes that’s it!”

“And no fighting!”

I went mute. Why no more fighting? I don’t even know how today is gonna turn out and he’s telling me not to fight.

“Te prometo. (Promise me.)” He said glaring into my eyes.

“Cardo you know…”

“Just a promise.”

Deep silence as we both stared at each other. I don’t want to give in to this promise, not when I know that I might break it later. But his yellow eyes isn’t something I could resist, no matter how hard I tried. I sighed out heavily, closed my eyes and opened them to be staring into his yellowish eyes again.

“I promise.”

“Good. Be a good girl in school.”

“I’m always a good girl.”

He rolled his eyes at me. “I know.” He said in a sarcastic way, he pecked me so many times. Then he was sniffing me while I was giggling all round. By body always go ticklish at his touch. “I don’t wanna go anywhere. I just want to be here with you Carmen.”

“Then don’t go. Just stay with me here.”

“Should I?”

“Today is Friday Cardo. We have Saturday and Sunday ahead of us.” I suggested and he sighed.

“That’s true.” But I felt so important seeing Cardo act clingy even if it’s for a moment. He rarely bring out this baby boy side of him these days and it’s always cute watching him display it.

“Alright, let’s go to work. But…” He stopped when he took two steps away from me.


“The party? How are you gonna organize it? You’re going to school right?”

“I’m gonna call mom to come over. She will help me.”

He nodded. “Alright, I will come back early to help you out. And remember, don’t invite Edgar to my house. Remember not to bring him over? Okay?”

“You know that’s not possible.”

He stood staring at me. Maybe thinking of the next thing to tell me when Stephen knocked again. “Catch you later babe.” He opened the door and stepped out while Stephen stepped in to get his briefcase.

He bowed infront of me before he left. I heaved and sat down on the bed.
Today is gonna be a long day….


“I heard you’re friends with Carmen?” He asked as we sat across the table eating a boring meal and facing each other. Though the distance was far enough for the two of us at the table, I still felt like disappearing. I wanted to leave his sight. Just like he had always left mine. Even when it wasn’t necessary.

“I’m talking to you son.”

“Why do you want to know? You want to hurt her? I bet you can’t. She’s your boss’s daughter.”

He chuckled, as if that’s something to chuckle about. I don’t see why he’s getting excited about this stupid news.

“Of course I know and I’m so happy that you guys are so close. I’ve never seen you smile in a long time and you’ve been happy since you met her.”

Bastard! “What do you want?” Because he doesn’t act all sweet to me unless he has a favour to ask.

“Nothing. It just feels nice seeing you smile and be happy about someone.”

And what string is he trying to pull? When did he suddenly start getting interested with my life? “When did you start to care?”

“I cared all the time, son.” And he was done eating, feeding his eyes on his phone. And his other phone was ringing. I guess, work. His phones never stop ringing at every meal table. And soon, he will stand up and leave the house, like he always had.

“Edgar son.”

“You don’t have to take my permission before you leave the table.” I snapped coldly trying so hard to stuff my face with food and feel a little better, maybe choke back the tears coming to my eyes and blinding me.

“I’m not leaving the table at all. Not when I’m so proud of you these days. Why don’t you invite your friend over?”

“Alvaro? Why would I invite Alvaro over? I thought you said that you don’t like him, that he’s lowly and comes from a lower background than ours?”

“Yes, I said so.”

“Then why would I invite him over?”

“I don’t mean you should invite him over, I mean you should invite Carmen over? Don’t you think she can visit and have a meal or two with us.”

What’s he planning? “Carmen is married to the Alejandrozz.” I told him just incase he doesn’t know.

He only smirked. “And you’re okay with that? You’re okay that that young girl who is making you smile for the first time in your life is married to someone like Ricardo?”

So he knew? I frowned deeper. “And when did you start to get interested in my life father? Why do you care if I smile or cry?”

“Think about it son. I care about you all the time. I know your mother dying was so unfair, I get it. But…”

“But what? Just be quiet and keep being busy like you’ve always been. I think it suits you better than trying to play nice.” His phone was ringing again. He turned it off. “You can answer your phone if you want. I’m okay with it.”

“Son. You like her? Don’t you?”

I thought about it twice before I decided to answer. It felt as if he pricked me in one of my weakest point. It’s so stupid to be so in love with someone you met for just a week. It felt like you don’t need to be with someone for a month or two before you find yourself loving the person or you find yourself being accepted and being happy around that person.

But it doesn’t change the smile on her face when she told me that she’s going on a date with her husband. It didn’t change the laughters in her voice when she gossipped to me about her husband. And the housewarming party they had on Friday night. And how she is so unhappy because I refused to show up.

How could I show up? Where’s my place in her life? I don’t want to get greedy, I’m still trying to sort this feelings out. I don’t want to dream of something which will never happen.

The yellowish eyes of Ricardo still haunts me. How deep and clear they were when he marked his territory.

I’m still trying to take it to myself that Carmen is someone that I can never have. Not ever. Not when Ricardo’s still alive. And not when Carmen is so bouncy around him.

It’s gonna be a failed mission if I try anything that’s gonna be more than friendly. I don’t want to get hurt in the long run and the best option is to be friends with Carmen just like when she first walked into our circle and sat down to play with me and my friends.

I can’t ruin it. I’m hoping to see her tomorrow in school and continue with what we started. I know it’s gonna be hard adjusting but it’s better I do it now.

“What if I like her? She’s married and she’s happy and that’s what matters.”

“Are you sure? So much emotions is displaying on your face right now?”

“And when did you start caring about what I think or what I feel father? Just leave me alone. It’s still Sunday father. Just leave me alone.”

He smiled. “Go for your heart Edgar. We both know that that marriage isn’t gonna last anyway or are you gonna give up on her because he’s Alejandrozz??”

“I’m giving up on her because she’s not mine. She belongs to him! By his side!!”

“And so much pain you used to convey those words. Are you gonna be okay without her?”

“I’ve always been okay without her.”

“That’s when you didn’t know that you can smile.”

“What’s your problem father?” Why does he keep irking me off?

“I want you to be happy.”

“If you truly wanted me to be happy, then you shouldn’t have ki||ed my mother. You could’ve saved her. She looked up to you a lot and yet, you couldn’t even save her!” I stood up abruptly, I guess trying to eat one meal with my father is such a bore! Not only a bore but also depressing!

I headed out. “Son.” I halted in my tracks. “She was your supposed bride before she was given away to the Alejandrozz.”

My heart skipped. My legs seized. I turned to look at him. “I’m not lying son. That’s why there was a connection when you met her. She was supposed to be yours in the first place. She’s yours Edgar, The Alejandrozz stole her away from you.”

“Stop lying!!!” I turned to face him. “Stop spewing lies!! Why are you so hellbent in trying to connect me with Carmen?”


“When you didn’t even mention the engagement to me even for once!!!” I interrupted harshly.

“When should I have mentioned it to you?” My father was standing and coming close to me. I have never seen him be this serious when talking to me in forever. He grabbed my shoulders. Almost jerking me off the floor. “When should I have told you that five years ago, Mr. Sebastian mentioned marrying his daughter to my son!!!”

I gulped watching his face red with anger.

“But he didn’t? He didn’t marry her to me. Why does this have to resurface now?”

He let me go rolling his eyes. “I don’t have a dumb son Edgar. I slaved for him for five whole years because he promised me that__”

“He didn’t promise you father. He just said__”

“Say what? It was more like an agreement.”

“But it wasn’t on paper.”

“It was!!!”

I gasped. “But__”

“It’s not gonna be valid anymore since it have to do with the Alejandrozz. Carmen is your bride. She’s yours. I would’ve let it slide if you didn’t feel connected to her, if you didn’t meet her and that’s why I let it slide but now that you do, she likes you. Don’t she?”

It’s still not right. I shook my head repeatedly. I wish he can stop feeding my head with nonsense. I don’t want to hear anymore.

“She does like you Edgar.”

“Stop talking! Okay? She loves someone else.”

“And that’s because she didn’t meet you first.”

“What do you want father!! There’s something that you want and that’s not me marrying Carmen!!”

“I want your happiness.”

“That’s not it.” I was shaking my head. That’s not my dad. Anything my father isn’t benefitting from, then there’s no reason for him to care. “I may not figure it out now but I will.” I said and walked out on him.

I hurried my way out of the house and my heart stopped when I saw Carmen leaning by her lemon car, a lunch box in her hand, she lifted her face up when she saw me and smiled.

“Edgar!!!” She waved at me, making it so impossible for me to avoid her. I won’t have, not when she’s looking her hottest this afternoon. Always looking beautiful. I gulped. My heart quickened immediately.

“Carmen.” I was so nervous. About everything. It was so fresh in my head, all the things my father said.

I lifted my steps and walked up to her. “Hi.” So awkward but she didn’t mind. The bubbly her never minded about anything.

“Hi? You kidding me right now Edgar? I came all the way from my house to come see you on a Sunday and you tell me hi?”

I smiled and she did too. “Here.” She pushed the lunch box to my body. “It’s for you, since you refused to show up on my housewarming party which was so lit and filled to the brim with family and friends. It would’ve been so much livelier if you were there.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t come.”

“That’s behind me now. Aren’t you gonna invite me in to your house.”

“No.” I snapped immediately. Even before I could think. Not when my father is still in there kidding himself. “Uh…” I sort for a reason since she’s already giving me this look of surprise and shock mixed together. “Let’s hang out.”

“Okay, that’s sounds better. Hop in!” And we both did, as the car was driving off, I caught the glimpse of my dad watching us. I rolled my eyes and looked away trying to keep a steady gaze on her.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

“Alvaro is throwing a party, why don’t we go there?”

“Is it gonna be a late night party?” She asked with a fidget in her voice. I knew why, she can’t stay out late. She have never done that since I knew her.

“What? Your husband gonna scold you?”

She nodded her head while I tried so hard to keep the smile mild and simple. “Yeah! Cardo is such a baby when he gets mad. Oh my gosh! I don’t want to see him angry, he’s scary and it’s not good.”

“But does he know you’re hanging out with me today?”

She heaved. “Of course he doesn’t know. He’s on his way to work right now. We were supposed to go on a date today but work always!! He’s sweet this minute and the next minute, he’s working! Gosh! I was so alone at home.”


And she didn’t stop talking. As good as it felt hearing her speak, it still felt so bad hearing her talk. Especially when everything was about Cardo, Cardo and Cardo! Cardo did this for me and that for me. At the housewarming party, he kissed me infront of everyone and called me, Mi esposa. He treats so gently all the time. And she told me about Cardo’s ex Lucia, how she have been planning to deal the $h|t outta her.

I don’t need to know Ricardo anymore, not when Carmen have already told me everything about him.

The car stopped infront of Alvaro’s house and we got out. She was all happy, all the time actually. She pulled at me when she rang the gate bell.

“You promised that you won’t tell Alvaro I’m married.”

“I haven’t.”

“Thanks, such a good boy.” She led the way while I followed.
For one funny reason, even if she didn’t make me promise, I won’t have told anyone. Who will believe that she’s married? And I didn’t even want any of my friends to know, especially Alvaro. I wanted to keep it to myself. Maybe if I can win her over, just like the Alejandrozz kept the marriage a secret, it would also be a secret take over from them. They won’t have to make noise about it when I ___gosh! What am I thinking?

“Edgar, are you okay?” She asked as I stopped infront of the door and not moving.

I can’t. I don’t know why. My body was acting funny and she, standing infront of me wasn’t helping matters.
The feelings I have been trying to suppress is begining to burst out of me.


I held her close, wrapping my arms around her in a tight embrace, savoring the feeling of her body against mine.

“Edgar, are you okay?”

The warm feeling…

I didn’t wanna let it go.

Maybe I can have her??

Or maybe not.

But I want to make her mine.


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